
Chapter 1410 Beheading

Chapter 1410 Beheading
In the meridians, purple-gold spiritual power roared out of his body, and then there were purple-gold dragon patterns floating around Liu Chen's body.

"Break it for me."

The dragon groaned, and Liu Chen's fists trembled with golden lights. The next moment, all those strange fluctuations disappeared.


The violent dragon energy was like the power of heaven and earth, covering Shi Zunlin's whole body, Shi Zunlin let out a violent shout, and blasted out his fists again.

The four fists intersected, and the muffled sound resounded through the space. The flying dust and stone chips all over the sky were also swept away in the burst of energy.


Shi Zunlin's figure retreated as quickly as a meteorite, then left a deep mark on the ground, and finally hit the stone wall fiercely.

The stone wall seemed to be made of a very strange material, and even such a level of impact did not cause a single crack to appear on it, only some white marks appeared.

Following Shi Zunlin's retreating figure, Liu Chen's face was indifferent, and he slammed down his fists again, with such momentum that he clearly did not hold back his hands at all.

He remembered what Mu Ye, the master of the stone region, said to him, don't hold back when you meet people from the stone region.

Shi Zunlin snatching Fu Yu in front of him gave Liu Chen a good excuse to do so.

If you want to rob, then rob, but what I want is your life.

With just one collision, Shi Zunlin was defeated.

At this moment, his contempt was finally gone in his heart, no wonder even that Gan Yu was a little afraid of Liu Chen, in terms of strength, Liu Chen had far surpassed him now.

The unwillingness and anger in his heart skyrocketed again at this moment, and he felt Liu Chen's sharp fist blowing towards his face. .

Shi Zunlin roared deep in his throat, and the light in his eyes shot out, completely turning into a red-yellow color, dazzling like a spar.

"Earth escape decision."

Amidst the loud shouts, brilliant runes poured out from Shi Zunlin's fists continuously, and at this moment he was like a beast made of rock.

All the strength in the late stage of the combined state was crushed out, and that violent momentum immediately caused a few small sounds of surprise from other places in this space.

The space filled with smoke and dust shook violently at this moment, and then Liu Chen saw, above Shi Zunlin's head, a round black hole suddenly emerged.

The next moment, large stocks of grayish-yellow quagmire-like things poured down from it.

The majestic earth attribute breath gave people a feeling of suffocation, and below, Shi Zunlin's fists were already coming towards Liu Chen with bright patterns of light.

The gray-yellow space suddenly appeared between his fists, appearing heavy and thick.

Exercising three secret techniques at the same time, even Shi Zunlin's physical strength has reached the limit. At this moment, all the cracks and blood flowed out of his rock-like skin.

Cold sweat trickled down his resolute face, but his eyes were full of sharpness and excitement.

Although the spiritual power in his body was rapidly consumed, the feeling of being full of strength after performing three secret techniques in succession was really great.

He believed that with these three moves, even in the face of the previous Qing Emperor puppet, he must have the power to fight, and the kid in front of him will never be spared.


With a violent roar, Shi Zunlin's body bumped into the stone wall bounced at high speed, and his fists were swung out like mountains, and the lines of light gradually shone.

The grayish-yellow mire hanging above the head suddenly fluctuated, and turned into a terrifying creature in the blink of an eye.

That thing was covered in red and yellow, shaped like a giant python, like a rock, with black eyes all over its huge body, it was very frightening.

Like a creature summoned from the Nine Serenity Hell, that kind of coercion has even faintly reached the level of the Great Perfection of the Fusion Realm.


Shi Zunlin spit out a mouthful of dirty blood, but the light in his eyes became brighter. While roaring, the terrifying True Immortal Art enveloped Liu Chen.

The speed is extremely terrifying, and even this space cannot be restrained for half a point.

The distance between the two was close, so with such an acceleration, that kind of attack almost fell down instantly.

And Liu Chen also seemed unable to dodge, it seemed that Liu Chen himself ran into Shi Zunlin's attack.

The huge red-yellow creature in the air roared and leaped into the original world. As the light flickered, the strange space gradually shrunk and disappeared into the stone room with a bang.

"Hmph, those things that don't know how to live or die, stay in the original world until they die."

Seeing the wave of spiritual power dissipated in front of him, Shi Zunlin breathed a sigh of relief, and cursed viciously. Although there was no blood left on his face at this time, his eyes were full of sneering.

The stripping of the original world in the earth escape can move any creature or thing out of the space here, and all the things that are moved out will be thrown into a mysterious space.

That is the original world, where there is no life, no spiritual power, and even the most basic air.

There are only dead silence and horror. Any existence thrown into the original world will be reduced to dust in a very short period of time, even Mahayana powerhouses are no exception.

However, some things are not as simple as they appear on the surface, and perhaps the so-called results will be completely subverted in the next moment.

Shi Zunlin leaned against the stone wall and sat down slumped. The pressure Liu Chen brought to him was so great that he chose to attack with all his strength without the slightest hesitation.

But this also exhausted the spiritual power in his body, and using Huangquan Tianluo would have certain side effects, that is, the sense of spiritual power would become extremely blurred in the next few hours.

Now he doesn't dare to use other means, otherwise his meridians will be destroyed, and his dantian will be broken. It is not impossible. He killed Liu Chen and got a piece of talisman jade. This is already an excellent result.

"Hmph, when I recover, I will definitely have a place in this group of heroes. Hehe, what is Mu Yu, he will be trampled under my feet by Shi Yu in the future, and I will never recover."

Shi Zunlin carefully absorbed the spiritual power in the air to restore himself, and he began to imagine the scene of being rewarded by the domain master himself when he returned to the stone domain in his mind.

"Brother Shi is such a good trick, he almost died in your hands."

Crisp laughter came from Shi Zunlin's side, but Shi Zunlin's smiling face was completely frozen at this moment.

A bone-piercing chill suddenly rose.He turned his face tremblingly, when a blue shirt appeared in his pupils, an expression of disbelief quickly climbed onto his face.

"You, you, how is it possible, absolutely impossible." Shi Zunlin pointed at the figure with his right hand, his eyes were full of fear.

The figure in the green shirt was none other than Liu Chen.

At this time, there is no sign of him being injured at all, and before, Shi Zunlin watched him being sucked into the swamp of the underworld and swallowed by the original world. Could it be that what happened before was just an illusion.

In fact, this is not an illusion, Liu Chen just cast the first level of Lunar Eye at the moment of attacking the body, the ability to switch between real and illusory worlds in an instant is too heaven-defying.

What Shi Zunlin saw was just an illusion that Liu Chen could create. Moon Eyes claimed to be able to bounce back all unfavorable damage, but it was not a real rebound. In Liu Chen's view, it was more appropriate to call it swallowing.

"Is there anything impossible? Don't you like stealing other people's things very much? Now it's my turn."

Liu Chen evilly smiled, and the chill in his eyes suddenly shot out. Amidst the thunder, his figure appeared in front of Shi Zunlin as if teleporting, and the dragon pattern appeared on his fists, and he blasted out brazenly.


The violent sound reverberated in this stone room, and after that, Shi Zunlin retreated crazily in the spurt of blood, his face was full of horror and fear at this time, and the previous joy was completely gone.

The body is exhausted, the meridians are broken, and even the solid chest is deeply sunken, and the eyes are gray and white.

The smoke and dust filled the air, Liu Chen walked out slowly, and walked towards Shi Zunlin's limp body. At this time, other people in the stone room had discovered the situation here.

And when they saw Shi Zunlin's body lying on the ground, except for Qian Yu and Shen Yu, Yourang's faces began to twitch.

Liu Chen came to Shi Zunlin's side, turned his head and grinned at the crowd, showing his white teeth, while his right fist was raised high, and amidst the sound of dragon chant, that right fist was already smashed down hard.


The sound of bones breaking suddenly came from Shi Zunlin's collapsed chest, and a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out, staining the wall red, and his aura finally dissipated at this moment.

"Since you dare to steal something, you have to live with it, brother Shi, you say so."

Liu Chen smiled lightly and took the talisman jade from Shi Zunlin's hand, then skillfully withdrew a light yellow storage ring from his finger, and threw it into his Sumeru Ring casually.

Then flicked his right hand, and a black flame shot out like a line of fire, hitting Shi Zunlin's body.

Under Hei Yan's calcination, Shi Zunlin's body melted continuously, and with just a breath, a genius in the stone domain, a strong man in the realm of fusion, completely dissipated in this world.

In the stone room, the smoke and dust all over the sky finally dissipated slowly at this moment, and the figures of the young men also gradually appeared.

On the other side of the stone room, Xun Feng's body was lying on the cold ground. He didn't have any wounds on his body, and even his clothes were very intact, but his face was extremely ugly, bleeding to death from seven holes.

Liu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, this Xunfeng's strength was even stronger than Shi Zunlin's, unexpectedly he was dealt with, but he didn't know whose hands he died in.

"Since the mission at the sky level has been completed, maybe it's time for us to leave here." Qian Yu said with a chuckle.

"Yes, this first stage is also at the end, and we can go to have a good gamble next."

Mingkui continued what Qian Yu said, with a pair of slender eyes looking towards Ling Xiaomo from time to time.

"Let's go, everyone."

Gan Yu took out the black round jade, stretched out his right hand, and shot out a burst of spiritual power. Immediately, the round jade spun rapidly, and strong spatial fluctuations filled the small stone room instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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