
Chapter 1278 Bloody Battle

Chapter 1278 Bloody Battle

Every time it is reorganized, the crystal luster on the undead will become brighter, and its own defense will become stronger and stronger, especially the crystal luster is incompatible with the gloomy plague city, and the light can be vaguely seen when standing several miles away .

"Only the silver sword can really hurt them!" Zhitong finally couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded him, but still didn't intend to make a move.

Hearing this, Liu Chen suddenly realized that he was only thinking about how to deal with the undead, and for a moment he even forgot the golden panacea and the silver sword, so he slapped the savings bag and held the silver sword in his hand.


The spiritual power burst out brazenly, and the aura of the half-step fusion realm was fully revealed. He assumed a decisive battle posture and looked at the giant undead.

Raising the sleeve and drawing out the sword, it hit the undead's calf, and bursts of white smoke burst out immediately, as if ice and snow melted, and a groove appeared on the calf.

The silver sword is very short, only half the length of a normal human arm, but the back of the sword is very wide, and the whole body exudes silver light.

The undead screamed and backed away in pain.

Liu Chen smiled slightly, took advantage of the victory and chased after him, holding the silver sword in his hand, completely pressing down on the undead to chase after him.

After chasing and chasing, Liu Chen suddenly stomped on the ground with both feet, and the ground immediately sank. Immediately afterwards, he flew out and caught up with the undead in an instant.

The silver sword slid across the joint of the undead's calf, like cutting tofu, and cut off one of the undead's legs with one easy blow.

The fast-running undead lost his balance in an instant, and fell heavily again. Smoke and dust rose everywhere, the ground trembled, and Liu Chen's eyes shone brightly.

good chance!
With a loud cry, he leaped onto the body of the undead, the silver sword fell from above, and immediately cut off the other leg, followed by both arms.

After doing all this, Liu Chen jumped off the undead, looked in the direction of Zhitong, cut off the undead's head, and left the torso.

Zhitong's expression remained unchanged, and the indifference deep in his eyes remained unchanged, but he walked slowly towards Liu Chen.

"Thank you!" Liu Chen said sincerely.

Regardless of Zhitong's identity, just now Zhitong really did Liu Chen a big favor, because she could leave, or stand on the sidelines, waiting for Liu Chen to die at the hands of the undead.

Zhitong remained silent, as if he hadn't heard.

The atmosphere suddenly fell into embarrassment, Liu Chen coughed twice, and continued to walk forward.

"Wait!" Zhi Tong and Liu Chen stopped at the same time, and Zhi Tong even stepped forward, looking ahead vigilantly, because the two of them felt a strong murderous aura at the same time.

Suddenly, Liu Chen and Zhi Tong walked side by side, and walked towards the direction of the murderous intent. They saw Chen Yi sitting cross-legged, recovering her cultivation, while Shen Huan was guarding the side, in charge of vigilance.

The strong murderous aura emanated from him.

"Shen Huan!" Liu Chen looked excited, and immediately ran to Shen Huan's side. There were undead soldiers wandering around, but he dared not come over.

"Chen Yi is here!" Liu Chen said in shock.

He never expected that the three would meet so soon. If he had listened to Zhitong just now, if he hadn't followed this path and defeated the giant undead, Liu Chen didn't know how long it would have taken him to find them.

Liu Chen didn't know whether to say it was luck or a coincidence!
"Hush!" Chen Huan made a silent gesture, and then walked out. It can be seen that as Chen Huan moved, those undead soldiers retreated one after another, as if they did not dare to approach him.

"They are afraid of the strong murderous aura on my body, so they dare not approach me!"

"What about Chen Yi? Seems to be injured?"

Shen Huan pondered for a moment, then raised his head abruptly, with a cold light in his eyes, and said coldly: "We have met Lin Yi!"


Liu Chen was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked nervously at Chen Yi, making sure that her aura was gradually becoming stable, and it was rising faintly, as if there were signs of a breakthrough.

"Before Lin Yi was injured a little bit, so her breath was quite disordered, and with the assistance of the Golden Spirit Pill, she will soon enter the half-step fusion state!"

Hearing the words "Golden Spirit Pill", Zhi Tong's eyes burst out with brilliance, and then he remembered something, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

Seeing this, Shen Huan immediately lowered his head and whispered in Liu Chen's ear, warning: "Isn't that man a dead soldier sent by the Prince League? Why did he follow you?"

"I don't know the details, but she probably won't harm us." Liu Chen said seriously.

In the distance, Chen Yining let out a sound, and the majestic spiritual power erupted instantly, and the strong air wave raged like a tornado, and within a radius of five meters, it was razed to the ground.

This is the result of Chen Yi's careful control, otherwise the scope will be expanded by more than ten times.

A tyrannical half-step fusion realm breath slowly emanated from her body, and then, Chen Yi opened her eyes and looked at Liu Chen and the two with a smile on her face.

Suddenly, Chen Yi frowned, and stared at Zhitong with hostility in her eyes, her spiritual power surged outside her body, obviously ready to attack Zhitong.

"Chen Yi." Liu Chen was horrified. Wouldn't it be self-defeating to challenge the half-step fusion realm by provoking the half-step fusion realm!

So he hurried over, stood in front of Chen Yi, and explained: "Wait!"

"With Zhitong's cultivation base, if she wants to get rid of us, just now is the best opportunity, instead of looking at us from afar."

Why didn't Chen Yi understand that the breakthrough was the best opportunity to attack, but Zhitong didn't do this, which meant that Zhitong had no hostility towards them.

However, Zhi Tong is a member of Zheng Shixiong of the Prince League, and Zheng Shixiong has snatched Liu Chen's Scarlet Phoenix War Sword. More or less, they all have some hatred for the people of the Prince League.

"Since Lin Yi caught up with you, how could he let you run away?" Liu Chen suddenly came back to his senses and asked in surprise.

Hearing this, Shen Huan and Chen Yi showed shock at the same time, and said in disbelief: "When Chen Yi and I came back, we encountered undead soldiers, no matter how we killed them, we couldn't kill them, and every time, the undead soldiers would become more and more dead. powerful!"

"In the end, it became an undead in the half-step fusion realm. It's a coincidence that Lin Yi found us at this time."

"I saw that he killed the undead with a magic finger. When he was about to chase after him, the undead was resurrected again and was killed by him again. In two breaths, Lin Yi forcefully pushed the undead to the half-step fusion state, infinitely close to Combined realm."

"I guess he should still be haunted by that undead now!"

Liu Chen could not help but smile after hearing this, without absolute strength or a silver sword, it is almost impossible to really kill the undead, but it is such a coincidence that Lin Yi does not have a silver sword in his hand, and now he is likely to die by the hands of the undead.

"Which direction did you escape from?" Liu Chen asked.

Zhi Tong heard the conversation of the three, and immediately understood the meaning of Liu Chen's words, so he stepped forward and took a look at Liu Chen.

"Go straight along this road and turn left."

Liu Chen looked in the direction of Shen Huan's finger, and sped up without hesitation, and said as he walked, "Do you still remember the silver sword given by the sect master when we came?"

"The silver sword has a special effect on the undead, and only the silver sword can really kill them!"

The two of them suddenly realized when they heard the words, and took out the silver swords one after another. The silver light shone on it, but it was not dazzling, as if there was mercury flowing.

The four of them walked straight for a while, then followed Chen Huan and turned left.

Definitely a fierce battle took place!
Seeing the scene in front of him, these were the only words Liu Chen could think of.

The entire slate street was completely cracked. There was a huge human-shaped groove in the center, which sank half a meter. Cracks appeared on the stone slabs at the left and right ends, and a crack ran through the entire street.

None of the buildings on both sides of the street remained intact, some were razed to the ground, some left huge pits, and some left holes in the shape and size of normal people.

There are still black flames rising in some places at this moment, which are obviously traces left by the exterminator's finger. Not only that, there are bloodstains on the stone slabs and destroyed buildings, and fragments of clothes are majesticly scattered.

Looking carefully, the blood hadn't completely dried up. It was obvious that Lin Yi had not left for a long time. There was no trace of the undead at the scene, and no footprints left by the undead when they left.

So there is only one explanation, that is, Lin Yi finally got rid of the undead.

"He doesn't have a silver sword, how can he deal with the undead who are in the half-step fusion state?"

"Unless someone helps him!"

Zhitong hit the nail on the head, and saw Zhitong pointing to the pieces of clothes next to the bloodstains, and analyzed: "The bloodstains may have been left by Lin Yi, but the pieces of clothes belonged to the Zuomeng."

Zuomeng, the fourth-ranked alliance in Shangtianmen, also sent a powerful half-step combined realm powerhouse this time. If the two join forces, plus the silver sword, it is indeed possible to defeat the undead.

"Left League?" Liu Chen muttered to himself, a look of sadness appeared on his face, and he immediately became worried.

There were 23 dead men this time, including Lin Yi who came in last, a total of 24 people, except for the three of Liu Chen, the rest were all in the half-step fusion state, and their strength was comparable to that of Zhitong.

If Lin Yi wins over a large number of strong men, Liu Chen and the others will be in trouble at that time.

"Lin Yi must be removed quickly!" Liu Chen said seriously.

Lin Yi, as a strong man in the realm of integration, is also the leader of an alliance. He has a high status in Shangtianmen. As long as he ascends to the top, maybe many people will really ally with him.

After all, in Plague City, there is a danger of death at any time, and everyone wants to form an alliance with a powerful person instead of choosing someone with a background.

Shen Huan and Chen Yi nodded solemnly, Lin Yi was like a ticking time bomb, he had to get rid of it quickly.

"Follow the blood!"

The four adjusted in place for a while, and then began to look for Lin Yi. Zhi Tong was silent all the way, but followed Liu Chen every step of the way, like a bodyguard.

The sky was dark, and everyone couldn't tell the time, and they didn't know how long they had walked. The blood on the ground suddenly disappeared, and Lin Yi evaporated from the world!

During the period, I encountered three or four waves of undead soldiers, all of which disappeared in smoke under the power of the silver sword.

Chen Yi closed her eyes, and after a moment of silence, she pointed to the right. The three of them immediately walked to the right. Seeing this, Zhitong's pupils shrank suddenly.

She didn't see any clues based on her half-step fusion state cultivation base, she was very curious that Chen Yi could find out before her.

Suddenly, Chen Yi stopped and pointed to the dilapidated building in the distance, which meant that there were people inside.

Liu Chen also sensed it, and at the same time, the people hiding in that building also sensed Liu Chen and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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