
Chapter 2231

Chapter 2231
"Hongye." Liu Chen said, the scar was caused by Hongye.

He saw the scene just now very clearly. In an instant, the mysterious and unpredictable woman cut the boy's face with a red leaf everywhere.

The speed and strength are controlled very precisely. In other words, it must be easy for the other party to kill the boy.

The young man panicked, his hands were gathered in mid-air, he didn't know what to do.

At this moment, a pair of powerful palms supported him.

"Young man!" The young man was both surprised and delighted.

Everyone was surprised and hurriedly looked. Liu Chen also raised his head curiously.

I saw a young man wearing a blue and white long gown, with a jade flute pinned to the golden silk belt around his waist, and his expression was slightly cold at this moment.

"Aren't you the one who hurt my bookboy?" The young man in blue and white asked.

"It's me!" The woman smiled coldly.

"My name is Xiao Yuanshan." Xiao Yuanshan's voice was calm, "If you hear this name from now on, please take a detour!"

"Seek your own way!"

Ruan Linghui scolded coquettishly, waved her hand, and two red leaves flew out.

The speed is so fast that most people don't see it clearly.

But Xiao Yuanshan grabbed it with his hands up, and the two red leaves trembled between his fingers.

"With this little combat power, do you have the guts to show off?"

After hearing this, Ruan Linghui was annoyed, she let out a coquettish scold, and quickly pierced her palms out.

Terrifying and majestic power spewed out, palms waving all over the sky, extremely gorgeous.

Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect that the two of them would actually fight.

The people at Yangsong Inn were unhappy and wanted to scold them.

And at this moment, a woman walked out quickly, sprinkled the sky full of red leaves.

"Maple Leaf Valley is doing business, idlers go away!!"

The sound is not too loud, but everyone can hear it very clearly.

"Maple Leaf Valley! It's them!"

Many people gasped and quickly backed away.

This is a big gang, extremely tyrannical, and they treat human life like nothing, if someone stops them after the maple leaves are sprinkled, they will be killed by them!

So outrageous?

There is no way out, this is a continent where fighting power is paramount! !Some celestial masters once broke their rules, and they were all slaughtered!
Ruan Linghui and Xiao Yuanshan fought each other, both of them controlled their strength and did not implicate Yangsong Inn, as if they were worried about something.

Ruan Linghui backed away from the shock, clutching her chest, her face full of discomfort.

"You, have the guts to hurt me?"

"Hmph, other people are afraid of Maple Leaf Valley, but our Xiao family is not afraid!!" Xiao Yuanshan said in a cold tone.

"Give it to me!"

Ruan Linghui let out a cold snort, and immediately the seven of them started fighting together.

"I will never repent!" Xiao Yuanshan let out a cold snort.

The formation of seven people is extremely mysterious, and the terrifying and exquisite strength is dazzling.

However, Xiao Yuanshan dealt with it calmly from beginning to end.

Those nearby, however, were not so lucky.

Especially the young book boy, who was implicated by the true energy, was beaten and flew backwards.

The young man snorted.

Xiao Yuanshan was angry and moved his body, but was quickly blocked by the magic circle formed by seven people.

Seeing the young man flying out, everyone dispersed at once, no one had the guts to catch him.

The previous warning from Maple Leaf Valley was still echoing in my ears, and Maple Leaf Valley acted viciously, even the Celestial Masters had the guts to kill them, so no one had the guts to accept it.

Everyone dispersed, but there were two exceptions.

That is Liu Chen and Yuchi Dianwei.

Yuchi Dianwei was scared and wanted to retreat, but seeing Liu Chen not moving, he had no choice but to stand still.

Liu Chen looked at the young man flying over, sighed, and with a domineering wave of his sleeve robe, he caught the young man.

"Thank you, thank you!!"

The young man's face was as pale as paper, and he thanked weakly.

"What?" Everyone was surprised and looked at this scene in disbelief.

Someone actually has the guts to intervene in Maple Leaf Valley, so it's possible that he thinks his life is too long!

The young and beautiful proprietress was also surprised, she stared at Liu Chen closely, and suddenly frowned, as if she saw something.

The most furious were the seven Maple Leaf Valley women, and each of them unleashed several red leaf hidden weapons, attacking Liu Chen and the boy.

The boy trembled, and he couldn't see the trajectory at all.

Everyone sneered and watched the show, thinking that Liu Chen would surely die.

Yuchi Dianwei also stood behind Liu Chen nervously.

Liu Chen frowned slightly, and his sleeves rolled up, forming a rapidly rotating vortex, catching the flying red leaf hidden weapon.



Everyone was stunned, realizing that they had underestimated Liu Chen.

The people in Maple Leaf Valley were also dumbfounded, very surprised.

But at this moment, Xiao Yuanshan let out a roar, and violent waves of true energy erupted from his body, shocking the seven of them back.

The two sides closed their hands and stalemate each other.

With a flash of his body, Xiao Yuanshan walked in front of Liu Chen in an instant.

"Thank you, brother." Xiao Yuanshan said, "I don't know how to call it?"

"Liu Chen."

"Brother Liu, let me write down this feeling first!!"

The people from Maple Leaf Valley were annoyed, staring hard at Liu Chen, their eyes were full of fierceness.

"Young man, if you have the guts to intervene in Maple Leaf Valley, you will surely die!"

"Exactly, I will kill you two today!" Ruan Linghui let out a cold snort.

"Okay, stop!!"

At this moment, the young and beautiful proprietress said: "There is no need to fight, I have already decided who to give the house to."


After hearing this, Ruan Linghui and the others stopped, and said in a proud tone: "Quhe Yuan must be ours, let's go."


The young and beautiful proprietress shook her jade-like finger: "I will hand over the house to him."

After speaking, he pointed to the front.

Xiao Yuanshan!
Everyone was surprised, and the people in Maple Leaf Valley were even more annoyed: "What, why did you give it to the one named Xiao!!"

"It's not the surname Xiao, but that Liu Chen, Mr. Liu."

The young and beautiful proprietress smiled and spoke.


Everyone was dumbfounded and didn't have the guts to believe it.

Even Xiao Yuanshan on one side was surprised. This result was beyond everyone's expectations.

All of a sudden, many people stared at Liu Chen closely, with unfriendly expressions.

If it was given to Maple Leaf Valley or Xiao Yuanshan, they would bear it, but they couldn't bear it to an unknown martial arts practitioner.

Especially the seven girls in Maple Leaf Valley, who were full of fierceness, stared at Liu Chen closely, and wanted to tear him to pieces.

Liu Chen touched his nose with a wry smile, and gave him the house, which was something he hadn't thought about at all.

But it sounds okay, he was worried about not having a house to live in.

As for Maple Leaf Valley, it has already been provoked, so it doesn't matter if it is provoked again.

"Why?" Someone was unconvinced.

"Hmph, Miss Ben likes people who do what is right, can't you?" The young and beautiful proprietress let out a cold snort.

"Since that's the case, then I'll go back first, Brother Liu, see you at the school!" Xiao Yuanshan clasped his fists, and then quickly left with the book boy.

The others stared at Liu Chen unkindly.

Liu Chen got the Quhe Court by accident and became the object of everyone's envy.

Especially the people from Maple Leaf Valley wanted to make a move even more.

However, he was stopped by the young and beautiful proprietress.

The proprietress was very strong, she beat the people of Maple Leaf Valley away without saying a word, the seven beautiful women looked bad, but they seemed to be very scrupulous about Yangsong Inn, so they didn't make a move.

But before leaving, Ruan Linghui warned in a cold tone: "Young man, if you have the guts to rob my lord, you will surely die!!"

"My lord?" Everyone was surprised that the seven outstanding women were servants.

"Could it be a young master from Maple Leaf Valley?" Someone guessed.

But no matter what, they all thought that Liu Chen would definitely die! !
Liu Chen curled his lips, since he had already provoked him, there was nothing to be polite about.

"Okay. I'll wait for you to say this after you enter the academy."

Then, he ignored the seven maddened women and took Yuchi Dianwei into the Yangsong Inn.

Quheyuan is very large, equivalent to a small official residence, and the environment is very beautiful.

Liu Chen and Yuchi Dianwei each allocated a guest room and planned to sleep.

But not long after, the young and beautiful proprietress came, and she walked into Liu Chen's room with some dishes and a pot of medicinal wine.

The proprietress was very young, and Liu Chen reckoned that she was only in her twenties. Ruxue's skin was smoother than satin, her hair was pitch black, and her big eyes were sparkling.

Seeing this scene, Liu Chen was stunned without saying a word, he didn't expect the proprietress to deliver the meal to him in person.

Moreover, combined with the previous events, he felt that the proprietress seemed to want to get close to him on purpose.

This alarmed him.

"How's it going, is it a comfortable place to live?" the young and beautiful proprietress asked.

"Taste my cooking."

"Why, do you want me to feed you?"

Liu Chen was silent for a while.

At the last moment, he sighed, "What's your purpose?"

"Purpose?" The young and beautiful proprietress blinked her eyes, "Why do you think that?"

"I'd rather provoke Maple Leaf Valley than give me Quheyuan. I'm afraid it's not just because I like people who are brave enough to do justice?"

"Hey, you are so heartless, you still doubt me when I let you live in a big house." The young and beautiful proprietress snorted, "But to be honest, it's not because of Maple Leaf Valley."

"What is that for?"

"Because... I saw you."


In a painting, I didn't believe it at the beginning, I didn't expect that you really existed.

Liu Chen couldn't understand, and wanted to ask clearly.

But the young and beautiful proprietress didn't seem to give him any chance: "Okay, take your time, I'm leaving here, the Yangsong Inn is very busy, there are many things to take care of."

After finishing speaking, she stood up and walked away with the lotus leaves swung by the wind.

Pushing open the door, he happened to see Yuchi Dianwei striding towards him.

The young and beautiful proprietress smiled and left quickly.

Yuchi Dianwei was stunned, then as if he knew something, he showed a very strange smile.

He ran into the house, closed the door, and said mysteriously: "Brother Chen, I really admire you, it was done so quickly!"

"It's done, what is it done?" Liu Chen was puzzled.

"Get it done, lady boss, don't say you two are innocent, I wouldn't believe it if you were beaten to death." Yuchi Dianwei acted as if he understood.

Liu Chen's face was covered with black lines.

For the next time, Liu Chen stayed in Quhe Academy to practice, while Yuchi Dianwei went out to inquire about news.

Don't look at Yuchi Dianwei's mediocre combat effectiveness, but he is indeed very good at inquiring about news.

Soon, he returned to Liu Chen's room again.

"Brother Chen, check it out."

Liu Chen said, "Let's listen to it."

"The Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy's tests are divided into three categories: talent, combat power, and perseverance."

"Those who pass the three items will be able to enter the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy."

"If it is not for the prospective students of the internal test, the pass rate of the general test is generally one in a thousand. And this is under the condition that they are all elites."

Listening to Yuchi Dianwei's explanation, Liu Chen understood.

To put it bluntly, the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy wanted the best of the best.

"Starting in a week?"

"Three days."

"And, according to my inquiries, there are more elite martial arts practitioners this time than before. It seems that there is something in the academy that attracts them."

"But what are the details, I don't know."

"The number of people has increased?" Liu Chen touched his chin, "You have already probed enough."

(End of this chapter)

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