
Chapter 2240 The mission is here

Chapter 2240 The mission is here
Seeing the embarrassment of those newcomers, Teacher Du laughed: "You are just here, so you can owe the previous month's rent first, and pay it together next month."

"Okay, now you can choose."

Everyone was tense.

The courtyard inside is good, but the potential value of 30 in [-] days is really too expensive!

Everyone considered it again and again, and decided to live in the outermost courtyard first, and then live in the inner room when they are stable.

"Where do you live?" Tan Hongyan asked.

"Inside." Liu Chen replied.

He has 30 potential points in his hand, [-] days is enough, and he believes that with his combat power, he should be able to earn enough potential points.

Moreover, the vitality here is indeed good, which can just speed up his cultivation.

Only when the realm of cultivation has reached the realm of harmony and accessibility, Liu Chen will have confidence in his heart.

After all, there are too many monsters in this Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy!
"Okay, I'll go too."

Seeing Liu Chen choose to go inside, Tan Hongyan followed.

"Sigh, to be accompanied by a beautiful woman makes others envious!"

Many people are jealous, but they know that Liu Chen is really powerful.

If they want to achieve what they want in their hearts, they can only practice hard and improve their combat effectiveness.

Finally Feihong chose the courtyard in the middle, Cheng Liangping stared at the backs of Liu Chen and Tan Hongyan, his eyes burning with anger.

But when he saw the potential value in his hand, his face immediately turned dark.

In the end, he had no choice but to choose the courtyard in the middle.

Walking on the road paved with bluestone slabs, Liu Chen felt more and more vigorous and relaxed.

"Those [-] potential points are well spent!"

"It would be great if I could control this kind of Huiling Jiyuan formation!" Liu Chen envied, "At that time, when I form the Xianglong Gang, I can get a hundred Huiling Jiyuan formations!"

"Bah!" The crimson war dragon scorned, and said through sound transmission: "Do you think this is a vegetable? This kind of spiritual formation is definitely not something that ordinary people can deploy!!"

"Haha, isn't there you?" Liu Chen half-closed his eyes, "Aren't you the master of the magic circle? It's easy for you to gather spirits, isn't it?"

"If it was before, this would be a pediatrics, but now it's really difficult." The scarlet war dragon lowered its head.

"It's okay, don't worry about this matter, you should first figure out the Huiling Jiyuan here, and I will try to improve your combat effectiveness." Liu Chen frowned slightly.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing that Liu Chen didn't speak, but the expression on his face kept changing, Tan Hongyan next to him asked in puzzlement.


"It's just lamenting this wonderful collection of spirits."

"You, this is just an ordinary Huiling Jiyuan array. On top of this, there are intermediate and high-level Huiling Jiyuan arrays. Those effects will be considered good!"

"and also!"

Liu Chen took a deep breath, this time he really opened his eyes.

"Okay, don't be so serious, if you can join our Tan family, it will not be difficult for you." Tan Hongyan said seductively: "You think about it?"

"This woman is here again." Liu Chen was helpless.

"Well, am I that good?"

Tan Hongyan looked sideways: "Although the combat power is not the strongest, you are the most unusual martial arts practitioner I have ever seen."

"I have an omen that your achievements may be limitless in the future, so now I must seize the opportunity."

"Are you so sure?" Liu Chen was surprised.

"Don't underestimate women's intuition." Tan Hongyan was very confident.

"That's good, why don't we make a bet?" Liu Chen saw that he couldn't escape, so he thought of a way.


"Bet us who will reach the first place in the Tianwei Ranking first!" Liu Chen's eyes were full of brilliance.

"If it's you, then I will join your Tan family unconditionally. If I arrive first, then you should stop mentioning this matter in the future."

If there are other people present, it will be [-]% crazy!

A new student, Liu Chen, who hadn't even reached the Harmonious Mastery Realm, actually came up with the idea of ​​the Tianwei List.

And a bet is No.1!
This is neurosis!
It was dusk at this time.

And Liu Chen, walking in the mountains and forests, had a confident smile on his face, as if he was a celestial being and a master of the first realm.

Tan Hongyan was also surprised by the terms of the bet, she didn't expect Liu Chen to have such big ambitions.

"Number one on the Tianwei Ranking, okay, I'll bet with you!"

Tan Hongyan said with a smile: "You are very confident, but this time I am sure to win!"

"Not necessarily!" Liu Chen smiled.

Then, the two separated and returned to their respective courtyards.

After entering the courtyard, Liu Chen conveniently deployed a defensive formation. Although this is a martial arts academy, it's better to be careful.

Liu Chen was not in a hurry to cultivate, but took out the volume of martial arts rules. According to the red-clothed deacon, it contained the method of obtaining potential value.

Potential points are needed to live in a house here, and the method of earning potential points must be controlled, otherwise I am afraid that my life will be very miserable.

Then, Liu Chen had a general understanding.

There are many ways to obtain potential value, among which there are two methods with the highest cost performance.

One is to do tasks, that is, to cultivate. If the cultivation level is improved, the potential value will be automatically obtained.

In addition, there are many ways.

Liu Chen took a look, and there was also a kind of donation of martial arts and spiritual weapons.

That is to say, the students hand in the cheats and weapons to the martial arts school, and the school gives the corresponding potential value according to the level of the skill.

This method is also good, but no one will donate their skills.

"Hand in the cheats?" Liu Chen rubbed his chin, but he had a lot in his hand, including several half-earth-level martial arts secrets, which were obtained by defeating the celestial masters of the Spirit Bird School.

"Hand it over?" Liu Chen frowned.

Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy is well-known in the Mighty Sword Continent, presumably there should be people from the Spiritual Bird Palace in this martial arts academy, if they are seen, it would be a bad idea.

Moreover, he doesn't know the relationship between Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy and the major gangs, so it's better to be careful.

"Forget it, let's look at other methods." Liu Chen shook his head, he didn't worry about how to deal with the exercises, because three months later, there would be a large-scale bidding meeting in Dansheng City.

In that kind of place, no one would care about the source of cheats.

"Cultivate first, then go to the task." Liu Chen made a decision.

Then, he put away the rules of the Martial Academy and took out the Four Seasons Sword Skill.

This is a set of semi-earth-level martial arts secrets, divided into four colors: green, red, yellow, and white, and each color has a different style.

According to the above, if it can be matched with four different Void Transformation Realms, the destructive power of the Four Seasons Sword Technique can be brought into full play. At that time, when the four kinds of Void Transformation Realms are combined, the destructive power will not even be inferior to The true secrets of prefecture-level martial arts.

Four kinds of illusory realms!
This is a very high requirement for the Void Transformation Realm. It can be said that the four seasons sword skills are very difficult.

Liu Chen chose this sword skill because of this feature. He has mastered many kinds of Void Transformation Realms, so he must be able to control these four seasons sword skills.

The green sword symbolizes spring, and the sword skills are continuous and fine, endless, with strong vitality.

The red sword symbolizes summer, scorching heat and prosperity.

The yellow sword symbolizes autumn, desolate and chilling, with a meaning of death.

The white sword symbolizes winter, which is piercingly cold and devastating.

These four kinds of sword skills all have their own moves of the profound meaning of the sword.

Liu Chen currently controls the three naturalized virtual realms of electricity, wind and fire. The most powerful thing in him is the sword soul fighting spirit. At this time, he has formed the sword soul soul, which can be said to be the foundation of sword skills.

In addition to this, there are also the sword-breaking style and the wolf-shattering style.

These two ultimate moves have the Nirvana Transformation Realm of Nirvana and the Void Transformation Realm of Slaughtering, which fit perfectly with the Yellow Sword and the White Sword.

And the green sword, like his Ling Tian Gong, symbolizes endless life.

In addition, such as Feng Yi, can be used in any of these sword skills, such as the strong wind in spring, the storm in summer, the cold wind in autumn, and the cold wind in winter.

If used properly, it can be very useful.

There was brilliance in Liu Chen's eyes, and he decided to start with Feng Yi first.

He was obsessed with the Four Seasons sword skill, he completely forgot the time, in the blink of an eye, half a month had passed.

On this day, the defensive circle in the courtyard fluctuated, waking Liu Chen up.

"Young man, your partner has come to look for you!" The crimson war dragon had a dirty face.

Liu Chen gave it a blank look, put away the Four Seasons Sword Skill, and walked quickly outside.

Sure enough, Tan Hongyan was standing outside the courtyard.

"You finally came out, I have never seen such a cultivation!" Tan Hongyan said resentfully: "You are really crazy!"

"Cough!" Liu Chen scratched his head, the Four Seasons Sword Skill was too powerful, it made him a little obsessed.

"looking for me?"

"Hehe, the mission is here," Tan Hongyan said.

After hearing this, Liu Chen patted his head, he almost forgot about it.

There are two types of missions in Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, one is compulsory missions.

Generally speaking, this kind of task is not too difficult.

The other type is autonomous missions, that is, Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy releases missions, and the students choose by themselves.

Some tasks of this kind are very difficult, while others are relatively easy, and the natural potential values ​​are also different.

Today is the day to release the task.

"Come on, let's go to the secret cabinet now."

Side by side, the two walked quickly towards the Confidential Pavilion.

At this time, a lot of students had already gathered in front of the Confidential Pavilion, most of them were newcomers. Since the old students had already mastered the mission method, they usually would not show up with the newcomers.

The arrival of Liu Chen and Tan Hongyan caused quite a shock.

"The lover of my dreams has finally come!" Many people's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, that guy?"

"My God! When did they get mixed up!"

When many people saw Liu Chen beside Tan Hongyan, they immediately showed murderous eyes.

A wry smile appeared on Liu Chen's face, I reckoned that I was about to become the common enemy of unmarried men in this city.

"Other people want this kind of treatment yet!!" Tan Hongyan was in a very good mood.

Cheng Liangping looked at this scene with a gloomy expression, but he didn't have enough combat power at the moment, so he had to restrain himself first.

However, others couldn't resist.

Especially Li Tieniu, whose eyes can kill.

Liu Chen and Tan Hongyan walked into the crowd, first received the must-do tasks of the martial arts academy, and then looked at the Shuixingchen stele in front of them.

That stone tablet was hundreds of feet high, shrouded in brilliance, and the mission was announced on it.

"Which one are you doing?" Tan Hongyan asked.

"My task is to collect the cores of the five flame rats, so I will take the task next to the jungle." Liu Chen said after thinking about it.

The Flaming Rat is a level [-] monster, and usually stays in the dark corners of the jungle, so Liu Chen happened to be looking for a quest next to the jungle.

At this moment, Li Tieniu walked over.

He looked at Tan Hongyan, with a confident brilliance in his eyes and coupled with that handsome face, he could indeed charm a lot of young girls.

"I was very cautious in choosing the mission for the first time, do you want me to help you?" Li Tieniu showed a smile that he thought was seductive.

Li Tieniu walked to Tan Hongyan's side freely and freely, thousands of female disciples screamed sharply.

However, this did not arouse Tan Hongyan's favor, she shook her head and politely declined.

"It can be seen that you still don't know my identity." After thinking for a while, he continued what he said just now, "My name is Li Tieniu, I'm a class above you, and I'm also the deputy leader of the Shijueyuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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