
Chapter 1286 Pill Immortal Kingdom

Chapter 1286 Pill Immortal Kingdom

Immortal country of alchemy, the kingdom of alchemy, the holy land of alchemists is indeed well-deserved, and alchemists who are extremely rare in other places can be seen everywhere here.

"Everyone, you are from the Golden Immortal Kingdom, please go this way." At this moment, a young man appeared in front of everyone, saluted and said calmly.

Shen Huan also returned a salute, and said softly: "Then I will thank you."

At this moment, the light from the void portal behind him rose sharply, and more than twenty people flashed out and landed on the square. The leader was a handsome young man with a smile on his face all the time. Smiling, holding a red gold dagger carved with dragons in his hand, dressed in gorgeous clothes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Behind him, there are two old men in red clothes standing quietly, with hidden fluctuations surging all over their bodies from time to time, and the last about twenty teenagers are also gorgeously dressed, with arrogant expressions on their faces.

Seeing the person coming, the young man who was leading Liu Chen and others to leave suddenly changed his expression, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "Waiting for Prince Xingfeng to come to Danxian Kingdom, please follow me to the VIP place to rest."

The leading young man nodded slightly, and was just about to leave, but his gaze swept across the square, and he saw Liu Chen and his party immediately, his eyes became gloomy, and they were walking towards Liu Chen and the others.

"Princess Chen Yi, I haven't seen you for a long time. Didn't expect to meet you here?" The young man smiled, looked at Chen Yi and said, but Liu Chen still noticed the chill deep in his eyes.

Chen Yi pursed her lips, seeming to dismiss the former, turned her pretty face slightly, and did not look at him.

The young man's lips moved slightly, a tinge of blue color appeared on his face, he turned his head to look at Liu Chen, and said with a smile, "I think this is Liu Chen, hehe, unexpectedly, a disciple from a small sect would dare to come This wading in the muddy waters of Ascension to Lingtan is really thought-provoking, haha."

The most important part of the True Immortal Realm Trial Conference is the Ascension to Lingtan. As long as one can enter the Ascension to Lingtan, one will definitely have a great improvement in cultivation, or even a breakthrough.

Ye Fan is already half-step into the state of integration. If he can enter Shenglingtan through the trial meeting, he can break through to the state of integration in one fell swoop.

At that time, Ye Fan will be able to freely enter and leave the real fairyland and the fairyland. At that time, whether it is a war in the fairyland or a battle between the fairy sects, it can be swept away.

Liu Chen was not angry but happy when he heard the words, and said: "Hehe, His Royal Highness is joking, but with your half-step Fusion Realm strength, I'm afraid it's not enough here, right?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone suddenly showed horror.

As soon as Liu Chen finished speaking, the young man's face darkened immediately, and a strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, do you know who you are talking to?" An old man standing behind the boy squinted his eyes and said coldly, a white circle of light suddenly flashed around his body.

Liu Chen's eyes froze, this aura, this old man turned out to be a late stage powerhouse.

"Boy, I'm asking you, can't you hear me?" The old man's sleeve trembled slightly, and an invisible wave hit Liu Chen in an instant. Except for Liu Chen who was the person involved, everyone else didn't notice it. Amazing control.

As several afterimages suddenly appeared, blue light appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and thick lightning bolts suddenly appeared, but Liu Chen's figure was only slightly blurred and solidified again.

"Hey, it turns out that you have some skills, boy, since you dare to offend the prince, then you can stay." Another old man in red stared at him, and stretched out his hands to shake Liu Chen away.

Liu Chen's back suddenly felt cold, and a feeling of heart palpitations suddenly rose. The next moment, his whole body could no longer move, and even Xian Nian was imprisoned.

But how could Liu Chen be caught so easily, only to see a bright red glow shot out from his eyes, and the void bondage shattered like glass.

The old man's pupils shrunk slightly, and the corner of his mouth curled slightly: "I'm stubborn, I'm looking for death."

A terrifying coercion suddenly rose, and even the fairy stones under Shen Huan and others' feet were instantly shattered, and their figures also retreated wildly.

Liu Chen's body that was about to break through the shackles froze suddenly again, and a deep sense of powerlessness came from his heart. Even in the face of a person who was in the state of fusion, Liu Chen thought to himself that he still had the strength to fight.

But the other party was a solid late-stage powerhouse in the combined state, no matter how many tricks Liu Chen had, it would be of no avail at this time.

A big hand that seemed to be real was grabbing at Liu Chen as if teleporting, and the surrounding void was constantly cracking.

But at this moment, the fierce light of the void portal blazed, and in the astonished eyes of everyone, another twenty or so people suddenly appeared. The leader was dressed in purple and had a refined face. .

And with the appearance of Chen Huang, the big hand that was about to slap on Liu Chen's body suddenly flashed countless black cracks, and then turned into waves of spiritual power and dissipated, blowing everyone's robes to the ground. .

"Uncle Chen Huang, that old bastard hurt someone, help me to teach him a lesson." Chen Yi's body was swept away, and she came in front of Chen Huang, her eyes were red, and she acted coquettishly at Chen Huang.

Chen Huang dotingly rubbed Chen Yi's head, looked lightly at the two old men who made the move earlier, and said: "Long Yun, Long Fei, you actually shot at my imperial son-in-law, hmph, I want to learn, don't you?" Do you know how strong the two of you have become over the past few years?"

Although I knew that Chen Yi's identity was not simple, but I never thought that she would be the imperial princess, and when did I become the emperor's son-in-law again?

My relationship with Chen Yi is indeed good, but it's not to the point of talking about marriage!

Liu Chen stood there in a daze, bewildered, a little confused about the situation.

The expressions of the two old men suddenly changed, and deep fear appeared in their eyes. The two of them are only at the late stage of the fusion state, and even if they work together, they cannot be Chen Huang's opponent.

When the young man saw Chen Huang appearing, he pursed his lips slightly, thinking that he might not benefit today, his expression changed, he bent towards Chen Huang, and said with a smile: "Senior Chen Huang, I think this is really a misunderstanding, I will represent them Sorry, what do you think?"

Although there was a smile on his face, there was still a gloomy and cold look in his eyes.

The corner of Chen Huang's mouth slightly raised, and said: "Since His Royal Highness said so, then that's all, but I hope that such things will not happen in the future."

Immediately, Chen Huang ignored the group of Xingfeng Empire, turned to Liu Chen and said, "Liu Chen, let's go, you all follow me to the VIP place to rest, I just have something to tell you."

Liu Chen chuckled, and quickly clapped his hands in agreement, saying, "Thank you, Uncle Chen Huang."

A group of people flashed and disappeared in the square in a blink of an eye.

Seeing Liu Chen and the others disappear, the young man's face suddenly darkened, and even a livid color appeared on his face. He clenched his fists tightly, and a murderous aura suddenly rose.

"Your Highness, if it wasn't for Huang Chen, that kid would have died on the spot." The old man who made the first move also had a livid face.

"Old Yun, don't worry about it, that Emperor Chen is very powerful, even my father is afraid of him, but that kid is really hateful, hum, this matter is not so easy to end, not everyone can do it in Shenglingtan Let's go, too." The young man was shaken as he said that, and he had gone hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

With the departure of the two groups of people, the square did not return to calm, but a steady stream of figures, most of whom were gorgeously dressed, faint fluctuations of spiritual power came continuously, many of them A strong man at the Fusion Realm level.

The news of the opening of the Ascension to Lingtan has obviously spread throughout the Real Immortal Realm, and even many hidden masters came with their own juniors. After all, if there is a chance to take a dip in this Ascension to Lingtan, you can Save many years of practice.

Although the Danxian Kingdom is not as large as the Four Great Empires, it even faintly surpasses the Four Great Empires in terms of status.

Flying all the way, the plains are everywhere, and independent three-storey small buildings are scattered in a patchwork manner. In the air, you can also smell the fragrance of various medicinal materials, which opened the eyes of Liu Chen and others.

"Uncle Chen Huang, why does Prince Xingfeng hate me so much, I have never seen him before." Liu Chen said to Chen Huang while flying against the wind.

Chen Huang moved his hands behind his back, and said with a chuckle: "That guy came to propose marriage several times, but we rejected them all, and the reason for our rejection is that Yi'er already has someone he likes, so when he sees you , I hate you very much."

Hearing this, Liu Chen scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "But... I've been wronged for this loss."

Chen Huang couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and said: "What are you wronged? It's much better to be the emperor's son-in-law than you are in the Xianmen sect."

"The name of the crown prince Xingfeng is Long Yuehan, and his strength has reached the half-step fusion state, and he can be regarded as a person with extraordinary talent. If you think about this battle for the Ascension to Lingtan, you will definitely meet, so be careful when the time comes." Chen Huang Turning around, he said softly.

Chen Huang is familiar with the road here, and led the crowd to change directions from time to time. After a while, a large independent building complex appeared in front of everyone. In the center of the building complex, there was a red cauldron with a height of hundreds of feet, the whole body was red, quite striking.

As it got closer, Liu Chen discovered that the tripod was carved entirely of fire spar. Fire spar is a kind of ore that only exists in the depths of volcanoes, rich in fire-attributed breath.

However, it cannot be directly absorbed by people, because the fire attribute breath is extremely violent, but it is a rare ore used to cast fire attribute profound treasures, and its value is extremely high.

Around the alchemy cauldron, continuous buildings spread out in a fan shape, divided into many areas, like a gossip array. Liu Chen just looked at it for a moment, and was already horrified in his heart. In other words, I am afraid that the building complex itself is a large formation, right?

"Uncle Chen Huang, the location of the building here is really weird. Could it be that this is where VIPs live?" Liu Chen asked doubtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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