
Chapter 2303 Bidding for Lone Star

Chapter 2303 Bidding for Lone Star
"Okay, but only three people can go in."

"Yes!" Liu Chen turned his head away, "Zhao Dahu and Yuchi Dianwei follow me in, and the others are waiting here."


A group of people responded.

In the Vientiane bidding meeting, the appearance of crystal copper brought a climax to the venue.

After many competitions, it was finally won by the Wang family.

"Hehehehe! Crystal Copper finally succeeded!"

In the expensive guest room, the head deacon of the Wang family was overjoyed: "With it, maybe you can refine a top-grade spiritual weapon!"

"Superior Spirit Tool!"

After hearing this, the hearts of the other deacons of the Wang family were also hot.

The ultimate spiritual weapon, that is even better than the superior spiritual weapon, the best among the superior spiritual weapons!

That destructive power, that value, is second only to half-earth level spirit weapons!Also a rare treasure!

This time, the deacon of the Wang family just wanted to temper a pair of soft guards, so he desperately wanted to obtain crystal copper.

"Okay, the bidding for crystal copper has already ended, and this level of refining material is very rare."

"Also, we only have one piece in the bidding."

"However, there is another treasure right now. Its value is still higher than crystal copper. I think you must be interested."

Still on crystal copper?

Hearing these words, the eyes of the martial arts practitioners in the bidding arena suddenly lit up.

Crystal copper is the best material, if there is a very powerful caster, it will not be a problem to cultivate a semi-earth level spiritual weapon.

And at this moment, there is actually something more precious than it?

"Could it be that thing?" Someone asked excitedly.

"Yes, it must be it! Half-earth level spirit weapon!"

Only half-earth-level spirit weapons can surpass crystal copper.Although crystal copper is good, it is not easy to practice it into a semi-earth level spiritual weapon.

First of all, you must have a master craftsman!
And this kind of master-level caster has not appeared for a long time.

Therefore, under the current circumstances, the semi-earth level spirit weapon seems to be extremely valuable!

On the glazed stage in front, the deacon of the bidding meeting said with a smile: "I think everyone has already thought of it, yes, this time the bid is for a semi-earth-level spiritual weapon."

"Lone Star!"

Everyone was boiling, and the people at the bidding meeting fell into madness.

"Lone Star, really Lone Star!"

"Half-earth level spiritual weapon, I didn't expect that I could see a half-earth level spiritual weapon in this life!" Many people were very excited, although they knew that this kind of spiritual tool must be expensive, and ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

Even ordinary forces can't take it down.

However, this does not hinder their madness, because it is enough to take a look.

On the glazed platform, the deacon in the silver shirt took out a brocade box and opened it slowly.

Immediately, the sky trembled, and a powerful and fierce energy overflowed, and the fluctuation of the true energy was terrifying, sweeping the bidding field in an instant.

"too horrible!"

Everyone was surprised and their hearts trembled. They didn't expect that just a wave of true energy would be so powerful.

The bidder also took a deep breath and picked it up slowly.

Suddenly, a sharp sword with a quaint appearance appeared in front of everyone.

The sword is three feet long, and the whole body is light blue, just like the stars, very gorgeous.

On the body of that sword, there were traces of mysterious and unpredictable streamer light, overflowing with terrifying true energy fluctuations as it turned.

The bidder swung his sword, and a glare of light spewed out immediately, accompanied by a sky-shattering ferocity.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
The air couldn't bear it, and it shattered.

This is just a normal blow, and it has not been infused with the spirit of the sword, so it can be seen that it is powerful.

If you hold back your strength and swing with all your strength, you may be able to split the bidding field in an instant.

The bidder put down Lone Star, and then put the brocade box on top.

"We have had thousands of casters look at this Lone Star, it must be a semi-earth-level spiritual weapon, and the destructive power just now, I think everyone has seen it, it won't be fake!"

"Okay, let's start bidding now. The semi-earth-level spiritual tool, Lone Star, has a base price of 6000 million mid-level sword crystals. Every time the price increases, it must not be less than 1000 million mid-level sword crystals."

"One hundred and sixty million!"

Everyone gasped, their eyes filled with madness.For ordinary martial arts practitioners, this figure is an astronomical figure!

It is worthy of being a semi-earth-level spiritual weapon, and it really blows up the sky!

"Three hundred million!"

The calm voice came out, which shocked everyone immediately.

"Who is this? They doubled the price in an instant!"

"Great handwriting, really big handwriting!"

"That voice came from VIP Room No. [-], could it be Zhao Ting from Maple Leaf Valley?"

"Yes, it must be him, so arrogant, he raised the price so much!"

In VIP Room No. [-], Zhao Ting sat up, his eyes were shining brightly, and he stared at the glazed platform below.

"Lone Star!" He finally waited!
Before that, he never made a move, he just wanted to wait for this lone star!
Now, he can finally show his talents!
"Three hundred million!"

Zhao Ting called out the price, and then looked down with fiery eyes.

He knew that this price could not scare away those masters who really wanted Lone Star, but he had to show a strong attitude.

That's the voice of Maple Leaf Valley!

Sure enough, the price of [-] million surprised the group of martial arts practitioners below, but soon someone quoted a higher price.

"1000 million!"

"2000 million!"


Soon, all the VIP rooms had quotations, and the price of Lone Star immediately increased to 6000 million.

Everyone was amazed, they could only look up at such a price, but the tense and exciting atmosphere made them feel refreshed.

"7000 million!"

Suddenly, a low and deep voice came, carrying a mighty coercion.

"This qi fluctuates, could it be a third-level celestial master!" Many people were surprised, and the sharp sword spirit fighting spirit in the midair made them unable to lift their heads at all.

"Burning Sword Saint Celestial Master!"

"It's the Burning Sword Saint Heavenly Master!"

There were whispers from many distinguished guest rooms, and it was obvious that the identity of the bidder was very surprising.

Celestial Masters are very powerful, but there is another kind of Celestial Masters that are even more powerful, and that is the titled Celestial Masters.

This kind of person is an extremely powerful existence among the celestial masters.

This Burning Sword Saint Heavenly Master is such a martial arts practitioner.

He is a third-tier celestial master. Because of his frenzied and powerful sword skills and terrifying strength, he is known as the Burning Sword Saint celestial master.

"Unexpectedly, the Burning Sword Saint Heavenly Master also came."

"Yes, it can be seen that this time it is much more interesting."

"The Burning Sword Saint Celestial Master is not only powerful in combat, but also seems to have a very violent temper. If he doesn't get Lone Star this time, he might go crazy."

Many people talked about it, and some martial arts practitioners also gave up the idea of ​​bidding because of the words of the Burning Sword Saint Tianshi.

However, not everyone is afraid of the Sunburning Sword Saint Celestial Master, and in front of this semi-earth-level treasure, everyone has a behavior as if they have gone crazy.

At least, Zhao Ting doesn't mind.

"Four hundred million!"

His eyes were wild, and he fixed his eyes firmly on the glazed platform below.

"Lone Star, it must be mine!"

Relying on Maple Leaf Valley, coupled with his strong fighting power, although Zhao Ting was no match for the Burning Sword Saint Heavenly Master, he did not have any fear.

Therefore, not long after the Zhijian Sheng Tianshi made an offer, he immediately raised the price.

"The people of Maple Leaf Valley have made an offer again!"

"That's right, I didn't take the Burning Sword Saint Heavenly Master seriously at all!"

Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect Zhao Ting to be so bold.

In the guest room, the Burning Sword Saint Tianshi snorted coldly, he stood proudly, his whole body was full of rebellious spirit.

"3000 million!" He quoted again.

"500 million!"

Apart from Zhao Ting, there are also expert quotations, no one can remain rational in the face of this kind of treasure.

The Wang family, the Han family and other families are also quoting. Although he knows that it is difficult for them to get this thing, they will still raise the price secretly.

But when the price reached [-] million, these families gave up the idea of ​​buying.

Right now, only those masters from Wenfeng Suburb are left.

Among them, Zhijian Sheng Tianshi and Zhao Ting fought the most fiercely. Besides, there were three or four other people. Although they seldom spoke, every time they spoke, they were very shocking.

"Six hundred and eighty million!"

In an honored guest room, a handsome young man spoke.

Besides him, there was a bohemian young man and a beautiful girl.

These three people are exactly the three disciples of Yuchi's family who entered halfway before.

It can be seen that the intention of their mission this time is also Lone Star.

When they heard the quotation, everyone was surprised again, because the voice was very young, and they knew it was a young man when they heard it.

For a young martial arts practitioner to be able to quote such a price, there is no need to think about it.

Zhao Ting frowned, he didn't expect that besides him, there were other young martial arts practitioners who had the courage to make an offer.

With a sneer, he called out again: "3000 million!"

"Six hundred and eighty million!"

"Six hundred and eighty million!"

Two people fight, full of gunpowder.

"Who is this guy who has the guts to compete with us?" The young man Leng Jun frowned.

As a disciple of Yuchi's family, he even gave him face in the Vientiane Bidding, but now someone dares to compete with them, this is a blatant provocation!
And Zhao Ting was equally angry. As a disciple of Maple Leaf Valley, he always had a style of being arrogant and arrogant.

At this moment, someone actually has the guts to compete with him, he can't bear it.

So, he made another offer.

In addition, there was a middle-aged woman who made a bid with a mysterious old man and competed for it.

Suddenly, the smell of gunpowder was full, and the atmosphere in the bidding field was very tense!

"Seven hundred million!"

Burning Sword Saint Tianshi spoke again, which surprised everyone.

"6000!" Zhao Ting was not convinced, and quickly quoted.

Silence, absolute silence.Many people canceled the offer, and this price has already stopped most people.

Even the disciples of Yuchi's family frowned, now that the price made them hesitate a bit.

"I would like to see who dares to be so arrogant!" Leng Jun's young man let out a cold snort, "In Dansheng City, someone has the guts to rob us. He is really seeking his own death!"

"Okay, stop quoting, and adapt later." At this moment, the beautiful woman said.

"Young man, this sword is very important to me, if you can give it to me, I can give you other compensation!" Shengjian Sheng Tianshi sternly said.

"I don't need anything, just this sword!" Zhao Ting politely declined on the spot.


In the guest room, the Burning Sword Saint Tianshi let out a cold snort, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

There was a trace of murderous intent in his eyes, flashing like sword energy.

He didn't make any more quotations, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips. It was obvious that he had murderous intentions in his heart.

In the Realm of Red Blood, it is very common to kill people and steal goods. Although the other party is from Maple Leaf Valley, but thinking of the semi-earth level spiritual weapon, he is ready to do it desperately.

If he wins the Lone Star, his combat power will increase greatly by then, and in the Red Blood Realm, Maple Leaf Valley may not be able to do anything to him.

Therefore, he made up his mind to kill.

The Burning Sword Saint Celestial Master didn't make a sound anymore, and the others didn't make any quotations, maybe he had the same idea as the Burning Sword Saint Celestial Master.

(End of this chapter)

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