
Chapter 2248 9 Kills 9 Yang Formation

Chapter 2248 Nine Kills Nine Suns Formation

"[-] potential!" Liu Chen frowned slightly, it was really expensive!

However, this method is feasible.He thought in his heart that he was in the ultimate cultivation state of Void Transformation Realm at the moment, and he could directly reach the Quasi Harmony and Accessibility Realm by using medicine pills.

Then go to Lieyan Mountain to practice, and upgrade to Harmonious Mastery in one fell swoop.

This is definitely the fastest way to upgrade right now!

"Okay, let's do that!" Liu Chen's eyes sparkled, "I'll go to level up, and you guys should improve your cultivation as soon as possible!"

Then, everyone quickly left Huiling Jiyuan Pagoda.

"How do you get [-] potential points?" Tan Hongyan asked, "How about I lend you some?"

"Forget it, I won't be able to politely decline your request from now on." Liu Chen shook his head.

"Don't forget it!" Tan Hongyan snorted, "I want to see how you got [-] potential points!"

Thirty thousand potential points is by no means a small amount for the new disciples at this time, and they have to do more than a dozen quests all the time.

Therefore, according to the usual practice, it cannot be completed in a short time.

As for Liu Chen, what he lacks most right now is time.

"Can it be done in one go?" Liu Chen considered, and then he walked to the Confidential Pavilion, wanting to see if there were any tasks with higher rewards.

On the purple star stone, Liu Chen skipped the ordinary tasks and only picked the difficult ones.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and saw one.

Kill the fugitives!

Po Yun Zhang Lu Ruisi was full of crimes and killed thousands of innocent people. Now a wanted warrant is issued, and whoever gets the head of Lu Ruisi will get [-] potential points.

"So tall!" Liu Chen became interested, but when he saw the message, his eyebrows frowned.

Under the task, there are three golden stars, followed by an introduction.

Liu Chen saw that this Poyun Palm Lu Ruisi was actually a second-level celestial master, and he also had a top-grade spiritual weapon in his hand, which could be called very powerful.

After thinking about it for a long time, Liu Chen decided to take on this task.

"What, you want to take the action of beheading the fugitive?" The secretary of the Confidential Pavilion was stunned.

He stared at Liu Chen carefully and couldn't stop watching.

No matter how you look at it, the other party does not have a tyrannical cultivation level, and he is still a new disciple.

"That's a level three mission, have you read all the information above?"

"Look." Liu Chen said.

"The third-level mission is very difficult, and Lu Ruisi, Poyunzhang, is particularly fierce. He has killed more than one martial arts disciple. Do you still want to take it?"

Liu Chen resolutely said: "Take it!"

"Since it's your insistence, alright!" The minister let out a sigh of regret, and let Liu Chen take over the task.

Some of the nearby students were talking in low voices, and many of them spoke sarcasticly.

"This guy, think about the potential value and want to go crazy?"

"That's right, Poyunzhang Lu Ruisi, that's really a second-tier celestial master. I'm afraid only those strong people on the Tianwei list can deal with it. That guy didn't enter the Tianwei list, but he has the guts to accept it."

"Ah, isn't this a very arrogant new disciple? It is said that he has not even reached the realm of a celestial master."

"What!" Everyone was surprised, and then sneered, "He must die!"


Cloud Breaker Lu Ruisi is in Yangzhou City, not too far from Lumbin City.

There are five city-states near Lumpin City, and Yangzhou City is one of them.

Liu Chen hurried to Yangzhou City, but he didn't enter directly, but stopped in the suburban jungle.

Then, he summoned the crimson battle dragon, and began to discuss strategies with it.

Liu Chen had the guts to take on this task because the scarlet war dragon controlled multiple magic circles.

With his fighting strength and the destructive power of the magic circle, he should be able to kill Poyunzhang Lu Ruisi.

It's just that you need to deploy this magic circle properly.

"Young man, I have a killing formation in my hand, called Nine Killing Nine Suns Formation. If I can deploy it, I can definitely kill that Poyun Palm!" The scarlet war dragon patted his chest and said.

"Are you sure?" Liu Chen asked, staring at the scarlet war dragon.

This wretched dragon is often unreliable, he has to ask clearly.

"Boy, what do you mean, you dare to doubt me!"

The crimson war dragon was unwilling: "Riding a donkey to read the libretto—wait and see, when I deploy the nine-kill nine-yang array, I will definitely scare you to death!"

"However, the level of this magic circle is quite high, and it needs a lot of material assistance to deploy it well."

"Well, take whatever you want!" Liu Chen threw out the space ring.

Then, the crimson war dragon took out a lot of sword crystals and many mysterious materials from the space ring.

Fortunately, Liu Chen has strong financial resources and enough mysterious materials, otherwise, it would be impossible for someone else to deploy them at all.

Then, the crimson war dragon began to carefully arrange the formation.

This magic circle is very complicated, and it needs to remember the patterns, and each pattern is extremely mysterious, so there can be no mistakes.

With Liu Chen's knowledge and cultivation level, after seeing those engraved talisman arrays, he felt dizzy for a while.

An hour later, the crimson war dragon finally deployed the Nine Kills and Nine Suns Formation.

"Liu Chen, don't you believe it, come here and feel it?" The scarlet war dragon had a provocative expression.

"Okay, let me see the destructive power of this magic circle!" Liu Chen walked over.

As soon as he entered the magic circle, the crimson war dragon laughed slyly beside him, and quickly activated the magic circle.

Immediately, an incomparably fierce wave of killing true energy appeared around, and one after another terrifying brilliance sword lights criss-crossed, cutting towards Liu Chen.

At that time, Liu Chen's fine hairs stood on end, and the power of the electric wind surged behind him, exposing the electric wind wings, and moving rapidly, leaving only a phantom on the spot.

"This magic circle is so terrifying!" Liu Chen walked out of the circle, unable to calm down for a long time.

Although he only stayed for a while, the terrifying destructive power made him terrified.

The sword light formed by the magic circle is not weaker than his sword light at all, and it can definitely threaten the second-level celestial master!

"what is this!"

The crimson war dragon proudly said: "Boy, I want to tell you that this is just a simplified version of the Nine Kills and Nine Suns Formation. Once the full version of the Nine Kills and Nine Suns Formation is released, it will definitely be able to wipe out ten directions!"

"It's more than enough to deal with that Poyun Palm!"

"Okay, at that time I will introduce him into the formation, you control the formation, let's join hands to attack!" Liu Chen said.

Then, the crimson war dragon deployed another enchantment maze to hide the nine-kill nine-yang formation.

One person and one dragon, quickly headed to Yangzhou City.

Huang Changfeng is a disciple of the Huang family. He got up from the bed early in the morning and went to the martial arts field to fight.

Not long ago, he obtained the heart of the Flaming Rat in the jungle. After returning, he urged his own blood inheritance, and his combat power was upgraded to the quasi-harmonious level.

As long as he continues to practice hard, he will soon be able to reach the real state of harmony and mastery.

"I had to grow into a very strong martial artist."

A figure appeared in Huang Changfeng's mind. It was a young man, about seventeen or eighteen years old, dressed in blue, holding a big bow, as mighty as a warrior.

It was that figure who killed several flame rats very easily, not only saving their lives, but also gave them the heart of the flame rat.

Only in this way can their Huang family create several quasi-celestial masters this time!
"I must protect the family and prevent the family from being bullied by the Condor Eagle Valley."

Suddenly, urgent bells sounded one after another.

"This is an alarm, the family is in danger!"

"Could it be that the people from the Eagle Valley are here?"

Huang Changfeng's complexion changed, and his figure quickly rushed towards the central square.

Not only him, thousands of Huang family disciples hurriedly gathered together.

"Uncle Huang, what's the matter?" Huang Changfeng asked eagerly after arriving.

"Shenying Valley, the people from Shenying Valley have come, and he wants us to hand over Yuanyang Fang."

"What, this Shenying Valley who kills thousands of knives really wants to take over my Huang family's property!" Huang Changfeng said angrily.

The disciples of the Huang family next to them also looked angry.

Their Huang family is good at pharmaceuticals, and it turns out that they are also a big family in Yangzhou City.

But ever since the people from the Condor Eagle Valley came, their Huang family has been targeted and suppressed everywhere, and now the Condor Eagle Valley wants to swallow their Huang family's property even more.

They tried their best to resist, but many deacons were slaughtered, and there was no way to fight against it.

Because there is a powerful and cruel valley owner in the Condor Eagle Valley, Poyunzhang Lu Ruisi!
Not only has his cultivation level reached the second-level celestial master, but he also has a top-quality spiritual weapon in his hand, which is very powerful in combat.

"Hmph, even if you die, you can't hand over your family to Shenying Valley!" Everyone was angry.

"Hehehehe, how are you thinking?"

Suddenly, a person's voice sounded in mid-air, surging like thunder.

Then, a figure appeared above the sky.

It was a strong man, tall and tall, with beards all over his face, and a fierce gleam in his eyes.

Like an ancient beast, he stared fiercely at the Huang family below.

Behind him, there were a dozen or so first-level celestial masters, looking down with teasing expressions on their faces.

Thousands of members of Condor Eagle Valley appeared around, completely surrounding the Huang family.

"Old man of the Huang family, how are you thinking? My patience is exhausted!"

Cloud Breaker Lu Ruisi said in a cold tone.

"My Huang family's foundation will be given to you! You should die!" A silver-haired old man stood up, and he was the head of the Huang family.


Seeing the opponent's counterattack, Po Yunzhang Lu Ruisi's expression suddenly darkened.

"Immortal thing, I didn't kill you because I saw that your Huang family has a little pharmaceutical ability. Could it be that you really think I'm kind?"

"I'll give you a chance now, either submit to me and become my subordinates of the Condor Eagle Valley."

"Either they all die, from then on, the Huang family will disappear in Yangzhou City!"

"You have to think about it!"

Poyun Palm Lu Ruisi's eyes burst into a fierce light, and his body overflowed with a sky-shattering fierce aura.

"Immortal things, you have to think about it, the lives of thousands of people in the Huang family are in your hands!"

"Hmph, make a choice quickly, or your Huang family will be wiped out!"

Those masters of the Condor Eagle Valley threatened coldly.

"Do you really think my Huang family is easy to bully!" Down below, members of the Huang family were furious.

The head of the Huang family also roared angrily, his clothes were stirred up, and he rushed towards the sky like a shooting star.

"Too much deceit, I will fight with you!"

The head of the Huang family rushed out quickly and attacked Poyunzhang Lu Ruisi.

"Hmph, over your own strength!"

Poyun Palm Lu Ruisi snorted coldly, and quickly greeted him with a punch.

The terrifying zhenqi burst out like a demon cloud, spreading to the surroundings, and the head of the Huang family and Lu Ruisi fought together.


But not long after, a low voice sounded, and the head of the Huang family suddenly stepped back a few steps, then staggered, smashing the palace and pavilion below.

Smashed the ground into a horrible pit.


Everyone in the Huang family panicked and rushed over.

The head of the Huang family stood up from the ruins with great difficulty. He was covered in blood, his face was ashen, and there was a terrifying palm print on his chest.

Almost knocked him out.

"I really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, but you still want to fight with me with your fighting power?" Lu Ruisi sneered, "Do you believe that I will evaporate your Huang family right now!"

Hearing this, the head of the Huang clan shook his body, and then spat out a few mouthfuls of pus and blood.

(End of this chapter)

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