
Chapter 1292 Arrival

Chapter 1292 Arrival
Song Yue and his party all looked at the nine bamboo swords in the air with fiery eyes. At least on the surface, all of these nine bamboo swords were fine products.

"Well, could this be made by Qingleizhu? Hehe, today is really an eye-opener." Song Yue laughed loudly, with envy in his eyes.

Liu Chen was stunned. He naturally knew what Qinglei Bamboo was. It was also an extremely rare and rare bamboo. It seemed to only grow in magma and absorb the thunder energy of heaven and earth.

Taotie didn't point it out, he still understood the truth of the so-called crime of embracing a biscuit, if he let others know that he has a set of 49 bamboo swords made of dragon-pattern electric bamboo, he might be eager to snatch them.

The crowd just rested for a while, and then set out on the road again, this time it was Taotie who took the lead, relying on the nine bamboo swords, the surrounding smog was always a hundred feet away from everyone.

Those dry land mist also shrank into a ball and stopped breathing. Along the way, everyone found no less than hundreds of people addicted to it, and some of them were even covered with dry land mist.

After advancing for thousands of miles, finally those dry land mists have been left far behind, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This battlefield of immortals is really dangerous, and they will die if they are not careful.

But fortunately, Liu Chen and the others were lucky. After crossing the large area of ​​smog, what appeared in front of everyone was an extremely huge basin.

The basin is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, and there is no grass in it. There are only four strange-looking peaks. The peaks are the same thickness up and down, like four stone pillars. There is a deep cave at the top of the peak. The hole is round, as if it was dug out deliberately. Yes, very strange.

Obviously this is the center of the entire battlefield of the immortals. Liu Chen found that many people had already arrived before their group arrived.

However, compared to the tens of thousands of people, it was much less. Spiritual thoughts swept away. Liu Chen was pleasantly surprised to find that even with himself and others, there were less than 100 people here, and there were quite a few of them. It is a rather old elder.

It seems that there are not a few people trapped by the fog on the dry land. As time passed, the night gradually faded, and a ray of morning sun sprinkled on the basin, and the four peaks began to change colors continuously.

It was only at this time that Liu Chen discovered that there was a barrier outside the basin, and that barrier was like an upside-down bowl covering the entire basin.

Occasionally, bursts of piercing sounds could be heard in the air, and figures followed one after another.

After another moment, Chen Huang finally appeared with the disciples of the Immortal Sect and the royal family. Everyone gathered together and looked at the four peaks in the basin with fiery eyes.

At this moment, Yan Chunqiu's voice came faintly, resounding through the entire battlefield of the immortals, "The number is full, and all those who have not reached the basin all withdraw from the battlefield of the immortals."

The voice was slow and unusually heavy, like thunder from the sky, and the terrifying coercion swept across the entire battlefield of immortals in an instant.

The majesty of the Mahayana realm was so terrifying, except for everyone present, all the people who had fallen into the smog and illusion in the battlefield of the immortals all woke up at this moment.

Then they all cupped their hands towards the central area, and plundered towards the periphery. At this time, how dare they have the idea of ​​coveting Ascension to Lingtan? It's their burial place.

"All those who do not meet the requirements, please leave." Yan Chunqiu's voice sounded again.

"Liu Chen, take care of Yi'er, I'll take a step first." Chen Huang smiled at Liu Chen and the others, nodded to the few people behind him, and disappeared in front of everyone in a flash.

When only the young juniors remained, the figures of Yan Chunqiu and the others reappeared.

Yan Chunqiu said with a smile on his face: "Little guys, you are lucky. Next we will open the Ascension to Lingtan. As for the result, it depends on your own luck."

As Yan Chunqiu's voice fell, all the teenagers present raised their heads slightly, looking at the four mountain peaks in the distance, their eyes were shining with an inexplicable light.

Ascension to Lingtan will finally open.

Under the blinking eyes of everyone, the four of Yan Chunqiu slowly rushed out and came to the four peaks respectively.


The four of Yan Chunqiu shouted in unison, and shot a beam of light at the basin below. The next moment, the barrier covering the basin had dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, a prehistoric aura that seemed to have been dormant for a long time suddenly rose up, rushing towards Liu Chen and the others.

The four Mahayana realm powerhouses had already arrived at the sky above the cave entrance on the mountain peak. They immediately looked at each other and closed their eyes tightly at the same time, a terrifying coercion suddenly gushed out from their bodies.

All the teenagers present were short of breath, and their figures were slightly bent. The shock of the terrifying coercion was definitely not small for them.

But fortunately, the coercion of Yan Chunqiu and the others was not aimed at them, otherwise, with just this one blow, everyone would have to get down.

Four bright light marks flashed from between their eyebrows. The light marks were of different colors, but they all showed the appearance of sea urchins.

The next moment, four beams of light with a thickness of several feet shot out fiercely, piercing the sky, and the four-color beams of light converged at one point in the air, suddenly bursting into bright ripples of spiritual power, which rushed towards the basin.

In an instant, the entire basin moved. Under the astonished gazes of Liu Chen and others, the four towering peaks started to rotate. As the light continued to rise, the speed of rotation became faster and faster.

At the end, everyone just saw a hazy circle of light like a star shining, the dazzling light directly compared the shining sun in the sky, the sky and the earth seemed to be dimmed suddenly, leaving only the basin full of stars.

Boom boom boom!
The ground where everyone was standing was shaking crazily, as if a violent force from the center of the earth was rushing out.

This vibration lasted for a full stick of incense before it slowly calmed down. The light in the basin was dissipating, and streams of dense air gradually rose, and the spiritual power in the air was swept away, like a clear sky.

As the light dissipated, the basin appeared in front of everyone again, but the original basin had disappeared at this time.

The original four mountain peaks also disappeared, and what appeared in front of everyone was a pool of white light. The pool water was clear, and the milky white light continued to flow, but it was impossible to see how deep it was, and the bottom of the pool was pitch black. , as deep as bottomless.

Even though they were so far apart, Liu Chen and the others could still smell the constant fluctuations in the air. It was not spiritual power, but a strange energy. Just smelling it made people feel a sense of bliss.

The figures of Yan Chunqiu and the others floated in the air again. At this time, their faces were all slightly pale. It was obvious that opening the Ascension to Lingtan required a huge amount of spiritual energy.

The next moment, a figure appeared in an instant, it was Yao Zen, and he threw a elixir to Yan Chunqiu and the four of them respectively, and the four of Yan Chunqiu took it one after another, the paleness on their faces disappeared instantly, and the faint coercion disappeared. Diffuse out again.

"Boss Yao, this pill is really useful, can you give us a few more?" Tian Ruoshui in the blue robe said with a smile on his face.

Yao Chan rolled his eyes and said: "Old monster Shui, do you think this is broad beans? The success rate of this panacea is less than [-]%. Willing to waste it."

"Returning alchemy, tsk tsk, old monster medicine, I didn't expect you to be able to refine the flawless alchemy pill, hehe, it seems that your alchemy level has improved a lot, but the effect of this alchemy is really amazing, It actually replenished the spiritual power we consumed in an instant." Long Zhentian laughed and cast a thankful look at Yao Chan.

"Okay, Brother Chunqiu, it's getting late, let's arrange for those juniors to enter the pool, I wonder if these little fellows will be able to stay for ten days this time?" Kuang Zhan said.

Chunqiu chuckled and said: "I remember that the Ascension to Lingtan was opened countless times, but there were only a few people who could last ten days. After all, the power of ascension to the spirit is good, but it cannot be absorbed at will. In this case, Then let the little guys get started."


"Little guys, you can enter the pool now, but remember, if you feel unwell, call for help as soon as possible, we will always guard here, you don't need to worry." Yan Chunqiu looked at Liu Chen and others, and said with a smile.

Yan Chunqiu's words hadn't finished yet, those impatient youngsters had already jumped up, sprinted towards the Ascension to Spirit Pool, and disappeared in the pool in the blink of an eye.

"Let's all go down." Liu Chen's heart was throbbing, and the Ascension to Lingtan must have something extraordinary.

After advancing to the half-step combined state, Liu Chen felt that his cultivation speed had dropped significantly.

With a thought, everyone had already plunged into the pool. Since Song Yue and the other two were not up to the requirements, Luo Min and the others naturally followed Liu Chen.

There was no coolness in Shenglingtan, the moment Liu Chen entered the water, he only felt a rush of warmth rising from the soles of his feet, and his whole body was extremely warm and comfortable.

After entering the pool, Liu Chen didn't stop, but headed towards the depths of Shengling Pool, and Taotie and Chen Huan followed closely behind.

As for the others, they did not follow in an extremely tacit understanding. As they went deeper, the surrounding space became darker and darker, and the warm feeling became stronger and stronger.

They swept down a distance of several thousand feet, and the front was still dark. At this time, the light above their heads could hardly be seen clearly. Obviously, the sunlight was not enough to shine on their positions.

The four of them broke through the water like fish, without any hesitation, they plundered towards the bottom of the pool.

The white energy passing by in the pool was pouring into the bodies of the four of them. The energy was very magical. Liu Chen and the others felt that their bodies seemed to have endless strength. Their bones and tendons were extremely tight. stretch.

(End of this chapter)

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