
Chapter 1798 Benefits

Chapter 1798 Benefits
It's not that nothing really happened, but that all the outbreaks have almost exceeded their perception, and they have spread out in a very short time.

Greedy Wolf put one paw against the blade, retracted the other paw and pointed it at Liu Chen, and said with a satisfied smile:

"That's right, it's a very good seedling. This kind of blow can also catch my eyes, but it doesn't refer to the power... You know, you were almost wiped out just now."

"I know."

At this time, Liu Chen had no power like a mortal, but he also stood in the void without any injuries, but he also felt something terrible happened.

From another macro point of view, a bubble has been poked into a big hole, and the rest is collapsing, and the center is Liu Chen, Tanlang, and Tianhu Yu.

The secret realm has been broken to the point where it can't be repaired by itself. It's not because Liu Chen and the others are too powerful.

It was as if he entered a dilapidated old house to find something, and then had a fight with another person, giving the house the last bit of strength to collapse with a punch.

Tanlang will be fine, but even if Liu Chen survives the fight, he will be crushed to death by the roof!
However, Greedy Wolf, who had no intention of killing Liu Chen, directly rescued him and saved his life.

"At your level, there are really not many human races who can achieve this level! Whether it is obtaining these powers or using them, there are really not many."

"Well, that benefit..."

Rubbing his hands, Liu Chen smiled embarrassingly, now is the time for him to reap the fruits of his hard work, and he has only [-] cents of spiritual power now!
"Wait, let me reply to this secret realm first, let it support our activities in it, otherwise there is really no way to benefit you, there are still many good things here."

Greedy wolf's paws shot out a wave of immortal power, and the powerful fluctuations showed that he was just joking around before, and Liu Chen's little trouble was really nothing.

"I rely on!"

The naive Liu Chen, now that his magic has disappeared, he didn't win at all, he just let him play casually.

The secret realm was almost intact in the blink of an eye, which made him amazed again, it was too strong, this is just a clone, already so tyrannical, how strong can the real body be?

"Well, there is still the benefit of the little girl, so I can give it in advance!"

Greedy Wolf spotted Tianhu Yu, and also shot out a ball of immortal power through the light curtain without any hindrance, and entered her body. Afterwards, Tianhu Yu fell into a coma, and nothing happened.


"Hey, I just used a secret method to stimulate the blood in her body. I used it mildly. Otherwise, she would not be able to bear it with the strength of her soul. But this requires her to practice on her own. It is enough to strengthen the blood a little bit."

Tanlang explained a little bit, and then took him back to the secret realm. Not long after, Tianhu Yu also woke up, saw Liu Chen suddenly killed by a paw print, and shouted:
"Bad guy, I can deal with you now! Look at the trick!"


A paw scratched the paw print, Tanlang took a look at her and said, "Don't make trouble!"

"Oh!" Tianhu Yu took a look at him, then obediently frightened, and hid behind Liu Chen.

Afterwards, Tanlang took them to a forest-covered ruin, and it looked like he had been there before.

Liu Chen asked suspiciously: "What is this place? It seems to be something like an ancient shrine. Unfortunately, it seems that because of too long experience, almost all the strength has been exhausted and scrapped."

Tianhu Yu looked around curiously, and asked curiously: "What kind of place is this? Why haven't I heard of such a place on the planet."

"Haha, the junior I mentioned left behind, and at some point, he died!"

"Is this... the benefit to me?"

"That's right! I discovered it when I came to consciousness. This place has almost been destroyed. Although it is the core position of the Thousand Worlds in the entire secret realm, time erosion has almost destroyed it."

Tanlang led the two of them to the gate of a building similar to an imperial palace. Only this place is still intact. All the surrounding buildings where the human race lived in the past have collapsed and are covered with vegetation, which is almost invisible.

Seeing it, Liu Chen seemed to see how the capital had been for countless years after the death of Immortal Emperor Tianwu, so desolate.

"This is the emperor's palace of the younger generation. When I came here last time, it was a very nice and spectacular thing, but now everything has turned into nothing.

Our goal is the core of its world origin. That kind of thing should be the last to collapse, because it is the thing that provides power for the entire Middle Thousand World Secret Realm, and you have to integrate it into your own shrine. "

"Since it is the core, it must be buried deep in the secret realm. How do we get to the core?"

"This is easy to handle. Now that the formation outside it has been paralyzed, my avatar can still bring you in!"

Greedy Wolf grabbed Liu Chen and Tianhu Yu, and shouted: "Let's go!"

The next moment, inside the clean old building, which is completely different from the outside, it seems that someone has been cleaning it.

They accurately landed on a metal platform, which was in a completely dark environment, so it was not a problem with the cultivation of the three of them. Greedy Wolf pointed his paw at the dark gray crystal alley in the middle:
"That's it. Inject your own immortal power, blood, and spiritual consciousness at the same time. When the red color fills the whole body, you can move it into the shrine."

Liu Chen's cognitive level couldn't understand what the structure of this thing was for, so he had to cut his palm and stick it on it according to Tanlang's instructions.

It's like pouring water into a bottle, blood, celestial power, and spiritual consciousness flow into it, turning into a very fine thread that converges toward the center.

"Do your best output, this is not the time to save money, go all out!"


The Heavenly Tribulation Jue was running extremely fast, and a huge amount of immortal power was gathered into the body and transferred to the core, but the effect was minimal. Liu Chen couldn't help but wondered:
"Why is it still so small?"

"Boy, it is quite huge to provide power to the secret realm of Zhongqian World, and you are still far behind!"

Feeling so slow, Liu Chen couldn't help asking Tanlang for help:
"The current speed is too slow, please help me!"

Tanlang still didn't step forward to help, turned into a human form, pinched his white beard with a smile, shook his head and said:

"That's not okay, kid! Whoever's power is injected into this kind of core, whoever is the master! Don't you want it, kid?"

"What? Can this core identify whose power it is?"

Liu Chen has never heard that there is still a way to recognize the master with this method. He only knows about the recognition of the master by dripping blood and the imprint of spiritual consciousness. Why does he still have the strength to recognize the master?Can power still carry the master's information?
"Young man, you really don't have much experience! Also, most people don't know this kind of thing. The power of every living being is different, even parents and children are different, and the same is true for all kinds of power!"

"I see."

Tanlang looked at him as if he remembered something, and said with some seriousness:
"I've lived for so long, and I don't know how many people and things I've met. This junior has left traces in my heart. Please treat these things kindly, and bring them to see me in the future, that's all!"

"...that junior, definitely..."

Looking at Tanlang's appearance, Liu Chen seemed to understand something, and felt a little panicked.

"Hey, there is no permanent banquet in the world, and people are all the same!"

"……All right!"

It turned out that he wanted to bring these things to him to see him, so he wanted to benefit himself a little. Sure enough, there was no such thing as taking a fancy to his good seed.

After realizing this, Liu Chen felt a little depressed, but he quickly recovered.

"Haha, don't worry! I won't treat you badly, but like at that time, I thought you didn't use it well, so I took it back directly. Do you hear me clearly?"

Tanlang said these words with a smile, but it was so creepy to hear.


Hearing what he said, Liu Chen was really frightened, and quickly agreed, in case someone gets upset, he doesn't have that much power reserve to save his life, which was all gone before.

Liu Chen kept injecting into the core, and his own immortal power was also restored under the operation of the Heavenly Tribulation Art. After a period of hard work, the little blood in the core had become the size of a peanut kernel.

This process was a bit boring, Tanlang sat at the side leisurely and closed his eyes to rest his mind, but Tianhuyu, Tianhuyu, has been silent since he came in, and has been standing there like a sculpture.

Feeling very strange in this dimly lit place, Liu Chen asked: "Tianlang, she hasn't moved since she came in, what's the matter?"

"Hey, this Tianhu Yu released her doll as soon as she came in, and then she used her dark concealment to sneak away to play! She likes to explore very much, haven't you noticed? But, she is really a genius, You have acquired so many powerful abilities from the bloodline inheritance so quickly, you have to work hard."

Liu Chen stared at the puppet with wide eyes and took a closer look. It was really the same as Tianhu Yu. There was no difference in breathing, demeanor, body temperature, soul breath, etc. It was really a good thing.

He was injecting bloodshot boredly, but Tianhu Yu's side was an extremely quiet adventure.

The little girl flew forward along the passage, and when she encountered a fork in the road, she randomly chose a fork and continued on. This huge underground structure continued a common problem of underground buildings, just like a maze.

On the way, I saw some collapsed parts, which blocked many passages and were dirty.

"It's so quiet! It's so quiet that I'm a little scared."

Tianhu Yu didn't hear any sound, only heard her own heartbeat, her ears unconsciously began to pay attention to her surroundings, if something popped out suddenly, it might scare her unconscious.

Due to the passage of time, the power of this middle-thousand-world secret realm continued to disintegrate, and the remaining traces of the living beings had long since disappeared.

Therefore, there are really no ghosts here!
Gradually, she lost the will to continue exploring, played a few hand moves in disappointment, and disappeared into the passage.

The puppet's eyes on Liu Chen's side flickered, glanced at Liu Chen, and said strangely:
"You haven't finished yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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