
Chapter 2243 Lessons

Chapter 2243 Lessons
The other party's fighting spirit was too weird, it was this kind of invisible smoke, which was beyond his expectation.

"Fengluan Sacred Seal!"

He gave a soft drink, pinched the seal with his right palm, and swung it forward quickly.

A phoenix rose up, piercing the sky with raging flames, and pounced on Xie Boxue.

The entire sky has been reflected in crimson red, and the scorching true energy makes the sky tremble.

"It's useless!"

The white devil drifted away, turned into a trace of white smoke, and slipped away towards the surroundings, as if it had disappeared.

Xie Boxue showed contempt on his face. Although he only had the cultivation level of a celestial master, his fighting spirit made him extremely strange. Few people at the same level could surpass him.

Lie Yan Feng Luan tore apart the sky and pierced the earth, but it did not hurt Xie Boxue.

In an instant, Xie Boxue had already walked behind Liu Chen, his arms were bent, forming a whip of white smoke, forming a smoke web like a spider's web, quickly surrounding Liu Chen.

The Jiehuo armor on Liu Chen's body flickered, forming a solid defense, and at the same time he quickly thrust out a sword.

The front of Xie Boxue's chest was pierced, and a light-transmitting sword hole appeared, but no blood flowed out.


When Jianhua disappeared, the drifting smoke repaired the hit chest.

Xie Boxue was intact, but Liu Chen was covered by a white smoke net.

"You're not injured?" Liu Chen frowned, showing that ordinary attacks were useless.

"Don't bother, you can't hurt me at all with your fighting power!" Xie Boxue said contemptuously: "Young man, let's see how I deal with you!"

Like a devil, he walked towards Liu Chen slowly.

"I can't hurt you?" Liu Chen laughed, "You are so confident, look at me breaking your broken net!"

"Just because of you, you still want to defuse my attack?" Xie Boxue laughed, as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke.

Soon, however, he stopped laughing.

His face was flushed, as if someone had grabbed his neck, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Because just now, a sword flashed, cutting off the white mist spider web formed by him.

What's more, what's even more strange is that the smoke didn't recover and blend as before, and there was an extremely fierce aura at the wound, which contained all of them.

"This, what's going on here!" Xie Boxue was surprised, with a look of disbelief.

As a first-level celestial master, he has few opponents at the same level, relying on his spirit of smoke fighting.

This kind of invisible attack makes it impossible for the opponent to abolish it. Even if it breaks open, he can re-melt together soon.

But this time, things were beyond his expectation.

The smoke cut by Liu Chen couldn't blend at all.

"This one who killed a thousand swords, what did he do? What kind of strength is that?" Xie Boxue's face was ashen.

If he is still surprised at this moment, then he will panic the next moment.

Because he saw Liu Chen unleashing a sword of withering ji, he sent it forward suddenly, bringing out a white light, piercing the sky quickly, and immediately blowing away the smoke above.

The smoke became dim, and then disappeared into the air.

"What, this is impossible!"

Xie Boxue lost his mind, he tried his best to sense it, and saw that the smoke really disappeared.

"Impossible, how could this happen!"

He was flustered and looked at Liu Chen, trembling.

"Could it be his fighting spirit?" Xie Boxue was flustered.

In fact, he guessed right, it was the power of Liu Chen King Kong's Ascending Dragon Sword Soul.

As the offensive and defensive way between heaven and earth, Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul is invincible.

Therefore, when Liu Chen used the strength of the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul, he easily cut off the smoke.

Then, he used the Nirvana power in the sword to make the smoke disappear.

In other words, Liu Chen became Xie Boxue's nemesis.

Liu Chen cut off the white mist on his body with a sword, and then took the Liuyun Feixing sword and strode forward.

"Do you still want to teach me a lesson? If you have any tricks, use them all!"


Xie Boxue was flustered, his fighting spirit had already been neutralized, and he didn't have the courage to continue fighting at all.

"Young man, you are lucky, I let you go this time, don't let me see you again!"

After speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave immediately.

"Want to run away? Don't you think it's too late?" Liu Chen sneered, using his movements to condense thousands of figures, filling in all directions, blocking the opponent's way.

"Let me teach you how to behave?"

The same words were returned by Liu Chen at this time.

If it were someone else, Xie Boxue would slap him [-]% in the face. How dare someone dare to teach him how to be a man?
But at this moment, he didn't have the guts to make a move.

Liu Chen's fighting spirit was too fierce, restraining his fighting spirit.

At this moment, he regretted very much in his heart, why did he act bravely and take over this task at that time.

Why didn't you investigate Liu Chen's inside story before coming here?

If he knew that Liu Chen was so tyrannical, maybe he wouldn't have come.

However, it's too late to say anything now.

"What... do you want to do?" Xie Boxue panicked, "I am a member of the Ten Jueyuan, if you dare to touch me, you will definitely die!"

He had no choice but to take out the Ten Jueyuan to intimidate the other party, hoping that the other party would have some scruples.

However, Liu Chen didn't have any fear at all when he heard it, on the contrary, he smiled even brighter.

"Don't worry, I will save your life. I still understand the rules of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy." Liu Chen said with a smile: "I just want to teach you how to be a human being."

Seeing the other party's sinister smile, Xie Boxue was on the verge of tears.

It is true that the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy does not allow members of the same sect to kill each other, but there is a kind of discomfort that is more painful than death.

Xie Boxue knew that Liu Chen would not let him off easily.

Sure enough, with a domineering wave of Liu Chen's palm, he released the scarlet war dragon and the little white ape.

"Haha, this king will teach you how to be a human being!!" The scarlet war dragon was extremely excited.

The little white ape was also in high spirits.

"Snake spirit!"

Xie Boxue let out a sharp roar.

"Malgobi, how do you talk, this king will teach you a lesson!"

The scarlet war dragon was unhappy: "No, tie him up!"


Xie Boxue went crazy, his body turned into thousands of white smoke, and he fled in all directions.

As long as a wisp of white smoke escapes, he can run away.

However, he still underestimated the scarlet war dragon and the little white ape.

Looking at the white smoke flying everywhere, the crimson war dragon sneered non-stop. With a wave of its claws, the crimson war dragon quickly deployed a magic circle, covering a hundred meters around.

Then, a strange force formed in the magic circle, making Xie Boxue appear.

Then, a flash of lightning struck Xie Boxue in an instant.

In that situation, it was like a blitzkrieg dragon roaring.

In an instant, the lightning turned into a linear light, trapping Xie Boxue.

"No squeak, no squeak!"

The little white ape was excited, and it tied the opponent with the lightning whip in its hand.

With a quick pull, Xie Boxue was pulled down.

Xie Boxue was in a daze and didn't have the guts to believe it.

Liu Chen didn't want to make a move this time, so the two monsters dealt with him?

What happened to this continent?He felt a little out of step with the mainland!

"Young man, this king's lesson has begun..."

Then, a tragic voice came, like ghosts crying and wolves howling, chills ran down the spine, and the creeps frightened the surrounding monsters to run away in a hurry.

After a long time, the sound gradually disappeared.

"The devil, the devil!"

Xie Boxue curled up like a young daughter-in-law who was attacked, very miserable.

Liu Chen took care of the ghost-eyed mephit's corpse and walked to Xie Boxue's side.


"From now on, this kid will definitely be a good man!" The scarlet war dragon patted his chest to assure him.

"This is his Qingyun Token and Space Ring."

Liu Chen accepted it satisfactorily, and then began to search for the token.

"Three hundred potentials? So little?" Liu Chen frowned.

"Aren't you a member of the Ten Jue Yuan, why are you so poor?"

After hearing this, the corners of Xie Boxue's lips twitched and said, "As soon as I have potential, I will use it."

"That's all." Liu Chen threw the token over and said disappointedly, "I'll spare you this time."

"Excuse me?" Xie Boxue sobbed. Not only did he receive a very profound 'lesson', he was also robbed of the space ring.

He found that compared to Liu Chen, he was nothing, and the other party was the real devil!

"Forgive you this time, next time you want to find trouble, don't forget to bring more potential points!"

Liu Chen put away the other party's space ring, and quickly left with the scarlet war dragon and the little white ape.

In the forest, only Xie Boxue's tragic howl was left...

Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, several young people were waiting in the pavilion next to the entrance.

These guys are exactly the members of the Shi Jue Yuan including Li Tieniu.

"After calculating the time, Xie Boxue should be done."

"Guess that guy has come up with some new tricks to torture people?"

Several young people discuss.

Li Tieniu frowned slightly, for some reason, he had a bad omen in his heart.

"Brother Niu, don't be afraid, a new disciple is nothing more than a quasi-celestial master, what kind of waves can such a person cause?"

"That's right, it's not..."

Another disciple said with a smile, but his words stopped because he saw a person.

"That guy? What's going on here?"

Several people were surprised, why is he all right?

"The one who killed a thousand swords, could it be that Xie Boxue didn't make a move?"

Seeing Liu Chen came back safe and sound, Li Tieniu's expression turned gloomy.

"Hmph, wait for Xie Boxue to come back and let him come to me!"

After speaking, he waved his sleeve robe domineeringly, and it turned into a brilliance and disappeared.

Only a few others were left dumbfounded.

After Liu Chen came back, he ran towards the Confidential Pavilion without saying a word.

Through this mission, he learned some things about doing missions.

After everything is clear, he will challenge those tasks with high potential value.

For the mandatory task, there were only [-] potential points, and for another optional task, Liu Chen got [-] potential points.

A Star Demon General with [-] potential points, it can be seen that this potential value is really not easy to earn!

Liu Chen pursed his lips, put away his potential value, and then returned to his courtyard.

At the same time, in a small mansion in the dormitory area of ​​old students, Li Tieniu and others gathered together, including Xie Boxue of course.

At this time, Xie Boxue's face was livid and his expression was sluggish, obviously he hadn't recovered from the previous "lesson".

"What's the matter with you, how did you let that guy come back intact?"

"Could it be that you didn't make a move?" the martial arts practitioner next to him asked.

Li Tieniu also questioned: "What's going on? You must give me an explanation for this matter!"

Hearing everyone's question, Xie Boxue seemed to think of something, and suddenly his body shook.

He said weakly: "I shot, but I lost."

"Losing? What's going on?" Everyone couldn't believe it, "Your smoke fighting spirit is so powerful, how can the other party resist?"

"It's useless. The opponent's fighting spirit is even weirder, and it's my nemesis." Xie Boxue shook his head, he didn't want to elaborate, after all, this was his shame.

"Brother Niu, that guy is very weird, his fighting spirit is extremely powerful, I can't beat him."

(End of this chapter)

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