
Chapter 2302

Chapter 2302
You can use the three-headed demon general as a mount, don't think about it, the other party's status must be good, such a person, he can't afford to offend.

"Hmph!" The young man on the right snorted coldly and took out a waist card.

The martial artist narrowed his pupils, and then attacked: "Three, please come in!"

"Oh, you're smart!" The young man on the left nodded, and then the three waved their sleeves aggressively to put away the demon general.

The three of them walked into the bidding field as if they were strolling in a courtyard.

"Enter!" Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect that the martial arts practitioner in the Vientiane bidding meeting would let those three people in.

But Liu Chen's complexion darkened, and the complexions of Zeng Xingwen and others were equally ugly.

They also wanted to go in before, but they were stopped by the martial arts practitioner, and they were told the rules of the bidding meeting that they could not enter midway.

But at this moment, there were three people who came later than them, but they went in openly.

This is obviously looking down on them!
"What do you mean, why can't we go in? They can?" Yuchi Dianwei was angry.

"That's right, do you look down on us?" Zeng Xingwen said in a cold tone.

"This matter must be explained to us!" Zhao Dahu said.

"An explanation?" The martial arts practitioners at the Vientiane Bidding Fair sneered, "What explanation do you want?"

"What are your identities, and what is the other party's identities? Let me tell you, they are disciples of the Yuchi family! Their identities are very noble!"

"The Yuchi family? Is it very powerful?"

"So you're a country bumpkin who doesn't know anything!" The martial arts practitioner sneered, "Yuchi's family is the subordinate of Lan Yu Shaoxia!"

"Young Hero of Lan Yu!" The people nearby gasped, he was one of the Four Great Young Heroes of Flaming Blood.

They didn't expect that those three people had such backgrounds.

Hearing this, Yuchi Dianwei and the others looked very ugly. Of course they knew the name of Lan Yu Shaoxia in the Red Blood Realm. He was the grandson of the deputy leader of the Martial God Temple, and he was also ranked on the Flame Blood Saint Ranking third.

It must be a tyrannical force that can become his subordinate force.

Seeing the startled expressions of Yuchi Dianwei and others, the martial arts practitioners in the bidding meeting sneered: "You guys, get lost, or don't blame us for being rude!"

"With your identities, don't even think about going in this life!"

"What if I don't?" Liu Chen said suddenly, with a sneer on his lips.

He was really very angry. If there were such regulations in the bidding meeting, he wouldn't say anything more, but if they were treated differently because of their different identities, that would be a different matter.

"Young man, you'd better not cause trouble in the Vientiane Bidding Club," the martial arts practitioner sneered, "Although you can kill the Wang family's deacon with one move, in the eyes of our Vientiane Bidding Club, you are nothing!"

"Presumptuous!" Zeng Xingwen roared angrily.

"If you have the guts to threaten Young Master Liu, ask me first if I will answer or not!" Zhao Dahu overflowed with a very powerful coercion.

"What? Want to make a move?" The martial arts practitioner at the bidding meeting said contemptuously. He snapped his fingers, and immediately five second-level celestial masters strode up behind him, staring at Liu Chen and the others with a hostile expression.

"Young man, you are not qualified to make a move in front of me!"

Seeing this scene, the people nearby were shocked: "I'm going to go, that guy won't really make a move, right?"

"No one with a brain will make a move. The Vientiane bidding meeting is definitely not comparable to the Wang family. Not only is its own fighting power strong, but the forces behind it are even more terrifying!"

"Yes, I heard that it seems to have something to do with Lan Yu Shaoxia..."

A group of people discussed it, but none of them liked Liu Chen.

"Young man, you heard me, get out of here if you know the current affairs!" The martial arts practitioners at the bidding meeting sneered.

"Based on your humble identities, you can't get in at all!"

"Identity?" Liu Chen laughed, "What kind of identity do you want?"

"What identity? Don't bother, even if you are the head of the royal family, you don't have the guts to be presumptuous in the Vientiane Bidding!" The martial arts practitioners in the bidding are very strong.

Liu Chen ignored him, but turned around and said, "Go, call those people over."

"Yes!" Zeng Xingwen left quickly.

"Call someone? Okay, I'll wait for you to call someone!" The martial arts practitioners at the bidding meeting sneered, "If you can let me take a step back today, I will let you in."

Liu Chen ignored him, but stood proudly.

Yuchi Dianwei sneered: "Take a step back? At that time, you will be scared to death!"

He really wanted to see how these people would react when they saw members of their Xianglong Gang.

The martial arts practitioners in the bidding meeting folded their arms and looked contemptuous. Today he wants to see who the other party can call.

Apart from other things, in this city of Dansheng, there is no one they would be afraid of when they bid for Vientiane.

The nearby martial arts practitioners talked: "Who will this guy be called?"

"Who can I call, even a third-level celestial master, and I don't have the guts to provoke the Vientiane bidding meeting."

"Looking at his appearance, he seems to be calm."

"Maybe it's just pretending!"

Everyone talked about it, but none of them knew what Liu Chen wanted to do.

And at this moment, there was another fluctuation in the air, like boiling water boiling violently.

"What is that!" someone raised his head and shouted in surprise.

I saw thousands of black figures appearing in the sky, different from the previous three.

The sky trembled.

The fluctuation of true qi was really terrifying, like an ancient monster mountain, and everyone was about to suffocate.

The faces of the people below were ashen, their true qi fluctuated, their bodies trembled even more, and many of them with weak fighting strength even lay on the ground.

Even those second-level celestial masters in the Vientiane Bidding Fair were no exception. They all had enough sword spirit energy to resist with all their strength.

In the middle of the sky, the black cloud fluttered, and finally stayed above the venue of the Vientiane bidding meeting.

This time, everyone saw clearly.

"People, people!"

Not only people, but also masters, all masters!

"Second, the second-floor celestial master!" Everyone was surprised, and they didn't have the guts to believe it.

In the middle of the sky, many of those figures were second-level celestial masters, and a large number of first-level celestial masters were there.

Adding these people together, the fighting power can be said to be skyrocketing!
Someone counted them, and there were 45 people in total, all of whom were young martial arts practitioners.

"What kind of power is it that there are so many young and strong people!"

Everyone is confused, this force is too powerful, at least in Dansheng City, no one can find so many young strong men.

The martial arts practitioners in the Vientiane bidding meeting were also surprised, he didn't expect that the other party really found so many strong people!
"Who is this kid who kills thousands of knives? How did he know so many young and strong men?"

In mid-air, fifty young and strong men landed and filled the streets.

"Brother Chen!"

The 45 people moved in unison and shouted respectfully to a figure in front of them.

"En." Liu Chen nodded his head, then turned around to look forward.

To be precise, it was the person who looked at the Vientiane bidding meeting.

"At this moment, am I worthy?"

Everyone was shocked, and their faces were shocked.

brother dust?These young and strong men actually called Brother Fang Chen?

This is too shocking, could it be that all these people are the younger brothers of that Confucian scholar?

Liu Chen stood proudly, at this time he had already recovered his true appearance, he was like a king, overlooking the front.

"No, it's impossible!" The martial arts practitioner at the bidding meeting trembled with disbelief on his face.

Not long ago, he was still mocking the other party.

And at this moment, the other party is actually the boss of this group of young elites!

This change was so fast that the people in the Vientiane bidding meeting couldn't accept it for a while.

Hearing Liu Chen's voice, all 45 people raised their heads and looked forward.

Everyone has anger on their faces, and their eyes are like swords, gathering together.

These eyes condensed into a torrent, rushing to the front, without saying a word, knocking away the people from the Vientiane bidding meeting.

It was really too powerful, 45 celestial masters, together, the coercion was extremely terrifying, those few martial arts practitioners in the bidding meeting could not resist at all, and were blown away like paper kites.

Especially the martial arts practitioner who satirized Liu Chen before spurted blood.

At that moment just now, he suffered quite serious internal injuries.

Liu Chen walked forward unhurriedly, and asked calmly, "Am I worthy?"

His voice was not too loud, but it carried a sense of determination.

"You want qualifications, that's fine, I'll give you qualifications!"

"It's just, can you accept this qualification?" Liu Chen let it go after finishing speaking.

The martial arts practitioner at the bidding meeting spurted blood again, and his body collapsed weakly, and he fainted from fright.

Liu Chen raised his head and looked at others: "You, who can make the decision?"

Feeling Liu Chen's eyes, the bodies of those martial arts practitioners trembled, and then they showed bitter smiles.

Although they are second-tier celestial masters, they can't stand out.

And at this moment, several figures flew out of the Vientiane bidding meeting again.

"Who has the guts to make trouble in my Vientiane bidding meeting!" A loud voice came out, carrying countless coercion!
The voice was very tyrannical, and it turned into a big palm of true energy, and slapped downwards.

An old man came out of the Wanxiang bidding meeting. He was very domineering.

In his eyes, no matter who has the guts to make trouble in the Vientiane bidding meeting, suppress it first.

However, this time, he was wrong.

The 45 celestial masters below were furious, and they rushed upward together with a powerful coercion.

Without any suspense, the big palm condensed by sound waves was shattered in an instant, and the old man was even more like a kite, spurting blood and suddenly took a few steps back, and then staggered.


Many martial arts practitioners screamed and rushed straight into the sky, but when they saw the scene below, they all froze in place.

It was a powerful scene, 45 celestial masters gathered together, as if the ancient gods and demons were reborn, very powerful.

And in front of these people was a young man in blue, standing like a king.

"Whoever speaks is useful, stand up!"

Liu Chen's voice came and spread quickly.

Domineering, really too domineering!Everyone was surprised and didn't have the guts to believe it.

In Dansheng City, the Vientiane Bidding Conference is a dominant existence, and no one has the courage to challenge it.

And at this moment, a young man actually threatens the Vientiane bidding meeting, which is really surprising!
Soon, the people from the Vientiane bidding meeting also understood what had happened, all of them looked gloomy, and wanted to beat those guards to death.

"A group of idiots, are they so blind? How dare they offend them?"

Soon, an old woman with a cane came out quickly, and asked sharply, "I'm the supervisor, what's the matter here?"

"Participate in the bidding meeting!" Liu Chen said.

"Okay! Wait!" The old woman said, "I'll report right away."

"No need, I'll just go in!" Liu Chen shook his head and said in a cold tone.

After such a long delay, most of the bidding inside had already been completed, and he didn't know if Jingtong had already been bid away.

Therefore, he must enter the bidding meeting!
"This..." The old woman was troubled, but when she met Liu Chen's resolute eyes, she sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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