
Chapter 2544

Chapter 2544
She didn't expect that the Jiu Shaoxia who killed a thousand swords would be so shameless that he would come up with such a method.

If Liu Chen hadn't come here to help the Tan family break the conspiracy, I am afraid that the Tan family and Liu Chen would be in a life-or-death situation in the future.

Thinking of this, she broke out in a cold sweat.

"The Cheng family who killed a thousand swords is really too much!" The martial arts practitioners of the Tan family were very angry.

"No, the old man can't bear it, and must seek justice."

"What's so embarrassing about his Cheng family? Everyone is a family of heavenly beings and first-level masters. When it comes to fighting, I don't see a few who can fight."

These guys are furious.

And Tan Hongyan looked at Liu Chen: "How to deal with him?"

"The Cheng family is so vicious, it's true that we can't let it go easily, but after all, the other party is also a family of celestial beings and masters of the first realm, and their fighting power is tyrannical. If we confront them head-on, I'm afraid both parties will suffer greatly."

"At that time, we will kill each other in this Songhua Palace, and others will benefit from it. This is definitely not a good thing for us."

After hearing this, everyone agreed, indeed, Liu Chen was right.

However, there is still a lot of popularity however.

Seeing their expressions, Liu Chen said again: "I'm not going to let them go, but we don't need to do it ourselves."

"It seems that you have an idea." Tan Hongyan asked.

"Naturally, an eye for an eye!"

"Planting, right? I'll let them have a taste of this kind of framing today!"

Then, Liu Chen sneered, his body turned around, and then his appearance also changed dramatically.

Finally, a Pofeng Deacon stood in front of them.

For a moment, everyone was stunned, and the strong man on the ground stared even more in surprise.


He looked at Liu Chen and was stunned.

Surprised, really too surprised, I didn't expect that the other party would do this kind of non-committal move, and it was very realistic, not inferior to myself in the slightest.

Thinking of what the other party was going to do next, the strong man was terribly frightened.

Don't think about it, their Cheng family is bound to end.It's just that he was caught at the moment and couldn't send the news out.

But Tan Hongyan was still worried: "Although you can't tell the truth from your appearance, but Deacon Pofeng's martial arts are all the secrets of the Cheng family's martial arts. Can you make it out?"

"Don't worry about that, I've seen that old guy do it, and I've already mastered those tricks."

Liu Chen said with a smile, and then punched hard.

This ruthless punch was like a floating cloud, slowly disappearing, but it was very terrifying, and it exploded the sky in front of him in an instant.

"This is a blow to nothing!"

The members of the Tan family were surprised, they didn't expect Liu Chen to use the Cheng family's martial arts secrets.

And the strong man of the Cheng family was even more astonished, the scene was too weird.He couldn't figure out how the other party did it.

Liu Chen smiled, did not speak, and slapped again.

This time, it was a big green palm covering the sky, with inscriptions one after another, very mysterious.

It is also easy to tear the sky apart.

"This is the Windbreaker!"

Everyone was dumbfounded again, because this Pofeng Hand is the unique secret book of Pofeng Deacon.

But they didn't expect it to be used by Liu Chen now, and they couldn't see any loopholes at all.

For a moment, everyone looked at Liu Chen and were all stunned.

But the strong man had a miserable expression on his face. He knew clearly that the Cheng family would definitely be doomed this time.

"You bastard, when did you master the martial art of the Cheng family?" Tan Hongyan was very curious.

Liu Chen smiled, but didn't speak.

It is impossible for him to master the secrets of the Cheng family's martial arts. He can use the Pofeng Shou because of the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul in his body.

Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul is the offensive and defensive way between heaven and earth, and it can change ever-changingly.

He had seen Deacon Pofeng do it before, so he was very clear about the opponent's move, and it was not difficult to imitate it with Vajra Ascending Dragon Sword Soul at this time.

The next thing was much easier, Liu Chen pretended to be the deacon of Pofeng, and then messed with the Temple of Valkyrie, causing the Temple of Valkyrie and the Cheng family to start a fight.

It is ingenious to take revenge on the Cheng family without depleting the combat value of the Tan family.

On the one hand, Han Yueru used the Tianling pupil to quickly lock the location of the Cheng family and the Wushen Temple.

Then, Liu Chen moved and flew towards the direction of the Martial God Temple.

"Hehe, the luck this time is really great, we were so close to seeing and discovering multiple treasures at the same time!" Jiang Ming was very excited.

"Yao Feng has already started hunting for treasures, and we must get the treasures here!"

Jiang Ming was very confident. Since Yao Feng had already been promoted to the eighth floor of the Celestial Master, no one in the Songhua Palace could beat him.

And his cultivation realm has also been greatly improved, and he has also reached the peak level of the seventh-level celestial master. As long as he does not meet the eighth-level celestial master, no one can win at all.

Under the leadership of Jiang Ming, many martial arts practitioners from the Martial God Temple bombarded the air wall, and soon broke the confinement.

Looking at the treasures in front of them, the people from the Valkyrie Temple all had hot eyes and laughed.

But at this moment, the situation has changed.

A big green palm covering the sky, like a black cloud, covered everyone, and then flew towards them.

The sky was torn apart, the wind was strong, and the terrifying force came.

All of a sudden, those martial arts practitioners from the Martial God Hall hurriedly fled.

And Jiang Ming's expression was murderous.

"Thief! Who are you if you have the guts to snatch the treasure of our Valkyrie Palace!"

He shouted angrily, and punched out fiercely.

The huge fist is like a giant pillar, carrying the heavy blow of the big palm.

Jiang Ming was so angry that he didn't expect that someone would have the guts to attack their Valkyrie Temple.

It also happened to be the moment when they broke the confinement, presumably the other party had been hiding here for a long time.

But he hadn't noticed it before, which surprised him a lot!

However, what made him happy was that the opponent's Qi did not reach the eighth floor of the Heavenly Master, so he was sure to take down the opponent.

After the blow, the sky trembled, but Jiang Ming's expression changed.

"Windbreaker? It's the deacon of Windbreaker!"

"That's right, I've been waiting for a long time!"

In the distance, a figure appeared, it was the deacon Pofeng of the Cheng family.

"You old bastard who killed thousands of knives, what are you doing attacking us if you have nothing to do?" Jiang Ming said through gritted teeth.

"Naturally grab the baby!"

"The Temple of Valkyrie has been very lucky these days, and has found many treasures, but don't be so greedy, everyone can get it, how can you let the Temple of Valkyrie take it all alone?"

"This thing was seen by us, it is ours, who are you!"

"Old fellow Pofeng, you are a member of the Cheng family. I don't want to make a move. If you know the times, get out of the way, or don't blame me!"

"Hmph, do you have the guts to teach me a lesson?"

Deacon Pofeng let out a cold snort, and then he said: "That's so embarrassing, so what if your cultivation has reached the peak of a seventh-level celestial master."

"It seems that you have made a lot of money these days."

"It's just right, I will try the combat power of your seventh-level peak celestial master."

After finishing speaking, this Pofeng deacon made another move, grabbing forward with his terrifying green palm.

"Since you are looking for your own death, I will satisfy your request!"

Jiang Ming sneered, and a frightening air burst out from his whole body.

Jiang Ming used a very powerful combat value to attack Deacon Pofeng.

But the deacon Pofeng didn't fight him at all, he just dodged quickly.

Moreover, the big green palm grabbed many treasures, and even seriously injured many martial arts practitioners in the Temple of Valkyrie.

In the end, Deacon Pofeng returned with a full load.

Only Jiang Ming opened his neck and shouted angrily, and many martial arts practitioners fell to the ground and howled.

Wo Huo, too Wo Huo!

Jiang Ming was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke.The combat power of the opponent is obviously not as good as him, if he confronts directly, he is sure to beat the opponent.

However, that Deacon Pofeng didn't fight him at all, and even specially found disciples who were not strong enough to fight.

This made Jiang Ming furious, as if he had punched the cotton with a fist, and he couldn't exert his energy at all.

Moreover, he had just upgraded to the peak of the seventh level of the Heavenly Master, and when he should be happy, he did not expect to be hit like this.

Immediately, he shouted angrily, moved his body, and quickly flew towards the deacon Pofeng.

That deacon Pofeng was not real, but Liu Chen pretended to be, and he was flying towards the direction of the Cheng family.

When he walked to Cheng's house, he suddenly flashed and hid in the void.

It didn't take long for Jiang Ming to chase after him. He stretched out his spiritual power, and soon locked the location of the Cheng family.

With a shout of anger, Jiang Ming directly struck forward with a palm.

The forest in front collapsed and the earth trembled.

At this time, there was one angry roar after another.

Then, a figure shot straight into the sky, and a powerful aura filled all directions.

"What kind of thief has the guts to attack my Cheng family? I really think my life is too long!"

Thousands of angry voices came, and it was obvious that the martial arts practitioners of the Cheng family were angry.

They are a family of celestial beings and masters of the first realm, and they are high above them in normal times!But at this moment, someone had the guts to attack them, it was really unbearable.

However, when they saw the person who made the move, their expressions suddenly darkened.

"Jiang Ming, are you out of your mind? How dare you attack us!"

"Don't think that you can act recklessly because you are members of the Martial God Palace. If you don't give an explanation today, don't even think about leaving!"

The Nine Young Heroes of the Cheng family roared angrily.

But Jiang Ming, as if he didn't hear it, kept his eyes on Deacon Pofeng.

"Confession? What confession!"

"Why didn't that old Pofeng dare to confess when he grabbed my treasure from the Temple of Valkyrie, and why didn't he want to confess when he injured my disciple from the Temple of Valkyrie?"

"Confess now, go to hell!"

"Deacon Broken Wind?"

The martial arts practitioners of the Cheng family were stunned, and then looked angry.

"What the hell, Deacon Pofeng has been with us all this time, how could he attack your Valkyrie Palace?"

"Hmph, want to take action against our Cheng family, and use such a stupid reason to perfuse us, and treat us as fools?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, this guy is clearly trying to steal our Cheng family's treasure!"

A group of martial arts practitioners from the Cheng family shouted angrily, and the deacon Pofeng also let out a cold snort: "Jiang Ming, are you insane? What's going on? Who will attack your Martial God Hall?"

"Don't worry about 21, I'll talk about it after I take you down!"

Jiang Ming sneered, and then quickly acted.

"Seek your own way!"

Deacon Pofeng was very angry, he didn't expect the other party to attack directly, and he didn't care about human feelings at all, which made him extremely furious.

You're ruining the Cheng family's business right now!

With a cold snort, Deacon Pofeng stretched out his Pofeng hand and hit him.

Before that, his cultivation level was higher than that of Jiang Ming, but in the past few days, Jiang Ming had just upgraded to the peak of the seventh level of the Heavenly Master, so at this moment, Deacon Pofeng was no match for Jiang Ming at all.

Therefore, in an instant, Deacon Pofeng was beaten to defeat.

Even hung up the color.

Immediately, those martial arts practitioners of the Cheng family in the vicinity were enraged, they killed them quickly without any rules.

Although Jiang Ming's cultivation has reached the peak of the seventh-level celestial master, he is not invincible.In addition, the Cheng family's actions were all strong.So it didn't take long before he was seriously injured and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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