
Chapter 2244 Huiling Jiyuan Pagoda

Chapter 2244 Huiling Jiyuan Pagoda

After speaking, Xie Boxue quickly left alone without waiting for a few people to react.

"Strange? Extremely fierce!" Everyone was stunned, seeing Xie Boxue's appearance, it was obvious that he had lost a lot of money.

Could it be that the opponent is really that difficult to deal with?
Li Tieniu's eyebrows frowned even tighter, and he said sharply: "Order someone to investigate the inside story of that guy, we must find out!"

Liu Chen returned to the courtyard, tidied up Xie Boxue's space rings, kept the useful ones for himself, and exchanged useless ones for the martial arts academy in exchange for potential value.

Then, he started practicing again.

This time, Liu Chen's focus was not only the Four Seasons sword skills, but also the improvement of his cultivation level.

Although he has the combat power of a celestial master at the moment, his cultivation level is still at the peak of the Void Transformation level. In this situation, there is no way for him to be on the Tianwei Ranking.

One of the necessary requirements to be listed on the Tianwei list is that the realm of cultivation must reach the realm of harmony and mastery.

Therefore, Liu Chen is going to raise his cultivation level to the level of harmony and mastery.

However, after practicing hard for a long time, he shook his head.

"I heard that there are other Huiling Jiyuan formations in the martial arts academy. I wonder how effective those high-level Huiling Jiyuan formations are?"

Like the place where he lives, it is just the most common Huiling Jiyuan Formation. Although the effect is good, it is impossible to upgrade to the Harmony and Accessibility Realm in a short period of time.

Therefore, he was going to take a look at those so-called high-level Huiling Jiyuan arrays.

The Huiling Jiyuan Formation is very famous in the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, so it can be known after a little inquiring.

After Liu Chen inquired carefully, he saw that with his current potential value, at most he could enter the middle-level Huiling Jiyuan Formation.

So, Liu Chen walked quickly towards the middle-level Huiling Jiyuan Formation.

Soon, he reached the area of ​​the middle-level Huiling Jiyuan Formation.

The number of students beside him began to increase, and the vitality in the air became stronger.

When he got here, Liu Chen realized that it was different from what he had imagined.

This Huiling Jiyuan Array is different from the courtyard where he lives, it is a Huiling Jiyuan Pagoda.

However, Huiling Jiyuan Pagoda is built underground.

A deep pit like a tiankeng appeared in front, full of mysterious and unpredictable true energy fluctuations.

Liu Chen took a look, there were a total of six Huiling Jiyuan Pagodas, and under the five Huiling Jiyuan Pagodas was a super large middle-level Huiling Jiyuan Array.

From the conversations of nearby students, Liu Chen knew that the lower the Huiling Jiyuan Pagoda was, the better the effect.

The potential value required is also higher.

The middle-level Huiling Jiyuan Pagoda has nine floors in total, and each floor has 35 trial rooms, and the price of each floor is different.

For the first level, it takes [-] potential points to cultivate three incense sticks, [-] potential points for the second floor, and [-] potential points for the third floor.

All the way to the ninth floor, it takes [-] potential points to cultivate three incense sticks on the ninth floor.

That price is terrifying!
The first layer is the cheapest, so the most people rent it, but the effect is the worst.

But it is four or five times better than the Huiling Jiyuan array in those courtyards.

Liu Chen walked to the first level, and saw that the vitality of the first level was at least twice that of his courtyard.

It is worthy of being a middle-level Huiling Jiyuan Formation. It is really strong. The first level is so strong. I really don't know what the ninth floor will be like.

However, with his financial resources at this moment, it is impossible to go to the ninth floor.

After calculating the potential value in his hand, Liu Chen decided to go to the second floor. .

Liu Chen walked quickly down.

However, the road leading to the second floor was blocked.

A figure with its legs crossed there.

It was a young man in a black robe, with a short cut, an earring on one ear, and cold eyes. He was sitting there with a smirk on his lips.

There were several students in front of them, their bodies were wounded and their faces were full of anger.

"What's the matter?" Liu Chen frowned, "Fighting in Huiling Jiyuan Pagoda?"

"New disciples?" Someone next to him asked, "You'd better not go there, or those guys will be your fate."

"Why?" Liu Chen was puzzled.

The person next to him sighed and explained: "Entering the trial room requires potential points, and it's worth a lot."

"However, some people don't have that many potential points, or they don't want to spend their own potential points at all, so they can only use other people's potential points!"

"Use someone else's?" Liu Chen frowned, and said bluntly, "You're stealing!"

"Steal? That's right, but none of them have the guts to say that!" The young man in the black robe with a cropped cut in front sneered, "You have a lot of guts, you have the guts to say steal in front of me!"

"Do you want to go up to the second floor? If you want to, come here. If you don't have the guts, go back!"

The young man with a short cut let out a cold snort, his words were very embarrassing.

"Is it possible that the Martial Academy doesn't care about this kind of thing?" Liu Chen asked sharply.

"As long as no one is killed, we generally don't care about it." The man sighed, "The journey of martial arts is full of dangers, and we are still in the even more dangerous red blood realm."

"If you can't even bear this thing, then you will die outside."

After hearing this, Liu Chen remained silent.

Indeed, this is a continent where masters are respected. The Martial Academy only provides training resources and guarantees the safety of life. Everything else has to be done by oneself.

"Hmph, don't be so wordy, do you have the guts to come here? If you don't have the guts, get out!"

"Don't waste my feelings!"

The short-cut young man drank in a low voice, and a powerful wave of true energy overflowed from his body.

Immediately, many nearby students changed color and kept stepping back.

"New disciples, they are members of the Fang Gang, you'd better not mess with them." Someone next to him kindly reminded him.

"Have they always been so shy?" Liu Chen asked.

"The members of the Fang Gang are greedy, arrogant, and very fierce. It can be said that they are a gangster organization." The man said through voice transmission.

"However, it is impossible to be arrogant all the time, and there will be exceptions."


This time Liu Chen didn't ask, because he saw the exception that happened next.

A figure walked in from the entrance.

The young man was wearing a white shirt, spotless. Although his body didn't burst out with qi fluctuations, it carried a powerful coercion, like a mountain, which made people look up.

Seeing the young man in white, the short-haired young man sitting on the ground was startled, then quickly stood up and stood aside.

The young man in white was indifferent, he didn't even look at the cropped young man, and entered the next level without saying a word.

During the whole process, the young man in the black robe with a cut cut didn't say a word, and there was even a little nervousness in his expression.

"Is this the exception?" Liu Chen laughed, he finally knew what the Fang Gang was like.

"What Fang Gang, it turns out they are a group of social scum who only bully the weak!"

Liu Chen smiled contemptuously.

The people around were surprised and looked at Liu Chen blankly.

Although they knew it was true, no one had the guts to say it. The Fang Gang is very fierce!

Immediately, the surrounding students distanced themselves from Liu Chen, for fear of being affected.

Even the martial arts practitioner who reminded Liu Chen earlier shook his head and quickly left Liu Chen's side.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Liu Chen sighed, usually the Fang Gang is full of evil, otherwise everyone wouldn't be so scared.

"Young man, you are the first one who has the guts to humiliate the Fang Gang in person." The black-robed young man with a cut cut was murderous, "I will definitely let you know that the Fang Gang is powerful!"

"Young man, kneel down and admit your mistake, maybe I will spare you, otherwise you will definitely die if you provoke the Fang Gang!"

The young man in the black robe with a cut-cut head had a fierce tone in his voice.

Hearing this sound, the wounded students next to them shook their bodies. Just now they were injured because they were not convinced and then shot.

"It's just a first-level celestial master. I really don't know what you have to brag about." Liu Chen shook his head, and walked forward quickly.

"Seek your own way!"

The young man in the black robe with a cut cut roared angrily, no one had the guts to underestimate him so much!

For a new disciple who had the courage to provoke him, there was no doubt that this was an act of suicide.

"Although I can't kill you, I have a way to make it impossible for you to survive or die!" The young man in the black robe with a cut-length cut was murderous, showing a cruel smile.

Get rid of Liu Chen and get the potential value, then his potential value will be enough for him to practice on the second floor for five hours.

"I will definitely let you know the rules of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy!"

The nearby students shook their heads in regret. The other party was the Fang Gang. Liu Chen's provocation of the other party was no different from seeking his own death.

Moreover, Liu Chen didn't show any tyrannical genuine energy fluctuations.

However, some new disciples recognized Liu Chen.

"Yeah, isn't that the number one test?"

"That's right, I won't forget him, he is very close to Tan Hongyan, he seems to be called Liu Chen!"

Many people talked about it.

"No. [-] in the test, why are you so arrogant?" The young man in the black robe with a cut-length cut was contemptuous. "It's really ridiculous to think that the brave people in the mainland have no fear if they come first in the test."

"Tell you, you rookies are no farts in front of me!"

"You are too noisy!"

Liu Chen frowned and quickened his pace.

"Boy, kowtow to me!"

The young man with a short cut shouted loudly, and swung his palm fiercely.

Immediately, a wave of terrifying true energy erupted, and a strong force surged along with the wind of the fist.

The young man with a flat-cut head controlled it very well, the energy gathered together, and ran towards Liu Chen without spreading.

"Get out of the way!"

Liu Chen also punched hard.

On the fist, the golden thunderbolt zhenqi beats, transforming into a giant dragon, roaring murderously.

The two collide.

Immediately, one after another mysterious lines appeared on the walls on both sides, exuding brilliance, protecting the Huiling Jiyuan Pagoda.

The young man with a short cut was shocked and backed away.

One golden arc after another flowed across his body, forming a very powerful thunderbolt qi, which made him numb all over.

"What, repelled!"

Everyone was surprised, with an incredible look on their faces.

They didn't expect that a new disciple could knock back the members of the Fang Gang with one punch.

No wonder the other party didn't care, and went directly to the second floor. It turned out that they had such a strong fighting power.

The young man with a short cut was also surprised, his body trembled, and the golden arc made him move slowly.

The sword spirit qi surged in his body, and the young man with a cut head formed a blow of sword spirit qi, removing the thunderbolt qi from his body. Then, he stared at Liu Chen closely.

A majestic and fierce air diffused out.

The new disciple in front of him actually made him suffer. As a member of the Fang Gang, he couldn't bear it.

"Boy, you'll regret it later!"

"Get out of the way!"

Liu Chen drank in a low voice.

Everyone was shocked, this new disciple was so terrifying, how could he look even more arrogant than the members of the Fang Gang.

The young man with a cropped head looked gloomy.

Although he suffered a loss just now, he still has the strength to fight.

Immediately, the spirit of the sword spirit surged on his body, a purple halo, with an air that made it difficult to calm down.

"Boy, this is my fighting spirit, strong attack halo! You can be proud of being defeated by my fighting spirit!"

Using the spirit of strong fighting, the young man with a cut head has a powerful coercion.

(End of this chapter)

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