
Chapter 1287 Chen Huang

Chapter 1287 Chen Huang
Chen Huang frowned slightly, nodded and said: "It's strange, it seems that this place has just been renovated, let's go, our residence is near the Danding."

A group of people were about to plunder, when three middle-aged men suddenly appeared in front of the crowd, cupped their hands and said, "Everyone, are you from the Immortal Sect?"

Chen Huang was stunned when he heard the words, and said with a slight smile: "Your Majesty Chen Huang, I am not, but they are from the Immortal Sect."

The three of them looked at each other and hurriedly said: "So it's Senior Chen Huang, the junior is rude, please follow me."

As they spoke, the three turned around and led the way ahead.

When they got close, the three of them took out a piece of jade tablet and put them lightly on the empty space, and saw that the empty space fluctuated violently, and a shallow door suddenly appeared, and then made a gesture to Chen Huang and the others. Please pose.

This Immortal Pill Kingdom is really a great handiwork. I am afraid that such a large void barrier needs the strength of the Mahayana realm to build it. When entering the void, everyone's eyes light up.

The void here is more than several times wider than the outside, the huge building stands proudly, imposing, and there are countless flowers and trees dotted in it, it is an elegant place.

From time to time, I saw figures flying across the sky and disappearing.

Liu Chen and the others soon arrived at the place they designated. It turned out to be a private garden with dozens of floors high. There was a green lake several acres in front and back, decorated with blossoming lotus leaves, and various small fish swimming around. Among them, the decoration in the other garden is not gorgeous, but it makes people very comfortable.

"Liu Chen, you all go to rest, I guess we will go to Ascension to Lingtan tomorrow, by the way, this is for you." Chen Huang smiled and patted Liu Chen's shoulder, and threw an object over.

Liu Chen took it casually, his expression changed drastically, and his hands sank suddenly. They were a pair of daggers with a scabbard. They looked extremely simple at first glance, and there were even rust spots emerging.

"This is?" Liu Chen's pupils suddenly shrank, but there was a trace of excitement on his face.

The dagger in his hand was extremely heavy, according to Liu Chen's estimate, it was at least two hundred catties, which already shocked Liu Chen extremely.

The dagger was only one foot long, and the hilt took up one-third of the length. There were two winding dragon snakes engraved on it, but it was very comfortable to hold without any abrupt feeling.

Slowly crawling out of the dagger, a soft chant suddenly resounded, circling endlessly. The dagger is a double-edged weapon, capable of cutting and stabbing, and is a sharp weapon for close combat.

This pair of daggers has no blades, but the sides are a little thinner. On both sides of the back of the daggers are engraved a set of formations. Liu Chen poked out his immortal thoughts to take a look, but was ejected directly. It's a faint tingling sensation.

Such a powerful magic circle is so powerful before it is activated. If the magic circle is fully activated, what will happen.

"Uncle Chen Huang, does this set of daggers have a name?" Liu Chen looked up at Chen Huang, with an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.

Chen Huang smiled, shook his head and said: "No, Yan Yangtian said when he handed it over to me, the name is up to you."

Liu Chen pursed his lips, and there was a flash of fire in his eyes. Liu Chen already had the Scarlet Phoenix War Sword in his hand, and with this, he would have two profound treasures, which would greatly increase his combat power.

After all, who would think too much of something like Xuanbao.

At the same time, Liu Chen became even more curious about the Immortal Sect, which was obviously only a hermit sect, but was connected to the empires of the Nine Continents.

Previously, Tuoba Jinsha, the lord of the Golden Immortal Kingdom, even went out to greet Liu Chen and the others in person. You must know that he is the lord of a country, but he greeted Liu Chen and the others in person.

In addition to him, there is Chen Huang in front of him, he is also very strong, but he knows Yan Yangtian, and he seems to have a good relationship.

The fiery heat in the eye fairy slowly cooled down, and suddenly one after another green lights rose suddenly, two daggers and four magic circles merged into one at this moment, and then a three-foot short knife appeared in front of Liu Chen in amazement, Buzzing and trembling, the sound of dragon chant sounded.

"Good knife." A message rushed into Liu Chen's mind, "Little guy, these two daggers are divided into male and female, the left is female, and the right is male. A single dagger can barely be counted as a high-grade mysterious treasure, and If they are combined into one, they will definitely be able to surpass ordinary high-grade profound treasures."

Listening to Yan Yangtian's narration with a horrified expression, Liu Chen couldn't help but miss a few beats in his heartbeat. The top-grade Xuanbao, just saying it, will make those strong men smash their heads to snatch it. It is truly priceless.

"The name of this dagger is up to you. There are four magic circles on it, and each magic circle is composed of four small magic circles, which can increase speed, strength, agility and destructiveness respectively. However, with your current strength, At most, you can only cast two magic circles at the same time, otherwise it will quickly drain your spiritual power, and only when you reach the state of integration can you fully control it."

The phantom in Liu Chen's mind slowly disappeared.

"Uncle Chen Huang, I will name this set of daggers Pofeng, how about it?"

Chen Huang nodded with a smile, and said: "Then call it Pofeng. Yan Yangtian spent a lot of effort in making this set of daggers. Hehe, even I am envious."

At Chen Huang's level, ordinary Xuanbao can no longer make him feel excited, and only high-grade Xuanbao can make him covet.

With a move of Liu Chen's mind, the bright green light on the dagger suddenly dimmed, turning into two blue lights that flew into the scabbard as if teleporting, and was put into the savings bag by Liu Chen.

"Something's wrong, why do I feel that you have a very special aura about you, is there some treasure hidden?"

Chen Huang sniffed his nose and asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen didn't hide anything. After all, Huang Chen and Yan Yangtian had a very good relationship, and he was Chen Yi's uncle. He had rescued him just now. Liu Chen had no reason not to tell him, so he waved his hand and opened the spirit beast bag.

The next moment, a small thing fell out of it. It was covered in red gold and had a big head that was extremely uncoordinated with its body. Its body was like a snake but it had claws. On the forehead was a diamond-shaped purple scale. Incomparable.


The little thing fell directly to the ground, turned over, and then began to snore, with two pairs of small paws turned upside down, revealing a slightly red and white belly, which looked extremely cute.

"What, what is this?" Chen Huang's face changed drastically when he saw this little thing, and even his body trembled a little.

Liu Chen was speechless when he saw that this little guy knew how to sleep all day, stretched out his foot and kicked, and said, "Xiao Qing, why did you become so sleepy?"

"Xiao Qing?" Chen Huang staggered abruptly when he heard the words, and looked at Liu Chen dumbfounded, but was extremely shocked in his heart.

Others may not know this little thing, but Chen Huang knows that this is the overlord Dragon Clan among the spirit beasts. Although Chen Huang has never seen the Dragon Clan with his own eyes, it doesn't mean he doesn't know what the Dragon Clan looks like.

Ever since the Great War between Immortals and Demons ten thousand years ago, there have been no dragons in the Realm of Immortals.

The dragon clan is an extremely short-sighted race. Unless there is absolute strength to suppress it, the dragon clan will not easily submit to humans. This is also the dignity of the dragon clan. Anyone who wants to occupy the descendants of the dragon clan will have no good end in the end.

But this was all tens of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years ago. There is no shadow of dragons in the world today, but what appeared in front of Emperor Chen was indeed a living dragon, and depending on the situation, it was still in its infancy.

The little thing was kicked by Liu Chen, it danced its paws in dissatisfaction, opened its big eyes reluctantly, got up from the ground, and hummed twice.

The next moment, I only felt a wave in the void. Its small body was already standing on Liu Chen's shoulder, and then it stretched out its small pink tongue to lick Liu Chen's cheek continuously. Hum chi chi sound.

"Xiaoqing, why did you become like this?" Liu Chen quickly covered his face with his hands, but still couldn't stop the drooling all over his face, and grabbed Xiaoqing and hugged him in his arms.

"Liu Chen, where did you get this?" Chen Huang's face had already started to twitch, if it wasn't for him being relatively awake, he might really think that he was dreaming.

Liu Chen rubbed Xiaoqing's big head fiercely, a softness flashed in his eyes, and he said with a chuckle, "Uncle Chen Huang, since I stepped into the world of cultivating immortals, Xiaoqing has been with me for some years. , and I also witnessed the whole process of Xiaoqing transforming from a snake to a dragon."

"Is it really a dragon?" Chen Huang still couldn't believe it.

Liu Chen nodded seriously, and said, "Uncle Chen Huang, although I don't know why Xiaoqing became like this, but it is indeed a dragon?"

As if hearing Liu Chen's tone that he looked strange, Xiaoqing arched Liu Chen's chest vigorously, making a humming sound.

Chen Huang let out a deep breath, waved his sleeves quickly, and immediately put down several barriers, and said with a serious face: "Liu Chen, you shouldn't tell me about this, or even tell anyone. Do you know what the Dragon Race means to this continent?"

"Destroy! Control!"

"Liu Chen, if you haven't reached the perfect state of fusion, then try not to show Xiaoqing in front of the world. Of course, if Xiaoqing can grow into an eighth-order spirit beast, then you don't have to worry about it. You can go, but it is a pity that it is still in its infancy, even if it is a sixth-order spirit beast, it does not have much attack power." Chen Huang continued.

At this moment, the drowsy Xiaoqing opened her eyes wide and looked at Chen Huang. The next moment, Chen Huang's figure was already stiff, as if the surrounding void was directly torn apart.

After several breaths, a strong red glow suddenly flashed, and Chen Huang's figure appeared in front of Liu Chen again, looking at Xiao Qing in Liu Chen's hand with a horrified expression.

Liu Chen was startled, quickly picked up his right hand, hit Xiao Qing fiercely, and said angrily: "Xiao Qing, don't be rude."

As he spoke, he was about to hit the second time.

"But Uncle Chen Huang, what do you mean when you are young? Xiaoqing has been with me for a long time. When I left, Xiaoqing had already reached the peak of the sixth order, that is, the Great Consummation of the Void Refining Realm. Why did she suddenly become like this? look?"

(End of this chapter)

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