
Chapter 1404 Puppet

Chapter 1404 Puppet

Same as alchemist, to become a qualified array mage, one must have extraordinary mental strength.

Although Liu Chen knew nothing about formations, it didn't mean he couldn't break formations.

For this maze, Liu Chen didn't know how to break it, he just copied the formation accurately and rubbed it into the sea of ​​consciousness through perception.

As for Hei Zu's eyes, he knew the way to break the formation, and it was just conveyed by Liu Chen.

With Liu Chen's affirmation, Qian Yu smiled, and the eyes shot out, and the majestic spiritual thoughts burst out from the center of his brows, and then he glanced at the two places Liu Chen said at an extremely fast speed. out.

Although spiritual thoughts are intangible, they are indispensable to construct formations.

I saw dry feather robes fluttering, close to the front of the body, the faint blue spiritual power of the index fingers of both hands turned into silk, entwined and meandering.

It's just that between breaths, the two almost identical formation outlines were constructed at the same speed.

The next moment, Gan Yu's body split into two instantly, and the two figures each entered a formation, dazzling blue light flying in front of everyone.

His body skills are extremely fast, and the formation of formations is a bit like a master.

Liu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to also practice formation and divine thoughts. However, you are also a formation master. Compared with An Wu, you are still too far behind." Liu Chen thought to himself.

This green wood formation was created by Emperor Qing himself, as long as it is a formation master, it can be constructed. Of course, the power is different from person to person.

Concentrating and calming down is the most important thing in constructing the formation. The so-called concentration is not distracted, the formation is formed naturally, and there is no room for any negligence and distraction at this time.

Liu Chen was surprised that Qian Yu could use it in a distracted manner and build two formations at the same time.

Although Liu Chen has never constructed formations himself, the tortuous and mysterious patterns alone must require an extremely powerful sense of consciousness. With Liu Chen's talent for formations, he just looked at it, and he didn't feel very comfortable. Comfortable.

The speed of constructing the formation seems to be faster than Liu Chen imagined. When Qian Yu's figure merged into one and appeared in front of everyone again, two mutually bending light patterns finally formed slowly and merged into the giant formation. middle.

Gan Yu's complexion was slightly pale, and he was panting a little. A few drops of cold sweat had inadvertently dripped down his smooth forehead, but his eyes were full of excitement.

Constructing two formations at the same time, even a genius like him, is not fully sure. If the strength is not soaring, the chances of failure will expand infinitely, but it is still a success.


The light of the two green wood formations suddenly rose sharply, and immediately the strong fluctuations permeated the air instantly, turning into thousands of zhang ripples and swaying far away.

After the fluctuation, the forest here twisted quickly, and then dissipated, and the Baizhang Mountain peak appeared in front of everyone again.

Seeing and feeling at such a close distance, even Liu Chen was secretly startled. This mountain peak was so ugly that it was not an exaggeration to describe it as ugly, but the powerful breath of life made everyone feel comfortable.

Without the slightest procrastination, everyone escaped from the sky and headed towards the entrance one after another.

With the entry of the eight teenagers, the space fluctuated rapidly again. The next moment, the forest that had disappeared returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

On the side of the small island, two giant eyes like lanterns have been watching the movement here.

And when the eight teenagers found the entrance and broke through the maze, there was strong interest surging in those shining white eyes.

In the void, there seemed to be a deep thunder sounding.

"Hey, little ones, if you want to complete the sky-level mission, the tomb of the Qing Emperor is not so easy to break into."


As the space changed, everyone's eyes lit up.

This place is simply a green world, covered with various plants and vegetation. Although there are no towering giant trees, there are elixir everywhere. A passage made of striped boulders splits the grass in two.

Wood attribute spiritual power, with such a strong wood attribute spiritual power, it's no wonder there is such a strong wave of life breath.

Among the five elements, wood is the main growth, endless, thriving, wild fire is endless, spring breeze blows and regenerates, you know, almost all plants have the breath of wood attribute.

What a land of Cyanwood Cave.

Feeling the breath of life rippling in the air, Gan Yu and the others did not relax at all.

Even if the Mahayana powerhouse perishes, that kind of power is extremely powerful, and it is not something they can easily offend in the combined state.

They would not naively think that the tomb of the Qing Emperor was a place of good fortune. No matter how tolerant and kind the Qing Emperor was before him, he would obviously not welcome those who violated his pure land.

No matter when and where, be careful is the last word.

The stone road is long and long, and the scenery on both sides is constantly changing. Whether it is a grassland, a sea of ​​flowers, or a turbulent stream, it is full of auspiciousness, but the more it is like this, the more uneasy it makes everyone feel.

"Hey, that's it."

After walking for several hours, Qian Yu paused, looked ahead, and said lightly.

Everyone looked forward, only to realize that the long stone road seemed to have come to an end.

At the end of the stone road is a huge double gate made of bronze. Hundreds of stone men are neatly lined up on both sides of the huge gate.

Those stone figurines looked like real people, even their body shapes and expressions were so lifelike, if there wasn't any breath coming out, Liu Chen and the others might have made a move.

Standing still for a moment, everyone saw that there was nothing unusual, and then walked slowly and cautiously.

When passing by those stone figures, Liu Chen's eyes moved slightly, and his divine sense turned into a big net covering both sides, and then probed these stone figures very finely.

The next moment, a look of shock appeared in Liu Chen's eyes, because he discovered that these stone figures were not stone figures in the true sense, and under that layer of rock was a reddish-yellow fine copper.

On the chest of almost every stone man, there seems to be a palm-sized rune inscription.

It's just that the runes at this time are extremely dim and gray, obviously because they haven't been activated for a long time.

Along the way, Liu Chen counted carefully and found that there happened to be 220 stone figures here, 110 on each side, and each stone figure had exactly the same look, figure, and even posture.

Liu Chen noticed that all the stone figures were slightly sideways, looking at the huge bronze gate in front of them, as if they were paying homage to something.

The bronze portal is very tall, with some mysterious runes engraved on both sides, but it is all gray, without the slightest breath escaping.

The door is tightly closed, and there are two huge pull rings on it. There seem to be some lines carved on the bronze door. The lines are not complicated, and it seems to vaguely present a scene of a green dragon soaring and chasing the sun.

Looking carefully, the blue dragon's eyes are empty, but it has no eyeballs. It has five claws under its belly. The fine dragon scales can't be seen clearly, but it gives people a lifelike feeling.

The blue dragon chasing the sun is not chasing the purple sun of the Demon God Continent, but a dark and cold star, which is obviously pitch black.

Occasionally, a strange light was projected, but when Liu Chen wanted to take a closer look, he couldn't see anything unusual anymore.

Standing in front of the gate, none of the teenagers moved. If you move rashly in this kind of place, it is definitely not a joke. No one knows whether Emperor Qing has placed any powerful restraint measures in his tomb.

After a while, there was still no abnormality. With a movement, Shen Yu took a step forward, raised his right hand lightly, and pushed towards the huge door knocker.

In this space, a needle could be heard at this moment, including Liu Chen, they all looked at Shen Yu a little nervously, watching his right hand lightly touch the slightly shiny bronze door knocker.


The clear and crisp sound of bronze clashing quickly diffused, and then swayed far into the surrounding space, the sound was long and lingering.

Hum, click.

The buzzing sound and the sound of stone cracking sounded almost at the same time. Liu Chen's pupils narrowed slightly, and he looked to the side. At this time, a stone man next to him gradually appeared some fine cracks, and fine stone chips were constantly peeled off.

"Fast back."

Qian Yu drank lightly, and retreated rapidly, followed by Liu Chen and the others, flying a thousand meters away in a breath.

As their figures fell, all the teenagers looked forward solemnly. There, all the stone men peeled off the stone layers on their bodies at this time, revealing the smooth red-yellow fine copper body below.

A majestic aura suddenly gushed out from those stone men. By the way, they can't be called stone men at this time, they should be bronze men.

"Oh, it turned out to be a weapon puppet. Senior Qingdi is really interested." Qian Yu chuckled lightly, his eyes flashed brightly, his hands were clasped, and his sleeves encouraged him.

Although the more than 200 people in the Void Refining Realm do not constitute any threat in the eyes of Liu Chen and others, if they are placed elsewhere, they will definitely be a huge force that cannot be underestimated.

A powerful puppeteer can turn ordinary things into powerful killers, and is the existence that everyone talks about.

Although the strength of the puppet master itself may not be strong, the existence of controlling hundreds or even more powerful puppets with a wave of his hand can definitely make people dread.

Generally speaking, puppets do not possess intelligence. They don't know pain, and the only thing they know is to obey their master's instructions.

However, Liu Chen knew that the most powerful existence among puppets could be equipped with spiritual intelligence, and to that extent, it could even be no different from a real person.

However, since ancient times, the number of such puppets has been extremely rare. First, there are very few puppet masters who can make such puppets.

Second, once the puppet has spiritual intelligence, there will be a risk of backlash and change of owner. It is said that this risk is unavoidable, and it seems to be derived from the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth.

At the moment when Liu Chen was in a daze, the more than 200 bronze humanoid puppets rushed towards Shen Yu with astonishing fluctuations in spiritual power, and half of them rushed towards Shen Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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