
Chapter 2256 Exhale

Chapter 2256 Exhale
And, what's even more irritating is that the other party didn't even show his face, and injured his subordinates in front of his eyes!
"Who is it, get out if you have the guts!" Cang Chi roared angrily.

The other members of the Fang Gang also shouted: "If you dare to intervene in the affairs of our Fang Gang, you will definitely die!"

"It's really a slapstick!!" came the cold voice, "But, in front of my eyes, you have no right to slapstick!"

"I'll let you have enough fun today!"

Then, the big golden palm waved again, grabbed the young man in black in the deep pit on the ground, waved it in the air, and then took another shot.

boom! boom! boom!

The young man in black was so dizzy that his body almost split open.

He was on the verge of losing his mind, and he struggled with all his strength, but it was no use at all.

All the new disciples were stunned.

"This trick is really terrifying!"

"Who the hell is that awesome?"

"The one who has the guts to provoke the Fang Gang and is willing to help the Xianglong Gang, could it be Liu Chen?"

"No, that guy is capable, but he's not that scary."

"Didn't you see that Cang Chen's attack was dodged? That's a second-floor celestial master!"

No matter how awesome Liu Chen is, he won't be stronger than a second-level celestial master!
Everyone shook their heads in disbelief.

Zeng Xingwen and the others were particularly excited and shouted happily: "Brother Chen, it's Brother Chen!"

In Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, except for Liu Chen, no one strong will save them.

"Brother Chen has upgraded! It's really great!"

"Young man, don't be too embarrassing, let go!"

The warehouse was on fire, beating his brother in front of so many people!This is how he will mess around in the future.
"Shock? Am I slapping? Compared with your fang gang, I'm still far behind."

With a slap of the golden yellow palm, the magic circle trapping the members of the Xianglong Gang was torn apart, and then the young man in black was thrown over there.

"How to solve it, I don't need to say it!"

"Boss!" The three Ruan brothers and the others were excited.

"Brothers, go! Seek justice!"

The thirteen members of the Xianglong Gang rushed forward like beasts.

"No!" The young man in black screamed, full of fear and despair.

The young man in black was brutally abused by members of the Xianglong Gang, screaming in pain.

In mid-air, the faces of the Fang Gang members were gloomy, even full of fear.

"If you have the guts to provoke the Fang Gang, no one can save you!" Cang Chen's voice was full of menace.

"If you provoke the Xianglong Gang, no one can save you!" The cold voice sounded again.

"Death!" Cang Chi was furious, with five fingers facing the sky, spraying out five thick awns of air, and shooting them around quickly.

Each one is as thick as a mountain, extremely sharp like a magic spear, extremely sharp, piercing the sky.

However, these attacks hit the void, but failed to force the opponent out.

"If you provoke the Xianglong Gang, you will be punished accordingly! Let's make amends!"

Thousands of qi swords emerged in the midair, and the sword light flashed, forming a sky full of qi swords.

Every qi sword shone with a cold light. Although the qi sword was made of the condensed spirit of the sword, it was extremely terrifying, and it was not even weaker than a spiritual weapon.

As soon as dozens of qi swords were released, the sky and the earth surged, and endless and terrifying savage qi diffused.

Swish swish!
Immediately, all these Qi swords slashed towards the members of the Fang Gang.

"Run away!"

The members of the Fang Gang were so frightened that their faces turned blue, and they felt a chill.

The fluctuation of true qi was too terrifying, they definitely couldn't resist.

Cang Chi was furious, and also counterattacked, but there were too many Qi swords, and he couldn't take care of them at all.

Bang bang bang!
There were ferocious crashes and painful grunts, and every time there was a sound, a member of the Fang Gang would be knocked down.

And those members of the Fang Gang who fell on the ground were surrounded by Zeng Xingwen and others, and they were beaten wildly.

In an instant, except for Cang Chi, everyone else was knocked down in midair.

Everyone was surprised, as if dreaming.

Cang Chen's complexion was very ugly, and he yelled angrily, "Who the hell are you, get out if you have the guts!"

"You don't even know who I am, so you still have the guts to find fault here?" came a disdainful voice.

Then, a figure appeared.

"Young man, it's you!" Cang Chi was shocked when he saw it.

Everyone below was even more stunned: "Liu Chen? What, what's going on!"

"When did he become so tyrannical? He can fight against the second-level celestial master!"

"Let me go, is he still a new disciple?"

Thousands of people were shocked.

Cang Chen was also surprised, he stared at Liu Chen closely, and suddenly said in surprise: "You have upgraded!"

"Harmonious Tongda Realm, this is impossible!"

He let out a sharp roar, his face full of horror.

The speed of the opponent's cultivation is really incredible.

"It's impossible, even for elite geniuses!" Cang Chi couldn't believe it.

Liu Chen said contemptuously: "Didn't you want to look for me? Now I'm here."

This voice is extremely domineering.

But Cang Chen was stunned and did not make a move.

"What, you have no guts?" Liu Chen smiled coldly, "You have spent ten days squatting in the new disciple's dormitory with all your heart and soul, and you just want to attack me."

"Don't you dare now?"

"What's the difference between a person like you and someone who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Young man, don't be complacent!" Cang Chen looked gloomy, "Although you have upgraded, you can't threaten me at all!"

"I will definitely let you know the gap between a first-tier celestial master and a second-tier celestial master!"

"Gap?" Liu Chen laughed, "I'll also let you know how stupid I am!"

"I'll send you to the West Paradise!" Cang Chi roared angrily and launched an attack.

A huge purple skeleton appeared in the sky, surrounded by a purple-black demonic aura, like a ghost in the underworld, with a ferocious aura.

The two eyes are icy cold, flashing a purple brilliance, which makes people daunting.

Following Cang Chen's movement, a pair of ghost claws shattered the sky and the earth, and grabbed Liu Chen.

"Fengluan Sacred Seal!"

Liu Chen slapped quickly.

On the finger, surrounded by tens of thousands of crimson air, rushed out quickly.

Then, a thick phoenix flew out from Liu Chen's finger, spreading its wings and soaring.

The wings are spread out, a hundred feet wide.

After Yan Zhi's fighting spirit reached Dacheng, the destructive power of the Fengluan Sacred Seal became even stronger.

The crimson phoenix luan is as high as a mountain, with a scorching brilliance all over its body, rushing upwards, its big claws and wings shake, like the dawn breaks, carrying overwhelming power.

After grabbing it and tearing it off suddenly, the afterimage of Feng Luan tore apart the huge crimson purple skull, and then burned it.

The storm blew by, and only the powder floated down.

Cang Chen's eyes and pupils shrank, his unique move was deciphered just like that?

There was a trace of fear in his heart.

Cang Chi wants to escape, because Liu Chen is too wicked.

But Liu Chen didn't give him any chance at all, and the Fengluan Holy Seal was fired again, and it came at a high speed.

Canglo couldn't hide, so he had to resist.

Feng Luan slammed into Cang Chen's body forcefully, and then burst out a series of tyrannical blows of true energy.

Cang Mo just persisted for a while, then suddenly took a few steps back, and then staggered.

It even left scarlet blood in midair.

The second floor celestial master was defeated by Liu Chen!
Everyone was stunned, Liu Chen's strength was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Especially those members of the Fang Gang, who were even more desperate.

"Impossible!" Cang Chen stood up in the void with great difficulty, his eyes were full of shock and panic.

"Young man, you are dead!" he said, and then tens of thousands of purple and black air rose from his body.

"You want to escape, don't you think it's too late?" Liu Chen smiled coldly, "If you hurt someone from my Xianglong Gang, you want to leave like that?"

He snorted coldly and drew out his sharp sword.

"Huang Jian, set fire to the sky!"

On the blade, thousands of flames rushed out, beating non-stop, and rushed towards all directions at high speed.

Soon, the sky was filled with flames, and the terrifying heat waves spread in all directions, melting the sky.

With just one sword strike, the world was sealed off.

Liu Chen took a stride, as if shrinking the ground into an inch, and walked to Cang Chen's side in an instant, with five fingers like swords, piercing into the purple black evil spirit.


Suddenly, the warehouse borer let out a painful scream like killing a pig.

"I have already turned into an empty body, how can you hurt me?" He panicked and screamed sharply.

"Don't use your stupid brain to speculate about my affairs!" Liu Chen said contemptuously, "With your fighting strength and the courage to attack the Xianglong Gang, you are really seeking your own death!" He stretched his five fingers , which immediately made the warehouse moth make a more tragic sound.

Soon, Cang Chi transformed into a human form again.

"Young man, if you have the guts to touch me, the Fang Gang will spare you!"

"Stupid!" Liu Chen snorted coldly, "I'm not going to spare the Fang Gang either!"

He popped out his finger, and a sharp sword qi condensed on his finger.

"If you have the courage to touch my brother, you must be prepared to be destroyed!"

With a breath of sword energy, it plunged into Cang Chen's body.

"It was stabbed for Zeng Xingwen!"

"It was stabbed for Gui Hongsheng!"

Boo boo boo boo!
"These three swords were stabbed for the three Ruan brothers."

Soon, Cang Chen had thirteen more Qi swords on his body, piercing through his body.

Zeng Xingwen and other Xianglong gang members clenched their fists with excitement.

It's so relieved, they were tortured by Cang Chen and others for more than ten days, and now they can finally get rid of the bird's anger!
Even the newly recruited disciples who watched the excitement were very excited and felt full of energy.

"Go to the side, if you dare to offend the Xianglong Gang, your fate will be even worse!" Liu Chen let out a cold snort, then turned around and flew down quickly.

"Brother Chen!"

Zeng Xingwen and his group shouted respectfully.

"Are you okay?" Liu Chen asked.

"It's nothing, we can bear this little injury, the main reason is that the other party is really bullying!"

"That's right, it's just being trapped for six or seven days, it's really a shame!"

"But it's all right now, Brother Chen helped us vent our anger!"

A group of people said excitedly.

"Don't worry, this matter won't just end like this, even if the Fang Gang agrees, I don't agree!"

"Brother Chen, could it be that you want to..."

"Heal your injuries first, and then go to Yangzhou City to get medicine pills to improve your cultivation level. I will seek justice on your behalf now!"

"The Fang Gang, there is no need to exist! It must be destroyed!"

There was brilliance in Liu Chen's eyes, and a domineering pressure rose from his body.

"Yes!" Everyone knew that the Xianglong Gang was about to rise!

"Liu Chen, I don't know if your Xianglong Gang is still accepting people?" Some new disciples gathered around.

They saw Liu Chen's powerful moves and terrifying combat power, and they yearned for it in their hearts.And usually after staying in the martial arts academy for some time, they will join the gang.

Going to those big gangs and being a small gang, it's better to be a new star gang like the Xianglong Gang!
"Xianglong Gang has just been formed, and it does need a lot of people, but we only accept fearless warriors, not cowards!" Liu Chen sternly said.

"If you are fearless, you can join Xianglong Gang." Liu Chen said, "I am sure to lead you to the top."

"This process must be full of difficulties. For example, as long as you join, you will face threats from the Fang Gang!"

"Of course, with me here, the members of the Xianglong Gang will not be bullied!"

Liu Chen was very truthful, telling all about the gains and losses of joining the Xianglong Gang.

"I'll join!"

"I will join too!"

(End of this chapter)

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