
Chapter 1291 Bliss Beast

Chapter 1291 Bliss Beast

Yue Ling looked at Song Yue and the others who had escaped with a livid face, and said through gritted teeth: "Brother Song Yue, I didn't expect your luck to be so good. Hmph, I'm afraid your Immortal Sword Sect will not have such good luck next time. let's go."

Seeing that he couldn't take advantage of it, that Yue Ling was not a reckless person, so he turned around and left.

Seeing Yue Ling and the others leave, Luo Min burst into tears and burst into tears. He served pear blossoms with water and peach blossoms with pink noodles.

Song Yue quickly came to Luo Min's side, patted her on the back, comforted her in a low voice, and there was a constant look of displeasure in his expression.

"Eldest brother, why did you let that beast go away? Could it be that our Immortal Sword Sect is still afraid that he will not succeed in Jianyue Sect?" The burly young man punched a giant tree next to him fiercely, followed by the giant tree that was full of feet. A large hole suddenly appeared in the trees several feet wide, and the hole was scorched black, obviously burned away in an instant.

Song Yue smiled wryly and shook his head, and said: "Third Junior Brother, Jianyue Sect has always been the head of my four sects. Its sect uses the sword to enter the Tao, and its attacks are extremely fierce. It is said that their sect even has ancient legends. The four peerless immortal weapons that came down, coupled with their sword art skills, are really not something our sect can fight against."

"Song Yue." Liu Chen's figure slowly swept over, stopped in front of Song Yue, and said with a smile on his face.

Song Yue looked Liu Chen up and down, frowned slightly and said, "Little brother, thanks to your help this time, but it seems we haven't met before, right?"

"Never met is not the point, the point is that you are all from Immortal Sword Sect, and you know Bai Lan." Liu Chen touched the tip of his nose and said lightly.

"What's your relationship with Bai Lan?" Luo Min was startled when he heard this, and looked up at Liu Chen.


Liu Chen said lightly.

Song Yue smiled bitterly and said, "It's really enviable to be Bai Lan's friend, but we can't stop, let's move on."

Everyone expressed their agreement one after another, and then stretched out their bodies and swept towards the distance. In the blink of an eye, the place was calm again, leaving only the fragments of ivy and the smelly juice all over the ground.

I don't know if it's because of the coercion of Yan Chunqiu and others, or some other reason, although the sixth and seventh order spirit beasts appeared one after another along the way, but none of the top spirit beasts appeared.

This also made the elders who led the team breathe a sigh of relief. If an eighth-order spirit beast came, even they would have no choice but to run away, not caring about those younger generations.

After traveling for nearly half a day, Liu Chen didn't remember how many spirit beasts that suddenly jumped out, but he found out about Bai Lan's specific news from Song Yue.

Bai Lan became the most potential disciple of Immortal Sword Sect overnight, and inexplicably became the direct disciple of the sect master, with a high status.

He didn't even participate in this trial meeting. From the moment he joined the Immortal Sword Gate, he has been in retreat, and until now, he has not yet left.

But according to Song Yue's meaning, once Bai Lan leaves the customs, her cultivation will definitely break through the realm of fusion.


"Brother Song Yue, are your four major sects recruiting students from outside?" Liu Chen asked with a smile.

Song Yue nodded and said: "Of course, but the number of people recruited every year is extremely limited, only Jian Yuezong is different. Because they belong to the War Immortal Empire, they mainly recruit disciples from the royal family, and Yue Ling himself is also a warrior. A noble child of the Immortal Empire."

"Why, brother Liu Chen thought that our Immortal Sword Sect would come, then I really welcome it." Song Yue's voice changed, and the solicitation was beyond words.

Liu Chen and the others looked at each other, it's okay to go for a visit, but it's not necessary to join the sect.

Because no matter how strong the Immortal Sword Sect is, it cannot be the opponent of the Immortal Sect.

"Brother Song Yue, how about this, we will definitely go there when we have time, as long as we don't pretend we don't know each other." Shen Huan said with a smile.

Song Yue waved his hands again and again and said: "Then how could it be, if it wasn't for you this time, I am afraid that Yue Ling would not let us go."

At this moment, Liu Chen suddenly made a silent movement, and everyone's forward figure stopped, and the sky had already turned dark before they knew it.

I don't know when there was a thick fog in the forest, and it was extremely hazy under the moonlight. Although Liu Chen's spiritual sense could detect the surrounding area, he felt a little difficult at this time. The thick fog seemed to corrode the spiritual sense.

For a while, everyone stopped talking, and the forest at night was especially quiet, which made one's heart tremble. Coupled with the rising smog, it felt like falling into the land of the Nine Nethers, which was extremely terrifying.

"This fog is weird, everyone, be careful, don't get lost." Liu Chen whispered, a purple-gold dragon aura suddenly burst out from his body, and dozens of thick hurricane tornadoes suddenly appeared. It was extremely viscous, but it was still being blown away by the tornado.

As the smog cleared for a short time, there were thousands of small mounds densely packed on the ground in front of him.

These small mounds vary in size, the largest is two meters away, and the smallest is only the size of a palm, but without exception, there is a little thing like a hedgehog lying on its stomach in the center of the mound.

The little thing has thick limbs, but its body is extremely small. The big mouth occupies nearly half of the small face, and the eyes and nose are almost invisible.

The smog was constantly spit out from the big mouth, but within a moment, the smog dispersed by Liu Chen returned to its original state.

The smog in the air became thicker and thicker, and gradually even the people standing beside him couldn't see clearly, leaving only a vague shadow.

"Chen'er, come and eat quickly. Mother has cooked your favorite braised pork. Your father and your master are here."

Just when Liu Chen was in doubt, Liu Guanyun's voice came suddenly, and then Liu Chen was shocked to find that he was no longer in the forest, but returned to Dao Yangzong.

Liu Guanyun was smiling gently, standing at the door of the hut and waving to her constantly, the room was constantly wafting a strong smell of meat, it was Liu Chen's favorite braised pork.

All of this is extremely real, the colorful flowers all over the ground, with a touch of earthy atmosphere, make you feel comfortable, the stone floor under your feet is hard and flat, and you can even feel the hollow lines on it.

"Stupid boy, what are you doing standing there? Your mother is calling you." The voice from behind was calm and deep, with a touch of warmth.

Liu Chen turned his head, his pupils shrank sharply, the person standing behind him was none other than Fu Yunzi.

At this time, Fu Yunzi was smiling, showing the aura of a strong man in every gesture, dressed in a white brocade robe trimmed with gold silk, and wearing a swastika square scarf, with an imposing manner.

"Teacher, why are you here?" Liu Chen was confused at this time, this is the real fairy world, not the fairy world, nor the five great lands, how could he not be surprised to see Fu Yunzi standing in front of him at this time.

"Let's go, let the teacher have a taste of your mother's handicraft." Fu Yunzi patted Liu Chen's back and said with a smile.

Liu Chen's face was flat, and he quietly looked at the familiar environment around him. Although all of this was so real, even if it was someone else, he might be addicted to it in an instant.

However, although Liu Chen was young, he grew up under Fu Yunzi's teaching, obviously he knew much more than his peers.

Slowly closing his eyes, surging spiritual thoughts centered on himself like a storm, and the invisible spiritual thoughts instantly enveloped the small courtyard.

Slowly opening his eyes again, Liu Chen had returned to the forest again, and the surrounding smog had been pushed far away by him for hundreds of feet.

Except for myself, everyone in the open space closed their eyes tightly, and their expressions were either happy or sad, but their bodies remained motionless, which was very strange.

At this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly exploded, and Taotie's robes all over his body moved without wind. Immediately, nine blue lights burst out from his body and scattered towards the surroundings.

As soon as the blue light reached the air, it emitted countless blue arcs, and rushed towards those small mounds of dirt on the ground.

Puff puff!
Those little hedgehog-like creatures closed their mouths the moment the blue electric light appeared, trembling and screaming, as if they were extremely frightened.

Amidst the crackling sound of the electric light, everyone else opened their eyes in shock, with a trace of confusion in their eyes, as if they hadn't woken up, and were sleepy.

Taotie glanced at the crowd indifferently, and said: "Everyone, this little thing is called the Dry Land Fogger. It doesn't have any offensive power, but it can spew out smog when the night is dark. Once people get caught in it, they will see it." The things I keep thinking about in my mind may be people or things, and those with weaker minds will even sink forever, never being able to return to clarity, and then this little thing will suck people's brains to grow."

"Dry land fog, isn't this kind of spirit beast known as the beast of bliss? It is said that some royal nobles would keep this kind of spirit beast in captivity for their enjoyment." Song Yue said solemnly, if Taotie hadn't broken the illusion, he would have I'm afraid the others are still intoxicated.

Liu Chen said with a smile: "I've heard of this dry land smog before, but this is the first time I've encountered it. I didn't expect that I almost fell for it. This illusion is really powerful, and it's so lifelike."

"The battlefield of the immortals is really not easy. I'm afraid this place is not far from the Ascension to Lingtan. Everyone, we have to hurry up."

"By the way, what kind of treasure did you use just now, and why are those hazes on dry land so afraid." Song Yue continued.

Taotie smiled lightly, waved his hands, and nine emerald green and slender bamboo swords appeared in front of everyone. The bamboo swords were only three feet long, but emitted dazzling blue arcs, making chi-chi noises.

This set of mysterious treasures was handed over to him by Feng Xuan himself before parting. As the young master of the Taotie clan, he naturally has a matching set of mysterious treasures.

This set of profound treasures is on par with Liu Chen's Scarlet Phoenix Battle Sword. They are top-grade profound treasures, stronger than Pofeng.

(End of this chapter)

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