
Chapter 2241 Flame Rat

Chapter 2241 Flame Rat

He thought that when he mentioned the name of the Ten Jue Yuan, the other party would be [-]% surprised.

Still, he was wrong.

Tan Hongyan didn't respond at all, although she knew the fighting power of the Ten Jue Yuan.

Seeing that Tan Hongyan was unmoved, Li Tieniu's expression darkened.

He couldn't lose his temper with Tan Hongyan, so he stared at Liu Chen next to him.

"Young people, stay away if you know the current affairs, or don't blame me for being rude!" Li Tieniu sent a voice transmission.

Liu Chen immediately became displeased.

Moreover, the condescending attitude of the other party disgusted him.

Therefore, Liu Chen ignored Li Tieniu's warning and said, "Let's go after the election, the mosquitoes here are too noisy!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, and hurriedly turned their heads to look. They had seen everything before, but no one dared to say anything.

After all, Li Tieniu is an old student with strong combat effectiveness, and behind him is a ten-jueyuan.

Such people are not something they can offend.

However, Liu Chen, a new disciple, actually called the other party a mosquito. This is almost a suicide attempt!

"Young man, what are you talking about?" Li Tieniu was furious at that moment.

"I have mosquitoes here, why are you so anxious?" Liu Chen smiled coldly, "Could it be that you are a mosquito?"

"Monk Zhang Er is really confused!"

Hearing this, Li Tieniu's eyes were gloomy, and he stared at Liu Chen closely, a chilly and terrifying air spread and covered the surroundings.

At the same time, there are also a few martial arts practitioners with very strong combat effectiveness striding towards this side, and the fluctuations of the true qi in the bodies of those people have reached the realm of harmony and mastery!
Liu Chen narrowed his eyes, and the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul in his body was ready to go.

The other party was so annoying that he actually thought he was easy to bully.

If he counterattacked, maybe these people would do something too extreme.

Moreover, he had already felt a fierce aura from the other party. Sooner or later, he would be an enemy, and Liu Chen was unwilling to be angry.

"Ahem, I'm done choosing, let's go." Tan Hongyan said.

She saw that there were many people on the other side, and she was afraid that Liu Chen would suffer.

Liu Chen glanced at Li Tieniu and the others, then shrugged his shoulders: "Well, I don't like being surrounded by mosquitoes either."

Then, he turned around and left quickly with Tan Hongyan.

"This kid is looking for his own death!"

Several martial arts practitioners rushed over with a fierce look on their faces.

"Brother Niu, I'll teach him a lesson!" A young man said through gritted teeth.

"That's right, let him know how awesome our Shi Jue Yuan is!"

"Okay, be careful. Although the other party is a new disciple, he has passed the fifth level of the Chilian Pagoda." Li Tieniu said sharply.

"Don't worry, Brother Niu, it's not like you don't know my combat power. I passed the fifth level of Chilian Tower six months ago!"

The young man laughed: "I will let him know that as a new student, he has to learn to behave with his tail between his legs!"

He suddenly flashed, like a wisp of white smoke, and disappeared.

"Shijueyuan? If they do it, that guy surnamed Liu will be in trouble!" Cheng Liangping smiled coldly when he saw this scene.


Liu Chen and Tan Hongyan quickly left the Confidential Pavilion and walked towards the outside of the academy.

"I'm leaving. With your fighting power, there shouldn't be any danger." Liu Chen waved his hand.

"Be careful, I'm afraid those people will find fault with you." Tan Hongyan said very seriously.

"How many mosquitoes?"

"Don't underestimate these guys, they are members of the Ten Absolute Academy!"

"What is Shi Jue Yuan?" Liu Chen asked.

"There are many disciples in the academy, and many associations have naturally formed, and this Ten Absolute Academy is one of the stronger ones."

"Furthermore, Li Tieniu should not be underestimated either, he is one of the most powerful in heaven!"

"Ten Jue Yuan, Tianwei List! I already know!" Liu Chen was alert.

"I guess Li Tieniu won't take it lightly. After all, his identity is different, but it may not be the case for other people." Tan Hongyan said.

"Oh, I understand, don't worry, I'll be fine." Liu Chen waved his hand, turned around and flew towards the outside of Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Institute.

Tan Hongyan's task was different from his, so the two performed it separately.

This time Liu Chen took another passage, leaving the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, it didn't take long before there was a vast jungle, and the stretch of mountains stretched for tens of thousands of miles, with no end in sight.

Liu Chen entered the vast jungle.

The phantom flickered, and there was an extra map in his hand.

There are reminders for the missions of the Martial Academy, so as long as the combat effectiveness is not bad, they can generally be completed.

Liu Chen looked at the mission information. The jungle he was in was the Xuanmang Mountains, a primeval jungle.

The Flaming Rat is a level nine magical beast, equivalent to a martial arts practitioner at the ultimate Void Transformation Realm.

But the flame mouse is a monster, so its combat power is a little stronger, which is probably equivalent to the quasi-harmonious and accessible state.

This kind of Warcraft is bloodthirsty and likes to live in groups, so it is a little troublesome to deal with it.

"Let's see!" Liu Chen speeded up.

He stood on the tree and kept jumping, each time reaching a height of hundreds of feet. At the same time, he used his spiritual power to search with all his strength.

At the same time, there was a ripple of black smoke behind him, following cautiously.

It was so silent, there was no way to detect it at all.

After three incense sticks, Liu Chen was overjoyed and sank.

He finally found the flame mouse.

Liu Chen landed lightly.

There is a group of flame rats in front, about fifty of them.Liu Chen used his spiritual power to gather information.

"Yeah, is there anyone else?"

Liu Chen was surprised, he saw that besides him, there were also some martial arts practitioners in another direction.

But the clothes don't look like people from the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy.

It must be someone from another sect.

Liu Chen observed quietly.

The three figures took two steps back and forth, among them were two middle-aged martial arts practitioners, one was a celestial master and the other was a quasi-celestial master.

There was also a younger young man with a nervous expression on his face.

"Uncle Huang, can you do it?" The young man asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, young master, as long as we only lure out one flame mouse at a time, there is definitely no danger."

"Oh, this time we must get the heart of the Flaming Rat!" The young man clenched his fists tightly.

The middle-aged man in black robe smiled and quickly lit a plate of incense, and a scent wafted in the wind.

But soon, the middle-aged man in black robe put out the incense, and then waited patiently.

Soon, there was a commotion in the distance in the jungle, and then the ground hummed and trembled.

At the same time, there is also a crimson blood mist and a strong ferocious air.

"The Flame Rat is here!" the middle-aged man in black yelled softly.

Liu Chen was also very surprised when he saw this scene, but he frowned when he felt serious.

In the distance, a figure like a mountain appeared in the jungle.

It was a Flaming Rat, its whole body was covered with scales, it was as big as an ordinary cow, and it was surrounded by a red and ferocious aura, which was very terrifying.

It saw three middle-aged men in black robes, and instead of rushing directly, it spit out a blue light ball with a diameter of one foot.


The complexion of the middle-aged man in black robe changed, which was beyond his expectation.

Originally, he thought that the flame mouse would rush over, but he didn't expect this to happen.

In an emergency, he had no choice but to attack.

A purple knife light cut through the sky, like a purple wave, splitting towards the flame mouse.

The crimson-purple blade was dazzling, and it struck the cyan ball of light in the midair, smashing it into pieces immediately.

However, there are tens of thousands of cyan liquids contained in the cyan light ball, which is extremely poisonous and corrosive. In an instant, it is covered with purple knife light, making a hissing sound.

More cyan liquid fell to the ground, eroding the trees and soil on the ground.

After all, the middle-aged man in the black robe was in the realm of a celestial master. He let out an angry roar, and the blade glowed brightly, like a giant purple snake, emitting murderous aura.

He slashed the Flaming Rat with a single knife, tearing its scaly body apart.

The Flaming Rat's muscles were paralyzed by the pain, and it made a sound. The sound waves spread rapidly like a tsunami.


The middle-aged man in the black robe was taken aback. This shout would definitely startle the flame rats.

"This one who kills a thousand swords, hurry up!"

At this time, he could no longer care about hunting the flame mouse, but turned around and flew back quickly.

However, the surrounding ground trembled, and thousands of giant mountain-like figures appeared, surrounding the place.

At the same time, the ground under the boy's feet cracked, and a sky-shattering ferocity shot straight into the sky.


The middle-aged man in black yelled furiously, wanting to help, but no matter how you looked at it, it was a step too late.

And at this moment, a green arrow, like lightning in the wind, pierced the sky and quickly shot towards the flame mouse on the ground.

Blood splattered.

There was another miserable roar.

The flame mouse was pierced by the green arrow, and the terrifying force took the flame mouse hundreds of meters away!

"What a terrifying arrow technique!!"

The young man and the others were stunned.

The heart of the middle-aged man in the black robe trembled. As a celestial master, he could better understand the horror of that arrow.

hoo hoo hoo!
Seeing that their companions were killed, thousands of flame rats were furious, and their bodies were full of ferocity, printing the forest red.

Their eyes were fixed on the back, even the middle-aged man in black robe was engrossed.

Behind, the sky fluctuated, and a handsome young man in blue was flying in the air, holding a big bow in his hand.

"Thank you son for doing it!"

The three of them were very surprised to see that the visitor was so young.

"It's nothing, just perform the task."

This young man was of course Liu Chen. Through his spiritual power, he had already seen the flame rat underground, and launched an attack at a critical moment, saving the boy's life.

The middle-aged man in black robe asked: "Could it be possible that the young master is a disciple of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy?"


Liu Chen nodded his head, then pulled out the lightning bow and arrow again, and green arrows flew out one after another.The speed of this arrow is as fast as a shooting star.

Boo boo boo boo!
In an instant, the three flame rats were shot through, and the thick body was nailed to the ground.

The middle-aged man in the black robe gasped, his fighting power was terrifying.

The boy's eyes were full of envy, and he clenched his hands tightly in excitement.

The flame rats nearby were furious, their eyes were red, and they rushed towards Liu Chen.

In that situation, I wanted to tear him in two!

"Oops, sir, be careful!" The black-robed middle-aged man reminded that so many flame rats were attacking at the same time, it was no joke, no matter how strong the fighting power was, it would be difficult to resist.

Looking at the flame rats coming from all directions, Liu Chen stood calmly, and then, a loud roar came from his body, soaring into the sky.

The voice was very low, like the roar of a dragon.

Those flame rats trembled, their eyes showed fear, and many of them crawled and trembled.

That is the fear that comes from divine consciousness.

Immediately, those ferocious beasts ran away like wolves and tigers, turning into streaks of blood, rushed into the forest, and fled away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Chen shot and killed two flame rats again.

"Hmph, it's nothing more than a group of monsters, they actually found fault with this king."

The scarlet war dragon let out a cold snort.

It turned out that the dragon roar just now was made by it.

As a family of giant dragons, it has a natural deterrent effect on those monsters, especially those flame rats, and it has no way to resist at all.

(End of this chapter)

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