
Chapter 1277 Giant Undead

Chapter 1277 Giant Undead
Seeing that the Prince Alliance had set an example, other forces responded one after another, and each sent a half-step fusion realm. After a while, the number of dead soldiers reached 23, far exceeding Yan Chunqiu's expectations.

Dugu Xin looked at Liu Chen with satisfaction, and with a wave of his sleeve, three colorful halos fell down, covering Liu Chen and the three of them exactly, exuding a soft light.

"This is the holy spirit circle, it can save your life at a critical moment!"

Cui Bende wanted to stand up several times, but after seeing Dugu Xin make a move, he retreated. It is not a joke to become a dead man and enter the Plague City. He would rather replace Chen Yi.

Envious eyes came from all around, Yan Chunqiu smiled slightly, waved his sleeve likewise, and dropped 23 pills and silver swords.

"This is the Golden Spirit Pill. The effect varies depending on the physique of the user. Some people may even break through directly, but I hope you don't take it until the critical moment, because once you break through to a strong person in the state of integration, it will soon Attracting that person's attention will ruin even our plan!"

"The silver swords have all been specially treated to increase the damage to the undead. Ordinary undead generals and green skeletons will also leave indelible scars when they are hit by the silver sword."

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

The envy in the eyes of everyone became stronger, especially Liu Chen and others, who had seen the power of the silver sword with their own eyes, and more importantly, the golden elixir, which was definitely a rarity.

Directly breaking through to the first level, I used to only dare to think about it when I was dreaming, but now it is really in front of my eyes.

The 23 people couldn't wait to receive the Golden Spirit Pill and Silver Sword, earning savings bags. Once they break through to become a strong person in the combined state, their status in the sect will be very different.

They were determined to die, and a strong desire to survive burst out of their hearts in an instant, and they must come back alive!

"Wish you guys good luck!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Chunqiu disappeared, Feng Xuan and Dugu Xin, the child immediately flew down and came to Liu Chen, Cui Bende came from behind, glared at Chen Yi with hatred, and cursed: "They are going to Death, why are you joining in the fun!"

A cold glow came from the side, making Cui Bender tremble with fright, and shut his mouth hastily.

"It's okay, Elder Cui is actually quite a nice person!" Liu Chen smiled and gestured like a child, signaling her to look away.

Cui Bende breathed a long sigh of relief, thankful that Liu Chen had spoken just now, whenever he recalled the children on the battlefield, he couldn't help shivering.

It's just a meat grinder!Especially when she cooperates with Feng Xuan, crossing the battlefield, no one can beat her, and everyone is seriously injured, but the two of them are the only ones with minimal injuries!
"These are three teleportation stones, once they are in a desperate situation, they will be crushed!" Dugu Xin quietly took out three teleportation stones and distributed them to the three of them.

Seeing this, the child nodded in satisfaction, patted Dugu Xin on the shoulder, and said lightly: "That's true!"

Undoubtedly, she meant that the holy spirit circle was nothing compared to the teleportation stone, but to everyone's surprise, Dugu Xin nodded without any displeasure.

"You come with me!"

With a big wave of his hand, Dugu Xin led everyone to the teleportation formation.

Standing next to the teleportation array, Dugu Xin's eyes swept over every dead man, and finally fell on Liu Chen, and said seriously: "The teleportation array will send you to different places in the plague city, in other words, when you arrive at the plague After the city, you must quickly find your companions, and then destroy the Tower of Death Light!"

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly, a familiar figure squeezed out from the crowd, making it clear that the visitor was not friendly.

The person who came was none other than Lin Yi, who was still intent on killing.

Seeing that Shen Huan was about to enter the Plague City, his revenge plan would come to naught, so he immediately stood up and stopped him.

"Lin Yi! Why are you making trouble!"

Dugu Xin raised his brows, his deep eyes saw through the murderous intent hidden in Lin Yi's heart, and he reprimanded him: "Only disciples below the state of fusion are eligible!"

"I know! That's why I profess my cultivation base, and now I'm only at the half-step fusion state!" Lin Yi crazily punched his chest twice, and the aura of the half-step fusion state can be seen at a glance.

Liu Chen quietly winked at Dugu's messenger and told Lin Yi to follow him, maybe he didn't die at the hands of the undead, but at the end of Lin Yi's black hands.

"You want to die! No one is stopping you!" Shen Huan didn't turn his head, but pointed at Lin Yi.

The teleportation array opened, and the three of Liu Chen held hands, jumped in, and suddenly the world spun, and the surrounding scenery changed rapidly, as if his head was about to be torn apart, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

Zhitong and others entered the teleportation array one after another, but Lin Yi stood there, looking at Dugu Xin, as if waiting for something.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the twenty or thirty people who entered in front had all received the Golden Spirit Pill and the Silver Sword, especially the three of Liu Chen, who were blessed by the Holy Spirit Circle.

However, the later Lin Yi didn't get anything, and he still wanted to call himself a cultivator.

Lin Yi's self-proclaimed cultivation base this time has no moisture at all, and it must be untied after five days, otherwise it will not be hidden from Duguxin's eyes.

"Hmph!" After waiting for a long time, Dugu Xin didn't respond at all. Lin Yi snorted unhappily and entered the teleportation array.

After finishing all this, Duguxin cast his deep eyes on Zheng Shixiong, and said meaningfully: "Don't move things that don't belong to you!"

"Damn old thing." Zheng Shixiong muttered in his heart, the meat in his stomach would never be spit out just because of Duguxin's words.

The people around also understood that Zheng Shixiong had snatched the Scarlet Phoenix War Sword, the master Dugu believed it badly, and wanted to make decisions for his apprentices, but he couldn't forcefully snatch it back.

After all, Liu Chen owed Zheng Shixiong a life, and the Scarlet Phoenix War Sword was considered as repayment for saving his life. Unless there was a legitimate reason, Dugu Xin would take back the Scarlet Phoenix War Sword.



Liu Chen made a sound, and stood up from the ground. The first thing that caught his eyes was a beautiful face, a pink and tender cherry mouth, eyes as gentle as water, and skin as creamy. Yes, Liu Chen's eyes straightened when he saw it!

Suddenly, Zhitong's face changed suddenly, and he gave Liu Chen a cold look, then stretched out his right hand, and slapped Liu Chen fiercely, but when he was about to hit him, she stopped again.


Liu Chen took two steps back wisely, keeping a distance from Zhitong, thinking that Chen Yi would be considered a celestial being, but after seeing Zhitong, he realized that there is a different beauty.

The two have completely different styles, both are the embodiment of beauty.

"Follow me!" Zhitong's voice was cold, without the slightest emotion, and it didn't match her face at all, giving Liu Chen the illusion that she was not the real Zhitong.

Judging from the appearance alone, Zhitong should be the kind of playful and lovely person, not like an iceberg that rejects people thousands of miles away.

"Uh..." Liu Chen stood quietly on the spot, pondered for a moment and then said, "I still need to find someone!"

The whereabouts of Shen Huan and Chen Yi are unknown, Liu Chen can only breathe a sigh of relief if he finds them first.

After finishing speaking, Liu Chen turned around and walked away without looking back, and ran in the opposite direction. There was no lighting in the Plague City, and it was so gray that he couldn't see clearly, it was full of places.

Abandoned houses, deserted buildings, dusty streets, objects scattered on the ground, withered flowers and plants, put a desolate cloak on the plague city.

The wide street is enough for five horses to run side by side. The buildings on both sides of the street are orderly and magnificent. The items scattered on the street are all treasures that ordinary people regard as treasures.

Everything here seems to tell people who come in from outside that the city of plague was extremely prosperous before.

But why did it become like this?
The dragon chanting sword roared, and cut into pieces the undead soldiers who came out of the stone street. After concentrating on perceiving it carefully, he suddenly found that there were at least a hundred auras of undead under the street.

Fortunately, there are no undead generals in these breaths, they are all shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

"If you keep going, you will regret it!" Zhitong's voice came from behind, standing indifferently in the distance.

Hearing this, Liu Chen did not retreat but advanced, and took a step forward. Sure enough, dozens of undead soldiers appeared under the street immediately, and every time Liu Chen took a step forward, more undead soldiers appeared.

In the time of two breaths, hundreds of undead soldiers all drilled out of the ground, and at the same time, nearly half of the undead soldiers were smashed to pieces.

How could mere undead soldiers stop me!

Accompanied by the roar of the dragon, the sword energy danced wildly, forming countless wind blades with huge destructive power, sweeping all directions in an instant, and all the undead soldiers in front were turned into dust.

Squeak squeak!

Just as Liu Chen finished cleaning up the undead soldiers, when he looked back, he suddenly found that the countless broken bones on the ground had gradually fused together, turning into a giant undead skeleton, and his cultivation base had also increased a lot.

"It's just undead in the Void Refining Realm!"

Liu Chen let out a low cry, held the sword in both hands, and his spiritual power burst out suddenly, and the cracks on the already cracked Dragon Sword became even bigger.

Taking a step forward with his right foot, the stone slab collapsed half a foot in an instant, countless dust was stirred up, and the Longyin Sword pierced straight into the waist of the giant undead, and pulled it violently to the right.

With a click, the skeleton disintegrated, and the giant undead turned into two pieces and collapsed to the ground. Immediately afterwards, the skeletons all dispersed and became separate sections.

Suddenly, the mutation happened again.

Those skeletons gathered together again, with crystal white luster flowing on them, and their strength became stronger and stronger.

Liu Chen even suspected that he would eventually become a combined body.


Leaning forward, the whole person rushed out immediately, and the Dragon Chanting Sword drew a curve in the air, firmly inserted into the waist of the giant undead, paused for a while, and the Dragon Chanting Sword broke with a click.

The undead also collapsed, once again turned into skeletons and covered the streets.

"You will only make him stronger and stronger!" Zhitong said lightly, but he didn't have the slightest intention to make a move.


The giant undead reappeared and became a great master of the Void Refining Realm. Liu Chen simply smashed him with his bare hands, relying on his strong spiritual power, but it didn't have much effect.

Repeatedly, until the giant undead became a half-step fit state, ordinary fist attacks could not shake the giant undead at all.

(End of this chapter)

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