
Chapter 2282 The Ma family won't let you go!

Chapter 2282 The Ma family won't let you go!

This old man in red is a first-level celestial master, and even Ma Weiqiang's bodyguard.

"Well, let's kill him!" Ma Wei said forcefully.

The death of the two quasi-celestial masters before showed that Liu Chen's combat power was far superior to that of the quasi-celestial masters, so he could only send real celestial masters to fight.

They didn't feel the fluctuation of the celestial master's true energy on Liu Chen, so they thought Liu Chen was not a celestial master at all.

The old man in red got the order, then stood up, and said in a cold tone, "Ant, I will definitely make you kneel in front of the young master and die!"

He roared, and then punched hard.

It seemed that there was a big earthquake, and the Bailian Pagoda was trembling, and the fist was like a murderous lion, vigorous and powerful.

This ruthless punch was so powerful that it directly caused the weak martial arts practitioner to lie on the ground.

Thousands of people panicked, not daring to imagine the destructive power of this fierce punch.

Ma Weiqiang, Li Shaobo and the others sneered, as if they had already seen the scene where the other party was blown up.

Liu Chen smiled contemptuously. In his eyes, a celestial master is even worse than an ant.

Still not moving, the sea of ​​blood behind him surged and condensed into a red sword, extremely blood red, blooming with a coquettish brilliance.

The sword brilliance flashed, like a red thunderbolt with true energy, cut out in an instant.

The sound of the wind whistled, and the fierce air dispersed, making people tremble.

The arm of the old man in red was severed and turned into dry bones in mid-air.

Then, the scarlet sword radiance flashed again, cutting off his legs, and the old man in red fell to the ground as if kneeling on the ground.

"You must kneel on the ground and die in front of my brother!"

Liu Chen's voice was cold and full of fierceness.

If he had come one step later, Yuchi Dianwei might have died right now!

The other party is so arrogant and arrogant, so he has nothing to worry about!
The red sword stabbed out and sank into the old man in red, taking away all his vitality and blood.

The body of the old man in red was trembling, his face full of fear.

He regretted it very much at the moment, why didn't he see the opponent's combat power clearly, why did he force his way out?

However, he has no chance to regret it.

Under the action of the red sword, he turned into a puddle of blood.


Li Shaobo let out a sharp roar, his face full of panic.

However, Ma Weiqiang's demeanor changed, and he froze where he was. His bodyguard, the old man in red is a heavenly master!
Was actually killed by the opponent?

This is probably more dreamlike than dreaming!
Not only them, everyone was stunned, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Impossible, it's definitely impossible!" Ma Weiqiang screamed, flustered.

"You, you have the guts to kill him!"

"You must die!"

Li Shaobo's face was full of panic, his body trembling all the time.

Liu Chen's strength exceeded their expectations, and this kind of enemy would definitely not be able to stay.

However, another purple-robed old man didn't think so, he quickly stood up and said quickly: "This young man, I think there is a little misunderstanding between us."

"We are wrong this time. I will compensate one hundred thousand sword crystals, and I will not get into the matter of your murder. Let this matter pass like this, how about it?"

He wants to get out of here quickly.

The other party is really terrifying, they are in great danger staying here!
And his duty is to protect the young master, so in this critical moment, he must confess.

Hearing this, Ma Weiqiang was very excited, and he didn't want to stay here any longer.

The old man in purple robe took a deep breath and threw out a space ring.

Ding clang!

Liu Chen didn't make any move, the space ring fell on the ground.

"You led someone to kill us, but now that you can't kill us, you want to leave quickly. I just want to ask, where is such a cheap thing in the world?"

Liu Chen sneered: "I'll give you 90 sword crystals, let me chop your head off once, no matter whether I succeed or not, I won't chop off your head again, how about it?"

Seeing the embarrassment on the other side's face, he sneered: "Since you all know this is impossible, you should know how I feel at this time!"

"Today, none of you want to leave!"

"Whoever bullies my brother, die!"

After hearing this, everyone was very excited, this young man is so tyrannical!

Although what he said was good, it was a leader who had the guts to talk to the Ma family like that.

But Ma Weiqiang and the others had ashen faces and trembled unceasingly.

Liu Chen killed a first-level celestial master with one move, which shows that his combat power is quite terrifying, and must far exceed that of a first-level celestial master.

The most capable martial arts practitioner here is the purple-robed old man, who is somewhat stronger than the red-clothed old man who passed away, but when he meets Liu Chen, he has no chance of winning!
Hearing Liu Chen's words, the purple-robed old man's face was extremely gloomy, he snorted coldly, and his attitude became tough.

"This is Dansheng City, and the Ma family is a big family in Dansheng City. If you make a move here, you have to consider the consequences!"

"Although it's a moment of pleasure, it's terrible that there will be no place for you in the city. At that time, your fate will be even worse!"

"Young man, don't do anything wrong!"

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled contemptuously, and said in a cold tone: "You still have the guts to threaten me? You cripple your arms and kneel in front of my brother to apologize. I can give you a quick death."

"It's a pity that you didn't make this choice, so you can't blame me!"

Liu Chen said in a cold tone, the zhenqi fluctuations in his body became stronger.

The old man on the opposite side suddenly exploded, and an eagle appeared behind him, bursting out with purple brilliance, like a beast.

The wings spread out, and a powerful and explosive force covered the surroundings in all directions.

Without saying anything, the eagle rushed towards Liu Chen.

The crimson purple eagle was the fighting spirit of the old man in purple robe, powerful and sharp, it rushed towards Liu Chen.

This move, he used all his strength, the purpose is to catch the opponent by surprise, and kill the opponent quickly!

The purple phantom floated past, and came to Liu Chen in an instant.

Liu Chen narrowed his eyes, and a trace of contempt flickered on the corner of his lips, "The Soul of Fighting?"

A red giant appeared behind him, shouting angrily to the sky.

The towering giant stretched out its big hand and grabbed the eagle in an instant.


The eagle screamed, and the purple fighting energy on its body surged like a demon cloud, exuding terrifying strength, but there was no way to escape.


The red giant pulled both hands, and immediately tore the purple eagle into two pieces.

Behind, the body of the purple-robed old man trembled, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, his eyes full of horror.

He didn't expect that the young man in front of him was so terrifying. He tried his best to strike with all his strength, but it didn't have any effect.

It can be seen that this time the Ma family has offended a big trouble, if it is not resolved, it may bring about a big crisis.

Thinking of this, he regretted it.

Seeing that the purple-robed old man lost, Ma Weiqiang became flustered. He said angrily: "You have the guts to injure my guards! When I get home, I send strong men to kill you!"

"Do you think you can go back?" Liu Chen sneered.

"What, you have the guts to touch me?" Ma Weiqiang roared sharply, "If you dare to touch me, the Ma family will tear you apart!"

The old man in purple robe stood up with difficulty, and stood in front of Ma Weiqiang, his face full of vigilance.

"If you want to touch your son, you have to pass me first!"

Before he could finish speaking, a red sword light shot out rapidly, piercing his body.

In an instant, the old man in purple robe turned into a corpse and fell down.


The rest of the martial arts practitioners all shouted in panic and ran around.


The sea of ​​blood surged, transforming into thousands of giant red snakes, and killed the remaining two martial arts practitioners.

Then, Liu Chen turned his eyes and fixed on Li Shaobo.

"These guys, you found them!"

Liu Chen said sharply, "If it wasn't for you, these people wouldn't have died so quickly."

"No, don't kill me!" Li Shaobo was so frightened that he peed, he knelt and kowtowed, "Please, let me go, let me do anything!"

"You can do anything?" Liu Chen laughed.

Hearing this, Li Shaobo was refreshed for a while, quickly raised his head, and said quickly: "Yes, you can do anything, as long as you can spare me!"

This is his only chance to survive.

"That's fine, if you kill him, I'll let you go!" Liu Chen pointed at Ma Weiqiang and said calmly.


Li Shaobo was stunned, wondering if Liu Chen would make such a request.

Those martial arts practitioners outside were even more surprised. They didn't expect that the young man in front of him actually wanted to kill Mr. Ma.

Could it be that he is not afraid of revenge from the Ma family?

Ma Weiqiang's complexion became very ugly, he quickly stepped back and stared at Liu Chen, his eyes were full of viciousness.

"If you have the guts to kill me, you will die a miserable death!"

Li Shaobo was full of hesitation and froze there.

This question was too difficult for him, if he didn't make a move, he was afraid that Liu Chen would kill him right away.

However, if he killed Ma Weiqiang, there would be no place for him in Dansheng City, and he would be caught by the Ma family in a short time.

By that time, his fate will be even worse!
If he can't make a move, he will die!
"Why, no guts?" Liu Chen sneered, "This is your only chance to survive."

Li Shaobo's face turned white and red, he clenched his fist, and finally raised his head suddenly: "What you said is true, will you really let me go?"

"Of course, as long as you dare to make a move." Liu Chen said calmly.

"it is good!"

Li Shaobo stood up, pulled out a sharp short knife, and looked at Ma Weiqiang.

If he didn't kill him, he would die right now. If Ma Weiqiang was killed, he still had a slight chance to escape. After weighing it up, Li Shaobo decided to take a risk.

He was going to kill Ma Weiqiang, and then quickly left Dansheng City, never to return in this lifetime.

Seeing Li Shaobo's decision, Ma Weiqiang's face became very ugly, and he roared loudly: "Li Shaobo, if you have the guts to kill me, you will definitely die!"

"Bastard, the Ma family won't let you go!"

"Hmph, I've been upset with you for a long time. If you weren't the son of the Ma family, would I care about you?"

"You are a little boy, you still have the guts to push me? I will send you to the West Paradise!"

Now that he decided to kill someone, Li Shaobo went crazy. With a ferocious smile on his face, he rushed towards Ma Weiqiang, and the dagger in his hand burst into a frightening brilliance.

Ma Weiqiang was so frightened that his face was as pale as paper, and he froze in place. He was just a young man, his cultivation level and combat power were not strong at all. Usually, he used his status to bully the few.

At this moment, his personal bodyguards were all dead, and he had no chance to fight back at all.

Everyone was in a panic, and they didn't expect things to develop to this point.

But at this moment, a cold light flashed, like blue ice silk, piercing into the back of Li Shaobo's head in an instant.

Li Shaobo died instantly, but his body froze quickly.

At this time, Li Shaobo was only one foot away from Ma Weiqiang, and if he was later, he would have succeeded.

Seeing that Li Shaobo was dead, Ma Wei breathed a sigh of relief, with a hint of evil in his eyes, he raised his hand and hit the ice sculpture, breaking it.

(End of this chapter)

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