
Chapter 1269

Chapter 1269

The body convulsed and shook his head vigorously, fearing that the child would break his neck if he exerted a little force.

The boy first entered the Shangtian Gate, and he didn't want to cause trouble at all. Although he was unhappy, he didn't have the intention to kill him, but at this moment, Shen Huan stood up, his eyes fell on Lin Qing, and he said lightly: "Give him to me .”

Hearing this, the child let go of his hand, and silently retreated to Liu Chen's side.

Recalling Lin Qing's words just now, after careful observation, he discovered that the child was actually a girl, but he was born too handsome, and with his deep eyes, Liu Chen mistakenly thought it was a boy.

Seemingly noticing Liu Chen's strange gaze, the child grabbed it violently, and Liu Chen immediately felt a sharp pain in his heart, as if his heart was being compressed severely by an invisible hand.

"Let it go, let it go." Liu Chen stammered.

The child snorted coldly, put his hands in his pockets, and quietly watched what happened next.

"Just because of you, you still want to fight with me?" Lin Qing took two deep breaths, stood up, patted the dust off his body, and stared at Chen Huan arrogantly.

Suddenly, Lin Qing frowned slightly, and muttered to himself: "It's strange, why can't I see through his cultivation, could it be..."

Lin Qing shook his head.

"Yue'er's pain, I want you to repay it a hundred times, a thousand times!" Shen Huan looked ferocious, raised his legs and rushed out, turning into a gust of wind, no one present except the children could clearly see his moving trajectory.

What's more, Lin Qing, who is only half a step into the realm of fusion.


A crisp voice sounded, and when I heard the sound, I saw Lin Qing half kneeling on the ground, with white bone spurs protruding from his knee joints, which was shocking.


Just as he was screaming heart-piercingly, Shen Huan punched his mouth again, smashing all his teeth in an instant, opened his throat, and swallowed it all.

Using his hand as a knife, spiritual power circulated at his fingertips. With a slight click, he immediately stirred in Lin Qing's mouth. After a while, he slowly retracted his right hand, which was covered in blood and spittle, and stared coldly at the half-kneeling On the ground, Lin Qing, whose face was distorted, could not hear a sound.

It turned out that Shen Huan not only smashed his teeth, but also chopped his tongue.

Seeing this, Qing Yang and the other person gasped, greeted Liu Chen immediately, and prepared to leave.

"Senior Brother Qing Yang, if you don't mind, let's go together later." Liu Chen tried to persuade him to stay. Letting Qing Yang and him leave at this moment may attract more powerful enemies.

And Liu Chen also counted on Qing Yang to tell him the real situation of the Immortal Sect!

"Then, that's fine!" Qing Yang paused when he heard the words, and immediately stopped in place, not daring to move half a step forward, so he turned around tremblingly, and smiled at Liu Chen.

Lin Qing did not know where to take out a sharp sword, and slowly stabbed it into Lin Qing's shoulder blade. With his head next to Lin Qing's ear, he could clearly hear the sound of flesh and bones rubbing against metal, which made people get goosebumps all over his body.

"Feel the pain!"

As soon as the words were finished, Shen Huan raised his hand sharply, and the sharp sword followed upwards, and in an instant, one of Lin Qing's arms was removed. Then, Shen Huan walked to his left side again, raised the sharp sword in front of his eyes, and bit by bit in front of him. Pierce the blade into the shoulder blade.

It can be seen that Lin Qing's face was in extreme pain, so that his facial features were distorted, and he was simply out of shape.

He no longer desires to live, and now he only hopes that someone can quickly end his pain and end his life.

"Destroy his cultivation, throw him into the extremely inflamed place, and let him fend for himself!" Liu Chen couldn't help but said.

Hearing this, Shen Huan took off Lin Qing's arm again, then pierced his dantian with a sword, remained silent for a moment, and only uttered one word, saying: "Okay!"

Perhaps because of the pain caused by Yue'er and the old man, Shen Huan's attack was particularly vicious this time. If Liu Chen didn't say anything to stop him, he might torture Lin Qing to death.

Shen Huan dragged Lin Qing's feet and walked towards the extremely hot place.

"Senior Brother Qing Yang, what happened to the Immortal Sect?"

"Hey!" Qing Yang sighed, and said, "Do you still remember the Plague City we went to when we first carried out the mission?"

"Remember!" Liu Chen said categorically, it was that time that he almost died in Huangquan!

"For some reason, an army of hundreds of thousands of undead suddenly emerged from the Plague City and surrounded the Immortal Sect, with three floors inside and three floors outside. The situation of the Immortal Sect is very serious now."

"All the disciples in the sect went out to defend against the enemy, but the effect was not significant."

"The undead army has its own plague effect. Ordinary disciples will be infected with the plague if they are not careful, and become undead soldiers."

"Where's my master?" Liu Chen asked.

"Elder Dugu, together with the sect master, led many elders in the sect to defend against the enemy."

"Where is Senior Sister Chen Yi?"

"I don't know, I should be with Elder Cui."

Liu Chen fell into deep thought when he heard the words, the army of hundreds of thousands of undead attacked the Immortal Sect, there must be strong man behind it, judging from Qing Yang's statement, if nothing unexpected happened, the Immortal Sect might come to an end.

The Xianmen sect was surrounded by the army of undead inside and out, but the depths of the forbidden area were not affected.


Liu Chen shook his head with firm gaze, Dugu believes that he has saved my life, how could he leave when the sect is alive and dead!
So he turned his questioning eyes to the child. Not only could the current fairy sect not give him protection, but it was very likely that he would be involved in the killing.

After a while, Chen Huan came from the extremely hot place, judging from the time when he left, it was not as simple as just throwing Lin Qing into the extremely hot place.

"Go to Demon God Mountain first, and then make plans." Liu Chen said decisively.

Dugu Xin and others are participating in the battle at the front line, it is difficult to see them, why not go to Demon God Mountain first, maybe Feng Xuan knows more about the situation.

It didn't take long for the three of them to appear on the Demon God Mountain, and they ran all the way to the top of the mountain.

"Strange!" Liu Chen frowned slightly. It stands to reason that with Feng Xuan's strength, he should be able to sense the existence of the child. Why didn't he appear for so long.

There was a hint of worry in the child's deep eyes, because of the Yuanshen Pearl, he sensed Feng Xuan's weakness.

"The person who can injure Feng Xuan, who is the holy god!" The child's eyes flashed, and the coercion of the ancient beasts escaped inadvertently, scaring all the monsters on the Demon God Mountain to prostrate on the ground, pouring out feces and piss. Dare to move.

Feng Xuan was injured? !

Liu Chen was shocked when he heard the words, Feng Xuan was actually injured!

It seems that the Xianmen sect is in big trouble!
Not long after, the three climbed to the top of the mountain, only to see Feng Xuan's head full of white hair, draped loosely on his shoulders, covered in dirt and emitting a foul smell.

"Senior." Liu Chen called softly.

As soon as the words fell, Feng Xuan raised his head tremblingly, his eyes were bloodshot, he lost his former brilliance, his complexion was as pale as paper, without the slightest trace of blood.

Like a dying person, half of his foot has stepped into the gate of hell.

"You guys are here." Feng Xuan said weakly.

The child's complexion changed, and he said in shock: "Why are you so weak?" Then he walked a few steps quickly, held Feng Xuan's cheek, and exhaled lightly.

Essence entered his body, his pale as paper complexion suddenly became a little more rosy, his breathing gradually became steady, and the half foot that had stepped into the gate of hell was taken back.

"Let me do it." Liu Chen rushed over, slapped the savings bag to take out the green aura, and the soft green halo spread, enveloping Feng Xuan in an instant.

The child stared at the green breath, his pupils narrowed sharply, his expression was shocked, he hesitated for a moment and then swallowed the words on his lips.

The strong breath of life penetrated through Feng Xuan's seven orifices like a child's spirit, and as time passed, Feng Xuan's body gradually became transparent.

The majestic breath of life flows in his body, repairing the aging organs and blocked veins.

An indescribable feeling of comfort spread throughout his body, Feng Xuan slightly closed his eyes, feeling the changes in his body.

About two hours later, Feng Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, burst out bursts of light, gave Liu Chen a grateful glance, then set his eyes on the child, and respectfully saluted him.

"How did you become like this?" the child asked.

Feng Xuan heaved a long sigh when he heard the words, his eyes were complicated, but he said happily: "A few days ago, my Yuanshen Orb was extremely active, and I concluded that the young master was in danger, and I was going to rescue him, but the seal of the Demon God Mountain was too strong. Strong, I exhausted my spiritual power, but I couldn't rush out."

"Seal?" Hearing the words, the child raised his head and looked up. Following the child's gaze, he saw a small red dot hidden in the sky directly above the mountain top. It was so small that ordinary strong people would not notice it at all.

The red dot seemed to be thousands of miles away, but it released a heavy coercion. The majestic power blocked the Demon God Mountain. Ordinary people would not feel any discomfort when entering the Demon God Mountain. Only Feng Xuan, once he wanted to rush out of the Demon God Mountain, the sky would The red dot inside will explode, suppressing Feng Xuan.

"A mere Xuanbao, how can I stop you." The child commented for a long time, then disdainfully said, not paying attention to the red dot at all.

Suddenly, a woman's crisp voice floated from the sky.

"If Senior Feng Xuan can return to his peak state, mere Xuan Bao will naturally not be able to stop him." Immediately afterwards, the woman was wearing a green gauze dress, her black hair was naturally scattered on her shoulders, her small cherry mouth was gently closed, and her pair of beautiful Blinking his eyes slightly, with a faint smile in the corner of his eyes, he walked over in the air.

The child immediately set his eyes on Feng Xuan and looked at him carefully, but he couldn't see anything strange.

"Young master, since the great war, the old servant is only at the level of the combined body now."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar, and the children's eyes were filled with shock. After all, it was the multiple traumas that made Feng Xuan's cultivation fall to the level of integration. It is hard to imagine how tragic that battle was.

"Who are you!" the child asked coldly, his expression unchanged.

The woman didn't mind the child's tone, she smiled slightly and said: "I am the head of the Immortal Sect, Yan Chunqiu."

Before the words finished, both Liu Chen and Shen Huan stared at the woman in front of them dumbfounded, and gasped in disbelief. Yan Chunqiu, the master of the immortal sect who has been traveling all the year round, is actually this person, and a woman!
"I don't care who you are! If you can't give me a satisfactory answer today, the foundation of the Xianmen Sect will be destroyed!" The child's words were domineering, even if the opponent was the master of the sect, he still showed no weakness As expected of the son of gluttony, his domineering side leaked.

(End of this chapter)

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