
Chapter 2237 Tied for No. 1

Chapter 2237 Tied for First Place
Tan Hongyan has long been used to the hot eyes of those martial arts practitioners nearby.

Since she was born, people around her have always looked at her with this kind of eyes, and she has not cared about it for a long time.

I'm afraid that only Liu Chen with a normal expression and someone who politely declined could arouse her interest.

Tan Hongyan tilted her head and looked at Liu Chen who was on the side, and then there was a trace of surprise on that beautiful delicate face.

"Is this... going to be upgraded?"

Sure enough, Liu Chen's body surged with tyrannical zhenqi, and above his head appeared a huge vortex formed by sword spirit qi, thousands of yuan qi were like an upside-down galaxy, non-stop The ground poured into Liu Chen's body.

Immediately, Liu Chen opened his eyes, piercing the sky like two sword auras.

There was a tyrannical force in his body.

It's just that everyone's eyes were very puzzled, and then turned into extreme surprise.

"What's going on at this level of cultivation?"

"The Void Transformation Realm is extreme, I'm going to go, this, what's going on!"

Everyone was confused, they didn't expect Liu Chen to only have the ultimate cultivation level of Void Transformation Realm, and this kind of cultivation level had just been upgraded.

Many people's minds are blank, and they don't have the courage to believe the facts in front of them.

Not only them, but everyone was stunned.

In the past, Liu Chen used special tricks to hide his cultivation level, and he had the power fluctuation of the soul of fighting in his body, so everyone thought he was a young martial arts practitioner who had reached the realm of harmony and mastery.

And at this moment, they realized that Liu Chen's previous cultivation level was only the peak of Void Transformation Level.

Such a level of cultivation is too ordinary, but the opponent has passed the fifth level of Chilian Pagoda!
"What... what's going on here?" Everyone felt like their heads were about to explode.

"The soul of fighting, he must have the soul of fighting! He is a quasi-celestial master."

Everyone talked about it, and my heart was shocked.

Those who have condensed the soul of fighting, but have not reached the realm of celestial masters, are called quasi-celestial masters.

They have seen this kind of celestial master before, but no one is as tyrannical as Liu Chen.

The deacon of the school was also surprised: "This guy is too unexpected, the combat power of the quasi-celestial master can reach this step!"

"Congratulations, you have upgraded again." Tan Hongyan said to Liu Chen with a smile.

This smile made everyone stunned, as if the mainland had become extremely beautiful.

"It's just luck." Liu Chen shrugged.

Everyone woke up, the one in their hearts was jealous and envious. At that time, they wanted to become Liu Chen and stand with Tan Hongyan and laugh.

Li Tieniu, Cheng Liangping and the others, however, had fire in their eyes, and their bodies were full of fierceness. At that time, they wanted to go up and tear Liu Chen to pieces!
Especially Li Tieniu, his eyes were extremely cold, and he shouted murderously in his heart: "It's just a quasi-celestial master, how dare you steal a woman from me!"

"Young man, after entering the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, I will let you live in my shadow!"

With so many people and deacons present at the moment, he couldn't attack Liu Chen at all, but as long as the opponent entered the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, he would have many opportunities!

Liu Chen and Tan Hongyan walked side by side to the edge of the crowd, waiting for the end of the third stage.

After three incense sticks, all the light in the Chilian Pagoda disappeared, and all the people were teleported out.

Now, the third test is over, and the admission assessment has come to an end.

The martial arts practitioners who have passed the three passes are all elated, because they can finally enter the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy.

And those disciples who ranked high in combat power began to compete with their own rankings.

"What prize will you exchange this time?" Tan Hongyan looked at Liu Chen.

"Prize? What prize? What's there?" Liu Chen asked in confusion.

"You don't know?" Tan Hongyan said: "The top eight will have admission prizes, and the prizes for the top three will be even richer. It is estimated that the prizes will be martial arts."

"Martial arts, what level?"

Liu Chen sighed inwardly, although Yuchi Dianwei was good at scouting out news, but he was still much worse than someone from a big gang like Tan Hongyan.

"The semi-earth-level martial arts secrets are handed down from the prehistoric, and their destructive power is no worse than the prefecture-level martial arts secrets at this moment."

"Semi-earth-level martial arts secrets!"

Liu Chen's eyes flickered, he didn't expect to get a big gift just after entering the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy!

"Now announce the ranking of this quiz."

Hearing the words of the old man in red, the martial arts practitioners around couldn't help but get excited, and the martial arts practitioners who passed the test also pricked up their ears.

In fact, they have estimated this ranking in private, after all, the ranking of the three levels is placed there, no matter how the top three are ranked, those are the few people.

"This time the ranking is a bit special, No.1 has two people."

"Two people!"

After hearing this, everyone trembled and listened carefully.

"Liu Chen and Tan Hongyan are tied for first place!"


Everyone was boiling, even though they had calculated it before, but now it was announced by the deacon of the martial arts academy, everyone was still extremely surprised.

This deviated greatly from their predictions. They thought Liu Chen could win the second or third place, but they didn't expect it to be the first!

They knew Tan Hongyan's strength and excellence, but it was the first time Liu Chen appeared in front of them.

The other party is still a quasi-celestial master, and this time he can get the first place, which can be said to be beyond everyone's expectations!

Cheng Liangping let out a cold snort in anger, and clenched his teeth.

"No.3 is Final Feihong!" The old man in red said again word by word.

Because the two are tied for the first place, No.2 is lost, and No.3 was won by Zhong Feihong, which is well deserved.

After announcing the top three, many people sighed.

Since the prizes for the top three are very rich, there are not only medicinal pills but also the profound meanings of martial arts at the prehistoric and semi-earth level!
That's what everyone wants most!

Cheng Liangping did not enter the top three, and his whole body trembled with anger, firstly because he felt sorry for the mysteries of martial arts at the prehistoric and half-earth level.

Besides, he felt dull in the face.

He comes from the family of Heavenly Man and Yijing Master, and he has always pursued Tan Hongyan, and he thinks that only he can be worthy of her.

But now, Liu Chen compared him.

Moreover, Tan Hongyan's attitude towards Liu Chen was also a little ambiguous, which undoubtedly deeply stimulated him!

"Young man, I will definitely let you know how amazing I am when I wait until the New Disciples Tournament!"

Cheng Liangping grinned.

Then, the old man in red announced the rankings of the others.

Among them, Cheng Liangping ranked fourth, and the fifth was the young man named Lan Bai who used poison.

After the ranking was announced, the old man in red said again: "I'll give you a day to settle your personal affairs, and come here tomorrow morning to gather!"

"As ordered!"

Everyone was excited and then left.

"Brother Chen, congratulations!" Yuchi Dianwei ran over and said.

He knew that Liu Chen was very good, but he didn't expect Liu Chen to get the first place!

"Let's go."

Liu Chen greeted Tan Hongyan and Zhong Feihong, and then quickly left with Yuchi Dianwei.

Without going back to Quheyuan, Liu Chen and Yuchi Dianwei quickly flew to their new residence in Lumpin City.

It was a small courtyard, although it wasn't too big, it was more convenient.

Moreover, the price of buying a courtyard in a place like Lumpin City is not cheap!
After entering the courtyard, Liu Chen asked the scarlet war dragon to deploy a defensive circle nearby to ensure the safety of Yuchi Dianwei.

Deploying the magic circle is what the red war dragon is good at, and it will be deployed soon.

People who are under the realm of harmony and understanding can't break through at all, even if they are first-level celestial masters, it will take some effort to break through.

This magic circle is enough to protect Yuchi Dianwei.

Then, Liu Chen took out some medicine pills and wine he had tempered, as well as some spiritual artifacts, and threw them to Yuchi Dianwei.

"Cultivate well here now to improve your combat effectiveness," Liu Chen said.

"Thank you, Brother Chen!" Yuchi Dianwei looked at the things on the ground, very excited.

"Brother Chen, do you need me to do anything else?"

"The first is to find out why the Martial God Temple is closed. The second is to find out the terrain and power situation of Longbin City. The third is to collect and sort out the information of the Sihe Gang. Their main rudder and hall entrance must be inquired clearly. The more specific the more Good! Fourth, find out if there are any master craftsmen in the Red Blood Realm, and if so, write down all the information for me."

"Don't worry, Brother Chen!" Yuchi Dianwei patted his chest in reassurance.

Liu Chen nodded and said, "Once I enter the academy, maybe I won't come out for a short time, so I can only rely on you for a while."

"If there is any trouble, put the spirit of the sword spirit into this jade tablet, and I will know."

Liu Chen handed out a jade pendant again.

This jade pendant is also from the hand of the scarlet war dragon, and there is an information transmission circle inside, as long as the sword spirit is injected, the other party will know.

Yuchi Dianwei took it and put it away carefully.

Then, the scarlet war dragon made a barrier, allowing Yuchi Dianwei to control the magic circle.

"By the way, Brother Chen, since you want to form your own gang, have you decided on a name for it?"

"Name?" Liu Chen touched his chin, and continued, "Let's call it the Xianglong Gang."

He rose up with Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul, so he took this name.

"Xianglong Gang, what a name!" Yuchi Dianwei clapped his hands and said with a smile, "I believe [-]% that this name will spread throughout the entire Red Blood Realm!"

The next morning, Liu Chen quickly left the courtyard and went to Lumpin City Square.

After he arrived, he saw that many people had already come to the square.

A total of more than 1000 people participated in yesterday's test, but only 90 people passed the test successfully. The elimination rate is very scary.

Soon, more than 90 people gathered, and at this moment, the old man in red appeared again.

More than 90 young martial arts practitioners gathered at the Lumpin City Square and waited silently.

Not long after, the space above the square distorted and deformed, and an old man gradually emerged. It was the old man in red from before.

"Everyone, follow me!"

Under his leadership, everyone quickly set off for Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy.

Before long, they reached their destination.

Looking at the front, everyone was extremely excited, Liu Chen also took a deep breath, and looked at it with burning eyes.

There, there are two huge brass gates, like two huge mountains, at least a hundred feet high.

Liu Chen was shocked, he had never seen such a majestic main entrance, from above he felt a majestic force and a faint air of vicissitudes.

The old man in red uttered spells one after another, and then the giant brass door slowly opened.

All the people ran forward involuntarily, Liu Chen was also excited, and walked quickly towards the huge brass gate.

He finally entered the holy land of practice in Mighty Sword Continent!
Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy is very large, and there is no end in sight.

At a glance, there are row upon row of palaces and pavilions, with mountains, rivers and waterfalls all over them.

Spirit tree herbs can be seen everywhere, and spirit birds and beasts run around, and they have no fear at all when they see humans.

Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy is like a fairyland in the world, full of vitality everywhere.

"Let's go, you are the latest group of people." The old man in red said.

(End of this chapter)

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