
2539 - Get Baby

2539 - Get Baby
If the deacon succeeds, he will quickly attack with the people from the Wushen Temple.

However, just as the deacon flew halfway, he was thrown back by the tree demon in front with a branch.

The armor on the deacon's body was completely torn, and the wounds were even more fleshy, exposing the flesh and blood.

With just one whip, the seventh-level celestial master was seriously injured. This scene made thousands of martial arts practitioners gasp.

Seeing the destructive power of the tree demon, those martial arts practitioners didn't have the guts to make another move, they could only watch helplessly as Liu Chen and others picked the divine fruit.

The sight made them jealous.

Soon, the scarlet war dragon and the little white ape picked some of the treasures, and then they returned quickly.

Seeing that the opponent didn't cut the weeds and roots, the tree demon also heaved a sigh of relief in secret.

On Liu Chen's side, however, he applauded while dividing the leaves and eating the divine fruit.

Everyone has a share, but the one who benefits the most is Han Yueru, followed by Zheng Rong Ding.

And Han Yueru and the scarlet war dragon were also allotted some.

Simply put, the harvest this time has been very rich.

With these leaves and divine fruit, the combat effectiveness of Liu Chen and others will increase again.

Among them, the crimson war dragon will restore many cultivation realms, and Liu Chen and Han Yueru can use this to strengthen the strength of the fighting soul.

Especially Liu Chen, he was able to awaken the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword again.

And as long as the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul awakens to the level of a seventh-level celestial master, his combat value will rise to a very powerful level.

At that time, even when encountering a tree demon-level monster, they can win by relying on their own combat power without using a towering tripod.

Liu Chen and the others were sharing the divine fruit, while Jiang Ming and the people from the Spirit Bird Palace in the distance were grinning.

That's part of the leaves and divine fruit!If they get it, they will definitely be able to raise their cultivation level to another level.

Therefore, how can they not yearn for it.

At this moment, they looked at Liu Chen, all of them staring straight ahead like red-eyed rabbits.

They were no match for the Ancient Tree Demon, but that didn't mean they didn't have the guts to attack Liu Chen.

The tree demon was an eighth-level demon general, and they were indeed no match for them, but Liu Chen had only two people on his side, and their fighting strength was comparable to them.

And there are so many of them, if they hold back their energy and do their best, they might be able to win.

At this moment, Jiang Ming's heart was burning hot.

Then, he smacked his mouth and laughed.

Needless to say, the deacon of the Spirit Bird Palace must have the same idea as him, so as soon as the two people's eyes meet, they both know what they are thinking.

"Keep a distance, don't get too close to the tree demon, otherwise we may not be able to do it."

Jiang Ming explained quickly.

Immediately, those martial arts practitioners retreated slowly, but they retreated very regularly, forming a semicircle, directly blocking all Liu Chen's escape routes.

In other words, no matter which direction Liu Chen fled, he would always meet the enemy.

Liu Chen naturally also saw Jiang Ming's actions, and immediately sneered.

"Why, you can't get it yourself, and you still want to snatch it from me?"

"Young man, you are too greedy, you actually have the guts to swallow that part of the divine fruit!" Jiang Ming snorted coldly, "If you know the time, bring the divine fruit and the leaves, and I can let you live!"

"Otherwise, this is where your bones are buried today."

"Hmph, Toad yawned—a big yawn, I'm afraid you're not capable of it."

With a stride from Liu Chen, a powerful sword soul fighting spirit rose from his body.

Han Yueru's face was calm, and two cold lights shot out of her eyes quickly.She didn't say anything, but her actions showed that she would fight side by side with Liu Chen.

The scarlet war dragon and the little white ape ate some magic fruits while watching the fun leisurely, and they didn't need to fight at all in these battles.

"Let's go together, no one among you is my opponent!"

Liu Chen's voice was sonorous and powerful, and his eyes shone like sword energy. His body was filled with sharp sword light, and his whole body was like a sword god.

"Since you are looking for your own death, then I will satisfy your request!"

Jiang Ming snorted coldly, and then said to the deacon of the Spiritual Bird Palace, "I will take my brother to deal with that guy, and your Spiritual Bird Palace will deal with that girl."

"This time, don't show mercy."

"I won't tell them to escape this time." The deacon of the Spirit Bird Palace also showed a ferocious smile.

There was a trace of satisfaction in Jiang Ming's eyes, and then he waved his hand, leading the more powerful celestial masters in the team to rush up quickly.

In addition to him, there are four other martial arts practitioners who are at the peak of the sixth level of the Celestial Master.

These four people combined, the combat value is not inferior to that of a seventh-level celestial master.

As for other martial arts practitioners, Jiang Ming didn't ask them to come.

In order to deal with Liu Chen, he had to bring out elite martial arts practitioners, otherwise it would only add trouble to other people.

Although there are not many people, he has absolute self-confidence, because his side is equivalent to two seventh-level celestial masters.

He didn't believe that the other party, a young man on the sixth floor of a celestial master, could take over.

Although Liu Chen took out a purple tripod to scare the tree demon before, but from his point of view, that purple tripod only seemed to be effective against monsters.

Therefore, he is not so afraid.

Immediately, Jiang Ming roared, his eyes burst out with gorgeous brilliance, and his body burst out with sword spirit.

Beside him, the spirit of Demon Wolf Fighting quickly appeared.

With a domineering wave of his palm, the earth demon wolf roared angrily, making a roar of anger, and the terrifying sound shook the heavens and the earth.

Seeing that the other party sacrificed the Demon Wolf Fighting Soul as soon as he made a move, Liu Chen also snorted coldly, and quickly sacrificed his human-shaped Thunderbolt Fighting Soul.

Then, the two fighting spirits quickly fought in mid-air, bursting out a violent explosion of true energy, like waves and thunder, deafening and trembling.

The four peak martial arts practitioners on the sixth floor quickly combined, transformed into a magic circle, and rushed towards Liu Chen.

This magic circle is very mysterious, it is a blade formation, and when combined, it explodes with a destructive power not inferior to that of a seventh-level celestial master.

At this time, Liu Chen was still controlling Dou Zhihun to fight Jiang Ming. Under normal circumstances, he didn't have any extra energy to deal with these four martial arts practitioners at the peak of the sixth level of heavenly masters.

But Han Yueru was restrained by the people from the Spiritual Bird Palace, unable to lend a helping hand at all.

Therefore, from everyone's point of view, Liu Chen was completely in crisis.

However, Liu Chen was very calm and did not show any panic.

Beside him, the four different attributes of electricity, wind, gold and fire surged rapidly, condensing into four Qi swords.

The attributes of these four lightsabers are different, but without exception, they all have a ferocious aura that reaches the sky, like a dragon that shakes the sky, making people frightened.

While fighting Jiang Ming, Liu Chen stretched out his right hand and swiped towards the sky.

Immediately, the four air swords beside him made metal clashing sounds, and all of them shot straight into the sky and struck forward.

The four different energies of Dianfeng Jinhuo exploded rapidly, attacking the four martial arts practitioners vigorously.

Under Liu Chen's control, the four qi swords erupted with endless qi, one after another terrifying sword shadows made a sound of piercing the wind, and slashed hard at those guys' bodies.

After the blow, the four martial arts practitioners at the top of the sixth floor of the celestial master spurted blood, suddenly stepped back a few steps, and then staggered.

The four Qi swords followed like a shadow, leaving one sword Qi after another in the midair, knocking down again.

With just two moves, the magic circle formed by four sixth-level celestial masters was defeated, and those four people were seriously injured.

"Stop sending out people with this kind of combat power. It doesn't make any sense to me."

Liu Chen's voice was cold, and with a domineering wave of his palm, he summoned the four Qi swords to his side again.

Four Qi swords quickly surrounded him, transforming into a sword screen for defense.

"Young man, you are looking for your own death!"

Seeing this, Jiang Ming became mad with anger.He didn't expect that the blade formation would lose so quickly.

Moreover, what surprised him even more was that Liu Chen had maintained a calm expression from the beginning to the end of the battle with him.

This makes him have no chance of winning at all.

"No, you can't delay like this any longer, otherwise the opponent's coercion will become stronger."

Jiang Ming's face was gloomy. He clearly knew that the two sides were fighting, and the comparison was not only in combat value, but also in coercion.

If the opponent's coercion is allowed to increase indefinitely, then he will be in danger at that time.

Therefore, he is going to use some tricks.

Immediately, Jiang Ming waved his palm.One after another wonderful traces were drawn in mid-air.

Then, the body flashing with three green lights quickly condensed in mid-air, and with Jiang Ming's movements, it cut towards Liu Chen like a death knife.

But his right hand merged with the demon wolf fighting spirit beside him, and then punched out fiercely.

Immediately, a burst of earth-shattering force rushed forward quickly.

Feeling this force, all the martial arts practitioners trembled uncontrollably.

However, they all had great joy on their faces.

Because they thought that Liu Chen would definitely not be able to resist this kind of strength.

As long as Liu Chen is slaughtered, all those things will be in their pocket.

Thinking of this, they all became excited.

Facing Jiang Ming's terrifying attack, Liu Chen stopped and didn't dodge, but his eyes were sharper than thunderbolt true energy.

He backhanded the Moon-sealed Fang Sword behind him, and quickly slashed out two swords.

One sword slashed at the Wuwu Blade Wheel in mid-air, and the second sword slammed forward, bringing out a white light, and quickly pierced the wolf-shaped phantom in front.

These two swords contained the power of the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul, and they were extremely tyrannical.

So when the two collided, there was a huge explosion in the sky.

The zhenqi was like a raging wave, slapping in all directions, knocking away those martial arts practitioners in the distance.

And Jiang Ming was the first to be attacked.

The two attacks he made were all blasted away by Liu Chen's sword glow, and he himself was also attacked by the sword glow, and was knocked out backwards.

On his stomach, a foot-long scar appeared, which almost cut him in two.

"What! What's the matter?"

Jiang Ming clutched the scar on his stomach in a panic, and quickly backed away.

It was too scary, two swords broke his attack, and even seriously injured him.

This was something he had never encountered before.

Although he is not a seventh-level peak celestial master, his combat power is indeed tyrannical. Few people at the same level can defeat him, let alone defeat him so easily.

However, his opponent at this moment is not a martial arts practitioner at the peak of the seventh-level celestial master, but a young man whose cultivation is only at the sixth-level celestial master.

This made him flustered.

"What, Deacon Jiang has died?"

"I don't believe this one who killed a thousand swords, I must be dreaming."

"How is it possible! Negligence, Deacon Jiang must have been careless to let that guy succeed!"

Those martial arts practitioners stood up from the ground, and when they saw the injured Jiang Ming, they panicked.

However, no matter how they shouted, none of them could change the facts in front of them.

On the other side, seeing this, the deacon of the Spirit Bird Palace felt a chill. He didn't have the guts to fight any more, and quickly retreated with his disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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