
Chapter 2543 Real Liu Chen Appears

Chapter 2543 Real Liu Chen Appears

So far, no one has seen the loophole.

It has to be said that the other party does have a little ability.

It's just that Liu Chen has many enemies, presumably every gang could do this kind of thing, but after Liu Chen cleaned up, he finally thought of it.

Either it is the Valkyrie Temple, because the Valkyrie Temple has just suffered a big loss under his hands these days.So this incident may be their revenge.

Either the Cheng family.

Since the Nine Young Heroes of the Cheng family were pursuing Tan Hongyan, and he was regarded as an enemy by that person, this kind of thing was probably done by the Cheng family.

But no matter who it was, this incident angered Liu Chen.

Therefore, he must not spare the man.

But right now, the most important thing is to find Tan Hongyan and settle the matter.

Moreover, he was vaguely worried that if he was a member of the Cheng family, at least Tan Hongyan would not be in any danger.

And if this matter is the Martial God Temple, it is possible to send a bounty killer to Tan Hongyan.

Liu Chen would never allow this kind of thing to happen.

"Han Yueru, use Tianling Tong to look and help me find the location of the Tan family."

Han Yueru also knew about it, so she didn't hesitate.

The palm quickly formed a seal, and the Tianling pupil quickly condensed on it, exploring the surrounding situation.

Soon, it saw the Tan family.

"The northern palace, they seem to be breaking the prison."

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded his head, then kicked his feet hard on the ground, and his whole body rushed out like a meteor.

And Han Yueru was also fluttering, extremely elegant, following behind Liu Chen.

The members of the Tan family were indeed breaking the shackles, but obtaining the treasure this time was not their final goal. Their final goal was to lure Liu Chen out and then catch him.

Because they were really angry, the other party started to rob them in the past few days, and every time they robbed most of their treasures, which made them very angry.

Therefore, this time they set up a game, they must catch their opponents and teach them a lesson!
After all, their Tan family is a family of celestial beings and masters of the first realm, and they do not allow others to provoke them.

This time, Tan Hongyan did not politely refuse, because she also wanted to catch her opponent, so as to reveal the opponent's true face in front of everyone.

The confinement was being quickly abolished, but Tan Hongyan and the others looked tense and quickly searched in all directions.

Because they understand that when the confinement is truly abolished, that's when Liu Chen will come out.

Sure enough, at the moment when the imprisonment was abolished, the sky fluctuated, and a golden light struck quickly.

Like a giant dragon shaking the sky, this blow was extremely sharp.

However, to everyone's surprise, the blow was not aimed at Bao Bao, but at a martial arts practitioner from the Tan family.

A low voice sounded, and then the martial arts practitioner of the Tan family suddenly took a few steps back, and then staggered, drawing a terrifying sword wound on his body.

"Young man, you are looking for your own death!"

The members of the Tan family were completely angry, because they did not expect that the other party would have the courage to kill.

Before that, he just snatched the treasures and didn't attack them.

So they thought that Liu Chen was just here for the baby, but now the other party came up and harassed their people directly, catching them off guard.

"You are too much!"

The Tan family's deacon opened his neck and shouted angrily, and a terrifying sword spirit erupted from his whole body. This time, he must catch his opponent.

The other martial arts practitioners were also very annoyed, and they all stopped the figure.

And Tan Hongyan was also shocked, she didn't expect Liu Chen to do such a thing, which made her unbelievable.

However, if this is a fake Liu Chen, where is the real Liu Chen now? Why hasn't the other party showed up for so many days?

This worried her greatly.

But at this moment, Liu Chen sneered, and Jian Hua lit up again.

The target this time is still those disciples.

Since those disciples' fighting power had not reached the seventh level of the Heavenly Master, they could not resist his sword light at all.

"Young man, you have courage!"

"A bastard who kills a thousand knives!"

"Shameless, don't attack our disciples."

A group of deacons of the Tan family shouted angrily and rushed forward with all their strength.

However, that figure didn't fight against them at all, it just went to kill some disciples.

Like a life-threatening blade, a sword flashed towards the head of a disciple at high speed.

This blow was very sharp, if it hit, that disciple would definitely die.

Several deacons shouted angrily, but they couldn't stop it in time.

All of a sudden, everyone's faces were full of anger and despair.

And the disciple who was attacked went blank and stayed where he was.

Because he couldn't escape at all.

At the moment when everyone was unable to rescue, suddenly the sky roared, and a cold light flew over, turning into a wall, quickly blocking the sword light.

Then, another thunderbolt flashed with true energy, shattering that sword energy.

This action was very fast and ended in an instant.

And Liu Chen was also shocked, because he didn't expect that someone could stop his attack.

Suddenly, he looked gloomy and looked back.

Then, his pupils shrank, and he stayed where he was.

Not only he was stunned, everyone was stunned.

The minds of those martial arts practitioners from the Tan family were all blank. They looked ahead and didn't have the guts to believe it.

Tan Hongyan let out a sigh of relief, it seems that she guessed right.

It turned out that it was the real Liu Chen and Han Yueru who came behind.

Those members of the Tan family did not expect to see two Liu Chens at the same time, so they stayed where they were.

But Tan Hongyan knew that her guess was right, that is, the previous Liu Chen was a fake.

In this way, the crisis relationship between Liu Chen and her family was eliminated.

At this time, even the deacons of the Tan family understood.They stared hard at the fake Liu Chen: "He's a fake!"

"What is the purpose of your trying so hard to oppose my Tan family?"

"What nonsense with him, catch him! I want to see his true colors."

"No matter what gang you are from, if you dare to provoke our Tan family, you must take revenge."

Those deacons all shouted, their eyes filled with anger.

It was too dangerous, if Liu Chen and Han Yueru hadn't arrived, there would have been heavy casualties, and Liu Chen and Han Yueru would have hated them in the future.

In this way, the person who did it secretly succeeded.

Thinking about how the Tan family has been tricked by others for so many years in Mighty Sword Continent, so this breath must not be swallowed.

Looking at the figure, Liu Chen also sneered, "The move is quite superb, even I can't tell the difference."

And that fake Liu Chen had an earthy face, he didn't expect to meet the real Liu Chen at this moment.

It was something he had never expected before.

Since the real Liu Chen hadn't shown up in the past few days, he didn't take it seriously.

And before he started, he also deployed undercover agents nearby. As soon as Liu Chen really came, those undercover agents would send out an early warning signal.

And at that time, he will leave immediately.

However, he never expected that Liu Chen and Han Yueru would have seen the undercover agents he deployed.

And it was killed silently by two people.

Therefore, the arrival of Liu Chen and Han Yueru did not alarm everyone, and this fake Liu Chen naturally did not know.

The fake Liu Chen grinned and said, "Young man, you are lucky today, but one day, you will fall into our hands!"

After finishing speaking, he took out two light clusters the size of longan eyes from the space ring, and then slammed them into the sky.

Immediately, the two light clusters collided, bursting out with a brilliance that was even more dazzling than the sun's rays, covering the surroundings in an instant.

This brilliance is so strong that even a heavenly master doesn't have the courage to look directly at it.

So as soon as that brilliance appeared, many martial arts practitioners from the Tan family screamed.

And the other martial arts practitioners were even more frightened and closed their eyes, not having the courage to look directly.

"This kills a thousand swords!"

A group of deacons of the Tan family shouted angrily, and then stretched out their spiritual power, trying to capture that fake Liu Chen.

But in addition to taking out two balls of light, the other party sprinkled a layer of light powder on the body again, which immediately cut off the detection of those spiritual powers.

That fake Liu Chen sneered and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, a ray of brilliance struck towards him forcefully, blocking him.

"What, this is incredible! How did you see me?"

Fake Liu Chen was in a daze, he didn't expect that someone could catch him.

Those two light clusters are called Red Sun Beadsan, and they are the best treasures for escaping.

As soon as that kind of brilliance came out, no one under the heavenly beings and the masters of the first realm had the courage to look directly at it.

Moreover, the light powder has the effect of cutting off the power of consciousness, so he will definitely be able to escape.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he set off, someone blocked his way, how could he not be surprised.

How did he know that Han Yueru's Tianlingtong is extremely mysterious and has just been upgraded.

What other people can't do, today's Lingtong can do.

Therefore, when the fake Liu Chen first moved, he was followed by Tian Lingtong.

Seeing that the brilliance created by the red sun beads dissipated more and more, False Liu Chen was very anxious. If the brilliance disappeared, he would not be able to leave at all.

And at that time, he would bear the anger of the Tan family. Thinking about this, his heart trembled.

"This one who kills a thousand swords, get out of the way!"

Fake Liu Chen slashed out with a sword, and rushed out of the sky quickly.

"A small witch sees a big witch!"

Liu Chen raised his finger, and the sword light flew out of his finger quickly.

There is electricity, wind and fire in this sword energy, which is extremely powerful, like a sky-shattering battle dragon, it flew across the sky in an instant.

The terrifying sword spirit instantly filled the surroundings.

The two sword lights collided without any resistance, and the sword light used by Liu Chen cut the opponent's sword light in two in an instant.

Then he slashed forward in a more violent posture.

"How is this going?"

Fake Liu Chen was surprised, he didn't believe that the other party could abolish his sword light so easily.

He is a seventh-level celestial master, and the move just now was his best blow. Even a martial arts practitioner at the same level must fight with all his strength.

But the opponent just moved his finger, and broke his attack.

This is unacceptable.

Even, a little confused.

Just when the two of them were fighting, the surrounding brilliance also disappeared, and then the people of the Tan family recovered their eyesight.

They opened their eyes and stared at the fake Liu Chen.

Then, these martial arts practitioners from the Tan family went straight to the sky, and soon caught the fake Liu Chen.

No way, in front of so many masters, no seventh-level celestial master can survive.

"Who ordered you!"

"Hurry up and reveal your true colors, otherwise I have ninety ways to make your life worse than death."

These martial arts practitioners of the Tan family grinned, and soon the fake Liu Chen couldn't hold back, revealing his original appearance.

This is a strong man with the Cheng family crest on his body, so these people from the Tan family suddenly realized.

"The Cheng family! It's actually the Cheng family!"

The deacon of the Tan family was also very surprised when he saw it, and then he asked sharply.

"Why does the Cheng family want to plot against our Tan family?"

"What other tricks?"

The brawny man whimpered: "It's no trick, let's do it to provoke the relationship between Tan Hongyan and Liu Chen."

In this situation, the strong man said everything.

Then, all members of the Tan family looked gloomy, and Tan Hongyan turned pale with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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