
Chapter 2297 Imprint Arcane

Chapter 2297 Imprint Arcane
"Han family! It's the strong Han family who has come!"

To everyone's surprise, another big family in Dansheng City finally sent experts over.

"Hehe, boy, just wash your neck and wait to die!" The deacon of the Wang family was excited and murderous.

Liu Chen's eyes flickered, his eyebrows frowned slightly, he snorted coldly, and put away his sharp sword.

"Let's spare the lives of some of you today, but, Han family and Wang family, I let you disappear in Dansheng City!"

Then, his body turned into a glare of light and rushed towards the sky.

"Stop him! You must not tell him to run out!"

The deacons of the Wang family were shocked, they spent a lot of effort to wait for the strong Han family to arrive, and they must not let the other party escape.

But they couldn't do what they wanted, the earth-level movement skills were so wonderful that they couldn't deal with them at all. In an instant, thousands of figures appeared in the midair, and each one seemed to be real.

But when they wiped out all the phantoms, they found that Liu Chen had long since disappeared.

Swish swish!
Dozens of figures landed, and the terrifying coercion filled all directions.

"Who has the guts to kill my disciples of the Han family?" A loud shout rang out, causing blood to spurt and body to tremble.

"What about the one who kills thousands of swords? If he has the guts, get out and wash his neck and die!" All the strong members of the Han family glared angrily, looking around in all directions, with a fierce look on their bodies.

But when they saw the blood stains on the ground and the expressions of the members of the Wang family, many of them shrank their eyes.

"The one who killed a thousand swords escaped, but don't worry, everyone, he is being followed by the blood of our Wang family, and he can't escape at all."

"But let's have a good discussion about how to arrest this kid!"

There is no way, the opponent's combat power is tyrannical and his movements are weird, they don't want to admit it, but the opponent is the most top-notch existence among the younger generation.

If you want to kill such a person, you must deploy it well.


Liu Chen quickly left Dansheng City and walked into the nearby jungle.

This time there were a lot of trophies, and he had both the purple sword and the purple armor, two spiritual weapons of the upper class.

Presumably, the deacons of the Wang family have already lost their nerves with anger.

However, Liu Chen didn't feel any guilt. In this continent, he would be killed if he didn't kill others.

This is the law of this continent, he must obey.

Putting on the purple armor, Liu Chen urged the sword spirit to inject into the armor, and the purple armor immediately burst into brilliance, and then the brilliance faded, transforming into a soft guard.

Reaching the level of the spiritual weapon, the upper-level spiritual weapon, can change shape at will, not only shrinking but also zooming in.

That crimson purple sharp sword was comparable to his Liuyun Feixing sword, and it was also a good offensive weapon.

In addition to obtaining two spiritual weapons, there are also the space rings of these two people, which are also very rich.

In addition, what surprised him even more was that his Blood Killing Heavenly Man and One Realm Master's Inheritance seemed to have improved and upgraded.

After absorbing the blood of so many masters, his Blood Killing Heaven and Man and First Realm Master Chuanji finally upgraded, from the first level to the second level.

In this way, his combat effectiveness has been improved by leaps and bounds. At this moment, he can fight even against a third-level celestial master.

This made him extremely happy, worthy of being the successor of a heavenly man and a master of the first realm, he was indeed extremely powerful.

"Oh? Someone!"

Suddenly, Liu Chen frowned slightly, looked into the distance, and then a sneer appeared on his face, "You actually chased me over!"

He suddenly flashed and disappeared.

Not long after, ten figures descended, crushing everything around them into powder.

These ten people are very powerful, all of them are second-level celestial masters.

"This one who killed a thousand swords ran out again!" Among them, the deacon of the Han family said harshly.

"It doesn't matter, he won't be able to escape from our palm no matter how much he escapes!"

A deacon of the Wang family sneered, "He has fallen into the arcane arts of our Wang family, and there is no way to hide it."

"It's only a matter of time before we find him."

Swish swish!
Soon, the ten celestial masters flew away quickly and disappeared.

In front, Liu Chen frowned. He changed direction several times, but the other party could still drive towards him clearly, which made him look a little gloomy.

"Young man, there is a special mark on your body, which must have been left by the previous witch before she died." The crimson war dragon said.


Liu Chen frowned, and he suddenly remembered Wang Yanran's last blow when she was dying. Although he didn't feel anything at that time, but now he could see some kind of sensory tracking mark.

Make him like a lamp in the night.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen's face was gloomy. While flying at high speed, he held back all his energy and used his spiritual power to explore every part of his body.

Finally, he found something special.

If it wasn't for his strong spiritual sense, he might not be able to find it at all.

"It was hidden so deep, but I found it!"

Liu Chen's eyes flickered, he mobilized the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul in his body, and quickly killed the red logo embroidered in his body.

"Oh? What!"

Liu Chen was a little surprised, he found that Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul couldn't kill his opponent.

After trying a few times, his complexion became gloomy again.

This situation is very strange. It stands to reason that Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul is the way of offense and defense, and there will be nothing that cannot be destroyed, but the situation at this moment surprised him a little.

"The Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul is good at attacking and defending, but now it has become your fighting spirit, and you need to cultivate it vigorously. At this moment, the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul's combat power is far from what it was then."

The scarlet war dragon explained: "Only when your strength gradually becomes stronger, will the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul become more fierce."

"It can be seen now that with your current strength, you can't break this mark immediately with the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul."

"Also, this logo is not an ordinary logo, it seems to be some kind of ancient arcane art."

"If you want to abolish it, I'm afraid it will take some effort."

Liu Chen nodded his head lightly, so he had no choice but to use the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul to slowly wear away the marks in his body.

But before that, he could temporarily trap the logo, making the other party lose their perception.

Immediately, thousands of sword lights intertwined and turned into a cage, sealing the red logo.

Behind them, several deacons of the Wang family suddenly shrank their pupils and stopped in their tracks.

"What's the matter, could it be that you saw that guy?" the strong man of the Han family asked.

"He killed a thousand swords! What's going on! The perception has disappeared!" The expressions of the four deacons of the Wang family became ugly.

They perceive again, and find that they can't perceive each other at all.

"This is impossible! It's unbelievable." A deacon of the Wang family inside screamed.

He couldn't believe at all that the other party could abolish their family's arcane art, which was so powerful that even a third-level celestial master couldn't abolish it.

However, at this moment, a young man with a celestial master actually abolished their imprinted arcane technique!
After knowing the news, the strong members of the Han family were also silent, and their complexions were not very good-looking.

"What should we do? Should we search separately? With the strength of ten of us, that guy can't escape at all." A strong Han family said.

"No! Absolutely not!" The deacon of the Wang family hurriedly shook his head.

"That guy's fighting power is very strong, and no one of us can beat him in singles."

"If you act recklessly, you will be defeated by him one by one."

"Then what should we do? Is it possible to go back like this?" the strong Han family said unwillingly.

"I think it's impossible for that guy to abolish our family's arcane arts. He must have used some method to hide temporarily. We just need to search more, and we can definitely find him."

In the end, the ten strong men discussed and decided to act together.

But in the depths of the jungle, Liu Chen and the scarlet war dragon started to deploy the magic circle. He wanted these guys to die without a place to die!

However, he did not lose his temper, but waited patiently.

First of all, he has to eliminate the marks in his body, and this process is very time-consuming.Besides, the opponent dispatched ten second-level celestial masters at the same time, and their fighting power was so overwhelming that even he had to deal with it carefully.

Fortunately, in addition to the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul being able to obliterate the embroidered red logo, the medulla he controls can also hide the fluctuations of true energy, which greatly guarantees his safety.

Three days later, Liu Chen decided to take action. He deliberately released a wave of true energy to lure the ten strong men and let them enter the magic circle so that he could break through them one by one.

"Ah, that guy's aura has appeared!"

Suddenly, the deacon of the Wang family in the jungle behind was happy and quickened his pace.

Soon, ten masters descended, looking around in all directions.

"It smells like that guy, he can't go far!"

The ten celestial masters walked back and forth for two steps, but the next moment, the air suddenly fluctuated, the nearby landscape changed, and a sky-shaking brilliance covered them.

"This is a magic circle!" The ten strong men were surprised.

They didn't expect that the opponent actually deployed a magic circle to wait for them.

"Hmph, it's just a magic circle, trying to trap ten of us? It's really ridiculous!"

The powerhouse of the Han family said contemptuously: "The opponent is a celestial master of the first level, what kind of awesome magic circle can he control?"

Moreover, ten of them joined hands, enough to kill a third-level celestial master, breaking a magic circle is not easy.

These people didn't take the magic circle to heart at all.

But soon, they fell silent, all of them looked ashen.

They found that their thinking was wrong and they underestimated the magic circle.

After a round of attacks, not only did they not abolish them, but they also lost contact with each other.

Simply put, the magic circle is both powerful and weird.

The ten strong men were trapped in the magic circle and couldn't get out for a while.

At first they thought it was just an ordinary magic circle, and they could open it with some combat power, but they found that they were wrong, completely wrong.

The magic circle was stronger than they had imagined, and it was very strange. After struggling for so long, there was no way to break through it.

In fact, this is very normal. Don't look at these people as second-tier celestial masters with strong combat power, but this magic circle is deployed by the scarlet war dragon.

This wretched dragon, who has lived for thousands of years, has far more knowledge and experience than these people, and the magic circle it deploys is very terrifying.

Liu Chen pulled out the Flying Cloud and Flying Star Sword, and slowly entered the circle, the brilliance flickered, and he walked in front of a deacon.

This is an elder of the Han family, a strong man on the second floor. When he saw Liu Chen, he immediately roared, "You are that thief, come here and wash your neck and die!"

He held a big knife and slashed forward.

The light of the knife flashed, and the terrifying light of the knife connected with the sky and the earth.

However, Liu Chen used the ground-level movement technique to move quickly in mid-air, dodging this move very easily, and then he let out a low cry, and quickly slashed down with the Liuyun Feixing sword in his hand.

This blow was so terrifying that it split the sky.

A terrifying sea of ​​blood appeared around, and the endless sword energy approached like a waterfall, turning into a sword glow, and quickly slashed at the opponent.

In an instant, the strong man of the Han family was taken aback. He felt the strength of that sword glow, and that surge of true energy could threaten his life.

(End of this chapter)

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