
Chapter 2230 Competing for Quheyuan

Chapter 2230 Competing for Quheyuan

"Difficult?" Liu Chen was puzzled.

"Brother Chen, you will know when you go."

Soon, Liu Chen walked to the place Yuchi Dianwei said.

Yangsong Hotel is not only a building, but also a grand and luxurious hotel.

From ordinary guest rooms to exquisite independent courtyards, we have what you want.

At this time, the entrance of Yangsong Inn was surrounded by thousands of martial arts practitioners.

Seeing this scene, Liu Chen sighed. With so many people, even if there was a room before, it might be gone now.

Looking at the crowded and noisy scene, Liu Chen felt a little ridiculous. It was hard for him to imagine that so many young elites would actually argue over a guest room.

A low voice interrupted Liu Chen's thoughts. He looked up and saw the crowd in front of the Yangsong Inn scattered, and several figures flew out like kites with broken strings and fell to the ground.

"Are you deaf? If you don't have it, you don't have it. You still have the guts to be anxious with me!!"

The young and beautiful proprietress walked out quickly, pinching her waist with her hands, as proud as a princess.

"You, do you have the guts to beat us?"

The young men stood up from the ground with resentment on their faces.

It's really embarrassing, thinking that they, as a party of elite heroes, couldn't rent a room and were thrown out.

And there are so many people watching at the scene, how can they mess around in the future?
The lover of several years was so angry that his complexion turned pale, and he wanted to find a hole in the ground to hide in.

Among them, a young man looked at the young and beautiful proprietress, and a fierce aura emerged from his body.

"Yo, do you still have the guts to make a move?" The young and beautiful proprietress smiled coldly, "You try it?"

She took out a sign, with a slight smile in her eyes, and said bluntly: "Open your eyes and have a look, this is the examination room of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, if you make trouble here, you don't even want to enter the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy in this lifetime!" !!"

Hearing this, the young man's body shook, he withdrew his true energy, turned his head in desperation, and left quickly.

"Hmph, you're an idiot, and you still want to find fault here!!" The young and beautiful proprietress clapped her hands, turned around and wanted to go inside.

And at this moment, a voice came.

"Boss, I want to stay in the hotel."

The young and beautiful proprietress looked impatient, turned around and wanted to drink down.

However, when she suddenly saw the jade plaque on the other's waist, she immediately laughed coquettishly.

"No. 23 Tianzitou, you are lucky, there is only this room left."

"What? Isn't it gone?"

"Why can he live, but we can't!!"

"Fuck, even if it's the imperial inn of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, it can't be so arrogant!!"

"This is not fair!"

A group of people suddenly became unhappy.

"Hmph, a bunch of idiots, what do you know!" The young proprietress flashed a look of disdain in her eyes, and let out a cold snort, then she pointed at the guest's jade card and said, "See, the Qingyun jade card, he is Disciple Qingyun!!"

"What? He passed the internal test! I'll give it a go."

Everyone was surprised and looked at the figure in disbelief.

The exams of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy are very strict. Although these people are all elites, only one in [-] can pass the exams.

The internal test is even more stringent, with a pass rate of less than [-]%! !
This year's lover in front of him actually passed the internal test, which really surprised everyone.

The young and beautiful proprietress put her hips on her hips and sneered: "How about it, do you admire it? If you are prospective disciples, you will also have a room to live in."

Everyone was not reconciled: "Could it be that only prospective disciples can live here? This is too unfair!!"

"Yes, we may also enter the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, you can't treat us like this."

"Fair?" The young and beautiful proprietress turned around and said; "Okay, I will give you a chance to compete fairly, and only the last room is left for now, and it is a high-end suite, Quheyuan, so come and live if you can." Bar."

"Quhe Courtyard!" Everyone was amazed, and many people had the heart to retreat, because Quhe Courtyard is by no means an ordinary courtyard, it is the most advanced courtyard of Yangsong Inn.

Living in it not only requires paying expensive rent, but also requires high combat effectiveness and status, which means that ordinary people cannot live there at all.

However, the martial arts practitioners who came here were all elites, and they also had family power behind them, so they decided to stay in Quheyuan after consideration.

Liu Chen stood where he was, and was shocked when he learned about Qu Heyuan, then he shook his head, not planning to participate in the competition.

"I've taken over Quheyuan!!"

"It's really a toad yawning --- what a big tone! Ma'am, keep Quheyuan for me!!"

"Don't fight, it belongs to me."

A group of people chattered and quarreled again.

But the young and beautiful proprietress stood in the shop with her arms crossed and looked at him coldly.

Suddenly, a childish voice came: "Stop arguing, the guests are full, and the Quhe Courtyard is gone."


Everyone vomited blood and yelled in displeasure: "Didn't you say there are still more? Why are they gone again? What's the matter with the proprietress."

However, before the proprietress could speak, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy appeared in front of everyone.

The young man was wearing a fine top, and said with a childish face: "Because Qu Heyuan was taken over by my young hero just now."

"Which onion is your young hero? Do you have the guts to fight ahead of us?"

"Tell him to give up the house, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

"Baby, it's too dangerous here, you can't get involved, get out!"

A group of people looked unhappy and shouted loudly in a cold tone.

Hearing these people insulting the young hero, the boy's face tightened, and anger appeared in his eyes.

He said angrily: "Apologize quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!!"

"You're welcome?"

Everyone laughed: "How can you be rude to us, is it possible that you still want to make a move?"

They didn't pay attention to the boy at all.

No wonder, these people are all elites, they are very proud, not to mention teenagers, even if they are young masters of the same generation, they will be angry! !

But suddenly, they were stunned, because the young man in front suddenly formed a seal with his hands, and a dazzling brilliance condensed in his hands, and he pushed forward.

Those brash martial arts practitioners before were caught off guard, hit by Guanghua, and immediately backed away.

Suddenly, a vacuum appeared in front of the Yangsong Inn.

Everyone was startled, with panic in their eyes, how could a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child beat them back?

Especially those who were hit had an even more unbelievable look on their faces.

However, this demeanor was soon replaced by sullenness.

"Little boy, if you have the guts to make a move, don't you want to live!"

Being repulsed by a young man in public made them lose face, and if it got out, they wouldn't even survive! !
In the distance, Liu Chen was also surprised. The strength of the move just now was not very strong, but it was very subtle. It can be said that the young man completely repelled everyone by relying on the mysterious and subtle esoteric meaning.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that there are so many strong men in Lumpin City!" Liu Chen was excited, a young man was so amazing, how could the young hero he was talking about be so tyrannical?
In front, someone grabbed out with a palm.

The young man was contemptuous, he moved his feet, and his body kept dodging, and he could dodge calmly every time.


Everyone was surprised, this was beyond their expectations once again.

However, what surprised them even more was yet to come.

I saw the boy kept making seals, and a blue vase appeared in the void, and he held it up high.

The mouth of the bottle is downward, and a brilliance is sprayed out.

The brilliance is vast, like a galaxy, galloping in the sky, hitting the opponent's body in the blink of an eye.

With one move, knock the opponent into the air.

Then, the boy once again shot out a stream of star river water, which lay across in front of the Yangsong Inn.

"Quhe Courtyard has been taken over by my young hero, but is there anyone who is not convinced?"

The childish voice sounded again.

Everyone was silent, the battle just now deterred them.

The exquisite footwork, the mysterious big palm, each surprised them.

This young man's cultivation level is not very strong, but his combat power is extremely terrifying.

Presumably the young hero behind him must be even more tyrannical.

We have no confidence and no courage to take risks.

Therefore, there was a short period of silence for the people next to them.

The young man smiled, turned around and wanted to pay the room fee.

But at this moment, there was another soft voice from a distance: "Quheyuan, it's ours!"

Everyone was surprised and turned around to look.

Who is it that actually has the guts to do it?
A look of curiosity flashed across Liu Chen's eyes, and he looked quickly, only to see seven figures striding forward.

He walked in front of everyone in a flash.

At this moment, everyone saw them clearly.

Seven young and beautiful women appeared in front of everyone.

They are beautiful, graceful and proud, wearing beige dresses with maple leaf marks on the cuffs.

They didn't stop, and walked quickly towards the Yangsong Inn without saying a word.

"Brother Chen, let's go and have a look too!!" Yuchi Dianwei was excited when he saw the seven beauties.

Liu Chen nodded his head, and the two walked quickly towards the front.

The surrounding martial arts practitioners also surrounded him.

"Miss Boss, we have to stay at the hotel." The last woman walked out quickly and said in a pleasant voice.

The young and beautiful proprietress laughed when she saw the maple leaves on the cuffs of the seven girls.

"Coincidentally, Quhe Courtyard has already been taken over by my young hero!" Before the proprietress finished, the boy rushed to say.

"Your young hero?"

The girls laughed, as if they had heard something ridiculous.

"In Mighty Sword Continent, there are only four people who can be called young heroes, but as far as we know, those four people will not come here."

"What kind of onion is that one of yours, who has the guts to call himself a young hero!!"

The seven laughed contemptuously, completely ignoring the boy.

"You!" The boy turned pale with anger, "Damn it, you actually insulted my young hero!!"

"Get out of the way!"

The woman who asked before said coldly: "Let that one from your family come over!!"

Everyone was stunned, the seven angel-like women in front of them were so domineering, they didn't care about that young man.

Many people have been repelled by that boy before! !

Spit out a cold sound, making the surroundings quiet.

The young man's face turned pale, and he clenched his hands tightly. Then he clasped his index fingers tightly, and the sword spirit surged on his body.

"Want to make a move?"

The woman laughed: "You'd better give up this idea, or you will die a miserable death!!"

The young man didn't believe it, and quickly formed a seal with his hands, but before he could perform his movements, his body became stiff.

A line of blood appeared on his current face, and there was blood left behind.

The young man was flustered. Although the wound was not deep, he didn't see clearly the trajectory of the opponent's attack at all.

If this move was aimed at his throat, he might have died by now! !
The martial arts practitioners around were even more surprised, most of them didn't see it clearly, only some strong ones understood it.

"Brother Chen, what's going on?" Yuchi Dianwei looked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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