
Chapter 1411 End of Phase 1

Chapter 1411 The end of the first stage
The next moment, the figures of Liu Chen and the others twisted rapidly and slowly dissipated.

The stone chamber became silent again, leaving only Xunfeng's body and stone powder all over the floor.


Amidst the buzzing sound, an illusory figure slowly emerged, the figure was extremely blurry, but the face was clearly visible, and it was exactly the same as the previous Qingdi puppet.

Between his hands, there seemed to be two talisman jades quietly floating with dim light.

That seems to be the six talisman jades obtained by Liu Chen and others earlier. It turned out that these talisman jades originally had eight pieces, but for some reason, two pieces were hidden by some means.


In the land of stones, on the cracked earth, ten thousand zhang stone mountains stand like knives, and on a [-] zhang peak that reaches the sky, there is a huge stone palace.

On the stone palace, in the throne, an incomparably strong figure sits quietly cross-legged with terrifying coercion. On both sides of it, there are many strong men fighting each other.

Almost all of them are strong men above the Fusion Realm, and at this time, when they looked at the figure on the throne, their eyes were a little dodge.

"Shi Bin, you said that Xiao Linzi's Primordial Spirit card was broken, but is it true?" The figure on the throne made a sound slowly, the sound was like a boulder rolling down from the top of a mountain, with a thick and muffled thunder.

"Reporting to the domain master, there is indeed such a thing, and it seems that there is not even a trace of primordial spirit left behind."

Under the throne, a figure shrouded in black and yellow robes half-knelt, arched his hands forward, and said tremblingly.

"Hmph, it's really a good way to keep your soul alive, let me check it. Which domain did it, hmph, I, Shi Yu, are not easy to bully."

"Yes, I will obey the domain master's will." The half-kneeling figure slowly breathed a sigh of relief.With a tremor, he disappeared into the stone palace.


Xunhe Mansion, in the airspace.

"What, Feng'er is dead, how is it possible, let me check it out, get out."

"No matter who dares to kill my grandson, I will never let him die, hmph."

That was the most beloved grandson of the Lord of the Skyspace, and also the future successor of the Skyspace, the true favored son of heaven, who unexpectedly died in this group of heroes.

All the high-level people were sensationalized, and even many strong men proposed to go to the Qianlan Mansion to investigate the murderer, vowing to catch the murderer and tear his body into tens of thousands of pieces to relieve the hatred.

All of a sudden, on the mainland, strong men rushed out one after another, and many of them were secretly assigned to investigate the whereabouts of the geniuses in the family.


In the dim yellow world of the dark sky, there are very few people at this time, because all the teenagers who accepted the task and successfully completed it were transported to another space, where the second stage of the gamble will take place.

This space is still without boundaries, but the environment is much better than the Dark Sky Realm, at least there are stars shining here.

Although the stars are still invisible, those stars sometimes turn into meteors and fly far away, and sometimes surround them with some strange shapes, which is very novel.

This is where the second stage takes place, the astral realm in the dark sky realm.

At this time, there are already quite a few teenagers clustered together, or sitting cross-legged in meditation, or whispering softly, but there is a hint of excitement in the twinkling eyes.

For them, after completing the task of the first stage, as long as the second and third stages are not too bad, they will not quit the Heroes Club.

In other words, they all have the opportunity to go to the Qianlan Holy City and see the demeanor of the Sun and Moon Sages, which is a great honor.

This space is covered with bluestone high platforms hundreds of feet wide, but at this time those high platforms are covered by light curtains.

And all the teenagers are sitting cross-legged around those high platforms, it seems that the spiritual power there is relatively stronger.

In the place close to the center, almost every figure there is filled with extremely terrifying aura fluctuations. Among them are many talented youngsters who have reached the level of fusion. Most of them are the top [-] masters in the genius gold list.

In the very center, there is an independent area, which is empty, but no one dares to step in casually.

Even though the spiritual power there is extremely strong, even comparable to the level of the seventh-order spirit gathering formation, no one dares to go beyond half a step.

This area is exclusively for the completion of heavenly tasks. Almost all of them are in the top ten of the genius gold list, possessing extremely powerful strength, and they are also the best candidates for the Holy Son this time.

Holy Son is not only an honor, it symbolizes that you have the opportunity and strength to surpass all living beings, and you can be favored by the Sages. Just thinking about that kind of thing makes those bloody teenagers full of envy and hatred.

In the sky above the central area, an old figure floated quietly. He was wearing a navy blue robe, and his crooked body was curled up.

He looked like an old man. At this moment, he squinted his eyes half-closed. He didn't seem to have the slightest interest in the boys below him, but just closed his eyes and rested his mind.


The space below suddenly distorted at a certain moment, and this scene also attracted the attention of many teenagers. It seemed that someone had completed the task and was teleported here.

The next moment, seven figures stepped out neatly from the fluctuations in space. The person in charge had an indifferent complexion and was very eye-catching in a red dress.

And after that, three young girls with different looks and tastes stood one after another, and there were also three young boys with strong aura.

"Hey, what a beautiful girl, look, that woman in red looks very interesting at first glance." A frivolous young man looked at it with a smile, his eyes twinkling.

"No way, the girl in the black dress is the real stunner. Look at that figure, it's really amazing. Hehe, I don't know what it feels like to press her under him and surge violently."

The boy on the side disagreed, but looked at another girl.

"Hey, you guys are still picky about fat and thin. Such characters are rare, but I don't know what kind of genius they are."

Those who stepped out of the space were none other than Mu Yu's group, Ji Shaoze, Mu Xiaoju and others.

Ji Shaoze glanced around indifferently, but found no trace of Liu Chen, and immediately sneered, his whole body was filled with aura, like a sharp sword unsheathed, swaying far away with incomparably fierce power.

Feeling the surging coercion, the few people who were still joking before shut up immediately. The strongest among them is only in the Void Realm, and they dare not have the slightest presumptuousness when facing the strong ones in the Composite Realm. Heart.

Ji Shaoze looked at the boys coldly, then slowly withdrew his coercion, took Mu Xiaoju and the others to look down, and found a random place to sit quietly, ignoring the curious gazes cast from around him.

After another moment, the humming sounded again, and the space fluctuated, but that fluctuation happened to be located in the most central area.

"Hey, they are finally coming out. I wonder if Brother Liu Chen's current strength has improved again."

Huo Da chuckled and looked towards that space. His current strength has also reached the Great Perfection of the Void Refining Realm, and obviously he has also gained a lot of benefits in the Dark Heaven Realm.


The humming sound was extremely loud this time, and even the old man who squinted his eyes slowly straightened up and looked there with interest.


Six figures flashed from the space one by one, and with their appearance, almost all the teenagers focused their attention, they all wanted to see what kind of genius these teenagers who had accepted the mission of the sky level were.

In the bright star world, all the teenagers stared at the six figures in the most central area.

The person in charge is none other than Gan Yu. As the number one on the genius gold list, Gan Yu's reputation is even comparable to some old guys who are not born in the world, but his strength is obvious to all.

Born in Qianlan Mansion, he has resources that others can't even imagine, and some people will be jealous of that kind of resources.

What's more, as the future palace master recognized by Qianlan Mansion, Qian Yu was really endowed with too much aura.

For most of the teenagers present, Qian Yu was the only goal in their minds. They thought they were not weak in talent, so of course they were unwilling to look up to others, but Qian Yu made them have to look up.

She was dressed in azure blue clothes, her black hair was draped over her shoulders chicly, her handsome face was covered with a soft smile, and with her hands behind her back, an elegant temperament emanated inadvertently.

With a handsome and suave face, tyrannical strength, and amazing talent, this kind of boy will never lack followers no matter where he goes.

And Gan Yu is the male god in the eyes of those girls. At this time, the girls present have red eyes, peach blossom faces, and are beyond fair.

However, not everyone has a good impression of Qian Yu, at least those who rank extremely high on the genius gold list are somewhat dissatisfied.

They haven't really played against each other, so today's genius gold list is not very convincing.

And as a grand event held every five years in the Demon God Continent, the Heroes' Meeting is obviously more impactful. If you want to shine in the mainland and become a talented young man admired by thousands of people, then the most direct way is to show your strength in this Heroes' Meeting.

These teenagers come from all over the Demon God's Continent. Although their strength varies, they all have a passionate nature. Most of them are the most outstanding children of their respective families.

But here, they are just ordinary people. This kind of strong contrast even drives them crazy.

After seeing so many geniuses, the vigor in their hearts is gradually wearing away, while their xinxing is constantly growing.

Even if they can't get any good rankings in this group of heroes, that kind of growth is irreversible, and it may affect their whole life.

It has to be said that the Heroes' Association of Demon God Continent does have its own advantages, at least Liu Chen thinks so.

Behind Qian Yu, one after another stood upright, and the aura of looking down on the world continued to rise, spreading in this star world.

"Hey, why are there only six people? Doesn't it mean that all missions at the sky level are completed by eight people?"

Suddenly, there was a sigh from the crowd, apparently they seemed to have discovered something.

(End of this chapter)

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