
Chapter 1417 A decisive battle between geniuses

Chapter 1417 A decisive battle between geniuses

Because he knew that the strength of the young man in green shirt was definitely not simple. The winner of the heavenly level mission, just this alone, was already something that no one should underestimate.


On the square, Shen Yu slowly opened his eyes, and there was a glimmer of sternness in his eyes.

He got up slowly, took Tiancan with his right hand and carried it behind his back, his face was indifferent, without a trace of smile, he did not despise Liu Chen, because he was not arrogant.

"Brother Shen Yu, I'm really sorry." Liu Chen cupped his hands.

In fact, it is very easy to make a name in this group of heroes, just challenge Gan Yu directly, but the so-called wood is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it, Liu Chen doesn't want to be so public.

But looking at the crowds swarming around the square, Liu Chen's scalp tingled for a while, and he didn't expect to attract so much attention.

For Shen Yu's strength, Liu Chen didn't underestimate Shen Yu's strength at all. How could anyone be so simple to come here? Moreover, Liu Chen had personally seen how powerful this guy's Kun Ling Ten Zhan was.

Although Liu Chen himself had a hole card, he was not fully sure that he would definitely win against Shen Yu.

Therefore, this battle was not so much about winning in this group of heroes, but rather it was Liu Chen's best and most direct way to prove his own strength.

This battle is inevitable and imperative.

Shen Yu didn't speak, and moved forward with his right hand, his eyes were burning with fighting spirit. He also knew that the young man in front of him was not easy to deal with.

Liu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes suddenly narrowed, the next moment, everyone saw only a slight flash of blue light, and in the space in front of Shen Yu, a figure covered in pale gold suddenly appeared, his fists tearing apart with a faint dragon chant. It smashed down like a space crack.

Shen Yu let out a low cry, he didn't use a knife, he stepped on his right leg fiercely, and amidst the clicking sound, his figure folded back extremely strangely.

Afterwards, the right leg was kicked high, and the terrifying black spiritual power directly turned into a huge sword glow of several tens of feet, slashing towards the oncoming Liu Chen's lower abdomen.

And until this moment, the figure of Liu Chen standing in place slowly dissipated away.

The pair of fists were like gold castings, and they smashed fiercely on the blade light, powerful and violent.

Amid the crisp cracking sound, the huge blade glow suddenly shattered, and Liu Chen's figure flickered quickly, and he took a few steps back.

The first time the two fought against each other, they were evenly matched.

And many of the teenagers outside the arena were stupid, Liu Chen's speed had obviously surpassed their perception, it seemed like a clone technique.

The shots of the two were extremely fast, almost less than a breath away, and that speed also made some youngsters who had only cultivated the strength of the virtual realm full of astonishment and doubts.

"It's such a perverted speed, no wonder you dare to challenge Shen Yu."

"Hey, isn't he one of the high-level task takers that day, but why have I never heard of the name Liu Chen?"

"I've never heard of it. It's strange that there is no such person on the gold list."

"Hmph, what's the use of relying on speed alone, Brother Shen Yu's strength is not something you ignorant boys understand."

All of a sudden, these teenagers onlookers started arguing again, and they were about to make a move.

On the periphery of the crowd, a beautiful figure stood quietly in the air, looking through the crowd at the young man in blue, with a slight curve at the corner of his mouth.


"Brother Shen Yu, you're amazing." Liu Chen said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you don't use all your strength, you have no chance." Shen Yu looked at Liu Chen indifferently, with a figure like a knife.

Liu Chen smiled, nodded, and said, "In that case, let's give it a go."


Amidst Liu Chen's low voice, pale golden dragon aura quickly gushed out from under the skin, and then the pale golden dragon scale armor emerged.

The huge bone wings on the back spread out, covered with purple-gold light, and then, a phantom of a white dragon with a height of [-] feet appeared behind Liu Chen, and a strong wild atmosphere quickly spread in this star world.

As the golden light spread, Liu Chen's eyes completely turned into a deep purple color, looking very strange, and the pair of bone wings were no longer pure bone wings, they were also covered with fine dragon scales. It's just the color of purple and gold.

The huge phantom of the white dragon behind him seems to be able to traverse the entire star world, and the dragon's roar is loud, shaking people's eardrums. That kind of power directly makes the young people who are watching dumbfounded.

"What it is."

"No wonder you dare to challenge Shen Yu. It turns out that you have such means. It's not easy."

"That should be the phantom of a dragon. Unexpectedly, he can summon a dragon. Even if it's just a phantom, it's quite perverted."

Those teenagers, with fairly good knowledge, have already seen some clues at this time, and Liu Chen's strength is obviously not as terrible as they thought, even far beyond their imagination.

Shen Yu's face was still indifferent, and he saw that his right hand slowly took the Tiancan sword from behind, his body was slightly sideways, and the blade pointed forward.

Bright black rays of light burst out suddenly, turning into water waves and enveloping the Heavenly Remnant Knife. The blue and black blended together. cold.

Facing Liu Chen's big move, Shen Yu couldn't keep calm anymore. .

"Kun Ling cuts five times, cutting nothingness."

Kun Ling's ten cuts, the fifth cut, the five jet-black sword lights fell from the sky instantly, and then merged into one, although the sword lights were only about a hundred feet long.

But just relying on the aura, the formation on the square was dimmed, and then a long and narrow vacuum zone suddenly appeared in the space there, and the blade light came in an instant.

"It's good to come."

Seeing Shen Yu's attack, Liu Chenlang laughed, his fighting spirit rose, and his figure jumped high with the blue arc.

The knots of both hands changed suddenly, and then under the horrified eyes of everyone, a dragon chant resounded all over the world, and behind Liu Chen, a huge phantom of a white dragon swooped down, while Liu Chen turned into a golden glow , into the phantom of the white dragon.

From a distance, it seemed as if the white dragon was dyed golden in an instant, its terrifying aura was suppressed fiercely, and its powerful posture slammed into the Baizhang sword light that Shen Yu sacrificed.

At this moment, the world changes color.

In the midair, the golden light and the dark light collided with each other, like two rounds of bright sun colliding together, the surrounding space folded and spread out in waves, the throbbing made the onlookers step back unconsciously. After a hundred feet away.

The dragon chant bursts out, the shadow of a thousand-foot-long dragon shines with golden light, the blade is clanging, and the spirit of a hundred-foot-long kun is fierce.

In the phantom of the white dragon, a trace of horror appeared in Liu Chen's eyes, and he could clearly feel the fierce aura coming from the Tiancan knife.

That kind of fierceness was not bloody or violent, it was just an aura of going forward, but just relying on this aura, Liu Chen felt a kind of depression that was about to be broken.


His eyes were full of seriousness, the knot in Liu Chen's hand changed suddenly, and a burst of energy suddenly spewed out from his mouth, and the huge body of the white dragon hovering thousands of feet in the air trembled.

Then there was a dragon's roar that was more terrifying than the sky thunder, it was a sound wave that was close to substance, and it enveloped Shen Yu like a wave.

In Shen Yu's indifferent eyes, a horrified streak finally appeared at this time, and the Tiancan sword in his hand hummed continuously, as if it would break apart at any time.

The terrifying coercion that descended like a mountain made him feel uncomfortable, and his sword-like eyebrows frowned violently.

Shen Yu slammed his right foot on the ground again, then bounced high and kicked it on the handle of the knife. He turned lightly, and suddenly pulled his left hand to the side of his body.

"Kunling Slash, Heavenly Remnant Swords."

The muffled voice seemed to spit out from Shen Yu's throat. His left hand formed a seal with one hand, and the dark and cold light flickered endlessly. Finally, it condensed into a heavenly sword.

The two swords of heaven and earth, one empty, one real, alternate between virtual and real, follow one's heart.

Amid the violent tremors, the Tiancan Broadsword that had just been condensed drew five blade lights at an extremely fast speed, and it turned out to be another move of Kunling Five Slashes.

One empty and one solid, the two hundred-foot sword lights superimposed on each other, staggered, and turned into a cross-cut appearance, facing the thousand-foot-long dragon transformed by Liu Chen.


Like a turbulent sea wave hitting a boulder, the terrifying sound wave that seemed to be substantial collided with Kun Ling Cross Slash fiercely.

At the moment of the impact, the defensive formation on the square finally dimmed slowly with a soft groan, and the surrounding light curtains also dissipated accordingly.


At this moment, an old figure appeared on the square. It was Mr. Tang. With a wave of his hand, another barrier quickly appeared, blocking all the dissipated tyrannical energy inside.

Within the barrier, two tyrannical waves bombarded together in an extremely tyrannical manner. The dragon's voice was loud and clear, the knife's sound was crisp, and the strong golden and black glow instantly filled the entire square, almost covering everyone's sight.

The light dissipated, and the two figures quickly retreated, each retreating a hundred steps and standing still, and in the space in front of them, a huge space crack with a height of one hundred feet was like a swallowing mouth, exuding a palpitating breath.


The youngsters couldn't help but gasped. The astral space is extremely stable. It's not that they haven't tried it before. If they want to tear the space apart, it's not so easy even for those who are strong in the combined state. The strength of these two people It was so terrifying.

"He can really fight against Shen Yu."

"I really didn't expect it, I didn't expect it."

"Hmph, Big Brother Shen Yu didn't try his best."

Up to now, those teenagers finally began to admit that this kid named Liu Chen really seemed to have such qualifications, and those voices supporting Shen Yu also lost the arrogance they had before.


In mid-air, Liu Chen and Shen Yu stood facing each other. They were about the same height, one handsome, one cold, one blue and one black, they looked like a perfect match.

Slightly moving his wrist, Liu Chen said with a smile: "Brother Shen Yu, I didn't expect you to have this move in Kun Ling Ten Cuts."

Liu Chen felt nothing but shock at this time, the third place on the gold list was indeed not a cover.

"You are strong."

Shen Yu said lightly, lightly holding the Tiancan knife in his right hand, and a fighting spirit began to rise in his black eyes. Only then did he regard the young man in front of him as an opponent.

Before that, although he knew that Liu Chen's strength must be good, but as the third in the gold list, Shen Yu's arrogance was not weaker than Qian Yu's.

(End of this chapter)

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