
Chapter 2280 Get Hidden Technique

Chapter 2280 Get Hidden Technique
"Hehe, you can't even find me there, so you have the nerve to say that Lone Star belongs to you?" The voice sounded again, "I think you should go back to Maple Leaf Valley!"

"Seek your own way!"

The oval-faced woman got angry, she pulled out the long sword in her arms, and slashed forward.

A turquoise sword sprang out and slashed forward.

The people outside the restaurant immediately dispersed, and they didn't have the guts to stay any longer.

This oval-faced woman is also a strong person. This blow was extremely powerful, but it didn't destroy the houses and streets, it just wanted to crush the crowd.

"Not bad, not bad, the strength is controlled very precisely!" The voice said with a smile, "But what's the use of hitting the air?"

"Could it be, you still don't know where I am?"

"Damn it! Damn it!" Hearing the provocative voice, the cute girl turned pale with anger.

The other five women looked annoyed. They all clenched their teeth and looked at each other angrily.

Yuchi Dianwei was surprised, but he was very excited. He had long been unhappy seeing these people, and now that someone taught them a lesson, he was naturally happy.

Liu Chen narrowed his eyes, spread his spiritual power, and quickly searched, then he smiled slightly.

But at this moment, the mocking voice sounded again: "What Maple Leaf Valley, just a bunch of worthless rice buckets."

Before the words could finish, a sword light lit up and struck towards the sky.

Sonorous and powerful!

Then, there was a sound of gold and iron colliding, and then a black figure appeared in midair.

Liu Chen raised his head and smiled slightly, which was pretty much what he expected.

He saw that figure driving at high speed in mid-air, his eyes were full of surprise, he didn't expect that the other party could find him.

"You, how did you do it?" The man in black fell to the ground and asked in amazement.

"Hmph, the technique is good, but the combat power is not very good. You still want to play tricks in front of me at this level of cultivation? Ha... ha... ha... too ridiculous!"

The young man in red said contemptuously: "You are not qualified to say such things in front of me, Zhao Ting! Go to hell!"

The voice was so loud that it turned into a wave of swords and pierced out at high speed.

The man in black tried his best to dodge, but was still swept by the sword wave and hit the wall.


He gasped for breath, his eyes flustered.

Then, he clenched his teeth and glanced at the six red-robed women, a gleam of brilliance appeared in his eyes.

Chi Chi!

The man in black flashed, and his body merged into the air again, as if he had disappeared.

Immediately, he appeared next to a woman, stretched out his five fingers, and grabbed the long sword in the other's arms.

The target of the man in black is not the young man in red, but the six long swords!
The woman was caught off guard, and the long sword in her arms was taken away.

"Haha, I'll take the long sword away! I'll come when you get the Lone Star!" The man in black laughed loudly, and then disappeared again.

"Hmph, looking for a dead end!"

The six women got angry and quickly set up an array to cover the restaurant.

However, the sky fluctuated, and the man in black appeared again, walking hundreds of meters away from the restaurant.

He laughed again, and fled towards the distance.

At this moment, Zhao Ting took action.

Like a red thunderbolt of true energy, he appeared in front of the man in black in an instant, swung a fierce palm, snatched the long sword, and at the same time knocked the man in black away.

The man in black spurted blood, and his body disappeared again.

This time, even Zhao Ting couldn't find it.

Frowning, he snorted coldly, and returned to the restaurant in an instant.

Everyone was surprised, this Zhao Ting was really terrifying, such a weird and unpredictable man in black couldn't even block his single move!
At this time, apart from Zhao Ting, only the six women were left in the restaurant, and the figures of Liu Chen and Yuchi Dianwei also disappeared.

This point, no one noticed.

In a remote street far away from the restaurant, a black figure emerged, panting heavily.

He was the man in black just now. At this time, he was hit in the chest and suffered serious internal injuries.

Fortunately, he has a powerful hidden move, so he can escape from the hands of the young man in red.

"This guy who kills thousands of swords, I didn't expect that guy to be so strong! It can be seen that we can only find another chance to strike!" The man in black looked gloomy and unwilling.

He believes that as long as he is patient and relies on the hidden skills in his hands, he will be able to succeed.

"Oh, it can be seen that you are still not reconciled?" A calm voice sounded.


The man in black was taken aback, he didn't expect that someone could follow him.

Guanghua flashed, and a figure rushed over from a distance. The speed was very fast. At the beginning, it was still very far away, and it walked in front of the man in black in an instant.

Seeing this kind of speed, the man in black was shocked. This speed was no weaker than that of the young man in red before.

Shocked, he thought someone was chasing him.

Without looking closely, the man in black ran!call!

The sky fluctuated, and several sword glows appeared, turning into a cage to trap him.

Even though the terrifying aura didn't touch him, it had already sent chills down his spine and made his hair stand on end.

"Who the hell are you!"

The man in black let out a sharp roar, fearful in his heart.

He saw that the person in front of him was not Zhao Ting, but his combat power was definitely no worse than Zhao Ting.

"Let's talk, I'm very interested in your hidden skills." Liu Chen said calmly, he was a little surprised by the escape method of the man in black, especially the hidden qi fluctuations, which he didn't even see.

If it weren't for his strong spiritual power, there would be no way to find him.

Liu Chen was a little moved by this wonderful technique.

"It's you!"

The man in black finally saw Liu Chen's appearance clearly, and immediately screamed.

He will never forget that in the restaurant at that time, besides Zhao Ting and other people from Maple Leaf Valley, there were two other people.

Maple Leaf Valley is notoriously arrogant, being able to share a restaurant with people from Maple Leaf Valley is enough to show how powerful the other party is.

However, that hidden cultivation technique is his life, and he is not willing to give it away.

"No?" Liu Chen laughed, "I can send you to the people of Maple Leaf Valley immediately, and at that time..."

"I give!"

The man in black turned pale with fright, he gritted his teeth and said, "I gave it, can you spare me?"

"That's natural, and I can guarantee it."

Soon, Liu Chen obtained a set of exercises from the man in black.

Suddenly, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Then, with his usual demeanor, with a domineering wave of his palm, he withdrew the sword light and released the man in black.

Looking at the fleeing figure, Liu Chen shook his head, then smiled, revealing a pleasant smile.

"Liu Chen, look at your smile, did you get something good?" The scarlet war dragon asked.

"It's really made a lot of money. This technique is very miraculous, but it's just that the guy doesn't know how to use it." Liu Chen said with a smile, "Such a good technique is indeed wasted in his hands."

"If you guessed right, it must be a prehistoric hidden skill, and it must have been found by that guy in a certain cave."

Liu Chen flashed suddenly, then disappeared.

He needs to practice this kind of exercise well.

If he can practice it well, he can hide his aura, cultivation level, and even fluctuations in his consciousness, and he can change his face and become another person.

In this way, he has another trick.


In the city, the flow of people is surging, and more and more people are pouring in, making the guest rooms here gradually full.

Liu Chen did not go to the hotel, but went to the Bailian Pagoda in the city under the leadership of Yuchi Dianwei.

In addition to being a prehistoric city, Dansheng City is also very famous for its Bailian Pagoda. There are soul veins in its underground, and the Huiling Jiyuan Formation deployed by Master Fazheng makes this place very strong.Its cultivation speed is no worse than the middle-level Huiling Jiyuan Formation of the martial arts academy.

Due to its special nature, Liu Chen's Lesson from Heaven is only valid inside and next to the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy.Presumably, this has something to do with the Wanren stele.

And at this moment, Liu Chen also wanted to find a place to sleep, so he went to Bailian Pagoda.

The purple Bailian Pagoda is as high as [-] meters, with a total of ten floors. The higher it goes up, the better the effect and the higher the asking price.

Liu Chen and Yuchi Dianwei walked in and saw that most of the trial rooms were full.

But there are also some empty trial rooms, but no one has the courage to go there. It seems that everyone is very afraid of those trial rooms.

Liu Chen didn't think so, he wanted to find a secret place right now, and since it was an empty trial room, why couldn't he enter it.

Therefore, he led Yuchi Dianwei to a trial room on the third floor.

"Young man, don't go! It's not your place to go in there!"

Just as Liu Chen approached, a low voice came.

Immediately, the other martial arts practitioners in the passage also looked over in surprise, looking at Liu Chen with doubts in their eyes.

"This guy, isn't he afraid of death?"

"Can't enter?" Liu Chen frowned, "This is an empty trial room, why can't I enter?"

"Young man, you are here on the first day!"

One person walked out quickly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Did you see the logo on this door? This is the family crest of the Ma family, and it is the exclusive trial room for Mr. Ma!"

"How can you use it for someone who practices martial arts?"

"If you delay Mr. Ma's cultivation, ten lives are not enough for you!"

"Exclusive trial room?" Liu Chen sneered. He had never heard of any exclusive trial room before he came, but it was just that Mr. Ma relied on his family to snatch it by force and forbid others to use it.

This kind of arrogance is comparable to the people of Maple Leaf Valley!
However, the trial room was so scarce at the moment, how could Liu Chen give in, and besides, there was no one in the trial room, so it would be a waste to not use it.

"Did you Mr. Ma hand in the sword crystal in your spare time during this trial?" Liu Chen asked calmly, if the other party handed in the sword crystal, then he really couldn't fight for it.

Unexpectedly, after the young man heard this, he smiled contemptuously: "Give Jianjing? What a fool, even if Mr. Ma's trial room is empty, no one has the guts to use it. What kind of Jianjing!"

"Young man, get out of here quickly! Otherwise, I'll give you a good look."

"It looks like you didn't hand it in? That would be much easier." Liu Chen laughed and handed in Jian Jing, no matter whether there are people or not, no one else can enter.

However, occupying the trial room without handing over the sword crystal is unreasonable and bullying!
"I don't know what Mr. Ma is. I only know that there is no one in the trial room, and you haven't handed over Jianjing."

"Since it is a trial room without an owner, why can't I enter?"

Liu Chen said sharply, then strode forward quickly.

"Hmph, I really don't want to live anymore!" The young man showed a ferocious smile, "I'll let you know today, what will happen to you if you dare to provoke Mr. Ma!"

He swung his palm quickly, forming two pale paper-colored bone claws in mid-air, hundreds of feet long, and grabbed towards Liu Chen.

"Have the guts to make a move?"

Liu Chen sneered, and punched out fiercely. The golden fist slammed forward like a golden mountain.

The pale, paper-colored bone claws shattered and turned into dust, and then the young man's complexion changed, and he took a few steps back while clutching his chest, and then staggered.

He banged himself against the wall hard, in great embarrassment.

"You, do you have the guts to attack me?" The young man didn't expect Liu Chen to be so powerful, so he knocked out his move with one punch.

(End of this chapter)

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