
Chapter 1799 Dolls

Chapter 1799 Dolls
"Huh?" Liu Chen asked strangely, "You puppet can still talk?"

Tianhu Yu rolled her eyes, and couldn't help but sneer in her heart and said: This guy really doesn't know much.

Greedy Wolf explained: "She is here as the deity now, and the doll has been put away. If you observe carefully, you can find that the eyes flicker, which is a signal for the doll to exchange with the deity."

"Oh, so it's really convenient." Liu Chen didn't understand this thing, lacking in knowledge, so he asked casually, "How is it, what did the expedition find?"

"What's more, there's nothing, and those doors can't get in, I'm so bored." Tianhu Yu sat next to Tanlang in every possible way, and took out a small gadget to play with, probably something from a girl's house Bar.

Time passed quickly, and the entire underground structure was illuminated by the core's light. Liu Chen was still lying on the ground with a pale face as a fairy, exhausted to the extreme, but fortunately, the injection was finally completed successfully.

"Oh, I'm going, I'm exhausted! This needs too much! I almost became a human!"

Tianhu Yu glanced at him, and said contemptuously again: "Isn't it just injecting something? Look at your bear."

"Standing and talking doesn't hurt your back, come if you have the ability!"

Liu Chen didn't have the strength to argue with her now, he just wanted to take a rest and eat something to replenish his energy and blood.

"It's not bad, you still need to practice more physically, otherwise how can you contain more strength than others?"

Greedy Wolf also shook his head when he saw him, and helplessly put his hand on Liu Chen's shoulder, injecting a burst of immortal power into him to help him recover.

Liu Chen felt a surge of heat rushing in from his shoulders, pouring directly into his dantian along his meridians, he recovered within a few seconds, and stood up right then: "Thank you Tanlang!"

"No, it's just a little bit of immortal power. You have to remember that you always use nine points of your own power and keep one point!"


The floor in front of the core cracked a passage for only one person, and a series of gemstones glowed, leading to nowhere.

"Hey, this kid has hidden so many books. It's a secret storehouse of books! It's just that you go in and improve your own skills. There are many good things in it."

Tanlang didn't even look inside, he already knew what was there, and commented in a little surprise.

Liu Chen walked in, and the stale air that hadn't flowed for countless years was very pungent, so he deliberately performed a dust removal technique to clean the surrounding area.

Walking inside, you can see rows of bookshelves, on which there are either piles of dust or broken pages of books, and an extremely simple atmosphere fills all places.

"There are still so many remaining, but the book itself is also a treasure!"

First, I walked around, holding all the books that I could still read in my arms, and gathered some broken pages together by the way, and put them all on a table.


The books fell to the ground, and the table turned into a pile of dirt, which was obviously finished long ago.

"Time oh time."

With a sigh, Liu Chen looked at the surrounding environment, and there were all kinds of ashes left by various items. How many years have passed.

Looking up, he saw a sphere floating on it. With his eyesight, he could clearly identify the dense and mysterious patterns on it, and it was very well preserved, so it should be a treasure.

A beam of light was shot from the bottom of the sphere, and a young man was projected. The young man glanced at him and said with a bit of desolation:
"After so many years, it's really strange that people still come to this place."

"you are?"

The young man said in a desolate tone: "Yes, I am the consciousness of this middle thousand world secret realm. What you injected into it is the core that I use to store power. This ball is the treasure that I use to preserve consciousness."

"I'll go, it can still be used after so many years, and you are here by yourself?"

Liu Chen looked at him in surprise, how lonely this guy must have been if he could stay here for so many years without moving his position, if he had committed suicide.

"I feel that you have a shrine, can you let me go in and become a spirit? I don't want to just disappear."

The boy's eyes lit up, and then his face stiffened with a pleading expression, as if someone in despair suddenly saw a miracle.

Now Liu Chen is happy. It would take many years and a lot of things for Dongyuanlei Mansion to produce spiritual wisdom. Here is a ready-made spiritual wisdom from the original Zhongqian World Secret Realm. That guy... tsk tsk, high-end stuff!

"Yes, absolutely, I welcome you with my hands up!"

"Thank you. After I enter, I will fall into a deep sleep to restore my strength. During the period, if you have something that contains a lot of soul power, just put it in the core."

The boy performed a strange etiquette, got into the treasure and then turned into a light spot, entered the Shura in Liu Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, entered the Dongyuanlei Mansion, and fell into a deep sleep.

The moment he entered, Liu Chen felt his soul power drop rapidly, and a bunch of black lines fell from his forehead: "Could it be that I have to start recovering and outputting at the same time?"

Thinking about the feeling of collapse not long ago, he felt his legs go limp for a while, it was terrifying!

I don't know how strong this spiritual wisdom was before, and I don't know how much immortal power is needed for refining. If you really get something, you have to pay a high price.

A finger poked Liu Chen's eyebrows from the void, and at the same time said in a helpless tone: "This is nonsense, the old man didn't notice it for a while, and made a big trouble in, and that spirit will suck your soul dry! "

Liu Chen suddenly felt a mass of golden soul power appear in his mind, which quickly turned into his soul power, and after being sucked away by his spiritual wisdom, the feeling of absorbing soul power disappeared.

"When a cultivator enters the state of cultivation to improve his cultivation, refining all kinds of power between heaven and earth is half of it. You have to calm down to understand the great way between heaven and earth, and work hard to improve your soul cultivation, so that you can improve faster."

"Heavenly Tribulation is actually a baptism of heaven and earth to cultivators..."

Sitting on the ground, flipping through books, he memorized so many wise and famous sayings, knowledge and experience are enriching and improving, these things are extremely precious in the world of immortals and gods.

Even an Immortal Emperor's weapon would not be exchanged!

There is a mountain of books next to it, even if it has been too long, at least [-]% of the books have been left behind. These are all collected by him, even those hidden in the dark.

"I'm reading these books here during this time, I have plenty of time, and I'm not in a hurry to go out."

The mountain of endless books made Liu Chen sigh: "I finally realized the meaning of 'the mountain of books has roads and hard work, and the sea of ​​learning has no boundaries and hard work." This is a fucking real book Mountain!"

When I see these books, I think of the books I have read before. What I have learned is less than one ten-thousandth of what I have learned here, but I still want to make myself stronger. Let this be another study!
It seems to be back to the era of asceticism, find a secret book, and add knowledge so hungrily.

Some books record all kinds of beasts. There are no words on the cover of the rare and exotic cursive script, but the content is described in great detail, and there will be video playback when you open it.

All kinds of rare birds and beasts are so real, Liu Chen couldn't help reaching out to touch a spirit beast that looked like a very cute little rabbit. Unexpectedly, it seemed harmless to humans and animals. The little guy just opened his mouth and took a bite.

Liu Chen was so frightened that he quickly retracted his hand, and subconsciously blew on it, although there was no wound on it.

The side introduced that this is a kind of rabbit that eats meat, and the name is also very simple: Carnivorous rabbit, a gradeless beast.

"Rabbits still eat meat, it's really strange!" Continue to scroll down, he has gained a lot of knowledge today, the book records a second-grade wild stone beast with big stones on its body, and I have never seen a stone that can move without growing meat However, looking at the image, this is a pile of stones!

If you don’t pay attention, you can’t really see it. I also introduced it to be very lazy. Even if you build a house on its huge body, it will be fine. When it is in danger, it will take all the earth on it and run away.

There are still many books introducing beasts. Liu Chen reads each book with great interest, exclaiming how big the world is, and there are no surprises!

After reading that beasts are plants, or should be said to be a pharmacopoeia, because most of the records are plants with various functions, healing, refreshing, poisonous...

"Isn't this the elixir of that world? It's good to get to know it, so as not to miss good things in the future."

Arrays, alchemy and medicine, talismans, materials for various uses, various spells, martial arts, and various anecdotes.

While Liu Chen was reading books one by one, there were more things in his mind...

The bored Tianhuyu was drinking tea with Tanlang, and the sharp-eyed Tianhuyu saw a faint gleam coming from below:
"Hey? Look at what that is?"

"That's Zhihui, it seems Liu Chen has read something good."

"What? How long will it take him to read?"

Tianhu Yu's shocked little mouth grew so big that it could swallow her own fist.

Tanlang thought for a while: "I guess it will take a few months!"

"Ahhh! I still have to wait! I'm so annoying!"

"Hey, young people just can't bear their hearts, you just stay here and wait for me!" Tanlang is very patient, it doesn't matter if this old guy's heart waits for tens of thousands of years.

Liu Chen, who was studying, sank into the ocean of books, happily picking up books to read one after another.

"Wow, this fire cloud formation is very powerful. It was actually researched by completely imitating the normal weather changes in nature. The rain was changed to a fire cloud explosion bomb, and the thunder and lightning were replaced with Bing Vulcan Thunder, and it can also rain hail!"

"Vajra-volt-magic-formation! I've heard of this, it's a Buddhist formation!"

Yes, what he is learning now is formation!The books here contain a lot of formation knowledge and formation diagrams.

Before that, he had already learned to identify various plants with their own functions, various common beasts, and the art of alchemy.

Although the skill of refining weapons is very useful to Liu Chen, he can strengthen his own weapons after learning it. Of course, he must study this kind of good skill seriously.

"Oh, how long will it take! When he comes out, I will definitely beat him up and let him be my little follower! Well, let's do it like this!" Tianhu Yu ate one bite at a time Tanlang is exquisite, offering various refreshments, while thinking about how to deal with Liu Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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