
Chapter 2254 Upgrading the Harmony and Accessibility Realm

Chapter 2254 Upgrading the Harmony and Accessibility Realm

With the increase of Raging Flame Sword Spirit Qi, Liu Chen felt that the Sword Spirit Qi in his body was more solidified, and it was much stronger than before.

"It is worthy of being called Lieyan Mountain, so you can improve so much in such a short time!"

Liu Chen was so excited that he urged Ling Tian Gong as if he had gone crazy.

At the same time, he took out the usual fire-type magic medicine in the space ring, and took out the medicine pill and medicine wine.

This time, he must upgrade to the Harmonious Mastery Realm!
Soon, Liu Chen took out a bright red fruit, and there were lines on the fruit.

This is a thousand-year-old Hunyuan refining fruit, which was obtained in the Lost Wasteland.

Immediately, he swallowed it.

The Hunyuan Refining Divine Fruit melts in the mouth, and turns into a ball of pure true energy, which flows into the body.

Almost at the same time, there was a scorching heat.

The true energy contained in the Millennium Divine Fruit was very powerful, and it was completely dispersed in Liu Chen's body at this moment, striking like a wave of fire.

At about the same time, there were more flames from outside colliding, and those flames formed a cluster, like a flame fork, which was sent forward violently, bringing out a white light, and stabbing at Liu Chen quickly.

Thousands of fire-type vitality crazily bombarded Liu Chen's body surface.

All of a sudden, a lot of sword spirit energy poured into Liu Chen's body.

The combination of these vitality and the true energy of the Hunyuan Refining God Fruit forms a more powerful attack of true energy.

"not enough!"

Liu Chen yelled lightly, he wanted to upgrade in one fell swoop, and he needed even stronger zhenqi!

"Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul, change!"

Immediately, a sword glow appeared on his head, turning into a dragon's head, full of murderous aura.

The dragon's mouth opened unhurriedly, and began to devour the vitality of the fire element nearby as if going crazy.

The Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul was extremely tyrannical, and at this moment it formed an even more tyrannical devouring force.

Thousands of raging flames gathered, forming a sea of ​​flames that filled the sky, and rushed towards Liu Chen.

Most of the sky was reflected in crimson red, and the sea of ​​fire covered the sky, covering a kilometer around.

This terrifying scene attracted the attention of other cultivators on Lieyan Mountain. Many raised their heads to look at the crimson sky in the distance.

"Who the hell is causing such a big commotion?"

Many people's eyes were fixed, this kind of terrifying sea of ​​flames was no longer something they could deal with!
Lieyan Mountain is extremely dangerous. The Lieyan here is by no means an ordinary Lieyan, it is spiritual!

The flames here are far more ferocious than those outside.

Under normal circumstances, martial arts practitioners at the Harmonious Mastery Realm would not have the guts to come in at all, and even masters at the Harmonious Mastery Realm would not have the guts to attract so many flames at once.

This is obviously playing with fire!

In an instant, Liu Chen was surrounded by fire.

The terrifying heat melted his clothes, revealing his vigorous body.

Mysterious lines formed one after another rapidly on his body.

Liu Chen summoned the pattern of the fire-robbing armor on his body to resist the terrifying flames.

The profound fire from Lieyan Mountain combined with the thousand-year-old Hunyuan Refining God Fruit to form a very powerful true energy, which struck Liu Chen's veins.

"Steel up and hit with all your strength!"

Liu Chen gritted his teeth and used his Ling Tian Gong with all his strength.

This process was very slow and lasted for five days. After all, it is not so easy to upgrade the Yuanrong Tongda Realm.

Five days later, he had condensed enough sword spirit energy, and flames overflowed from his body.


Feeling the sword spirit in his body, Liu Chen began to sprint to upgrade to the Harmony and Accessibility Realm.

In the body of a person practicing martial arts in the Harmony and Mastery Realm, there is no longer a cyclone, but the soul of fighting.

The soul of fighting is the source of strength for the celestial master.

As for Liu Chen, he had already condensed the soul of fighting, and at this time he had concentrated tens of thousands of true qi, and he already had the possibility to upgrade to the realm of harmony and mastery.

In his body, Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul coiled around, forming a small dragon. He roared up to the sky and sucked thousands of sword spirits into his body.

A deep voice came, like thunder falling, and a great energy overflowed, like a peerless beast revived.

Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul flickered, continuously absorbing the energy of the surrounding sword spirits, becoming brighter and brighter, and gradually solidified from the original illusory appearance.

Liu Chen knew that this was the vajra ascending dragon sword soul being revived, and when it fully awakened, it would enter the Harmony Realm.

However, Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul is too powerful, like a bottomless pit, devouring the sword spirit energy like crazy.

Soon, the sword spirit energy in Liu Chen's body was exhausted.

However, Liu Chen was fully prepared this time, and no failure was allowed!

He took the next millennium fruit again, and then quickly absorbed the nearby fire element energy.


The Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul trembled, the brilliance on its body became more and more intense, and its size also gradually increased. At the last moment, it roared angrily, its dragon head raised high, and let out an angry shout.

Liu Chen's body trembled, and he felt an inexplicable change in his body, as if his whole body had been sublimated.


He was surprised and delighted at the same time, this feeling was too mysterious, as if he had endless energy.

Moreover, he found that he had become more proficient in his grasp of Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul, and the two seemed to be integrated into one.

With a sudden flash, Liu Chen rushed towards the sky, and endless brilliance bloomed on his body, forming a battle dragon, soaring nine days.

This feeling is too mysterious!

"what is that?"

On the Flame Mountain, many people raised their heads in astonishment, their faces full of surprise.

The force just now was so majestic that everyone on the Flame Mountain felt it.

They wanted to see who it was that made such a big fight.

However, before they set off, Long Xiao appeared in midair.

"Is it really a dragon?" Many people were excited. This kind of thing that only exists in mythology did not expect it to exist!

"That's some kind of very powerful mystery!"

A strong man looked at the sky and said.

"How could a spirit beast like a dragon appear here?" Many people shook their heads. They knew that there would be no dragons on the Mighty Sword Continent.

But suddenly, they were stunned again.

Because, after the afterimage of the light dragon appeared, it didn't take long for another dragon whistle to sound.

Then, a thicker body appeared in midair.

This time it's no longer an afterimage.

The murderously flashing scales burst into a cold light in midair, and a very powerful force covered all directions.

"Ha ha!"

A rather embarrassing voice sounded, as if a peerless demon had descended into the world.

Liu Chen felt this wave of true energy and was very surprised. It was the energy of the crimson fighting dragon, and he did not expect that the other party had also upgraded to the Harmony and Accessibility Realm.

"Hehe, Liu Chen, let's fight!"

The scarlet war dragon let out a smirk, and its giant claws grabbed Liu Chen fiercely.

He had upgraded to the Yuanrong Tongda Realm, and his body was a hundred meters long, while the dragon that Liu Chen turned into was only ten meters long.

Therefore, this claw covered Liu Chen.

"It's just right, let's try the fighting power after the upgrade!" Liu Chen smiled, swung the dragon's head, and rose up.

He turned into a flash of lightning, quickly dodged the opponent's attack, and then went up against the wind.

When the two fought, the situation in Lieyan Mountain was disturbed, and the martial arts practitioners from all directions were very surprised.

"Two dragons are fighting?" Many people rubbed their eyes, not daring to believe it.

After a few rounds, Liu Chen had a certain understanding of his own combat power, and he was afraid that an ordinary second-tier celestial master would not be able to beat him at all.

If you hold back your strength and fight with all your strength, you may be able to resist the martial arts practitioners of the third level of the celestial master.

"Oh, this king is hurting to death, you deserve to be the way of offense and defense!" the crimson war dragon murmured.

"Okay, don't attract other people's attention!"

With a soft drink, Liu Chen transformed into a human form and landed on the ground.

The scarlet war dragon once again turned into a one-meter-long dragon.

"No squeak, no squeak."

The little white ape found a bunch of magic fruits from nowhere and ate them very happily.

This guy doesn't need to practice, he can improve by just eating the divine fruit, which is amazing.

Liu Chen didn't know what realm the little white ape had reached, but he had no pressure at all against ordinary first-tier celestial masters.

The realm of cultivation has already been upgraded, and then there is the fighting spirit of Yan.

Liu Chen looked into the depths of Raging Flame Mountain.

Now that he has improved his fighting power, he can move towards the inside.

"Go, go and see!"

Liu Chen was very curious about the depths of Raging Flame Mountain, so he walked quickly towards the depths.

Liu Chen moved forward steadily, and the temperature in front rose again, and orange-yellow flames appeared even more, which was very terrifying. Even if Liu Chen had upgraded, he would not have the guts to be negligent.

He saw that this kind of orange-yellow flame could already threaten the second-level celestial masters, and even a little carelessness might cause them to fall.

How deep is this Flame Mountain?Liu Chen was shocked, even if he had just entered the mountainside, he ran into a threat again, and he really didn't know what kind of danger would be inside.

"Okay, let's go here!"

Liu Chen stopped.

The crimson war dragon probed in all directions. It was not afraid of those flames at all, but it was indeed extremely hot.

"Malle Gobi, I'm so hot!"

The little white ape also had a listless face, and picked a leaf and put it on his head.

"Comprehend the fighting spirit of Yan here!"

Liu Chen sat down cross-legged, comprehending carefully.

He once owned the Purple Flame, and also mastered a variety of Void Transformation Realms, so he is very good at comprehending the Void Transformation Realms.

When he was on the periphery, he had already let Yan Zhi's fighting spirit reach the great perfection, and now he was only one step away from reaching the great success.

But this step is more difficult than the previous sum!
Just when Liu Chen realized it, other martial arts practitioners from Lieyan Mountain rushed over quickly. They wanted to see where the dragon, a spirit beast, was.

However, they were in vain, because Liu Chen and the scarlet war dragon had already quickly left the original place and reached a deeper place.

"Ahem, this zhenqi fluctuation, someone has upgraded it here!"

A strong man said sharply.

"Could it be related to those two dragons?" Everyone was puzzled.

"No, judging from the fluctuation of true qi, it's just an upgrade to the Harmony Realm!" Someone said contemptuously.

Suddenly, the man was startled, as if thinking of something.

"People who are in the realm of harmony and understanding come here and nothing happens? What, what's going on here!"

Hearing this, many martial arts practitioners were shocked. They are all martial arts practitioners who are well-rounded and mastered. Of course, they are aware of the horror here. People who practice martial arts under the celestial master come here, and it is impossible for them to escape alive!

However, at this moment, there are people who are upgrading here, and the previous cultivation level can't reach the Harmony and Mastery level at all, which is too surprising.

"Maybe it's not alone, maybe accompanied by a strong person."

"Yes, it must be so!"

Several martial arts practitioners confirmed the thoughts in their hearts even more, then they discussed for a while, and finally left.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

In the belly of Lieyan Mountain, Liu Chen kept comprehending the fighting spirit of Yan. Not long ago, he ran into a flame essence again, and after beheading it, he gained many benefits.

Now, he is getting closer to Dacheng.Liu Chen was excited.

It seemed that God was helping him, and it didn't take long for the surrounding flames to burst into flames, beating non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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