
Chapter 1270 The Palace

Chapter 1270 The Palace
Liu Chen coughed twice, the current atmosphere is very awkward, I don't know who is better to help, just when Liu Chen was about to speak, Yan Chunqiu took two quick steps, waved his big sleeve, and the red dot in the sky immediately disappeared.

She was very clear about the meaning of the child's words, took away the magic weapon, and then explained: "Senior Fengxuan was seriously injured and lived here in seclusion. It happened that the younger generation founded a sect here, and because he was worried that Senior Fengxuan would hurt the disciples in the sect, he came out. This is the worst policy, to seal Senior Feng Xuan here."

Although Yan Chunqiu explained this matter, he did not apologize. After all, he was the master of the sect, and he had a lot of arrogance, but he didn't show it.

The child was about to speak, but Feng Xuan stopped him immediately, and said with a kind smile: "This matter really needs to be investigated in detail, and this old servant has to thank Master Yan, if it wasn't for the stick she sent me at the most difficult time of the old man. Yuan Dan, the old servant is now a pile of bones."

"Senior, you don't have to be polite." Yan Chunqiu smiled when he spoke, looking very respectful.

Liu Chen and Shen Huan stood beside them, both of them were powerful and backgrounded people, they couldn't intervene, and they didn't dare to intervene, so they had to stand beside them in embarrassment, listening quietly.

"I don't like to owe favors to others. Tell me what you want." The child touched the savings bag and took a peek at Liu Chen. Obviously, there was nothing valuable.

"Master Yan Sect, this old servant is willing to fight back the powerful enemy with you, but the young master and the two of them still bother Master Yan Sect to send them to a safe place."

Yan Chunqiu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, his purpose of coming today has been achieved, the depths of his eyes can't hide the excitement in his heart, recruiting a strong person in the state of fusion during the war will definitely affect the situation of the battle!
"Senior Feng Xuan has personally spoken about it, this junior will definitely do his best to handle it well."

"However, the two of them can go, but he wants to stay!" Yan Chunqiu locked his eyes on Liu Chen, pointed at the tip of Liu Chen's nose, and said seriously: "The little plague city dares to invade my fairy school The opportunity to wake up the Scarlet Phoenix War Sword is guaranteed, even if we can repel the attack of Plague City this time."

"If the internal troubles are not completely eliminated, I am afraid that the Xianmen sect will never have peace. Therefore, this son must stay, because he is the key person to solve the Scarlet Phoenix War Sword!"

"This..." Feng Xuan looked at the child and Liu Chen with a puzzled expression.

"I choose to stay!"

Liu Chen, Shen Huan, and Tong Tong all took a step forward with a tacit understanding, and said with firm eyes, the three of them looked at each other, never expecting how they would be in harmony, especially Tong Tong, who immediately took a step back and met Liu Chen and Shen Huan. People distanced themselves.


The Immortal Sect and even the head of the Immortal Sect have no kindness towards Liu Chen, but Duguxin has saved Liu Chen from the fire and water several times and gave him protection. Although Liu Chen did not say this kindness, he always remembered it. heart.

With Liu Chen's personality, even if the Immortal Sect is on the verge of collapse, as long as Dugu Xin is still fighting for the Immortal Sect, Liu Chen will never leave alone, which is not in line with his style.

Shen Huan has been with Liu Chen for so long, and he is very fond of Liu Chen's temperament. He knows that he will stay in times of crisis, so he chooses to stay without hesitation.

Looking around the world, apart from Liu Chen's brother, there is nothing worth cherishing and protecting. No matter if there is a mountain of knives or a sea of ​​fire ahead, as long as Liu Chen is willing to go, Shen Huan will definitely catch up.

"I won't watch my servant die with my own eyes." The child stood far away, with his hands folded in front of his chest, his expression cold, his domineering air leaking invisible.

"Young Master..." Feng Xuan was silent. He knew the boy, and he didn't dare to go against his will. At the same time, he also knew that with the help of the boy, his combat power would be greatly improved.

"Okay! That's it!" Yan Chunqiu said excitedly, the powerful coercion was released for an instant, and then immediately retracted, the figure flashed, and disappeared with Liu Chen, leaving Feng Xuan and the others alone.

The seal on Demon God Mountain was lifted, Feng Xuan looked up to the sky and took a deep breath, and said vicissitudes: "I haven't seen the outside world for a long time."

Then with a wave of his sleeves, he rushed to the battlefield, taking away Shen Huan and the boy by the way.

Liu Chen, who was moving at high speed, could only feel the surrounding scenery passing by him like lightning and flint. He couldn't see anything clearly, and even his senses disappeared.

This feeling only lasted for a short time, and soon, Liu Chen came to the land of extreme inflammation, looking at the red river.

The surface of the river is very calm, without any waves, but the more so, the more creepy it is.

Yan Chunqiu frowned slightly, as if he had sensed something, leaving only one sentence, he left immediately.

"Enter the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Palace and draw out the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Sword!"

"Scarlet Phoenix Battle Sword?" Liu Chen murmured to himself looking at the direction Yan Chunqiu was leaving.

The last time I entered the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Hall by mistake, and occasionally got the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Armor, which greatly improved Liu Chen's defense. Since then, the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Hall has left a deep impression on Liu Chen, and he has always wanted to re-enter , but no chance.

After all, if you step on the red river in front of you easily, you will surely fall into a place of eternal doom.

Suddenly, Liu Chen's savings bag buzzed, and a green aura appeared out of thin air. Before Liu Chen could react, he swished into the lava river.

"This..." Liu Chen stood on the shore in a daze, looked left and right for a while, then looked at the savings bag in his hand, his forehead was covered with black lines, what's going on.

my lord!

my lord!

Two illusory voices suddenly appeared in Liu Chen's mind, lingering and lingering for a long time, and Liu Chen closed Yan's house to make himself more focused.

Listen carefully, the illusory voice seems to come from the magma river in front of you.

Liu Chen took a deep breath, opened his eyes again, and opened his perception ability. After confirming that there was no one around, he turned his surprised eyes to the lava river again.

"who is it!"

my lord!

my lord!

The illusory voice became weaker and weaker, as if the source of the sound had become weaker.

"Come up!"

While hesitating, the calm magma river suddenly became choppy. I saw a fiery red snake protruding half of its head from the surface of the river. When I looked closely, half of the wide river channel was immediately taken up.

Liu Chen jumped up, stood on the snake's head, and released the Scarlet Phoenix armor. Immediately afterwards, a faint red light curtain enveloped Liu Chen's body.

The surrounding magma retreated one after another, and one person and one snake entered the depths of the magma.

The fiery red python was familiar with the road, and soon arrived at the destination. When he stepped on the familiar floor, a hot feeling suddenly swept through his body.

Following Liu Chen's gaze, there is a huge stone gate directly in front of it, with the scarlet phoenix hovering above it, lifelike, when you look at it casually, the red phoenix above seems to be moving slowly, when you look carefully, you feel that the pair of eyes Staring at myself all the time is creepy.


The stone door opened slowly, scorching breath gushed out from behind the door, and the strong air wave directly blew Liu Chen to this side, almost falling out of the magma.

Liu Chen was shocked in his heart. The last time he came, although there was a wave of air, it was not so strong. Maybe something happened inside.

With a strong curiosity and desire for knowledge, he quickly walked into the stone gate, and suddenly, the Scarlet Phoenix armor shone brightly, the dazzling light was unprecedentedly hot, as if he had been summoned by some kind, and led Liu Chen's body forward slowly.

Gradually, Liu Chen saw clearly that this was a splendid palace.

The palace is in a semicircle, and unknown beasts are engraved on the stone walls on all sides, like a picture of a hundred beasts, the eyes move slowly, there are dragons, jiao, and many powerful monsters inside, or they are not monsters. category of beasts.

The reliefs of each beast exude a faint coercion, but the strength is different, and the strongest coercion is deep in the palace.


Liu Chen was horrified when he saw this, Taotie was also on the stone wall.

Through the children, Liu Chen had a deep understanding of the power of Taotie. Even so, Taotie was only the stronger existence among the many strong ones, and there were many reliefs around him that were only a little bit stronger than Taotie Ruo.

The reliefs were all lifelike. Taking two steps back, his eyes covered most of the palace, and he had a panoramic view of the picture of the beasts. Only then did he realize that the reliefs on the stone wall were not simple reliefs.

Some of these reliefs are opposed to each other, some surround one of them, and some fight in groups, like a battlefield, especially the Taotie at the back.

Fighting against more than ten strong men with one's own strength, it can be seen that it is powerful.

Among the reliefs, the mythical dragon is just at the bottom.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Liu Chen took a deep breath, and slowly approached the relief. Suddenly, a faint coercion erupted, and he clearly wanted to crush Liu Chen. Even if the coercion was extremely weak, in front of Liu Chen, it was no less than that of a strong Zongjing. Hit with all your might.

If it hits, Liu Chen will definitely die.

At the very moment, the Scarlet Phoenix battle armor erupted, and the flames rolled back, and the coercion retreated immediately before it approached, as if fearing the owner of the flames.

As soon as the Scarlet Phoenix Armor came out, all the faint coercion on the surrounding stone walls shrank back, and in an instant, the lifelike relief became bland.

Approaching the stone wall, lightly touching the relief on it, the faint coercion wanted to explode again, but was severely suppressed by the Scarlet Phoenix armor, and he dared not move.

"It's amazing!"

Liu Chen sighed for a while, walked around the stone wall, and when he inadvertently raised his head, his eyes widened in shock.

There is actually a sculpture of the Red Phoenix suspended from the top of the palace, completely suspended in the air!
The huge sculpture of Scarlet Phoenix, weighing more than ten thousand catties, was suspended in the air without any external force, how could Liu Chen not be shocked.

Liu Chen immediately walked to the front of the Chihuang sculpture, and locked his eyes on Chihuang's eyes. For some reason, the Chihuang sculpture was clearly looking forward, cold and arrogant.

But he could clearly feel the gaze of those eyes, making Liu Chen's hair stand on his head.

At this moment, an illusory and transparent red phoenix image flew out of the sculpture, circled around the palace, and seemed to rush out of the palace.

Bang bang bang!
Whenever the red phoenix approaches the stone wall, energy ripples will be aroused, and the huge palace trembles violently with the number of times the red phoenix hits the stone wall.

(End of this chapter)

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