
Chapter 2255 Liu Chen is here

Chapter 2255 Liu Chen is back

A scorching and tyrannical air gushed out, spreading rapidly in all directions, as if the god of fire had descended into the world.

The fluctuation of true energy is stronger than that of ordinary second-level celestial masters.

"It's appeared!" Liu Chen focused his eyes and looked forward.

It was a stone man about three meters high, with several cracks in his body, thousands of flames shot out from those cracks, covering his whole body.

In the eye sockets, there are two groups of orange-red flames beating, showing a trace of divine consciousness.

"Very strong!"

Liu Chen was nervous and didn't have the guts to underestimate it.The fighting power displayed by the opponent is at least that of a second-floor celestial master, so it must be extremely tyrannical.

He suddenly flashed, turned into a brilliance, and rushed forward quickly.

In an instant, he walked in front of the magma giant, holding his palms tightly, and the surrounding flames flew, condensing into a flaming sword in his hand.

A sword slashed down, and the scorching sword energy rushed out, brilliant and dazzling.

This blow exploded to the limit, like a flame dragon, lowering its head and biting down.


The magma giant shouted angrily, grasped it with a large stone-like palm, and then slammed it out.

The terrifying power surged, destroying the world like a volcanic eruption.

The two collided, and a powerful storm of zhenqi swept across, tearing the ground ahead and causing nearby mountains to collapse.

The two of them took a step back each, quickly dissipating the strength in their bodies.

This move was evenly matched, but soon, the magma giant attacked again.

He beat the ground with his big palm, shaking the ground into pieces, and then roared angrily, the flames on his body became more gorgeous, and his whole body was like a ball of fire.

Liu Chen frowned slightly. The fighting power of this magma giant was beyond his expectation, and the defense was also very strong. He couldn't cut off the opponent just now with his sword.

He snorted coldly, mobilized the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul in his body, and condensed the flaming sword again.

This time, the flames from all over the sky condensed to form a three-foot-long deep red sword with one after another bright red markings on it, which was extremely mysterious.

"Red Sword, the sun is shining!"

Liu Chen raised his sharp sword high and slashed it down.

In mid-air, Yin Hong's sharp sword erupted, like a round of golden black and red sun, extremely gorgeous.

In that brilliance, there is a peerless sharpness, invincible, and it can easily tear the sky apart.

Feeling the danger, the magma giant roared nervously. His whole body danced with flames, turning into a volcano and rushing towards him.

A deep crack appeared in the place it passed. Even a second-level celestial master wouldn't have the guts to act rashly with that destructive force.


In the middle of the sky, a golden and red sun-like sharp sword fell down, breaking through everything, and slashing the magma giant in an instant.

Jianhua flashed, and the body of the magma giant froze, and the stones on the body kept falling, and finally turned into a pile of rubble.Then a crimson flame the size of a fist kept beating.

"Flame Essence!"

Liu Chen's eyes flickered, he inhaled the flame essence into his hand, and then began to absorb it.

The flame essence this time is very powerful, much stronger than the sum of the previous two times. With Liu Chen's super comprehension and rich experience, his fighting spirit of flame has finally reached its peak.

This time Liu Chen's whole feeling towards Lieyan Mountain has changed, it is no longer that kind of exclusion, but a feeling of special closeness.

This is the reason why Yanzhi's fighting spirit has reached great success. If he can condense the essence of fire, then his compatibility with Lieyan will be even greater, and by that time all the flames in the world can be used by him.

"Yeah, it's you!"

Liu Chen turned his head to look, only to see a red figure flying from behind.

"Leng Yasi!"

Liu Chen was taken aback, he didn't expect to bump into her at this place.

However, it didn't take long for him to realize that Duofang is an elite of the fire department, so it's perfect to come here to practice!

"You bastard, what are you doing here!" Leng Yasi stared at Liu Chen with a puzzled expression.

"Of course it's hard training, otherwise what else can I do." Liu Chen shrugged his shoulders.

"Training hard?" Leng Yasi smiled coldly, "Your Xianglong Gang is about to be wiped out, yet you are still here leisurely practicing?"

"I really don't know if your brain is flooded!"

"What did you say!" Liu Chen's expression changed.

"You do not know?"

This time it was Leng Yasi's turn to be surprised, she snorted coldly: "The Fang Gang members have come to embarrass you every day these days, your friend has been bullied terribly!"

"It was rumored from the outside world that you didn't have the guts to fight and ran away. I didn't expect that you didn't know!"

"The Fang Gang!" Liu Chen's face was gloomy, and there was a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Xianglong Gang would be in trouble just after he left for a few days.

"You'd better go and have a look, or your friends will die!" Leng Yasi said.

"Thank you!" Liu Chen cupped his hands and cupped his fists, and then disappeared into a glare of light.

"This guy can run pretty fast!"

Leng Yasi curled her lips, and then was taken aback.

"This kid's cultivation level!!" There was a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

When I saw Liu Chen before, although the opponent was powerful in combat, his cultivation level was still at the extreme level of Void Transformation.

But just now, the other party's body has the true energy fluctuations of the celestial master.

"This kid, upgraded?" Leng Yasi was surprised. In less than 30 days, it took less than [-] days to upgrade from the Void Transformation Realm to the Perfect Harmony Realm. This span is really too big!

Even peerless elites don't have this kind of cultivation speed!

"Could it be that this kid has an adventure?" Leng Ya couldn't figure it out, she decided to meet Liu Chen when she went back.

Driving all the way at high speed, Liu Chen returned to Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy soon.

Without any pause, Liu Chen rushed towards the dormitory of the new disciples.

There was coldness in his eyes. The last time he beat the Fang Gang, he thought it would make them remember better, but unexpectedly, the other party became even more arrogant.

"Those who dare to beat me, I will definitely make you regret it!"

Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, the dormitory area for new disciples.

Zeng Xingwen and the others were all wounded and looked at the sky angrily.

There, there are several figures.

The person who took the lead was the former man in green, Cang Chi.The aura of other people is also very strong, reaching the realm of harmony and mastery.

Recently, he came every day, and he also brought a group of subordinates, trapping the members of the Xianglong Gang below, unable to get out at all.

Since Liu Chen couldn't be caught, it would be good to use his brothers as fire.

Therefore, during this period of time, he came to teach Zeng Xingwen and others every day.

Cang Chen and the others looked down, teasing.

"Who started this morning?"

After hearing this, some nearby students shook their heads, silently sympathizing with what happened to these people.

Zeng Xingwen and the others had cold eyes and trembled with anger.

They didn't expect that the Fang Gang would go so far, leading a large group of people to block them for six or seven days.

And, beat them every day.

They fought back, but there were too many people on the other side, and they even brought a magic circle!

"Mal Gobi, fight!" Ruan Long shouted, his eyes were red.

"That's right, fight them!" Ruan Hu and Ruan Bao agreed.

"Wait a little longer, brother Chen should be back soon." Zeng Xingwen said sharply, he was equally angry, but the gap between the two sides was too great.

If you go up recklessly, you will be courting death.

"Okay, let's start with you!"

Cang Chi stretched out his finger, pointing at Zeng Xingwen below.

"Hehe, Brother Atu, this time I'll make the first move!" In the midair, a young martial arts practitioner smiled ferociously, "I'm the best at educating this group of new disciples!"

"Okay, you go ahead, don't beat him to death. It won't be fun like this." Cang Chen said.

A few people were talking and joking, and they didn't pay attention to Zeng Xingwen and others at all, as if the other party was a fish on the chopping board and could only be slaughtered by him.

"Fuck, fight!"

The three Ruan brothers were furious, and the others were also yelling, which is too insulting.

"Hey, if you want to fight back, have you forgotten what happened two days ago? It can be seen that the attack is still too light."

The martial arts practitioner of the Fang Gang gave a grim smile, then waved a big gray hand and grabbed it downwards.

The giant hand was surrounded by a gray air, with a disturbing air.

"Damn it!" Zeng Xingwen roared angrily and counterattacked violently.

But Cang Chen flicked his fingers, shattering the condensed shadow of his fist.

"If you want to fight back, you're really overthinking your capabilities!" Cang Chi laughed coldly, with him present, these people couldn't attack at all.

The gray beige palm roared and grabbed Zeng Xingwen quickly. The others roared angrily and wanted to make a move, but they were restrained by the nearby magic circle.

"I can beat whoever I want, you have no choice!"

"Resign yourself to your fate honestly, hehehehe!" Cang Chen laughed arrogantly, "This is what you will end up with when you provoke the Fang Gang!"

"Brother Chen, hurry back!!" Ruan Long and others said angrily.

"Liu Chen? Hehe, that idiot has no guts to come out!" Cang Chen laughed loudly, "You idiots, do you really think that idiot will come to save you?"

"He may have escaped already!"

"Hehe, step aside for me!"

The gray beige palm gleamed with brilliance, like the hands of ghosts in the underworld, extremely terrifying, and he was about to grab Zeng Xingwen.

And at this moment, Jianhua flashed, chopping the gray beige palm into several sections in an instant.

"Oh? Who?" The young man was stunned, then annoyed, "Anyone who has the guts to stop me, get out!"

Their fang gang made a move, but someone had the guts to block it. They really thought their life was too long!

"Brother Chen, it's Brother Chen!" The three Ruan brothers shouted excitedly.

Zeng Xingwen's body was also trembling, and his face was full of excitement.

"Liu Chen? It's that useless..."

The young man in black hadn't finished speaking when he saw a golden palm descending from the sky, knocking him flying in an instant.

The young man in black flew hundreds of feet away, feeling extremely distressed.

Immediately, the golden palm flickered, like a mountain, threatening all directions, and quickly grabbed it again.

"Block me immediately!" The young man in black shouted angrily, and punched out violently.

A huge dark gray demon bat floated in midair, with a ferocious aura reaching the sky, as if it was a real beast.

It made a desolate cry, and rushed to the sky at high speed, as if to tear the sky apart.

With a big golden palm, he slapped the dark gray demon bat out with one palm, and then quickly grabbed the young man in black.

"No!!" The young man in black was horrified and taken aback. He launched another terrifying attack, but it didn't work at all.

He couldn't hurt that big golden palm at all.

"Brother, save me!" The young man in black screamed loudly, and he no longer had the previous embarrassment.

Cang Chen's expression was gloomy and cold. With a flick of his finger, the huge aura rushed out like a mountain.

However, suddenly, the big golden palm suddenly accelerated, dodged the purple-black brilliance, and hit the young man in black to the ground with one palm.

The earth trembled like an earthquake.

If it wasn't for the defensive formation here, the surrounding area would have collapsed.


The other members of the Fang Gang changed their colors. This move was too fierce, beyond their expectations!
Even Cang Chi was surprised, and then looked gloomy. The opponent was able to avoid his attack, which surprised him very much.

(End of this chapter)

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