
Chapter 2236 Finally Came Out

Chapter 2236 Finally Came Out

In this battle, he showed no mercy and exhausted all his killer moves.


With a cry of anger, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, his body was like a flash of lightning, and with a stride, he flew in front of the black-robed celestial master in an instant, and the two swords in his hands stabbed out quickly.

Shapolang and Pojian are very powerful, and they both have their own Void Transformation Realm.

Although the killing and extinction realms and the nirvana transformation realms are not complete, they already have that charm.

The purple sword light surged, enveloping half of the sky, and the grass and trees in the land where it passed died, and everything withered.

Although the black-robed celestial master is not a real life, he was transformed by the spirit of the sword. This sword caused him some injuries, and his body became a little dark.

However, as a second-level celestial master, he couldn't be killed so easily. He immediately used his palm as a knife, and when he dropped it, the surrounding area seemed to be cut open, and the fluctuation of Nirvana True Qi was also cut off.

But at this time, the bright red sword seemed to strike, and with it came the sea of ​​blood that filled the sky.

The madness of killing quickly spread in all directions, making the sky extremely bright red.

At this time, there seems to be only one voice left in the world, and that is to kill!

The sharp sword was extremely bright red, and it fell from the sky.

The black-robed celestial master didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation, he punched out fiercely, and hit the sword body, making a sky-shattering sound.

The sky was filled with a sea of ​​blood, and Liu Chen was hit, his whole body was full of energy and blood, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

And the other party was also shocked back, trampling down the sky.

If someone was here, they would [-]% scream out. Liu Chen actually pushed the second-level celestial master, which is so unbelievable!

However, Liu Chen was extremely nervous because he saw that the other party had not suffered any substantial harm.

Immediately, Liu Chen clasped his hands together, and the black sword and red sword in his hand merged to form a magic sword.

At the same time, Liu Chen unleashed a killer move, Yun Juan Yun Shu.

This move is very powerful, and it is a kind of profound meaning that Liu Chen has practiced since he was practicing martial arts. As long as he does it, no one can avoid it.

The body turned into a dazzling light, and Liu Chen took the magic sword in his hand, and sent it forward suddenly, bringing out a white light, and stabbing forward quickly.

It's so fast!
Almost no trace was left in the midair, yet Liu Chen had already arrived in front of the black-robed celestial master.

Finally pierced the opponent's armor and plunged into his chest.

The black-robed celestial master yelled angrily, waved his palms, and slammed into Liu Chen's chest forcefully, sending him flying.

Liu Chen was hit head-on, and flew upside down like a kite with a broken string. He only heard the whistling wind in his ears, and he didn't know how far he flew, and finally hit a huge mountain solidly.

a loud bang

The mountain collapsed, and the gravel engulfed Liu Chen.

Immediately, thousands of huge sword lights rushed out, this move was fast and ruthless.The powerful momentum cut the rocks open, forming an open space.

But Liu Chen stood up from the ruins, gasping for breath, bleeding profusely.

There were thousands of cracks in the fire-robbing armor on his chest, like spider webs, especially on the chest, there were two deep palm prints.

This palm was really terrifying, several of Liu Chen's pipa bones were broken, and his internal organs suffered a severe blow.

Fortunately, he has the fire-robbing armor, otherwise this palm and foot can blow him up!

"Male Gobi, such a difficult guy!"

Liu Chen spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were cold.

Directly opposite, the black-robed celestial master is also having a hard time.

Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul is too powerful, allowing Liu Chen's offensive power to break through his defense, and the magic sword is even more weird, coupled with Yunjuan Yunshu's very powerful profound meaning, it made him suffer Hit hard.

In front of his chest, a magic sword was inserted, bursting out the air of killing and death, constantly hitting his body.

There was a loud roar.

The black-robed celestial master disheveled, shouted angrily, and a tyrannical force erupted from his body, shaking the magic sword flying.

The scar on his chest couldn't be healed for a while, it was the remaining aura of Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul.

Unless there is a special move, it is difficult to remove the spirit of King Kong Shenglong Sword Soul in a short time.

The black-robed celestial master frantically absorbed the surrounding vitality and suppressed the injuries.

In the distance, Liu Chen also let out a long howl, opened his mouth wide, and sucked it into the air.

The vitality surged all over the sky, forming a waterfall of sword spirit energy, which quickly entered Liu Chen's body.

Then, he quickly activated the Ling Tian Jue, displaying a tyrannical repair ability, quickly repairing the damage on his body.

Suddenly, his eyes burst into gorgeous brilliance.

With both hands dancing, the golden thunderbolt zhenqi in the right hand danced, condensing a big bow, and the wind in the left hand moved rapidly, forming a green arrow.

The unique knowledge of the wild, the bow of the light wind!
Immediately, the power of the electric wind surged across the sky, and the terrifying attack was like a sky-shaking rainbow, leaving behind phantoms of the electric wind one after another.

One after another, the phantoms of the electric wind rushed forward in an instant, bringing out a white light, and stabbing at the black-robed celestial master quickly.

The terrifying strength not only interrupted the black robe celestial master's repair of his injury, but also made the opponent's injury more serious.

Immediately, most of Liu Chen's injuries were healed. He had a cool and handsome demeanor, wearing bright red armor, striding forward like a demon.

On the armor, the original crimson and flowing blood mixed together, making it even more gorgeous, and the fire seemed to be coming alive.

His eyes were like electricity, and Liu Chen's Vajra Rising Dragon Sword soul surged, forming a powerful force, as if he was about to realize something.

Every time Liu Chen took a step, the ground trembled, as if it wasn't Liu Chen who was walking, but a prehistoric giant.

A mighty aura of coercion swept across the entire world, making it suffocating.

Although the black-robed celestial master was not a real person, he also felt this oppressive air at this moment.

He shouted angrily, and his body also emitted terrifying waves of true energy, wanting to resist.

However, he lost the lottery, and the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul was still destroying him in his body, and Liu Chen was too strong at the moment, so he was actually at a disadvantage for a while.

If anyone knew, their jaws would drop in shock. Liu Chen actually suppressed the second-level celestial master!

Every time Liu Chen took a step, the coercion on his body would become stronger, and the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul also roared to the sky.

Then, a powerful sword energy condensed in front of him, which was very illusory at first, and gradually condensed into a dragon shape. With the roar of Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul, it became more and more real.

Seeing the sword energy, the black-robed celestial master roared anxiously, as if he was subconsciously afraid of such a thing.

Suddenly, regardless of his injury, he attacked like crazy.

A terrifying air condensed into a fist and hit Liu Chen.

On the fist was a wolf's head condensed from the spirit of the sword, roaring murderously, with the spirit of fighting spirit on his face.

This move is enough to easily kill a layer of celestial masters.

However, Liu Chen did not dodge, he slowly held the dragon-shaped sword shadow in front of him.

The strength in the inner body roared, pouring into the dragon-shaped sword shadow like crazy, Liu Chen's heart was beating wildly, and it felt as if he was about to be sucked dry.

Feeling the strength lost in his body, Liu Chen swung out the dragon-shaped sword shadow quickly without hesitation.

The sword light was dazzling, like a battle dragon cruising in the sky, and the terrifying true energy cut the sky into two.

The sword shadow of the war dragon collided with the fist of the wolf's head, and terrifying power filled the surroundings in an instant.

The brilliance flickered, the storm swept and swallowed everything...

A gust of wind came from nowhere, blowing away the dust and mist.

Liu Chen half-knelt while holding the sword, gasping for breath, his face was extremely livid.

There was a terrifying crack in the ground ahead that couldn't be seen at a glance, and the aura of the black-robed celestial master disappeared.

The corners of Liu Chen's lips twitched. The move just now was a sword shadow formed by the condensed soul of Vajra Rising Dragon Sword. It was very terrifying.

But the wear and tear was even more shocking, Liu Chen was almost sucked dry.

At first he thought that Yunjuan Yunshu was the most energy-consuming move, but he didn't expect it to be far behind this dragon-shaped sword-shadow.

He sat down cross-legged, trying to regain his strength, but at this moment, a silver light flashed, and Liu Chen quickly left the fifth layer.

At the same time, in another illusion space, Tan Hongyan was dripping with sweat, and behind her, an afterimage of a human figure gradually disappeared.

In front of him was the black-robed celestial master who fell down suddenly.

With a flash of silver light, she left the fifth layer equally quickly.

Outside, everyone was boiling because they saw that the two lights on the fifth floor disappeared almost at the same time, and then appeared on the sixth floor.

Even those official disciples were taken aback and didn't have the guts to believe it.

Li Tieniu's face was gloomy, and he was gnashing his teeth in anger.

At the same time, he also had some scruples about Liu Chen.

The fifth level is a second-level celestial master, and the opponent can pass it smoothly, which is really beyond his expectation!
However, he was not afraid, because he also passed the fifth level at that time, and he had been practicing in the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy for several years, which made him even stronger.

Therefore, he was sure of dealing with Liu Chen.

Cheng Liangping was stunned.

"I must have read it wrong, it's impossible!"

He roared in his heart, unable to accept the fact.

He entered the fifth level, and came out without holding on for long, but the opponent actually passed!
There is no need to repeat the difference here!
All of a sudden, all kinds of frustration and frustration flooded in, Cheng Liangping only felt his eyes go dark, and he almost fainted from anger.

Chilian Pagoda, sixth floor.

The corners of Liu Chen's lips twitched, and he forced out a wry smile.

In front, two second-level celestial masters stood proudly with calm expressions.

But at the moment, he is short of sword spirit energy and still has injuries on his body.

Moreover, the two second-level celestial masters joined hands, and the difficulty is ten times more difficult than the fifth level!
Even if Liu Chen wasn't injured, he still couldn't pass, let alone he was seriously injured and physically weak.

But in this battle, even if he shed all the blood on his body, he would not hold back anything!

Holding a sharp sword in his hand, Liu Chen walked up step by step.


At this time, Tan Hongyan was also under great threat. Behind her was an illusory figure that flickered on and off, overflowing with terrifying true energy fluctuations, as if it had traveled across time and space from ancient times.

However, the combination of the two celestial masters is too powerful, even if Tan Hongyan is extremely strong, they can't beat them.

But suddenly, a mysterious engraved talisman flashed on her forehead, blooming with gorgeous brilliance, and a force that made it difficult to calm down was revealed.

That force made the two celestial masters feel uneasy.

But Tan Hongyan thought for a while, and finally concealed the mysterious imprint, and did not do anything again.

Outside, everyone waited anxiously, their eyes fixed on the sixth floor of Chilian Tower.

Immediately, the two lights disappeared, and then the silver light flickered, and two figures appeared on the square.

"Come out, finally come out!!"

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

But this is already very scary. There are two second-floor celestial masters guarding the sixth floor. If the two really succeed in the challenge, it will be abnormal!
Tan Hongyan's green clothes fluttered. Although her true energy fluctuated a little weakly, she couldn't conceal her beauty.

As soon as Liu Chen appeared, he put his legs crossed on the square, and made a seal with both hands, as if he had entered a certain state of cultivation.

The two figures attracted the eyes of everyone nearby, especially Tan Hongyan. The eyes of most male martial arts practitioners were on her.

(End of this chapter)

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