
Chapter 2257 The Growth of Xianglong Gang

Chapter 2257 The Growth of Xianglong Gang

After thinking about it, many people decided to join Xianglong Gang.

It's not because of anything else, but Liu Chen's tyrannical combat power and talent are worth following.

These people are not weak, they can enter the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, and they are all talented and powerful.

They had a feeling that Liu Chen could soar into the sky.

And at that time, the Xianglong Gang might also become the big gang of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy.

"it is good!"

"Since you are willing to join, then we are all brothers!" Liu Chen said with a smile, "Zeng Xingwen, make arrangements."

Then, Liu Chen handed over this matter to Zeng Xingwen and the others, but he himself made a set of Xianglong gang's rules.

A total of twenty people joined, and the members of the Xianglong Gang increased again, reaching 43 people.

Among the 43 people, fourteen people have reached the Yuanrong Tongda state, and the rest are all near the Yuanrong Tongda state.

Don't look at this as nothing in the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, but if you go to the outside world, it must be a group of terrifying combat power.

"Enter Xianglong Gang, everyone is brothers!"

Liu Chen paused and said, "I guarantee that in the future, you will have a lot of such things as exercises, medicine pills, and spiritual tools, and they will all be the best!"

"Naturally, the Xianglong Gang still has the rules of the Xianglong Gang!"

"First, don't betray the gang!"

"Second, the same clan is not allowed to kill each other!"

"Don't bully the weak!"


Liu Chen said a total of eleven items, and these eleven items became the iron law of the Xianglong Gang, no one can challenge it!

The 43 young people looked at Liu Chen with excitement.

This is a group of passionate young people. With their passion and trust in Liu Chen, they joined the Xianglong Gang.

However, they didn't expect that Liu Chen would be so tyrannical and let the Xianglong Gang soar into the sky.

Until many years later, when they stood at the peak of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, or even the peak of the Red Blood Domain, they could still recall the scene at this time.

This life is worth it!

After resettling 43 people, Liu Chen returned to the courtyard.

He has already been upgraded to the Harmony Realm, and his combat power has greatly increased, and he is starting to think about the next thing.

It is impossible to improve the realm of cultivation in a short period of time, because it is too difficult to improve the realm of harmony and mastery, every step is like reaching the sky.

You must have enough accumulation and luck to upgrade.

Therefore, if you want to upgrade, you must have enough treasures, and in Wuyuan, all of these are based on potential value!
In addition, there are things like the blood of the dragon, finding out about Lin Shenque, etc. Naturally, these things can't be rushed.

At present, the first thing to do is to deal with the counterattack of the Fang Gang, and the second is the martial arts competition for the new disciples.

There are still two weeks left for the New Disciple Tournament. If you can get No.1, there will be a lot of potential prizes, so Liu Chen will not miss this opportunity.

Regarding the Fang Gang, first of all, there is a conflict between them, which may be very difficult to resolve. The boss of the Fang Gang is a master on the Tianwei list.

He has now been upgraded to the Yuanrong Tongda Realm, and his combat power has been improved, and ordinary second-tier celestial masters can't beat him.

And the boss of the Fang Gang became the first target he wanted to surpass!
The next morning, Liu Chen asked the three Ruan brothers to go to Yangzhou City to get the pill.

When the five hundred bottles of medicinal pills were brought back, everyone was stunned.

These are all medicinal pills to improve the realm of cultivation!

The members of the Xianglong Gang were very excited. It's not that they haven't seen the fourth-level medicinal pills before, but it's the first time they have seen so many fourth-level medicinal pills.

"These two are eaten by the disciples of the Yuanrong Tongda Realm, and the three are eaten by those below the Yuanrong Tongda Realm. Everyone has three bottles, and they will be handed out."

"Whoever's combat effectiveness in the realm of cultivation improves quickly, the remaining prizes will go to whoever." Liu Chen continued: "This is just the beginning, and soon you will see fifth-level medicine pills and sixth-level medicine pills. No problem."

"Yes, thank you Brother Chen!" Everyone was excited, and after receiving the medicine pill, everyone left quickly, and hurried to practice penance.

"Gui Hongsheng, go to the Confidential Pavilion and take over all the large-scale tasks."

"Zeng Xingwen, go and inquire about the activities of the Fang Gang in the past few days, and collect their mission status." Liu Chen confessed again.


"Brother Chen, are we going to make a move?" Zeng Xingwen asked.

"Don't worry, wait until everything is clear." Liu Chen said, "Don't they like to snatch treasures from the same family, this time let's let them taste the taste of being robbed!"

Everything is being carried out smoothly, Liu Chen, as the leader of the Xianglong Gang, just needs to explain the matter.

After everyone had left, Liu Chen released the crimson battle dragon and began to deploy the magic circle.

"Is there a combination magic circle that can be moved and disassembled at any time?" Liu Chen asked.

"You kid, you really have a lot to ask for!" The crimson war dragon pouted.

"Why, it can't be done, who is bragging about being number one in the magic circle?"

"Boy, don't provoke me, who is this king, what kind of magic circle can't do it?" The scarlet war dragon said contemptuously: "Of course I have this kind of magic circle, but it is very troublesome."

"Not afraid." Liu Chen said, "What materials do you want?"

Then, the scarlet war dragon asked for a lot of things. Fortunately, Liu Chen slaughtered many celestial masters, especially Lu Ruisi's space ring, which was very rich in reserves.

Therefore, he soon had all the things that the scarlet war dragon needed.

Then, the crimson war dragon began to deploy the magic circle, while Liu Chen practiced quietly.

During the period, Tan Hongyan came once, and she stared at Liu Chen with a smile: "I heard that you are very majestic this time?"

"No, it's just a lesson to a few annoying guys."

"How is your mission going?" Liu Chen asked.

"It's going very well, I have gained a lot of potential points, and I will be able to gather all the magic medicine I need soon. By then, you will give me medicine!"

"Don't worry, it's fine."

Tan Hongyan left contentedly, but she did not forget the agreement with Liu Chen, so she tried her best to practice and strive to be on the Tianwei list as soon as possible.

Two days later, both Zeng Xingwen and Gui Hongsheng found out.

"Brother Chen, there are many large-scale missions. I have selected some. There are three below the third level."

"Brother Chen, the Fang Gang's actions in the past few days have also been investigated."

"Is there any task that the Fang Gang will do in the near future?" Liu Chen asked.

"They have occupied a place in the Red Forest for the past few days, as if they are plotting something," Zeng Xingwen said.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Liu Chen became interested, so he decided to take a look.

At this moment, the scarlet war dragon also completed the deployment of the magic circle.

It was a composite magic circle, called the Pofeng Fifteen Magic Circle.It is formed by fifteen separate magic circles, which can be combined into a super defensive magic circle, and can also exist as a defensive magic circle alone.

Liu Chen deployed the Pofeng Fifteen Formation near the courtyard, and combined with the courtyards of other disciples of the Xianglong Gang to form a super-strong defensive formation.

They are very safe in this range, even a second-level celestial master can't break through.

This new student accommodation area has also become their temporary base.

When they move out in the future, they can evacuate the Pofeng Fifteen Magic Circle at any time, and it is very convenient.

"How about it, Liu Chen, this king is awesome!" the scarlet war dragon said triumphantly.

"Well, it's worth rewarding!" Liu Chen said with a smile, and I'll let you take it with me now.

"Shuangshuang?" The scarlet war dragon became interested.

Then, one person and one dragon quickly left the martial arts academy and flew towards the red forest.

According to the location Zeng Xingwen inquired, Liu Chen searched carefully, and soon he saw the members of the Fang Gang.

It's hard not to think about it, this time the Fang Gang dispatched more than fifty people, mighty and mighty, enclosing a jungle in a dense manner.

Liu Chen landed, hid his figure, and hid in the distance with the scarlet war dragon to observe.

"Ah, there seems to be the aura of a monster in front!" The scarlet war dragon frowned suddenly, "And it's very powerful."

"Warcraft?" Liu Chen half-closed his eyes, he sensed it carefully, and could capture some residual energy from mid-air.

It was very tyrannical, and it also carried a wave of violent and violent qi fluctuations.

"It's so strong, I'm afraid it's a tyrannical existence even among demon generals!" Liu Chen sternly said.

"What kind of monster is it, can you tell it apart?"

"It's too far away, and the fluctuation of true energy is very weak, so I don't know yet."

After hearing this, Liu Chen nodded his head and began to check the surrounding situation. He saw many treasures in the deep valley ahead, which made people jealous.

"Could it be that the Fang Gang is planning on those babies?" Liu Chen frowned and watched quietly.

In front, a group of fang gang members stood in a fan shape, each of them had a very strong aura, and the worst one was a quasi-celestial master.

The three of them are the most powerful at the moment, and they all have the cultivation level of the second level of the Celestial Master, especially the one in the middle, who is tall and red-skinned, with a bloodthirsty bloodthirsty wave of true energy.

"Brother Bo, do you want to act?" A young martial arts practitioner looked at all kinds of rare medicines in the deep valley, his face was full of excitement.

"Send some brothers over there, be careful!" said the tall young man.

Next to it were two young men in black and white, each wearing a dark gauntlet, standing on both sides.

They are the second general He Ha of the Fang Gang, and the tall young man in the center is the deputy leader of the Fang Gang——Mu Boda.

Seeing that Mu Boda waved his palm domineeringly, he immediately hummed and the second general rushed towards the deep valley with ten martial arts practitioners.

Swish swish!
One black figure after another rushed out, like a thunderbolt of true energy, approaching the limit, and walked into the deep valley in an instant.

"Taixuan Zengyuan Fruit!"

"Fuck, turn Snow Lotus Underworld Flower three times!"

A group of people looked around in all directions, extremely excited.

Those wonderful medicines that are rare in the outside world can be seen everywhere at this time.


These people were full of greed, and rushed up like beasts.

And at this moment, a gust of wind howled suddenly in the deep valley, snowflakes began to float in the midair, and the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly.

In an instant, the deep valley turned into a continent of ice and snow.

The cold wind was so harsh that even a first-level celestial master felt a bit piercing and his body trembled.

"What's the matter? It's so cold!"

"Fuck, hell, where did the ice and snow come from?"

The faces of these people were startled, they stopped and looked around cautiously.

"Hurry up! I don't want to stay here any longer!" Heng Jiang sipped softly, a little nervous.

He was uneasy, as if something was about to happen.

Those martial arts practitioners set off again, but just as they moved, a solid figure appeared in the snowstorm, moving slowly like an iceberg.

The ground trembled and swayed, and the midair was filled with a powerful coercion, which made people despair.

"what is that!"

Not only the people inside the deep valley were shocked, even those outside the deep valley were shocked, and they all looked ahead in shock.

"what is this?"

Liu Chen also shrank his pupils, and the coercion also made him terrified.

But immediately, he quickly activated the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul, cutting off the powerful pressure.

But at this moment, there was a tragic cry in the deep valley.

I saw that iceberg-like figure let out an angry roar, and then sprayed out a stream of air.

(End of this chapter)

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