
Chapter 2247 Establish Xianglong Gang

Chapter 2247 Establish Xianglong Gang

"If you dare to move again, I guarantee that your body will become five petals!" Liu Chen sneered.

Hearing this, Zhang Mang's body shook and he didn't have the guts to move around.

He was very angry, he was knocked unconscious before he had time to release Dou Zhihun, and it ended up like this.

At the same time, he was extremely flustered, because Liu Chen was so powerful, he subdued them all with one shot.

"Stop!" Zhang Mang yelled angrily.

Immediately, everyone in the field stopped and stepped back to the sides.

The eight new disciples were shocked, they didn't expect Liu Chen to win.

And those nearby martial arts practitioners were even more surprised, this was too shocking, Liu Chen let go of a team of Fang Gang by himself!

At this time, within the circle of the scarlet war dragon, one after another painful humming sounds came out, it was very tragic, everyone's backs were chilled, and their hairs were horrified.

The faces of those Fang Gang members changed even more, and they all looked at Liu Chen in shock.

A new disciple not only controlled them, but also defeated their captain with one move. This kind of move is terrifying!
"Stop, we surrender!"

Hearing the painful groan, Zhang Mang also shouted crazily.

Liu Chen waved his hand, and the crimson war dragon stopped immediately. It withdrew the magic circle, and five miserable Fang Gang members appeared.

"This time, let's admit it!"

Zhang Mang gritted his teeth and said, but under the current situation, he had to bow his head.

After hearing this, everyone was surprised and could not speak for a long time.

It was too shocking that the extremely fierce fang gang fell into the hands of a new disciple.

Especially the people from Shijueyuan, their eyes were wide open, and they didn't have the guts to believe the scene in front of them.

"Is this guy really a new disciple?" Many people's hearts trembled.

Tan Hongyan was also surprised, she knew that Liu Chen would win, but she never thought it would be so easy.

"Two wonderful beasts! How many secrets do these guys have?"

"Hehe, is this the end?" Liu Chen smiled coldly when he heard Zhang Mang's words.

"What else do you want!" Zhang Mang said through gritted teeth.

"Hmph, you are a prisoner right now!"

Liu Chen snorted coldly, and suddenly the five sword lights on Zhang Mang's body became even more fierce, causing him to groan again in pain.

"What exactly do you want?" Zhang Mang said.

"How many potential points have you been robbed?" Liu Chen turned his head and asked.

"Two thousand, eight hundred, six hundred..."

The eight people replied with excited expressions, they knew that Liu Chen was going to make decisions for them.

"Did you hear that, you will return double the potential value that was robbed!" Liu Chen looked at the members of the Fang Gang and said in a deep voice.

As soon as Liu Chen's words fell, the eight people behind him became excited.

Domineering leak test, really too domineering!
Originally, they were robbed of their potential points by the Fang Gang, and they thought that there was no way to get justice in this life, but they didn't expect that they would be able to trample their enemies under their feet after only three days.

Moreover, double the potential value was also obtained.

All of this is due to Liu Chen!

"Brother Chen, I will follow you for the rest of my life!"

"That's right, Brother Chen, accept us!" The eight people were excited, their bodies trembling.

"Okay, you will be my life and death brothers from now on!" Liu Chen will also create his own organization, the Xianglong Gang, in the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy!

"Now, go collect your potential value!"


The eight people stared with excitement and shouted loudly.

Before, they didn't have the guts to make a move at all.

But it's different now, with Liu Chen, even in the face of the fierce Fang Gang, they still have the courage to fight!
Soon, they got twice the potential value from the 12 members of the Fang Gang.

But Liu Chen took away those people's space rings.

During this process, a member of the Fang Gang wanted to resist, but when Liu Chen's sword spirit pierced into the opponent's body, no one had the courage to fight back.

Doing that, Liu Chen didn't feel uncomfortable, this is a continent where the fittest survive.

Therefore, if he is not ruthless, the enemy will be ruthless to him!

The people nearby were surprised, Liu Chen was the first one who had the guts to bully the Fang Gang like that.

Especially those newly recruited disciples were all dumbfounded, their intestines turned green with regret.

Before, like those eight people, they were all bullied by the Fang Gang, but they had no courage to face it, so they could only speak sarcastic words among the crowd.

But at this moment, Liu Chen had really done it. Not only did he defeat the team members sent by the Fang Gang, but he also avenged those eight people.

Double potential value, many people are very jealous.

Immediately, several people stood up and shouted at Liu Chen: "Brother Chen, accept me!"

As soon as these words came out, many new disciples stood up and looked at Liu Chen.

Seeing the flattery of those people, the eight people around them also showed contempt on their faces.

These people are cowardly and spare their lives. Why didn't they come out when they were fighting the Fang Fang Gang before? Now that Liu Chen has won, if they want to join, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world.

Seeing those people standing up, Liu Chen also sneered in his heart. He knew that those people had ridiculed him in the crowd before.

Looking around, Liu Chen said word by word: "I want to join, okay, have you seen the members of the Fang Gang, go up and beat them up, then you can join!"

"What, hit them!"

Everyone was stunned, and their minds went blank.

Those people are the Fang Gang. Although they lost to Liu Chen this time, it doesn't mean they can let others bully them!

Especially for those newly promoted disciples who stood up, the intestines of regret were green.

"Fuck, why am I so cheap, stand up at this time!" Many people felt bitter in their hearts, they didn't even have the guts to beat the Fang Gang.

However, shrinking back at this time can only show that they are cowardly and life-threatening people.

At that time, they will become the object of everyone's contempt!
So for a while, they were stuck on the back of a tiger.

"Hmph, I know you have no guts!" The eight disciples laughed coldly.

After hearing this, those martial arts practitioners who stood up blushed and got into the crowd in embarrassment.

Naturally, there are also a few people who are not greedy for life and afraid of death, and they really went up and kicked the Fang Gang members.

"Mal Gobi, boy, you are dead!" Zhang Mang and others shouted.

"Brother, from now on, we will be brothers!"

Liu Chen said to the three of them.

"Brother Chen, we are the three Ruan brothers!" said the elder brother among the three.

"Brother Chen, what is the name of our organization?"

"Xianglong Gang!"

Then, Liu Chen paused and said: "I, Liu Chen, founded Xianglong Gang today, and welcome outstanding and fearless students to join!"

After hearing this, some of the new disciples who had just joined applauded, but the others gave a blank look.

Just kidding, who has the guts to join in this turmoil.

Liu Chen fought the Fang Gang today, and the opponent would definitely counterattack, so no one had the guts to join at this time.

"Hmph, what Xianglong Gang! Just watch, it won't take long for it to disintegrate!"

The people from Shijueyuan smiled coldly.

Li Tieniu also had a gloomy face, and the situation at this moment made him very unhappy.


He snorted coldly, and quickly left with the people from the Ten Jue Yuan.

Tan Hongyan was taken aback, she didn't expect Liu Chen to form an organization by himself, which made her feel very surprised.

Originally, she wanted to set up an organization in the academy and pull Liu Chen into it, but it seemed impossible now.

"Hmph, I won't surrender!" Tan Hongyan snorted, since there was no way to pull Liu Chen in, then she would join in.

"And me, I have to join too!"

Tan Hongyan said.

Then, she quickly walked to Liu Chen's side.

"What? Tan Hongyan wants to join too?" Everyone was stunned, and then their eyes became hot.

However, at this juncture, they will definitely not join, so they have to wait for another opportunity in the future.

The three Ruan brothers and the others also screamed when they saw Tan Hongyan: "Brother Chen is awesome, and he has attracted a beautiful woman to guard him so quickly!"

"Why are you joining in the fun?" Liu Chen was helpless.

"Why can't I join!" Tan Hongyan hummed, then she walked up to Zhang Mang and kicked her twice.

"How about it, I deserve it!"

Hearing this, Zhang Mang was completely disheartened!
Liu Chen had no choice but to agree, and then he let go of the Fang gang members: "Go to the side, don't let me see you again!"


Zhang Mang stood up and left with a group of Fang Gang members.

However, he secretly swore a poisonous oath in his heart: "This revenge must be repaid!"

"Okay, let's find a secret place for a meeting!"

Liu Chen opened a trial room on the first floor and let everyone in.

This time things went smoothly, not only did he teach the Fang Gang a lesson, but he also recruited many students, and his Xianglong Gang finally settled in the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy!

Among the eleven new disciples, seven of them are celestial masters and five of them are quasi-celestial masters, but they have the combat power of perfection and mastery.

They can be called elites in the outside world, but in the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, they are ordinary students.

Because there are too many monsters here, just find anyone who is a first-tier celestial master!
However, Liu Chen did not underestimate them, being able to enter the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy was enough to prove that they were good.

Moreover, these people's talents are not bad, and they can be regarded as elites, but they are not as good as those monsters in terms of cultivation resources.

Liu Chen believed that, given time, these people would grow up to be very powerful in battle.

The three Ruan brothers, Ruan Long, Ruan Hu, and Ruan Bao, have all reached the first level of the Celestial Master, and their combat effectiveness is not bad.

Of the other eight people, three reached the first level of the Celestial Master, namely Ji Junwu, Gui Hongsheng, and Zeng Xingwen.

Liu Chen gave them some medicinal pills and told them to do the task first, earn potential points, and improve their cultivation level.

At the same time, Liu Chen also ordered some miraculous medicines, asking them to collect more in normal times.

"Boss, why are you collecting these wonderful medicines?" Ji Junwu was puzzled.

"It can't be pharmaceuticals, right?" Gui Hongsheng guessed.

"That's right." Liu Chen said with a smile.

"We don't have a pharmacist?" Everyone scratched their heads.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this!" Liu Chen said, "Your boss is all-rounder!"

After hearing this, everyone opened their eyes wide, and then they were extremely excited.

Even Tan Hongyan was surprised, she never knew that Liu Chen could temper medicine pills.

"This guy is really too mysterious!" Tan Hongyan gritted her white teeth.

"Okay, you guys go and act, I can also upgrade to the Harmonious Mastery Realm as quickly as possible."

"Boss, it's impossible to upgrade within a short period of time using Huiling Jiyuan." Zeng Xingwen said, "I know two ways to upgrade the boss within a short period of time."

"Which two?" Liu Chen asked.

"One is the medicine pill, which can directly improve the level of martial arts practitioners below the Harmonious Mastery Realm."

"The second is the Flame Mountain, where the terrifying sword spirit is hidden, and it will definitely allow martial arts practitioners to upgrade in a short time."

"However, that place is very dangerous. If the boss wants to go, he must prepare everything properly."

"Medicine pill, Flame Mountain!"

Liu Chen said softly, and then he took out the token, and found the introduction of the medicine pill on it.

(End of this chapter)

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