
Chapter 2258 Frost Valley

Chapter 2258 Frost Valley

Like a glacier, it swept across the entire universe and rushed towards the members of the Fang Gang in an instant.

"Not good, hurry back!"

The second general Hengha was terrified, turned into two phantoms, and fled towards the deep valley.

Other martial arts practitioners also wanted to run, but it was too late, the cold ice had already wrapped them up, and everything was frozen.

Ten members of the Fang Gang turned into ten lifelike ice sculptures.

The second general Hengha fled the deep valley, and he let out a sigh of relief, they almost stayed here.

The others looked at everything in the abyss, flustered.

Mu Boda also looked towards the deep valley with a gloomy expression.

The icy river of frost froze the ten members of the Fang Gang in an instant.

This scene shocked everyone.

Liu Chen frowned, turned on his spiritual power, and looked carefully.

In the deep valley, amidst the blizzard all over the sky, there was a thick body moving slowly, making low growls from time to time, like thunder.

"Brother Bo, what is that!" The members of the Fang Gang trembled in fright.

That kind of coercion was so terrifying that they couldn't fight back at all.

Hum Ha, the second general fled back, his face was ashen, so many people went out, only the two of them came back.

"If the guess is correct, it must be the tiger list monster!" Mu Boda took a deep breath.

He stared at the thick figure in the deep valley, his eyes were full of greed and scruples.

There are many miraculous medicines in the deep valley, if they can be obtained, it must be a bumper harvest.

Moreover, the monsters on the tiger list are full of treasures, and it is hard to meet one.

However, he also knew that the Hubang Warcraft was very terrifying, and it was not something they could deal with.

But they can plan for the panacea in the deep valley.

"Let's go! Discuss the strategy first." Mu Boda said sharply: "Shut up the news and let no one know!"

Then, he took out a crimson-purple enchantment, filled it with sword spirit energy, and formed a phantom array to cover up the scene here.

If ordinary people don't look carefully, they won't see anything special at all.

After doing this, he left quickly with a group of people.

After these people left, Liu Chen quickly walked out of the jungle. He looked at the deep valley, his eyes flickering.

"Are you sure it's the frost and ice monster that ranks 98 on the tiger list?"

"Yes, it should be it!" The crimson war dragon said: "And this frosty ice monster seems to be very weak, but it is a god-sent opportunity to make a move!"

"You want to kill it?" Liu Chen asked.

"Thinking too much!" The scarlet war dragon gave Liu Chen a white look, "This is a monster on the list of tigers, how could it be so easy to kill!"

"Your fighting power is not enough!"

"Then what do you mean?"

"This Frost, Snow and Ice Monster Beast is very abnormal, and there will be Ice Profound Lanterns [-]% where it is."

"Bingxuan Lantern?" Liu Chen was puzzled.

"A strange divine fruit that looks like a lantern, hence the name Bingxuan Lantern."

"Obtaining it can greatly increase your cultivation realm!"

After hearing this, a bright light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes.

"Go back and discuss it. This time, we not only need to get the Ice Profound Lamp, but also give Fangfang a big gift!"

Liu Chen flashed suddenly, turned into sword energy and left quickly.

Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, the dormitory area for new disciples.

Liu Chen called everyone from the Xianglong Gang over.

After those people swallowed the medicine pill, their cultivation level improved, and some even upgraded!
All of these were given to them by Liu Chen, so this time Liu Chen called them here, and they were very excited.

"Brother Chen, is there any mission?"

"That's right, boss, I can't wait any longer!"

Liu Chen smiled: "There is indeed a mission, and it's also related to the Fang Gang."

"The Fang Gang? It's that group of guys who killed thousands of swords again!" Hearing the Fang Gang, many people let out a cold snort.

"This time, it's a god-sent opportunity to seek justice." Liu Chen said.

Then, he told everyone about the Frost Valley.When everyone heard that there was a baby in the deep valley, they were all excited.

"Brother Chen, should we act first?" Zeng Xingwen asked.

After hearing this, a group of people looked at Liu Chen with fiery eyes.

"No, that frost and ice monster is too powerful, and it's dangerous to act rashly. It's better to let the members of the Fang Gang explore the way ahead, and we will follow behind to find the right time to attack."

"pretty good idea!"

"I've seen them upset for a long time, this time I have to kill them!" Everyone looked forward to it.

While Liu Chen and the others were discussing here, the Fang Gang also acted quickly.

They gathered everyone together and prepared to attack.

The leader of the Fang Gang went out to do a mission, so this time, the deputy leader Mu Boda led the team.

Before long, they set off again.

Liu Chen also led the people away quickly.

This time, Tan Hongyan was also accompanying him. This time, his operation was quite special. He needed a very powerful foreign aid.

Although Tan Hongyan was a daughter, she was very powerful in combat, so Liu Chen decided to take her there.

Moreover, after hearing the Bingxuan Lantern, Tan Hongyan was very moved.

That thing is also very important to her.

A group of people didn't follow closely immediately, but they set off after the Fang Gang walked for a while.

Liu Chen already knew the location of Frost Valley, so there was no need to worry.

Be careful all the way, and finally reached the outskirts of Frost Valley.

Looking from a distance, I can see that the vegetation in the deep valley is dense, the willows are green and pink, and there is no frost.

When everyone was puzzled, suddenly the Fang Gang in front wanted to enter the valley.

Suddenly, a deep voice came, and then a blizzard fell from the sky, and the deep valley turned into a continent of ice and snow in an instant.

Everyone was stunned, it was the first time they had seen such a wonderful thing.

"Is this the Frost Valley? It really is amazing!!" Tan Hongyan's beautiful eyes rolled, and suddenly she let out an exclamation and covered her mouth with her hands.

Because in that deep valley, a terrible and powerful animal appeared.

That coercive force made people tremble.

"It's what we've been waiting for!" The crimson war dragon jumped out, and it said happily.Then he quickly threw out a piece of colored glass, on which one engraved talisman after another was drawn.

"Bringing this can relieve a lot of stress."

Everyone took it as promised, and it really felt much more comfortable.

"Boss Long, you are really amazing!"

Those students flattered that they had already accepted the existence of the scarlet war dragon, and the opponent's move was really amazing.

The crimson war dragon was full of complacency: "What is this? I'll keep you together with me!"

On the other hand, the little white ape gave the crimson war dragon a blank look, his face full of contempt.

"Okay, don't play tricks!" Liu Chen opened his eyes wide, glanced at it, and then said in a low voice, "Concentrate."

In front, the members of the Fang Gang had already taken action. Mu Boda and the other two strong men ran towards the Frost Ice Monster Beast, while the others were led by General Heng Ha and rushed towards the deep valley.

They want to attract the attention of the Frost and Ice Monster Beast, and let other people seize the treasure.

It was a young girl in green shirt who started with Mu Boda, and there was also a strong man with dark skin.

The three of them ran towards the Frost Ice Monster together, trying to attract its attention.

Mu Boda made the first move, a blade of light tore through the sky, and quickly slashed towards the Frost and Ice Monster Beast.

On the light of the knife, there is a gray and white flame, which keeps beating, like the fire of the underworld.

boom!chi chi!

Soon, the knife chopped on the body of the Frost Ice Monster Beast.

The terrifying power of the knife light could tear apart the sky, but it didn't cause any scars when it slashed at the opponent's body.

The gray and white flames made a hissing sound when it hit the blue ice armor of the Frost Ice Monster Beast, and soon went out.

Although the knife did not harm it, it angered the Frost Ice Monster Beast.

It turned around angrily, and stared at Mu Boda and the others with its huge eyes.

The blue lights in the eyes danced, causing the temperature between the sky and the earth to drop again.

It roared angrily, spewed out a huge icicle, and shot forward quickly.

A blue icicle came quickly, carrying the power of terrifying ice.

The three of Mu Boda changed their colors, and they didn't have the guts to fight it, so they had to dodge quickly.

The three of them turned into thunderbolt brilliance one after another, galloping in the deep valley, barely avoiding the attack of the frost and ice monster.

Then, the three of them threw six black iron chains and flew towards the Frost Ice Monster Beast.

The purple iron chain was like a spirit snake, extremely light and light, and soon wrapped around the body of the Frost Ice Demon Beast.

"Hurry up!" Mu Boda shouted.

After hearing this, the members of the Fang Gang moved quickly and rushed towards the treasures all over the ground.

In the distance, Liu Chen frowned when he saw this scene.

"Let's go too!" Liu Chen said softly, "Get into the deep valley first, be careful, don't do anything!"


A group of people responded and quickly followed Liu Chen.

They have the engraved glass talisman given by the crimson war dragon, which can withstand that pressure, so it is much more convenient to move.

The scene was very chaotic, plus Liu Chen and others were moving very fast, and the Fang Gang members were all trying their best to snatch the treasure, so no one noticed the situation at the entrance of the deep valley at all.

Liu Chen and his group flew in soon after.

After entering the deep valley, the temperature suddenly dropped, and the cold wind made people tremble.

Looking at the baby in the distance, all kinds of miraculous medicines, everyone's eyes were hot, but they didn't act without authorization.

The blizzard between the heaven and the earth became more severe, as if it was about to freeze everything in the sky and the earth.

There were even more angry shouts in the air, which made people's blood tumbling.

Waves of terrifying air blasted out, sweeping the entire universe.

Those people's hearts trembled, this tiger list monster is too terrifying, it is not something they can deal with.

Liu Chen was very calm, he had seen many big scenes.

Moreover, this is still much worse than when he saw the strength of the crimson war dragon back then.

At that time, the crimson war dragon had just come into the world, its body was thousands of feet long, and its terrifying coercion was powerful for nine days, even heavenly beings and masters of the first realm were no match for it.

Compared with the scarlet war dragon, the frost and ice monster in front of him was much worse.

However, it is not something ordinary people can deal with.

But for Mu Boda and the others, Liu Chen was very surprised. The six purple iron chains in the other party's hands were very strange, and they could control the frost and ice monster in a short period of time.

"Could it be an iron chain made of thousand-year-old cold iron?" The scarlet war dragon was also surprised.

"Okay, hide here for now, and wait for the next action." Liu Chen waved his hand, looking nervous.

He had a bad omen.

Sure enough, suddenly, the Frost Ice Monster Beast broke out.

It roared angrily, and the icy brilliance bloomed on its body, spreading in all directions.

Where the cold wind passes, everything turns into ice, which is very terrifying.

It was even more unlucky for those who went to snatch the treasure, one after another icicles rose on the ground, extremely sharp, and sent forward suddenly, bringing out a white light, stabbing everyone quickly.

If you are not careful, you will be injured, and some people are even directly penetrated through the body.

All of a sudden, all kinds of painful groans sounded.

The members of the Xianglong Gang hid in the corner and watched timidly, but fortunately they didn't act rashly just now, otherwise they would end up very miserable right now.

"Brother Chen, what should we do now?" Zeng Xingwen asked.

(End of this chapter)

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