
Chapter 2298

Chapter 2298
"You can't force it!" A strong Han family reminded.

With a stomp of his feet, the strong Han family turned into a beam of brilliance, rushing up like a thunderbolt of true energy, and dodging to go out.

Immediately, the sword energy fell, splitting the earth into pieces.

After one move was missed, the second move seemed to be pierced, attacking the strong Han family.

This move was as fast as lightning, and it also carried the momentum of a raging fire.

The terrifying sound of battle immediately attracted the attention of the other powerhouses. Many people were nervous and looked around in all directions, but they were in the maze of enchantment, so they couldn't tell at all.

A rather tragic cry sounded and echoed around.

"The third one!"

Among them, the strong Han family roared in haste and rushed out quickly.

This shows that their companions may have been murdered.

But no matter how they fly, none of them can break through the maze of enchantment.

Not long after, there was another groaning sound, this time, it was the deacon of the Wang family.

The remaining eight strong deacons were terrified, roared hastily, and attacked desperately.

They know that they can no longer keep it at this time, if they can't rush out, there is only one result waiting for them, and that is death.

Under the effect of this desire to survive, the eight people raised their skills to the limit and bombarded the surroundings continuously, causing fluctuations and cracks to appear in the originally powerful phantom array.

"It's worthy of being a second-level celestial master. It can be seen that this magic circle probably won't last long." The scarlet war dragon regretted.

"Time is too urgent, and it can only be done for this kind of sake."

"It's not bad. It's not bad to be able to trap the opponent for so long." Liu Chen didn't feel any frustration. It was already enough for him to kill the two strong men.

He is still free and can play slowly with these people.


In a flash, Liu Chen disappeared into the sky with the crimson battle dragon.

It didn't take long for the enchantment maze to burst open, and eight heaven-shaking qi gushed out, like giant pillars, threatening all directions, crushing everything within a thousand miles around into powder.

Powerful aura covered all directions, and some people used their spiritual power to quickly investigate.

But they didn't find any trace of the other party. They only saw two corpses falling on the ground, which looked like dead corpses without a drop of blood on their bodies.

"This thief who kills thousands of swords, I must catch you and chop you up!" The eight strong men shouted angrily.

For the next seven days, Liu Chen deployed traps from time to time, releasing zhenqi fluctuations to lure these experts, and a shocking battle broke out in the jungle.

Finally, on the eighth day, Liu Chen killed everyone on the other side.

However, to his surprise, the mark in his body has not been erased.

This gave him a bit of a headache, but relatively speaking, he gained a lot. After absorbing the blood of eight masters, his Blood Killing Inheritance improved again and reached the peak of the second floor. I believe it will not take long to be able to Upgrade to three floors.

After half a day of recuperation in the jungle, Liu Chen adjusted his state to the peak, and then he suddenly flashed and flew towards Dansheng city.

In the city of Dansheng, there was a lot of traffic, and it became more and more lively.

It was less than ten days before the Vientiane bidding meeting, and some very powerful experts hurried over, not wanting to miss this grand event.

However, while everyone was excited and happy, the Wang family and the Han family were worried.

The two of them joined hands and sent ten very powerful second-level celestial masters to arrest the real culprit.

But almost ten days passed, and there was no news at all, which made them have a bad idea in their hearts.

However, although they were worried, they didn't believe that these people would perish. Those were ten second-level celestial masters. Together, they could kill the third-level celestial masters already!
It's no problem to deal with a villain of the first level.

After a few days, though, their hearts sank.

After such a long time, even if they couldn't be caught, those people should have returned, but right now, nothing happened, not even any news came.

Thinking of this result, the two families of the Wang family and the Han family fell silent for a while.

They wanted to send more powerful men to kill the enemy, but the bidding was about to start, and they couldn't move out more troops, so they could only let this matter go.

However, in Dansheng City, they kept a close eye on and investigated closely. As long as the opponent appeared, they would definitely kill him.

However, they didn't expect that Liu Chen used the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul to trap the red logo, and then used the Sutra of Disguise to enter the city smoothly.

Back in the courtyard, Liu Chen met Yuchi Dianwei.

"Brother Chen, Qingshi City and Jiangyi City have sent back news that they are under control, and PY Yushi and Shao Haoqiong also came to the Red Blood Realm, and they are both in Feishi City at this time."

"Tell them all to come and gather in Dansheng City."

Liu Chen felt that the bidding this time would not be too easy, and there would definitely be a big battle.

After all, semi-earth-level weapons are too attractive, and they are things that all masters want to obtain.

Moreover, not only the semi-earth level spirit weapon, but also crystal copper, he must also obtain it!
A few days later, the bidding will finally start.

Everyone was excited and rushed to go, and decided to show their skills at the bidding meeting and get the treasure in their pockets.

In the VIP room of the Vientiane Bidding Club, Zhao Ting, dressed in a red robe, sat on a soft chair, and beside him were six beautiful women.

At this time, he looked down at the bidding field through the strange glazed glass in front of him.

"Lone Star must belong to me!" Zhao Ting's eyes flashed with brilliance.

At the same time, the other VIP room was also filled with all kinds of masters.

Among them, in a distinguished guest room, masters from the Wang family gathered together.

"Confess, order someone to bring the Bono mirror to the entrance of the bidding fair and wait."

"As long as the one who kills a thousand swords goes to the bidding meeting, he will be killed immediately."


Several deacons retreated and deployed quickly. They wanted to join hands with the Han family.

If the other party doesn't come to this bidding meeting, then that's all. If he has the courage to show up, he will definitely die without a place to bury him.


Liu Chen once again changed his appearance and true energy fluctuations through the Tongsui Meridian.

This time, he turned into an ordinary-looking martial arts practitioner, mingled with the crowd, and set off for the Vientiane Bidding Fair.

However, when he approached the entrance of the bidding meeting, he felt uneasy, as if something was about to happen.

Therefore, after having this uneasy feeling in his body, he immediately stopped and carefully looked at the Vientiane Bidding Fair in front of him.

There, there are special guards maintaining order and collecting fees.

Once inside, everything looks perfectly normal.However, Liu Chen frowned.

Because he saw that there were martial arts practitioners wearing the clothes of the Wang family and the Han family walking around the entrance.

And on the top of the Vientiane Bidding Club, a bono mirror hangs, overflowing with a faint crimson brilliance, covering the entrance.

Seeing the crimson brilliance, Liu Chen frowned, and the embroidered red logo on his body jumped violently and shone brightly, as if attracted.

"This is..." Liu Chen's complexion became unsightly. The Wang family, who killed thousands of swords, actually checked at the entrance!

He didn't expect the other party to deploy such a strict investigation at the entrance of the Vientiane Bidding Fair, and he would definitely be exposed if he walked over!
Not only that, judging by the aura of those people, they must be the strongest among the second-level celestial masters, stronger than the ones he beheaded.

However, since this is the case, it is impossible to contain him!

Not to mention anything else, the half-earth-level long sword and crystal copper are all Liu Chen's must-have treasures!
He had to enter this bidding meeting.

Thinking of this, he strode forward quickly.

The closer he was to the entrance, the brighter the brilliance on the embroidered red logo on his body became, and he couldn't control it at all. At the last moment, a trace of crimson brilliance bloomed from his body and shot straight into the sky.

"What, it appeared!"

The powerhouses of the Wang family and the Han family were surprised, and then they looked overjoyed. They finally waited for their opponents.

"Young man, wash your neck and die!"

A terrifying big palm, like a monster's giant palm, fell down with a bang.


Liu Chen let out a cold snort, and clapped the knife, the sky-shattering brilliance lit up, it was extremely sharp, and it hit the top, making the sound of metal collision.

The violent burst of true energy swept across, blowing away many martial arts practitioners.

The two took a step back and stared at each other with killing intent in their eyes.

"Stop! Fighting is not allowed in front of the Vientiane Bidding Fair!"

At this moment, a loud voice came, and then, a force gushed out to warn everyone.

"If you do it again, you will fight against the Vientiane Bidding Association, and the end will be decisive!"

The voice was very cold, without any emotion.

After hearing this, many strong men from the Wang family and the Han family were silent, and they understood this rule.

"Don't worry, we won't make a move here." Several people said to the sky, and then stared hard at Liu Chen.

"Young man, you actually have the guts to come out!"

"Today is your death day!"

"A group of people stepped forward and surrounded Liu Chen."

Not being able to make a move here doesn't mean they will spare Liu Chen, as long as they get him to another place, they can do it.

Liu Chen smiled slightly, it's really not bad news for him that he can't make a move here.

After all, this is where the two big families belong. If there is a fight, there may be some old men who will fight.

But in other places, he has no scruples.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth curled up, and with a domineering wave of his sleeves, a suet jade platform emerged.

In a flash, Liu Chen disappeared.

"What!" The members of the Wang family and the Han family were surprised, they did not expect that the other party had such a treasure.

"It's a teleportation circle, chase after it!"

"This kind of teleportation circle must not be far away! You can't let this kid live!"

Everyone take off, do a quick search.

A hundred miles away, Liu Chen's figure appeared, and he immediately used the Tongsui Jing to hide the fluctuation of true energy.

Then, he flew towards the distance rapidly.

Liu Chen's intention was not complicated, he wanted to leave Dansheng City quickly and separate these people.

Since the other party is ignorant and wants to chase him down, don't blame him for killing him!

Suddenly, he flew in mid-air like a ghost.

Liu Chen landed in the big jungle far away from Dansheng City and waited for the enemy's arrival.

Holding the Flowing Cloud and Flying Star Sword in his hand, he waited silently.

When flying away, he deliberately left some traces, presumably those people can see it.

Sure enough, not long after, the vitality fluctuated in mid-air, as if a grand energy flew over.

Liu Chen narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance, with a smile on his lips.


In the midair, a black figure appeared, and then quickly grew in size.

In an instant, the black figure walked to the side and landed on the ground.

The person who came was a middle-aged man, with big arms and round waist, mighty and powerful, and he walked with a strong sense of oppression.

The sharp eyes, like a sword, seem to pierce everything.

He stopped three feet above the ground, suspended in mid-air, overlooking Liu Chen.

Those eyes were like blades, turned into substantial brilliance, and rushed down.

"Young man, wash your neck and die!"

The middle-aged man's voice was cold and contained supreme strength, shaking in all directions.

The surrounding woods buzzed and the ground trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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