
Chapter 2299 I will not lose!

Chapter 2299 I will not lose!

From this we can see how powerful that man is.

He overlooked everything and said: "Kill my people, and still have the courage to show up, no one can save you today!"

"I've heard this kind of thing thousands of times, but everyone who said it turned into a corpse!" Liu Chen said calmly, "You are no exception, you will be next!"

"Hmph, ignorance!" The middle-aged man let out a cold snort, "I will definitely let you know how strong the real Han family is!"

The middle-aged man took a stride, and a strong brilliance radiated from his body. At about the same time, he closed his hands in all directions to prevent the other party from escaping again.

"See where you are going!"

"If you want to kill yourself, I will satisfy your request!" Liu Chen snorted, pulled out the Flying Cloud and Flying Star Sword, and sent it forward fiercely, bringing out a white light, and stabbing forward quickly.

The sword energy flickered, like a green dragon roaring, shaking the world, the ground quickly split open, and a kilometer-long crack appeared.

"Bai Lie Fist!"

The middle-aged man also made a move, and swung out a fierce fist. His wheat-colored skin was shining brightly, and he charged forward with a burst of coercion.

The two collided and made a shocking sound, like thunder falling.

With a muffled sound, the middle-aged man suddenly took a few steps back, then staggered, with a look of surprise on his face. According to the information he obtained, the opponent could not be that powerful.

"Could it be that this kid still has fighting power?" He was very surprised.

In fact, he didn't know that, not long ago, Liu Chen successfully upgraded the blood-killing heavenly man and the first-level master, and his combat power increased greatly.

Compared to before, Liu Chen is much stronger.

Just when the middle-aged man was surprised, Liu Chen was also surprised. It was really rare that the other party didn't die after being hit with a sword.

It can be seen that the opponent is a strong man who strengthens his body!At least, it is much stronger than the previous deacons.

"Interesting, I hope you can hold on for a while longer!" There was a sneer on the corner of Liu Chen's lips.

"Hmph, I promise, you won't be able to laugh soon." The middle-aged man let out a long roar, and the brilliance on his body became stronger.

The ground was trembling, as if an earthquake had occurred, shaking rapidly.

Rows of trees fell down, forming a tremor zone, and the mountains in the distance were also swaying, and some collapsed.

Waves of yellow air gushed out, surrounding the middle-aged man, and his appearance changed immediately.

On the wheat-colored skin, thousands of hairs grew out, a piece of brown and yellow, like the fur of a monster.

Soon, this condition spread to his whole body, but his strong body became taller and taller.


The middle-aged man looked up to the sky like a demon ape, shouting angrily, with a strong ferocity in his voice.

"Warcraft!" Liu Chen was surprised, he didn't know that the other party would have such a change.

Without answering, the middle-aged man let out an angry roar, turning into a thunderbolt of true energy, and rushed towards him at high speed.

The middle-aged man's body was deformed, with yellow hair growing out, and his whole body was like a demonic ape, full of murderous aura and terror.

In an instant, he walked in front of Liu Chen, and quickly struck out that huge fist with thick demon hair.

Bang bang bang!
Liu Chen swung his sword again and again, and the light of the sword, like mist and rain, turned into one piece and smashed together with the opponent's fist.

The two collided, and there were repeated explosions, like the sound of metal colliding, deafening.

Liu Chen was surprised, the opponent's strength was much stronger than before, at least he wouldn't be able to fly away.

Not only that, that tyrannical body is like a spiritual weapon, it can resist his sword light!
No wonder he dared to come alone, indeed he has a little ability.

However, Liu Chen was not afraid. With a soft drink, he used the Vajra Ascending Dragon Sword Soul to greatly increase his strength.

The sword light surged, and the red brilliance flashed, illuminating the sky, and the violent and icy air filled all directions, making him look like a sword god.

A sword pierced out quickly, and the sword glowed majesticly, turning into a red waterfall, hanging upside down in midair.

"Red Sword, Great Waterfall!"

The sword glow oscillated and exploded with a very powerful bombardment force, quickly covering the middle-aged man and knocking him into the air.

The middle-aged man's body shook, and he took a few steps back suddenly like a meteor, then staggered under his feet and smashed into a mountain peak.

"No wonder I can kill my people, it really is different." The middle-aged man stood up from the ruins, shook off the gravel on his body, and said in a cold tone.

"I fused with the demonic soul of Dashan Demonic Ape, but I can't break your sword glow, it's really tyrannical!"

This middle-aged man is very powerful, not comparable to those deacons before, and his fighting spirit is very special, fused with the demon soul of the giant rock orangutan, it can be said to be extremely powerful, far surpassing his peers.

The transformation this time has greatly improved his strength.

But even so, he was still inferior to Liu Chen in terms of strength, from this we can see how powerful King Kong Shenglong Sword Soul is.

"Fused with the demon soul? No wonder it turned into this appearance. You are not human, you are not a demon, you may as well call you a coquettish bitch!" Liu Chen sneered contemptuously.

"Seeking death, I will definitely let you know that I am a fighting spirit!"

The middle-aged man's voice is sonorous and powerful, with infinite confidence.

He let out a soft drink, and his body swelled up again. He was ten meters tall, with a green face and fangs, and his whole body became almost like a monster.

With one stride, a deep crack appeared on the ground, and the zhenqi on the body fluctuated like waves, rushing in all directions.

Liu Chen frowned, and slashed out with a sword. Based on the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul, a red-blooded battle dragon evolved and roared out.

The red-blooded battle dragon was in the sky, showing its fierce face, and the sky trembled.

But at this moment, the middle-aged man below was roaring to the sky, raising a pair of big palms high, tearing the sky apart.

"The mountain has changed!"

Those big palms petrified and turned into two high mountains, weighing as much as ten thousand jun, attacking the sky.

These two mountain peaks are really terrifying, lying across the sky, they are so dark that they even cover the sun.

The middle-aged man grinned ferociously, and with two big mountains, he collided with the roaring red-blooded war dragon in mid-air.

The sky-shaking sound resounded, and the sky was torn apart.

The top of a mountain cracked open, and a large amount of rubble fell.

Those rocks splashed and fell on the ground, each of which could penetrate the ground, forming a terrifying black hole.

As for the red war dragon, it was also beaten back by the mountain peak and became dim.

Seeing that the two mountain peaks were destroyed, the middle-aged man became angry. He shouted angrily and grabbed his hands in all directions.

A loud bang!
A deep crack appeared on the ground, and thousands of mountain peaks cracked, and quickly condensed into a stone rod in midair, with a length of [-] meters.

Immediately, the huge soaring stone pillar was held in the hands of the middle-aged man and swung rapidly.


That force was too heavy, crushing the sky, covering the sky like a black cloud.

A stick fell down and hit the Scarlet Blood War Dragon's body, breaking it in two.

"Young man, take your life!"

With a stick in his hand, the middle-aged man was extremely strong, like a monster king, and hit Liu Chen.

"Hmph, heresy! See how I broke you!"

Liu Chen let out a cold snort, and then the sharp sword vibrated, and the sword light condensed in the mid-air, thousands of flames danced, spread in the mid-air, and turned into a phoenix.

Liu Chen imitated the sacred seal of Fengluan with the sword soul of Vajra Rising Dragon, and the terrifying flames shot up to the sky, burning everything.

Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul is too powerful, this blow is more powerful than the pure Fengluan Sacred Seal, burning thousands of miles around to ashes.

The terrifying Fengluan hovered in the sky and collided with the huge stone pillar.

Immediately, a crimson brilliance erupted in mid-air, and the crimson brilliance reached the sky, rushing in all directions with scorching heat.

Like a volcanic eruption, tens of thousands of smoke dispersed, and there was a heat wave between the sky and the earth, as if a flaming mountain had collapsed.

The stone pillar shattered, and the flames quickly flew towards the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's eyes widened and he roared loudly. Like a real monster, he leaped out of the flames and rushed towards Liu Chen.

In those eyes, there was a blue brilliance, which formed a substantial brilliance at this time, like two long spears, flying across the sky.

"Integrating the demon soul is the way from the beginning to the end. For those who practice martial arts, the most powerful thing is the heart and faith!"

"Let me tell you right now, what is a martial artist!"

Liu Chen let out a long howl, and the sharp sword in his hand burst into dazzling brilliance, floating in the void like a fiery red sun.

"Sword of Fire!"

With this blow, Yan Zhi's fighting spirit surged out, like a red sun, and landed quickly.

In an instant, the red sun-like sword glow covered the middle-aged man, and the flames and sword glow erupted in an instant, extremely violent.


The middle-aged man groaned in pain, and all the hair on his body burned.

"No! I will not lose!"

He raised his head and shouted towards the sky, unwilling to reconcile, he slammed into Liu Chen with surging flames and shattered corpses.

"Tarzan is on top!"

A trace of contempt appeared in Liu Chen's eyes, the sharp sword stabbed out, and a beam of sword light flew out like a meteor, hitting the thick body of the middle-aged man in an instant.

There was a sky-shaking explosion, and the sword light exploded, producing a fierce blow of true energy, smashing the middle-aged man's body to pieces.

The clouds dissipated, and the earth turned red.

A very powerful second-level celestial master died just like that.

Liu Chen carved a willow character on the ground.

Then he resolutely left.

Liu Chen stretched out his spiritual power, wrapped the surroundings, and sensed the existence of the enemy.

Since it was the opponent who came to kill him, he fought back vigorously.

Liu Chen killed a very powerful middle-aged martial arts practitioner, then turned around and left.

It didn't take long before he ran into the second celestial master, who was also a young middle-aged man, and he was a strong member of the Wang family.

Without any hesitation, the two fought directly, and the fight was very fierce.

In the end Liu Chen killed him.

Once again, Liu Chen carved a willow character on the ground, put away the opponent's space ring, and left.

He uses the earth-level movement method, the speed is very fast, like a thunderbolt, he shuttles through the jungle.

The bidding for Vientiane had already started, and he didn't want to delay any time.

Finally, he bumped into the third strong man.

This is an old man, the aura on his body is very strong, like a volcanic eruption, and his fighting power is shocking.

This old man is stronger than the previous two strong men, and has quite a lot of combat experience.However, in the end he was still slaughtered by Liu Chen.

Blood stained the sky, and the corpse was cut in two by a sharp sword.

If the Wang family and the Han family knew that they had lost so many powerful people, they would definitely regret it.

Suddenly, there was an urgent sound of breaking wind in the air, like three meteors falling in the air.

The terrifying sword spirit energy is like a wave, surging like a wave.

Immediately, three figures emerged, landed in mid-air, and surrounded Liu Chen.

Seeing the traces of fighting nearby and the corpse split in two on the ground, the faces of the three strong men were gloomy and fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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