
Chapter 1418

Chapter 1418
But after the two confrontations just now, he has already felt how terrifying the strength of the young man in front of him is, and he also understands why Qian Yu said that.

In Qingdi's tomb, Gan Yu once said to Shen Yu himself, "This kid is not simple."

At that time, Shen Yu was just taking it as a joke.

Only now did he realize what kind of ferocious power this young man named Liu Chen possessed in his body.

Shen Yu knew very well about the power of his five kunling cuts. There were ten kunling knives in total, each of which required considerable strength to perform.

And relying on superhuman talent, when he was 17 years old, he had already comprehended Kun Ling's five cuts, and then when he went out to practice, he met a strong enemy, one person with one sword, and cut down three strong people in the combined state. Shake the Demon God Continent.

Now, he has comprehended the sword intent of the sixth slash. Originally, in his opinion, only the fifth slash could defeat the opponent.

Shen Yu is very indifferent. In his eyes, there are only the strong and the weak. He is introverted and not good at words. Since he makes a move, he will not hold back the slightest move. However, the three words "you are very strong" come from his mouth. It made everyone a little unbelievable.

"Liu Chen, if you can take this trick, I will lose."

Shen Yu said softly, raised the Tiancan Knife with his right hand, flicked the blade with his left hand, the blade buzzed, and in the tremor, the faint blue light of the blade kept swallowing, as if responding to Shen Yu.

He just stood quietly, his aura was already surging into the sky like a flood, and the Tiancan knife in his right hand was slowly raised, holding it obliquely at a 45-degree angle.

"The profound meaning of Kunling Slash, Invincible Slash."

In the low voice, Shen Yu's figure suddenly became unreal, but the Tiancan knife in his hand became deeper and deeper, the color was as deep as the depths of the sea, all the breath was restrained at this moment, and it was captured by the blade. involved.

Liu Chenlang laughed, and the fighting spirit was also surging in his eyes.

"Brother Shen Yu, if you can take my finger, I will admit defeat."

The fine dragon scale armor on his body reappeared, but the phantom of the white dragon wrapped around his back disappeared.

Liu Chen stepped lightly with his right foot for half a step, the aura all over his body was condensed like refined iron, as if made by nature, the spiritual power constantly fluctuated in the meridians, roaring past, and that direction was the position of Liu Chen's right hand.

At the index finger, the majestic spiritual power continuously wanders in those tiny meridians, and then there is a Dao Senhan symbol flashing.

"The Obsidian God Finger, cracks the sky with one finger."

Whispering in his mouth, Liu Chen suddenly raised his right hand to point to the sky, and then a bright light broke through the sky and shot straight into the sky of the astral world.


In the star world, above the sky, a large black cloud suddenly appeared, and the dark cloud split the sky, and within it rolled a black lightning arc as thin as a hair. Every time the lightning arc jumped, a space burst away.

Heaven and Earth anomalies.

"how is this possible?"

Outside the square, Elder Tang looked into the air with a face full of horror, and even he felt a palpitation of the coercion.

It must be the Super True Immortal Art that can cause the vision of heaven and earth, and such a terrifying one seems to be far superior to the ordinary Super True Immortal Art, so Elder Tang is so frightened.

"Sure enough, he is not a simple kid, but it's a little strange."

Elder Tang squinted his eyes, as if he was thinking of something, his eyes flickered brightly, and stared at the young man in green again, as if he wanted to see through something.

The sudden majestic momentum once again made the star world fall into silence, and those teenagers all looked blankly at the dark clouds in the sky.

The dark clouds even covered the stars, and the tumbling black arc of lightning made them feel terrified.

Then, they all focused their eyes on the young man in the green shirt in the square.

This vision of heaven and earth seems to be created by him, what a terrifying coercion.

Above the sky, dark clouds were so heavy that it was hard to see how thick they were.

It was a large piece of thundercloud with a black thunder arc constantly rolling, and the majestic coercion made the teenagers who were watching breathless.

And those talented youths who had been sitting quietly in the square waiting for the strong ones all stood up at this moment, and they could feel the real oppression.

"What kind of true fairy art is that, it's too strong."

"I can't tell, but at least it's a super true fairy art."

Among the noisy crowd, the voice sounded like the sound of heaven, causing everyone to look sideways and look in the direction where the sound came from.

It was a girl like a fairy. The girl's face was not perfect, but she was full of irresistible temperament.

On her slightly immature face, her willow eyebrows are like the moon, and she smiles like a city, her graceful body is covered by a translucent plain dress.

There are dimples on the girl's face, but she doesn't look young at all, but has a mature aura, which makes people feel pitiful.

She seemed out of place here, even those girls who thought they were beautiful felt ashamed of themselves at this moment, that kind of temperament seemed to be born with them.

"What a beautiful girl, I don't know which prefecture she is from."

"Tch, it has something to do with you. If you look like this, you will scare people to death when you go out."

"I have played with more women than you have ever seen, what are you?"

These teenagers began to quarrel again, and it really didn't stop for a moment.

The girl's eyelashes were very long, and she stared closely at the figure in the square with a pair of wonderful eyes. There was an inexplicable light in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly pouted, as if she wanted to laugh, but she held it back very well. .


The power of the sky bursts out, and the sky is mighty for thousands of miles.

The thick thundercloud rolled rapidly and slowly split open from the center. Then, everyone saw that there seemed to be a palm protruding from the dark cloud.

The palm of the hand is three to four hundred feet in size, and the whole body is white, flowing with a rich light of Shenxi, but the index finger of the palm seems out of place.

The index finger, which was as black as ink, protruded from the palm like a giant pillar, and the other four fingers were all held in the palm.

That index finger was like pouring ink, with black awns continuously rippling on its surface. In the surrounding black mist, jet-black lightning arcs as thin as hair jumped rapidly with terrifying coercion. The lightning arcs flashed and turned into black talismans. Text, condensed on the fingertips.

Down below, Shen Yu's figure became more and more illusory. That day, the residual knife had completely turned into a deep blue color. The dazzling blue light and the dark clouds occupied half of the sky and earth, and the terrifying aura was rushing against each other. .

At this moment, Elder Tang's face also showed a solemn expression. With a wave of his hand, another curtain of light fell, enveloping the square.

Then he was still worried, and flicked the black light in his hand, and immediately set up two formations. The formations were one positive and the other reversed, and they slowly started to rotate, and the red-yellow brilliance permeated the surrounding area of ​​the square.

And almost when Mr. Tang finished all this, the two of them had already made a real move in the square.

The giant finger of Optimus is like a pillar of heaven, pressing down from the dark clouds. Every time the thin black lightning arc rune flashes on the fingertips, the coercion rises rapidly.

The palm seems to be tapped very slowly, but it seems to be teleporting. In just a breath, the giant finger has come to a hundred feet above Shen Yu's head.

The stone platform at the feet had already begun to crack with tiny cracks, Shen Yu's face was solemn, at this moment, he seemed to be a ghost, and the Tiancan knife in his hand seemed to have turned into a crescent moon at this moment.

The giant finger fell, and the sword glow followed it.

And at the moment when the sword light touched the giant finger in an extremely slow manner, Shen Yu's illusory figure suddenly moved, and a series of dark afterimages separated from him, as many as seven.

Each figure is holding the same Heavenly Remnant Knife in their hands, and their aura is no different from their own, even according to before and after they are separated, one is stronger than the other.

"What kind of real fairy art is this, it's so weird."

Liu Chen has been watching Shen Yu's movements, seeing this scene, his jaw dropped in shock.

With a low shout, the spiritual power in Liu Chen's body surged wildly. With the improvement of his strength, Liu Chen has become quite proficient in grasping the black obsidian finger.

Of course, it was only limited to the first finger, but even so, even he himself found the terrifying coercion of Lie Tian's finger inconceivable.

Breaking out with one finger, the power of splitting the sky is unstoppable.

There was no trace of fear on Shen Yu's phantom face. With his experience, how could he fail to see how powerful Liu Chen's real fairy art was.

His own Kun Ling Ten Cuts, it is said that all ten cuts are enough to destroy the world and easily kill Mahayana powerhouses.

However, even his grandfather, the master of the Kunzheng Mansion, only practiced up to the ninth cut.

The ten cuts can be used to cut the cycle of the sun and the moon, kill gods and Buddhas.

Facing Liu Chen's powerful attack, Shen Yu chose to take it hard, and Kun Ling's ten cuts, every time he comprehends one cut, he can get a kind of profound meaning.

And this invincible cut was obtained after he comprehended the sixth cut, and this was the first time he performed it.

The light of the sword was on the fingertip of the black finger, and then the figure transformed by Shen Yu moved at an extremely fast speed. Together with the main body, the eight figures swung the sky knife in their hands at the same moment.

Bang bang bang!
Violent cracking sounds resounded throughout the world, and every time a knife was cut, the light pattern on the giant finger that held the sky would dim a little.

And when the six knives slashed down, the hundred-zhang giant finger that fell from the sky had dimmed a lot, and even some runes were broken.


The last two figures, one on the left and the other on the right, swung their knives at the same time. The Baizhang knife light slashed fiercely on the giant finger, and the violent breath rolled and swung away.

Out of all eight swords, one sword is stronger than the other, and the last two swords can be said to be Shen Yu's strongest means.

When the light faded away, all the teenagers stared at the sky with their mouths wide open, where the giant fingers were still standing upright, while the dark blue blade glow had dissipated.

Shen Yu's figure slowly solidified, he glanced at Liu Chen with a pale face, held the Tiancan knife with one hand, and landed on the stone platform.

cluck cluck boom!

There was a crackling sound, and the obsidian finger with the runes already in tatters finally showed cracks at this moment, and then it turned into black thunder crackling and dissipating in the astonished eyes of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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