
Chapter 2281 Ma Weiqiang is here

Chapter 2281 Ma Weiqiang is here

"You are bound to die, the Ma family will not spare you!"

"I don't know if it's a horse or not, but I know, if you don't get out, you'll die here!" Liu Chen's voice was cold.

"You, wait and see!"

The young man's face was gloomy, his eyes widened vigorously, he glanced at Liu Chen, and then left.

"You can use this one." Liu Chen said to Yuchi Dianwei.

"Brother Chen, what about you?"

"I'm going to go up to have a look." Liu Chen said, then walked up the steps.

Upstairs, the empty trial room still occupied by the Ma family.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, he sneered, and quickly shot out a sharp sword glow, erasing the logo.

Then he strode in.

In the trial room, with a domineering wave of his sleeve robe, he set up a defensive circle, and then took out the book of hidden skills obtained from the man in black.

This exercise is called Tongsui Jing, which can hide the fluctuations of true energy, and even change the fluctuations of spiritual consciousness to become another person.

Practicing to the state of Dzogchen, you can even change your appearance!
It's just that the exercise in Liu Chen's hands is a broken version, but it is enough for him.

Liu Chen's spiritual power is strong, so he learned it very quickly. It didn't take long for his muscles to change, and then he turned into a cold and strong man.

Once again, he became a Confucian scholar with a beard.

As soon as his eyes were fixed, Liu Chen's aura suddenly disappeared completely. Although the person stood there, it seemed as if he didn't exist.

Hiding and changing appearances are very easy to control, but it is a little difficult to change the fluctuation of spiritual consciousness, but once practiced, it is difficult for anyone under the heavenly beings and masters of the first realm to discover his special features.

After reaching the Harmonious Realm, the martial arts practitioners' spiritual sense has been cultivated, so they will use their spiritual power when investigating.

Moreover, the fluctuation of a person's consciousness is specific, no matter how much appearance changes, the fluctuation of consciousness remains unchanged, and it is useless.

Because in the eyes of experts, it can be recognized immediately.

And now with the Tongsui Jing, Liu Chen can also change the fluctuations of his consciousness!

On the next morning, Liu Chen initially mastered the ability to change the fluctuations of his spiritual consciousness, and no one below the fifth level of a celestial master could discover it.

It will be a little more difficult to practice further down.

Liu Chen wasn't in a hurry either, this was enough for him.

Therefore, he stood up and quickly left the trial room.

After he came out, he immediately saw that those martial arts practitioners in the passage looked at him differently.

There was a look of surprise in that expression.

"What happened?" He found someone and asked.

"You provoked the Ma family yesterday, and they came to seek justice today. They thought you were below, and they surrounded the trial room you robbed tightly."

"The Ma family? Huh!" Liu Chen let out a cold snort, and quickly walked down.

In the trial room on the third floor, Yuchi Dianwei was full of sadness.He can't practice at all right now.

Because the door of the trial room was bombarded mercilessly, and every time it made a shocking sound, in this situation, no martial arts practitioner could practice.

Through the gap in the door, he saw outside the young man who was beaten yesterday, and knew without thinking that it was the Ma family who came.

He had no choice but to wait for Liu Chen to come out.

But suddenly, the door of the trial room was opened.

Several martial arts practitioners rushed in quickly and surrounded Yuchi Dianwei.

"Ah, isn't that guy?" Li Shaobo was startled.

"Why, isn't he the brash guy you said?" An arrogant young man asked in a cold tone.

He was wearing a black suit and was only fourteen or fifteen years old. He looked arrogant and looked like he didn't take other people seriously.

"It's not that guy, but it must be that person's accomplice!" Li Shaobo said, "I saw them together yesterday."

"Presumably that person should have gone to another trial room, but we can wait for him here, I guess he will show up [-]%!"

Li Shaobo grinned ferociously: "Mr. Ma, then teach the guy in front of you a lesson first, and let him know how awesome you are, Mr. Ma!"

"Oh, break his hands and feet first, and then scrape off all his flesh!" Ma Weiqiang said calmly, with an absent-minded look, which shows that such things have been done a lot.

A group of people had already gathered outside, and when they heard this, they shook their heads and sighed.

"This guy is really unlucky, he dared to provoke the Ma family!"

"That's right, the Ma family is a big family in Dansheng City. Didn't these people inquire about it before?"

"This kid is just an accomplice. I don't know where the main criminal has gone. Maybe he ran out a long time ago!"

A group of people were talking softly.

In the trial room, two strong martial arts practitioners walked forward with grinning grimaces, one holding a long blue stick and the other holding a big knife, and they blocked Yuchi Dianwei's way out.

"I'll kill you!" Yuchi Dianwei roared angrily.

The sword spirit erupted, filling the surroundings, and the terrifying aura was huge.

During this period of time, he has taken many wonderful medicines in Huang's family, so his cultivation level has reached the quasi-harmony level, and this move is full of coercion.

However, the two martial arts practitioners directly opposite were even more powerful, they interrupted Yuchi Dianwei's attack and at the same time knocked him flying with a stick.

Yuchi Dianwei spurted blood and was seriously injured immediately, his whole body was shaking non-stop.

"Young man, if you want to blame, blame your accomplice, who dared to provoke Mr. Ma!" Li Shaobo grinned ferociously, "Oh, you are really pitiful, maybe that guy has already escaped, and you are the only ghost left! "


Yuchi Dianwei's mouth was full of blood, but he laughed boldly: "My Brother Shang Chen will help me get it back a hundred times! Even if you kill me, Brother Chen will help me get justice!!"

"Brother Huanchen? He is really looking for his own death! You two, act quickly, I will make him not live, not die!" Ma Weiqiang shouted.

Immediately, those two martial arts practitioners made a move, and the terrifying attack rushed towards Yuchi Dianwei in an instant.

"Even if I die, I have to hold you back!" Yuchi Dianwei roared angrily, wanting to go all out.

"Brother Chen, I will follow you in the next life!"

Yuchi Dianwei wanted to blow up his sword spirit and blow up everyone around him to the sky.

But suddenly, a strong palm rested on his shoulder, immediately suppressing the restless sword spirit in his body.

Not only that, the wave of true energy was very refreshing, and quickly repaired his injuries.

True Qi exploded, terrifying and frightening, engulfing the front.

"Hmph, this is the fate of offending Mr. Ma!" Li Shaobo looked forward and sneered.

The martial arts practitioners outside did not say a word.

Suddenly, the sky fluctuated, and the madly exploding qi ball seemed to be split by something, turning into thousands of fragments in an instant.

Next, a gust of wind blows and blows everything away.

"Oh?" Everyone was puzzled and hurriedly looked.

Even Ma Weiqiang frowned, not understanding what happened.

I saw a young man in blue, standing in front of Yuchi Dianwei, with an extraordinary bearing, but his expression was extremely cold.

"It's you!" Li Shaobo's face changed, and then he smiled ferociously, "Mr. Ma, he is the young man who snatched the trial room!"

"It's him?" Ma Weiqiang's complexion suddenly became gloomy, and a murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

"Young man, you are so courageous, you dare to steal my trial room!"

"At this moment, kneel down, cripple your arms, and slip through my crotch, I will spare you!"

"Otherwise, both of you will experience what it means not to live and not to die!"

"Heal well, I'll help you get justice!" Liu Chen said to Yuchi Dianwei, and then took out a bottle of medicine pill.

"Brother Chen!" Yuchi Dianwei stood aside, poured out the medicine pill and took it.

Liu Chen turned his head, looked at Ma Weiqiang and the others in front, and said sharply: "If you eunuch yourself, and if you honestly kneel down and kowtow to my brother, I will give you a better way to die. Otherwise, I will I will let you know what it means not to live and not to die!"

Liu Chen's voice was not too loud, but it spread clearly and quickly. The fierceness contained in that voice made many people tremble in their hearts.

Especially those martial arts practitioners outside were full of astonishment.

This kid is crazy!

But Ma Weiqiang, Li Shaobo and others laughed out loud, as if they had heard the most ridiculous joke.

"He asked me to admit my mistake? Hahaha!" Ma Weiqiang looked contemptuous.

Li Shaobo sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm: "Young man, if you have the courage to threaten Mr. Ma, no one in Dansheng City can save you!"

"Just wait for disaster to strike!"

The six martial arts practitioners brought by Ma Weiqiang also sneered non-stop.

"Catch them here!" A gleam flashed in Ma Weiqiang's eyes, he was like a devil, he looked human, but his heart was very vicious.

"It can be seen that you don't know that you have changed it." Liu Chen regretted, "If this is the case, then go to hell!"

"Seek your own way!"

In front, the two martial arts practitioners sneered and moved quickly.

One held a big stick, pressed down with force, and pressed towards Liu Chen.

The other swung a big knife and slashed at Liu Chen quickly.

When two people join hands, their destructive power is comparable to that of a heavenly master!
Facing this terrifying attack, those martial arts practitioners outside screamed, but Liu Chen didn't dodge anything.

However, thousands of fluctuations of red true qi spewed out around him, stirring in the midair like a sea of ​​blood.

In the sea of ​​blood, two big red palms suddenly protruded, like flying dragons, instantly shattering the light of the stick shadow and knife in midair, and then quickly covered the two martial arts practitioners.


The tragic voice sent chills down one's spine, made one's hair stand on end, and made one's scalp tingle.

Immediately, the two big red palms let go and retreated into the sea of ​​blood.

Where the two martial arts practitioners were originally standing, there were two piles of dead bones.

"Dead, dead?" Everyone was shocked and speechless. This kind of trick is too terrifying.

Li Shaobo was taken aback, he knew Liu Chen was very good, so today he asked Ma Weiqiang to bring six martial arts practitioners.

Among these six martial arts practitioners, four of them are quasi-celestial masters, and the other two are first-tier celestial masters.

Such a lineup is absolutely safe in the city, and with the status of the Ma family, basically no one has the guts to offend them.

But I didn't expect, just in an instant, the other party killed the two of them, and the attack was quick, without any scruples at all.

"Do you have the guts to kill my people?" Ma Wei was furious. As the son of the Ma family, he has always been the one who bullies others. No one has the guts to bully him, let alone kill his subordinates.

So this time, Ma Wei was furious.

"Fuck him to death!" He roared loudly, only by killing the other party could he vent his anger.

"Young master, let me come." An old guy next to him said.

He was dressed in red, with a skinny appearance and looked very old, but his eyes were extremely bright, like stars in the sky.

Not only that, but the old man carried a terrifying coercion, which was the coercion of a celestial master.

(End of this chapter)

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