
Chapter 2253 Xianglong gang is not easy to bully

Chapter 2253 Xianglong gang is not easy to bully

He backhanded the big knife on his back and slashed down suddenly.

The dazzling knife light was like a galaxy, rolling towards the man in green.

"Hmph, overestimating yourself!"

The man in green sneered and punched hard.

This ruthless punch is pure physical strength, and the momentum of this move is like a tiger descending a mountain, which makes people gasp.

Suddenly, the dazzling knife light shattered into thousands of fragments.

However, that punch didn't stop, and it still attacked Ruan Long quickly.

"Quickly retreat!"

Zeng Xingwen shouted loudly, the opponent can break Ruan Long's attack with a single punch, the fighting strength of the two people is not at the same level at all, if the fight continues, Ruan Long will definitely suffer a big loss.

He flew into the air quickly, and then with a domineering wave of his palm, he threw out a large shield.

The ancient yellow shield was only the size of a slap at the beginning, but it quickly became larger during high-speed driving, and finally blocked Ruan Long like a house.

Spirit-level intermediate spirit weapon, flying shield!

The terrifying fist bombarded the shield, making a bang, like a mountain falling down.

Although the flying shield was not broken, it suddenly took a few steps back, and then staggered and hit Ruan Long's body, shaking him back.

Ruan Long was hit, his arms were numb, and blood flowed from the corners of his lips.

Fortunately, he was defended by a spirit-level mid-level spirit weapon, otherwise this ruthless punch would definitely cause him to be seriously injured.

"Hmph, as a senior student, don't you think it's too much to bully newcomers in public?"

Zeng Xingwen supported Ruan Long, put away the flying shield, and said in a cold tone.

The other people also rushed over, gathered together, and stared at the sky.

"Why, not convinced?" The man in green sneered, "New disciples should behave like new disciples. As a senior, I have to teach you a lesson!"

After finishing speaking, he swung his fist again, and the terrifying fist fell down like a monster mountain.

This ruthless punch wrapped Zeng Xingwen and the others in it, making him extremely embarrassed.

"Hmph! It's really deceiving!"

Zeng Xingwen and the others looked ashen.

Although they are new disciples, they are also an elite party, and they are extremely proud in their hearts. Now that the man in green is aggressive, they can't bear it anymore.

"Go! Kill him!"

The three Ruan brothers fought together, launched a terrifying attack, and blasted upwards.

The sound of shaking the sky came out, and the torrent of sword spirit energy hit all directions like waves.

The three Ruan brothers kept stepping back, cracking the ground.

In mid-air, the two attacks disappeared and turned into violent winds.

"You can block my punch, you are capable." The man in green sneered, his appearance made people feel very uncomfortable, he took a deep breath and said: "But, I only used 30.00% of my strength for that punch just now .”

"Next, I will use 50.00% strength, and I will see how you block it!"

"What, 30.00% strength!"

Below, those new disciples were surprised, and with 30.00% strength, they shocked the three Ruan brothers back!
They are first-tier heavenly masters!Unexpectedly, he couldn't beat the man in green with a punch.

It can be seen that the fighting power of the man in green must have reached the second floor of the Celestial Master, otherwise he would not be so strong.

"30.00% strength, is it very powerful?" A few members of the Xianglong Gang shouted: "If you have the ability to compete for the Tianwei list, what kind of ability is it to bully new disciples here!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for Brother Chen's absence, I would have killed you with one sword!"

"You just rushed over while Brother Chen was away. Why didn't you come a while ago? You probably didn't have the guts!"

"Haha, I'm afraid of him?" The man in green laughed, "I think you're out of your minds, to believe that Liu Chen so much."

"Let me tell you, I am a majestic second-floor celestial master! That Liu Chen of yours, I can poke him to death with one finger!"

"This time he ran fast, but you will not have such a good life!"

The body of the man in green exuded terrifying true energy fluctuations: "If you have the guts to provoke the Fang Gang, do you think I will spare you?"

"What's the matter, isn't it just how many years of hard training?" Ruan Long sneered, "If I were your age, I could kill you with one finger!"

"Although we are new disciples, everyone in the Xianglong Gang can be bullied!" Zeng Xingwen said sharply, "If you want to fight, we will accompany you!"

"All Xianglong Gang members, prepare to fight!"

With a shout from the heights, the 13 people roared, and they all burst out violent fluctuations of true energy, and the sword spirit energy on their bodies was like a spirit flame, beating non-stop.

Everyone worked together, and the reputation was very terrifying.

In mid-air, the man in green frowned. Although he was a second-level celestial master, the other party was also very powerful.

Moreover, 13 people join hands, among them are five first-level celestial masters and six quasi-celestial masters. The gathering of these martial arts practitioners must be a powerful force.

Even he may not be able to take it.

"It's not that easy to risk your life. During these days, I will definitely let you all live in fear!"

The man in green sneered, then turned into a glare and disappeared.

Seeing the man in green leaving quickly, Zeng Xingwen and the others let out a sigh of relief.

They were very nervous just now. After all, the opponent is a second-tier celestial master and a member of the Fang Gang. If they really fight, they have no confidence.

Fortunately, the other party didn't have confidence, otherwise they wouldn't have left quickly.

"Until Brother Chen comes back, let's not separate." Zeng Xingwen said, "Otherwise we will be defeated one by one."

"Hmph, what Fang Gang, after Brother Chen comes back, they're not farts!"

Several people cursed for a while, then entered the courtyard.

Of course, Liu Chen didn't know about the Fang Gang's provocation. He had already arrived at the side of Lieyan Mountain.

A fiery crimson mountain towered in the distance, filled with soaring heat, which distorted and distorted the sky.

Liu Chen looked at the legendary Raging Flame Mountain, judging from the fluctuation of true energy there, it was very dangerous here, even if a celestial master was here, it would not be enough to put his teeth between them.

However, this is really a good place to practice.

Liu Chen took a deep breath, then moved, and flew towards Lieyan Mountain.

The closer you get to Lieyan Mountain, the hotter the air is, followed by the thick and surging sword spirit.

"There should be a fire-type soul vein down here!" The crimson war dragon flew out and looked down.

"I didn't expect such a place to exist, and I happened to use this to upgrade!" It said very excitedly.

"Then hurry up!" Liu Chen snorted softly.

One person and one dragon rushed towards Lieyan Mountain at high speed.

call! !

When Liu Chen landed on Lieyan Mountain, the heat from the sky rushed towards him.

At the same time, the red rock under his feet became hotter, as if it could melt everything.

Liu Chen circulated the Qi of the sword spirit, forming an extremely fierce aura covering his whole body.

The mask formed by the sword spirit's air touched the ground, making a hissing sound.

"What a terrifying heat!" Liu Chen was shocked, the heat could actually roast his sword spirit!
In Lieyan Mountain, there are terrifying heat waves everywhere.

Martial arts practitioners in a well-rounded environment cannot survive here at all.

Under Liu Chen's feet, a fissure suddenly appeared in the dark red rock, and a red light flashed, carrying a strong heat wave.

Liu Chen flashed suddenly and appeared a hundred meters away in an instant.

Immediately, the rock he stood on just now was covered by lava, and the hot lava bubbles burst and burst, giving off a murderous aura.

"It's really dangerous!" Liu Chen couldn't calm down for a long time, even if a celestial master encountered that melted liquid, it would be difficult.

A sky-shattering sound came, and endless flames spewed out, forming one after another firebirds, rushing towards the sky.

Then, a figure rushed up, and two people fought immediately.

"There are still people!" Liu Chen was slightly surprised as he watched the battle in the distance.

"It must be a disciple of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy. There are so many talents!"

Liu Chen was shocked. At first he thought that he was the only one willing to come to such a ghostly place, but now it seems that there should be many powerful martial arts practitioners practicing here.

Withdrawing his eyes, Liu Chen no longer delays, but turns into a brilliance, and rushes towards the depths of Lieyan Mountain.

Finding a place with strong vitality, Liu Chen set up a defensive circle, and then began to practice.

Lieyan Mountain is very big, Liu Chen is still on the periphery, but the spirit of sword spirit is already very strong.

The front is getting hotter and hotter. Unless he uses the fire-robbing armor, he won't have the guts to go forward at all.

After thinking about it again and again, Liu Chen decided to practice here, and when his cultivation level improved, he would go deeper.

The scarlet war dragon was not with Liu Chen, but found a place alone to practice penance.

But the little white ape hugged the cornucopia and began to look for the nearby divine fruit.

Liu Chen didn't practice right away, but put in all his energy to comprehend the attributes of the flames nearby.

He has already grasped the fighting spirit of Yan.

Now, he wants to upgrade to the Dacheng realm in one fell swoop!

As if he felt Liu Chen's fighting spirit of flames, all the nearby flames jumped up, as if they had been activated.

Thousands of raging flames gathered to form a raging flame demon ape, about two meters high, with bright red flames flickering all over its body, staring at Liu Chen menacingly.

"This is..." Liu Chen was surprised, he didn't expect such a thing to appear here.


The Raging Flame Demon Ape roared and grabbed Liu Chen.

The speed was very fast, the flames flickered, and the flame demon ape walked up to Liu Chen, waving a pair of big claws and roaring.

Liu Chen snorted coldly, wrapped his palm in flames, and slapped the flame demon ape.

The two collided and made a chi-chi collision sound.

Immediately, the flame demon ape melted under Liu Chen's palm, turned into a ball of raging flames, and quickly entered Liu Chen's body.

"This is!"

Liu Chen was surprised, he felt that after the flame entered his body, it didn't produce any restlessness, but turned into the purest true energy.

At the same time, he felt that his fighting spirit of flames was stronger than before, and it was easier to use Lie Yan (raging flames).

"Could it be the essence of the flame?" Liu Chen knew that in some special places, the true energy between the heaven and the earth would produce spirituality, and it contained pure magical power.

The flame demon ape just now is probably this kind of flame essence.

Thinking of this, he became even more excited. If he bumped into some more flame essences, he might be able to cultivate the fighting spirit of flames to a great level soon.

However, flame essences are very rare, except for the flame demon ape that he bumped into at the beginning, Liu Chen didn't see anything else.

In this way, Liu Chen comprehended Yan Zhi's fighting spirit while cultivating to improve his cultivation level.

The surrounding fire elements were activated, forming thousands of raging flames, which rushed towards Liu Chen.

This is the result of Liu Chen mobilizing Ling Tiangong to absorb vitality.

Liu Chen, on the other hand, stretched his defenses and resisted with all his might.

Boom boom boom!
Those violent flames collided with Liu Chen's body, making him move and his face turned pale, but he still gritted his teeth and used Ling Tian Kung.

In an instant, those raging flames turned into the purest sword spirit energy and penetrated into Liu Chen's body.

With the use of Ling Tian Gong, those sword spirit qi rotated in his body according to a specific route, becoming his sword spirit qi.

(End of this chapter)

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