
Chapter 2538 The tree demon actually surrendered

Chapter 2538 The tree demon actually surrendered

This is what they just exerted their full strength to win.

However, they didn't feel any joy, and even panic floated in their hearts.

The two of them are seventh-level celestial masters, and not ordinary seventh-level celestial masters.

The two joined hands, and it can be said that the fighting value is very strong, but they only won two silver-white leaves, and even suffered some injuries.

It has to be said that the sacred tree in front is really too powerful.

What's more, they suspected that Liu Chen knew about these things a long time ago, so he didn't stop them.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ming turned his head to look.

When he saw the sarcasm on the corner of Liu Chen's lips, he immediately confirmed what he was thinking.

"This kid who killed a thousand swords, this kid already knew!"

"If that's the case, with that guy's temperament, how could he not do it, so he already knew that the tree demon in front of him was very difficult!"

The deacon of the Spirit Bird Palace also had an ashen complexion.

But at this moment, Liu Chen said slowly: "The performance of the two of you is really not very good. The majestic seventh-level powerhouse of the heavenly master and the deacon of the first-class force teamed up and only got two leaves."

"If I were you, I would have no face to live in this world."

"Find a noodle and hang yourself quickly, so as not to embarrass the gang here."

"What did you say!"

"You're asking for your own death!"

Jiang Ming and the deacon of the Spirit Bird Palace were furious. Although they failed, they were not happy to be ridiculed like this.

"What did I say, what I said was all the truth!" Liu Chen sneered, "It's really a big talk to want to occupy this place without the ability!"

"Hurry up, both of you, don't delay my action."

Hearing this, Jiang Ming and the deacons of the Spirit Bird Palace trembled even more, and even those disciples turned dark.

Jiang Ming roared angrily, and was about to rush up and fight Liu Chen desperately.

But at this moment, the deacon of the Spirit Bird Palace held him tightly, and then said in a cold tone: "Brother Jiang, don't be impulsive."

"That tree demon is so powerful, I'm afraid only an eighth-level celestial master can deal with it. No matter how powerful that guy is, he can't reach the fighting power of an eighth-level celestial master."

After hearing this, Jiang Ming also came back to his senses.

"Hmph, I'd like to see what this kid is capable of, how dare he mock us!"

After finishing speaking, he and the deacon of the Spirit Bird Palace stepped back and watched coldly.

The disciples of the two major gangs also sneered, they didn't believe that Liu Chen was better than these two deacons.

"Let this kid pretend, and see how he ends up when he fails later."

"Just kidding, who does he think he is, who actually wants to deal with such a terrifying tree demon? It's really full of big talk!"

"Look, he's going to fail."

No one believed that Liu Chen would succeed, even Han Yueru showed doubts.

"Liu Chen, do you have a solution? If we join hands, we should be better than those two, but I'm afraid we won't be able to pick too much."

"It's okay to pick a few."

But Liu Chen responded with a smile: "There is no need to join hands for the time being, I have a way."

For some reason, seeing Liu Chen's smile, Han Yueru became very at ease in her heart, because she had seen too many miracles happen to Liu Chen along the way.

So this time, she also believed in Liu Chen.

"Young man, do you want me to set up a magic circle to help you?"

On one side, the scarlet war dragon also looked worried.

"Not for now, I'll give it a try first."

Hearing Liu Chen's words, the scarlet war dragon quickly explained: "Young man, be careful, that ancient tree must be a tree demon."

"And the combat power is very strong, I am afraid that he has already reached the level of the eighth-level demon general."

"Otherwise, it's impossible for those two people to be together."

"Now it seems that if you really want to subdue that guy, I am afraid that only the eighth-level celestial master can do it."

"If we join hands, we may be able to win many divine fruits."

However, Liu Chen shook his head after hearing this, of course he knew that the ancient tree in front of him was a tree demon.

Moreover, it is a very powerful tree demon. I am afraid that no one can deal with it at the moment based on its combat value.

However, it is precisely because the other party is a tree demon that he has a way to subdue him.

Immediately, he took a stride, looked at the front coldly, and shouted loudly.

"I know that you have already activated your spiritual power and can hear me."

"Hand over part of the leaves and fruits honestly, and I can spare your life!"


Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

They thought Liu Chen would attack the tree demon forcefully, but they didn't expect to threaten him.

"This kid's brain has been trapped by the door. If this kind of threat is effective, will it be his turn?"

"Hehe, it just made me laugh out loud! I knew he couldn't do it a long time ago, but I didn't expect him to be so weird and threaten the tree demon."

"This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in this life. That tree demon doesn't even fear two seventh-level celestial masters. How could he be afraid of a sixth-level celestial master?"

A group of people looked at Liu Chen and laughed loudly.

Jiang Ming and the deacons of the Spirit Bird Palace also showed doubts.

Originally, they saw Liu Chen was full of confidence and thought that the other party had some powerful killer moves, but they didn't expect to see such an interesting scene.

"Hmph, what am I supposed to be? It turns out that I'm just a clown trying to please the crowd!"

The deacon of the Spirit Bird Palace sneered.

"Ants are ants, how can you expect him to create a miracle."

Jiang Ming also showed a sarcastic expression, "With this level, you still have the guts to be an enemy of my Valkyrie Temple. You are really seeking your own death."

Even Han Yueru and Scarlet Zhanlong were stunned, they didn't expect Liu Chen to use threats.

The corners of Han Yueru's lips were cramped, and his expression was very strange, while the crimson war dragon covered his face with its claws, crying all over his face.

"It's a shame, it's a shame! This kid must be stupid."

It seemed that Liu Chen's behavior was extremely stupid.

I thought it had specially reminded it before that the tree demon was very powerful, but I didn't expect it to be useless at all.

Liu Chen's words were so unbelievable that everyone was stunned for a moment.

But no one thought Liu Chen was telling the truth, so many people were full of sarcasm after hearing it.

Even the ancient tree in front of him felt angry after hearing this.

A particularly violent and terrifying air escaped from the body of the ancient tree, and suddenly the surroundings trembled violently.

The martial arts practitioners in the distance felt this wave of true energy, and the sarcasm on their faces disappeared, replaced by a shocked expression.

Because this fluctuation of true energy is too scary, it is not something they can bear.

Even Jiang Ming and the deacon of the Spirit Bird Palace changed their faces.

Fortunately, they didn't continue to fight, otherwise they might not end well.

Because of this fluctuation of true energy, both of them felt a chill in their hearts.

"Hehe, this kid is sure to die, and he actually angered the tree demon in front!"

"I'm afraid an eighth-level celestial master can't resist this wave of true energy, let alone that guy."

"Haha, tell him to pretend, it's a mess this time!"

Although a group of disciples were flustered, they sneered in their hearts.

They wanted to see, Liu Chen was facing the danger of dying, how else could he get out?
But Liu Chen was not afraid at all, he looked at the angry tree demon in front of him, and a sneer flashed across his lips.

Then, he formed mudras with both hands, and quickly revealed a purple light ball in front of him.

The purple light group turned into a purple tripod.

That purple tripod is very quaint, and engraved with all kinds of rare monsters, there is a sense of mystery all over the body.

As soon as the purple cauldron appeared, it seemed to arouse the trepidation of the tree demon in front. There was a roar of anger from the tree demon's body, and then thousands of branches turned into sharp spears, and stabbed straight ahead at high speed.

Suddenly, the brilliance reached the sky, and there was a loud noise.

Even though they are far away, everyone can still feel the terrifying power in that brilliance.

Even Jiang Ming and the deacon of Spirit Bird Palace were taken aback and their expressions changed.

Thousands of rainbow-like brilliance pierced the sky, piercing towards Liu Chen quickly, covering him in an instant.

However, in the face of such a terrifying attack, Liu Chen's expression did not change, he just urged the purple cauldron in front of him to quickly shoot out a brilliance like ink.

Zi Dingyi uttered an elegant and deep voice.

This voice seemed to have a magical quality, and it clearly rang in everyone's hearts.

When the tree demon in front heard this voice, his heart was shocked, as if struck by lightning, the tree trunk was constantly shaking.

Immediately, the countless mountain-like auras disappeared in an instant, without a trace.

"What? Disappeared!"

Seeing this, everyone was in a daze. They didn't expect that a single sound could make thousands of sharp guns disappear.

This is too incredible!
Not only that, what surprised them even more was that the ancient tree in front trembled rapidly, as if something terrible happened.

But Liu Chen was holding a purple cauldron in his hand, and shot out a purple light again, sinking into the ancient tree in front.

Immediately, the ancient tree in front swayed even more violently, as if it would collapse at any moment.

Not only that, but on the tree trunk, there was an old face with a worried voice.

"Stop, stop, stop fighting, I surrender!"

What?surrender!The tyrannical and terrifying tree demon actually surrendered at this moment!How is this possible?

Everyone was confused and didn't have the guts to believe it.

However, something that surprised them even more has not yet appeared.

The tree demon said again: "Young hero stop, I am willing to hand over part of the leaves and divine fruit."

Hearing this, everyone's brains went blank and they were shocked.

Especially Jiang Ming and the deacons of Spirit Bird Palace were too shocked to speak.

Thinking about it, they worked so hard before, but they just took two leaves, but now Liu Chen just took out a purple cauldron, and asked the ancient tree in front to hand over some of the leaves and fruits willingly!

The difference here is a thousand miles away.

Those disciples looked even more stupid, as if they were reading a novel.

Han Yueru also stared at her beautiful eyes, she didn't expect Liu Chen to have such a move.

But the crimson war dragon stared at the purple cauldron with suspicion on his face.

Liu Chen was very satisfied, as early as when he saw the ancient tree in front of him, he started discussing with Gui Yuan in his body.

As a result, Guiyuan readily agreed to do it, but he wanted to charge interest, so he also had to ask for a part of the leaves and divine fruit.

So, there is the previous scene.

"Okay, wretched dragon, you two go search it!"

Soon, the scarlet war dragon and the little white ape flew forward like a thunderbolt of true energy, and then picked the leaves and the divine fruit.

Seeing this, the faces of the nearby martial arts practitioners were all fiery.

This is a treasure!It is something that can increase the strength of the fighting spirit.

If this opportunity is missed, it may not be possible to find it in the future, so these guys are very unwilling.

However, one of the deacons of the Martial God Temple couldn't help it, and quickly started.

Jiang Ming didn't hold back, because he also wanted to test whether he could succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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