
Chapter 1265 Dungeon

Chapter 1265 Dungeon
Liu Chen dragged the elders of the dragon clan to the restricted area of ​​the dragon clan and stood in front of the stone tablet.

"I'll give you a chance now! Release Bai Lan!"

"I can release Bai Lan, but will you let my disciple go?"

Liu Chen slapped the elder of the Dragon Clan on the face, his cheeks swelled up immediately, and the red palm print stuck to his face. Liu Chen said sternly, "You have no room to bargain!"


At this moment, Long Kang rushed over from a distance, and Liu Chen smiled coldly: "It's really a father-son relationship!"

Shen Huan's figure flashed, only to feel the wind blowing, and Long Kang appeared in front of the elders of the Long clan. Liu Chen squeezed Long Kang's throat, and said lightly: "Open the dungeon, or I will kill him, and you will open the dungeon again!"

"I only have one question. After you answer my question, I will immediately open the dungeon!"

Liu Chen raised his brows, lifted the elder of the dragon clan, lifted his feet off the ground, stared at the eyes of the elder of the dragon clan through the bamboo hat, and said lightly: "Ask!"

"Who are you? Liu Chen, or..."

"Haha! That's a good question!" Liu Chen crushed the bamboo hat, and met the elders of the Dragon Clan, eyes burning with rage.

"It's you! Liu Chen! You're still alive!" the elder of the Dragon Clan exclaimed, his pupils constricted sharply, his mouth opened wide, revealing a deep sense of disbelief.

After Long Kang saw the lineup under Liu Chen's hat, he was equally shocked and speechless.

In just a few months, he has grown to such a height that even his father is no match for him, he is simply a monster.

From this moment, Long Kang regretted, regretting that he should not have sent someone to take Bai Lan away, let alone kill Fengcheng.

But regret can't change the resolution of the matter. From the moment they took Bailan away, today's ending was doomed.

"That's right, it's me!" Liu Chen smiled slightly, and the death-like smile made the two of them panic.

"Open the dungeon!" Liu Chen's face changed, and he said sternly.

Hearing the words, the elders of the Dragon Clan closed their eyes, took a deep breath, and made a tactic with both hands. There was a sudden boom, and the stone tablet slowly moved to the left, revealing the entrance of the underground palace.

"I'm here to save you!" Liu Chen couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, he threw away the elders of the Dragon Clan and Long Kang, and rushed into the entrance of the underground palace.

"Hahaha! Go to hell! Remnants!"

Before the words were finished, the stone tablet immediately sealed the entrance of the underground palace.

"You!" Chen Huan was shocked. When he arrived at the entrance of the underground palace, the stone tablet had completely sealed the entrance. Chen Huan tried to attack the stone tablet, but found that no matter what kind of attack the stone tablet could not be moved.

"Don't waste your energy in vain! Let the remnants of Fengcheng die together!" The elder of the dragon clan raised his head to the sky and laughed wildly, his expression was very exaggerated, as if he was crazy.

With a gloomy face, Shen Huan walked towards the elder of the Dragon Clan step by step, as if death was approaching.

"Detain all Fengcheng disciples in the dungeon!" Shen Huan roared hysterically.

Everyone knew that Chen Huan was in a period of explosion and could not be offended. Those who were watching the theater from a distance were afraid that Shen Huan would kill him, so they all scattered into the Dragon Clan.

"Anyway, it's death, and it's not in vain if a peerless genius can be buried with us!" Long Kang laughed loudly.

Things have developed to this point, and death is unavoidable.

"I won't let you die!"

With a sullen face, Shen Huan nailed the two of them to the front and back of the stele, especially Long Kang, who had his third leg abolished, dripping with blood, mutilated, and wailing continuously.

Not long after, all the people in Fengcheng were detained in the dungeon, their hands were tied with ropes, and they kneeled neatly in front of the stone tablet.

"I will keep killing people until you tell me how to open the dungeon!" Shen Huan waved his sleeves, and the Wishful Rope appeared out of thin air, pulling one of them to his side.

"Don't blame me for being cruel!"


He crushed his Tianling Cap with one palm, and then left the body at the feet of the elders of the Dragon Clan.


Inside the dungeon.

Liu Chen stood at the entrance of the underground palace, beating vigorously, and even took out the Dragon Chanting Sword, but it still had no effect, completely blocking all contact with the outside world.


The dungeon is not very big, surrounded by milky white liquid, which contains majestic spiritual power, which cannot be consumed directly, but one day of practice in such a place is worth a month of outside practice.


Liu Chen shouted loudly, logically Bai Lan should have heard his own voice, but there was no other sound in the dungeon except his own echo.

As he walked, Liu Chen suddenly found a line of small characters engraved on the stone wall inside the dungeon.

"Immortal Sword Gate."

And under this line of small characters, there is also a gold badge with a long sword branded in the center.

Pick up the gold badge, earn the savings bag, and look carefully at the dungeon.

There was no trace of a fight in the dungeon, and apart from this gold badge and a line of small characters, there were no other clues.

"Bai Lan." Liu Chen burst into tears. He had worked hard for so long and waited for so long. Could it be that the end result was that he couldn't even see Bai Lan?

"This is not the result I want!" Liu Chen swung his sword angrily and laughed wildly.

Liu Chen's crazy laughter echoed in the empty dungeon, as if mocking Liu Chen.

Finally, Liu Chen was tired, and sat down leaning on the stone wall, looking down at the gold badge in his palm, lost in thought.

"Bai Lan! Immortal Sword Gate! Wait for me!" Liu Chen clenched the gold badge in his palm and said firmly.

Obviously, Immortal Sword Sect took Bai Lan away before Liu Chen, and the elders of the Dragon Clan didn't know about it.

Sitting blankly in the dungeon alone, thinking about the past, present, and future, all relying on revenge to save Xiao in the past, urging himself and forcing himself to become stronger.

Now that Liu Chen succeeded, revenge for his disciples was just around the corner, but Bai Lan was taken away by the people of Immortal Sword Sect.

In the past, Liu Chen was burdened with so many things that he had to become stronger, but now, sitting alone in the dungeon, he suddenly felt that something was missing in his heart, as if he had lost something important.

And it was this kind of thing that supported Liu Chen to become stronger, step by step to where he is today, but right now, it disappeared.

Only the idea of ​​seeing Bai Lan remains firm, and this is the most important reason why Liu Chen has not given up.

The person from the Immortal Sword Gate who was able to easily enter the dungeon and rescue Bailan quietly must be a half-step fit person, or even stronger, otherwise it would be impossible to rescue Bailan without disturbing the elders of the Dragon Clan.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen felt pressure doubled, and the lost things were gradually found.


Liu Chen's eyes burst into light, and his fighting spirit erupted. The heart of becoming a strong man once again drove Liu Chen. In order to avoid what happened today, I must become the strongest. Only in this way can I truly protect Bai Lan.

Standing up, Liu Chen went back to the entrance of the underground palace, tried countless ways, but still couldn't open the stele. In desperation, Liu Chen could only sit cross-legged at the entrance, quietly waiting for a turning point.


Outside the dungeon.

Blood stained the bluestone, countless corpses fell at the feet of the elders of the dragon clan, and the sound of crying spread throughout the dragon clan. The disciples of Fengcheng begged the elders of the dragon clan to open the dungeon and release Liu Chen.

But the elders of the Dragon Clan remained unmoved, even watching helplessly as their disciples fell into a pool of blood one after another.

Gradually, the Fengcheng disciples changed from begging to insulting, and they all blamed the elders of the dragon clan, and immediately pushed the elders of the dragon clan and their sons to the opposite side, and some even said that the elders of the dragon clan were not worthy of being the master of Fengcheng.

It is conceivable that the elders of the dragon clan are suffering in their hearts at this moment, even so, the elders of the dragon clan have no intention of opening the dungeon.

Shen Huan smiled slightly, Ruyi rope immediately pulled another Fengcheng person to his side, glanced at the elder of the Long clan, and crushed that person's head immediately.

Chen Huan didn't know how many people he had killed. Anyway, he was covered in blood and lost his senses.

"Next, it's your turn!" Chen Huan pointed at Long Kang and smiled.

Walking to Long Kang's side, put five fingers on his dantian, and said coldly: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, not only that, I will let you go!"

With a little force from five fingers, his dantian was immediately destroyed.

The complexion of the elder of the Dragon Clan changed. Even though he had expected such a situation to happen, he couldn't help being moved.

"My patience is limited, if you don't open the dungeon, then I will destroy your Fengcheng clan!"

The Ruyi rope hovered in the air, binding all the Fengcheng people together, and then waved his hand to signal the others to come forward, raising their weapons one after another. As long as Shen Huan gave an order, all the people in Fengcheng would fall to the ground.




The dragon elder hesitated, but still didn't mean to open the dungeon.



Shen Huan was merciless, so they had no choice but to drop their knives, and countless heads fell to the ground, rolling away on the ground with gurgling gurgles, and horrific pillars of blood sprayed out, forming a strange and terrifying scene.


A sigh came from a distance, and the figure of Dugu Xin appeared in the air at some point, looking at the corpses below with pity, waved his sleeves, opened the dungeon entrance, then turned and left.

I didn't expect that when I kindly let them leave the Realm of Immortals and return to the Black Forbidden Land, such a scene would happen. If I had known, I wouldn't have let them out.

It's a pity that things have already settled down, and the loss is irreparable, and it is impossible to make up for it.

Dugu suddenly felt a sense of loss in his confidence, because of his kindness, he did something wrong and caused the deaths of so many people.

In fact, he can't be blamed for this, because the forces of Dragon Beard and Flame Sacred Mountain have already entered the black forbidden area, and sooner or later Liu Chen will hand over Feng Xuan's Yuanshen to Taotie.

In other words, this killing is inevitable and unavoidable.

(End of this chapter)

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