
Chapter 1403 Breaking the Formation 2

Chapter 1403 Breaking the Formation II

Under such conditions, Gan Yu also lived up to expectations, relying on his perseverance and inhuman talent, he just reached the terrifying late stage of the fusion state before the age of 20.

And because of this, he was identified as the young man most likely to become the Son of God in this class, and he could practice with the Sun and Moon Sages.

With a chuckle, Gan Yu slowly closed his eyes again, but there seemed to be a touch of coldness spreading from the corner of his mouth.

"The position of the Holy Son is not within your reach. I will definitely clean up all obstacles, even if your talent is against the sky."

In the fourth floor, the three figures frantically swallowed spiritual power, and the flickering light around them wavered with terrifying coercion.

Above the vast ocean, the small island where the Qing Emperor's tomb is located looms in the thick fog, and any living beings who approach here are blocked outside, except of course the eight gifted teenagers. .

Above the small island, a space slowly distorted at this moment, the power of the space was rippling, and then as a dark door like an ice sculpture slowly flashed, a series of figures with strong aura stepped out of the door, quietly stand empty.

The leader, dressed in azure blue clothes, was none other than Gan Yu. At this time, he was smiling like a spring breeze, and his gestures and gestures were faintly causing fluctuations in this space.

Although that kind of aura is already extremely obscure, it is far beyond the average strong person in the combined state.

Even Qian Yu has never enjoyed the one-year training in the eighth-level spirit gathering array. The kind of unscrupulous absorption of spiritual power to strengthen oneself without worrying about any consumption is really fascinating.

Liu Chen came out after Shen Yu. He was still dressed in a clean blue shirt, and he didn't seem to have a strong aura.

But Liu Chen's eyes were brighter than ever before, not lavender, nor deep black, but filled with the light of stars, like a vast galaxy, boundless.

Looking at the two figures in front of him, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth curled up slightly, "Oh, you are indeed geniuses, I'm really envious."

I thought to myself, but there was no envy in Liu Chen's eyes, that kind of clarity seemed to be able to see through everything, revealing calmness and tranquility.

"You are not the only ones who have improved."

Liu Chen touched the tip of his nose, smiled lightly, and said to himself.

Naturally, Shi Zunlin and the others followed Liu Chen and the others. On the third floor, although they were not as good as the eighth-level Spirit Gathering Formation on the fourth floor, their progress was very obvious.

The occasional fluctuations of spiritual power constantly oscillated in the space, obviously much stronger than before.

"Hehe, it seems that your harvest is good." The huge body of the dark ice turtle suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and the eyes on the huge head were full of white lights.

"Thank you for the gift, senior." Gan Yu bowed his hands to the Dark Ice Turtle.

"Senior Xuan Gui, I don't know, can we enter the Qing Emperor's tomb now?" You Rang stepped forward and said loudly.

The Dark Ice Turtle turned around the giant, and then glanced at You Rang beside Gan Yu, the white glow in his eyes flickered slightly.

"Of course, the old man still has this credit. However, the old man has something to say first, so don't bother the dead soul of the Qing Emperor. Otherwise, even if there are obstacles, the old man will definitely kill him."

Gan Yu took a deep breath and said, "Senior Xuangui, please rest assured that Master Qingdi is an elder we admire, and we are only here to complete a task, and we will not disturb his cleanliness."

"Well, that's good, you can go in, but you must come out within ten days anyway." Dark Ice Turtle said.

All the teenagers nodded one after another, not daring to disobey in the slightest. Even if their strength has greatly increased now, they must not be the opponent of the old turtle in front of them.

After the Dark Ice Turtle finished speaking, its huge body quickly disappeared, revealing the small island behind it.

The tomb of the Qing Emperor is on this small island.


"Hehe, brother Liu Chen, can you find out where the entrance to the Qing Emperor's tomb is with your divine sense?" Qian Yu looked at Liu Chen and said with a light smile.

Liu Chen smiled knowingly, and glanced at the small island in front of him, the light of stars suddenly surged in his clear eyes, and then the three-dimensional map of this small island appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness almost perfectly.

Everything was so clear, and the feeling of seeing every detail was so beautiful that Liu Chen was stunned for a moment.

He was ecstatic in his heart, but his face was as normal as usual, his eyes flashed slightly, and in just breathing time, Liu Chen could see the small island clearly, including those extremely obscure existences.

The light in his eyes slowly faded, Liu Chen smiled lightly and raised his hand, pointing at a place on the small island.

"If I look right, the entrance should be there."

After Liu Chen finished speaking, everyone including Shi Zunlin followed Liu Chen's fingers.

In the direction Liu Chen pointed, there is a dense forest, compared with other places, there is no slight difference, not even a trace of strangeness.

"Hmph, there's nothing there." You Rang looked at Liu Chen with a cold gaze.

Gan Yu stared at it for a while, but he didn't see any clues, but he didn't speak, but just looked at Liu Chen quietly, obviously he didn't think Liu Chen's words were groundless, maybe there was something really there.

The corner of Liu Chen's mouth twitched, his hands suddenly opened to the sides, and his eyes became wider again.

And at this moment, everyone's expressions changed abruptly, and a strange wave swayed from Liu Chen's body in an instant, then passed through their bodies without hindrance, and then expanded towards the island in a fan shape.

Without waiting for them to question, the small island in front of him suddenly became extremely clear, which was a very strange feeling.

But the forest that Liu Chen was pointing to dissipated under this kind of fluctuation, revealing a mountain peak of hundreds of feet.

That mountain peak is very strange, it looks more like a towering giant tree from the front, and some round holes are densely hollowed out on the mountain.

There seemed to be some emerald green light shining in that hole, and a powerful and rich life energy continuously rose out of it.

The peak of the mountain peak is a small flat land, and in the center of the flat land, there seems to be a throne carved out of stone.

Behind the throne, a shallow emerald light curtain covered a hole, which must be the entrance of Qingdi's tomb.

When the strange fluctuation dissipated from Gan Yu and the others, the extremely perfect feeling also disappeared.

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Gan Yu's gaze towards Liu Chen changed again, even Shi Zunlin's face was full of fear at this moment.

As a genius leader in the stone field, he naturally knew that the fluctuation just now was divine thoughts.

And when that divine sense passed over him, Shi Zunlin seemed to feel that he had become transparent, and even his heartbeat stopped for a moment at that moment.

Glancing at the figure in the green shirt out of the corner of his eyes, Shi Zunlin's eyes finally lost the look of contempt, and what followed was a strong killing intent.

The fluctuation of that kind of divine sense is far behind even some elders, and that kind of coercion is not weaker than the existence of the great perfection of the state of integration to a certain extent.

This kid must not be left behind, and must be killed with all his strength. For Shi Yu, the growth of Mu Yu is definitely the last thing they want to see.

Liu Chen didn't know it, but because of his action, Shi Zunlin already had the will to kill in his bones, even the will to complete it at the expense of himself.

The Baizhang mountain peak slowly dissipated in front of everyone's eyes, and in almost everyone's eyes, there was a glow of scorching heat.

The tomb of the Qing Emperor is a true Mahayana relic, and it is guarded by the dark ice turtle. I believe this relic must be extremely complete.

As the former head of the Qianlan Mansion, Emperor Qing's prestige in the Demon God Continent even surpassed some ancient powers.

He is also known as one of the most talented Mahayanas, but he doesn't know why he suddenly fell.

And Gan Yu and others seemed to keep secret about the cause of Qing Emperor's death, obviously there were some unspeakable things in it.


Above the forest, the figures of eight teenagers quietly flashed.

After closing his eyes and exploring for a while, Gan Yu still shook his head with a wry smile on his face, and said: "I can't see anything unusual in this area, even the spiritual power fluctuates as usual, the tomb of the Qing Emperor is really not simple. "

"It's just that I didn't expect that Brother Liu Chen's spiritual attainment is so high. It seems that you have to rely on Brother Liu Chen to enter the Qing Emperor's Tomb." Qian Yu looked at Liu Chen with a light smile, and nodded.

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth turned slightly, and he said with a slight smile: "Brother Gan Yu, the entrance to the Qing Emperor's tomb is actually hidden in a maze. With all due respect, although I know a thing or two about the formation, I don't understand it. How to arrange, if you want to break the maze here, you only need to arrange two green wood formations, and it should be fine."

"Oh? Is that so?" Qian Yu put his hands behind his back, looking calm and breezy, quite handsome.

Liu Chen's eyes were steady, his expression didn't change, he just nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Qian Yu suddenly had a dark and cold light in his deep eyes, but his face was still full of smiles.

"Since brother Liu Chen said so, there shouldn't be anything wrong. I have done some research on the construction of this formation. Although the Qingmu formation is complicated, it can be done with reluctance." Like sweeping out.

"Brother Gan Yu, don't worry, those two green wood formations must be constructed at the same time, otherwise it may trigger the killing formation here." Liu Chen said with his chin slightly raised.

Gan Yu's eyes turned cold, and then he smiled again: "Construct two ways at the same time?"

Liu Chen has such good eyesight and perception, even though the murderous intent was short-lived, he still noticed it, sneered in his heart, nodded and said: "Yes, according to my investigation, this labyrinth seems to be built with the entrance as the eye of the formation. Yes, but the throne you saw just now is the second eye of the formation, which must be broken at the same time to break the formation."

Don't look at what Liu Chen said clearly, but he is really a layman when it comes to formations.

(End of this chapter)

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