
Chapter 2581

Chapter 2581 Tan Jiangxing became an alliance with Liu Chen

When Tan Qingli saw Liu Chen, he rushed over immediately.

Liu Chen smiled at him, then looked at Tan Xue.

"Patriarch Tan, Aunt Tan." Liu Chen nodded gently.

"Master Liu, please sit down."

Tan Jiangxing was very excited and invited Liu Chen in.

Tan Xue's face was also blushing: "Brother Liu Chen, you are here."

Tan Jiangxing already knew from his daughter that the young man in front of him gave their precious daughter a cup of tea, and all her injuries were healed.

When they heard the news, they were extremely surprised. Needless to say, the tea must be a rare treasure.

Such an injury that even heavenly beings and masters of the first realm can't heal, can be healed with a cup of fragrant tea. It's really shocking!
Tan Jiangxing thought that Liu Chen came here with ulterior motives, but when they knew that their precious daughter and Liu Chen had met many years ago, they suddenly changed their minds.

Therefore, he couldn't wait to find Liu Chen.

"Master Liu, I heard from Xue'er that you gave her a cup of tea, but what kind of tea is it?"

Tan Jiangxing was very curious.

"You're out of touch. Xue'er and I are good friends, so you still call me Liu Chen. The young master sounds a bit pedantic."

"That's fine, I'll call you Nephew Liu Xian, and you don't want to call me Patriarch Tan, but Uncle Tan!" Tan Jiangxing said with a smile.

"Okay, Uncle Tan. I got this herbal medicine in the Qilin Secret Realm. It's called Wannian Juice. It can restore all physical injuries."

"If you swallow it all year round, it will have the effect of rejuvenation."

"It just so happens that I brought it today. Please invite Uncle Tan and Aunt Tan to taste it."

After finishing speaking, Liu Chen flipped his hand lightly, took out the Wannian Juice, and poured everyone a glass.

As soon as the fragrant tea came out, a particularly fragrant air gushed out immediately, filling the whole room, and just smelling it made people full of energy.

This is...!
The two of Tan Jiangxing looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

They are high above them, and they are quite important figures in the Tan family. They have seen a lot of treasures, but they have never seen anything like Wannian juice.

Therefore, the two couldn't wait to take a sip.

Soon, the two showed surprise expressions, because they felt a wonderful qi circulating in their bodies.

"Good baby, really good baby! No wonder Xue'er can be cured."

Tan Jiangxing was very excited.

"Nephew Liu Xian, do you still have this herbal medicine? I would like to buy it."

It must be extremely valuable to be able to cure a disease that neither heaven nor man nor masters of the first realm can cure, so Tan Jiangxing hopes to buy some from Liu Chen just in case.

"In terms of price, I will definitely not treat you badly, and I will also support you strongly in the matter of the Temple of Valkyrie."

Liu Chen cured their precious daughter, this is her great benefactor, so Tan Jiangxing expressed his position without hesitation.

"Then thank you, Uncle Tan!" Liu Chen was overjoyed, it can be seen that the purpose of coming back has been accomplished a lot, at least he has Tan Jiangxing's backing support.

However, there was still one thing he had to do.

"Uncle Tan, it's not that I don't sell it, it's just that I can't sell Wannian Juice." Liu Chen said, "Speaking of which, I need your help."

"What's the matter? You say it!"

Tan Xue also said: "Brother Liu Chen, just tell me what you need, don't worry, my father will definitely help you."

"It's not a big deal, I just need Uncle Tan to spread the news about Wannian Juice."

"This is?" Tan Jiangxing's eyes flickered.

"Soon, I will hold a bidding event in the Red Blood Realm, and the bidding will include Wannian Juice."

"However, the effect of this Wannian juice is too shocking. If I tell it alone, it will be hard for anyone to believe it."

At this point, Tan Jiangxing understood that Liu Chen wanted to ask him to help the Tan family to promote
Indeed, the effect of this Wannian juice is too shocking, if they saw it on a daily basis, they would not believe it, but after seeing what happened to his daughter with his own eyes, Tan Jiangxing knew that this tea must be extremely miraculous!
But others didn't know, and wouldn't believe it, so Liu Chen asked the Tan family to come forward.

"Don't worry, I will take care of this matter."

Tan Jiangxing said with a smile: "I don't know when the bidding will be, I will go and see."

After hearing this, Liu Chen took out an invitation letter from the space ring and handed it to Tan Jiangxing.

"Then I welcome Uncle Tan to visit."

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while before Liu Chen stood up, intending to leave.

"Brother Liu Chen, are you leaving now?" Tan Xue's eyes were full of reluctance.

Seeing this scene, Tan Jiangxing also sighed. The hardships of the past few years have made Tan Xue very shy. Except for them, she probably won't talk to everyone.

It's probably not an option to let the situation develop like this.

Mother Tan thought for a while, and felt that Liu Chen was indeed reliable, so she said sharply, "Young Master Liu, then you can take Xue'er away."


Liu Chen was taken aback, but Tan Xue's eyes showed a hint of excitement.

"Xue'er has regained her new life at this moment. She has just recovered her appearance, but her confidence has not yet recovered. I think she should go with you to see the mainland outside. This will help her recover her character."

"However, my situation is very special now, and I'm afraid there will be a lot of insecurity following me."

To be honest, Liu Chen also wanted to take Tan Xue away, but he had other things to do now.

Moreover, the Jiang family will not spare him.

Liu Chen didn't want Tan Xue to be involved in such a fight.

"Brother Liu Chen, Xue'er will definitely protect herself."

Tan Xue said pitifully, fearing that Liu Chen would abandon her.

"Nephew Liu Xian, don't worry, I don't think those guys from the Jiang family dare to hurt my precious daughter, Tan Jiangxing!"

Liu Chen thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay!"

"Brother Liu Chen, you agree? That's great!" Tan Xue was elated.

Then, Liu Chen took Tan Xue out of the hall and walked quickly towards the VIP room.

When he saw Liu Chen bringing back a beautiful girl, Yuchi Dianwei was stunned without saying a word.

Deacon Feng was also surprised: "Master, who is this?"

"She is Tan Xue, Tan Jiangxing's precious daughter, and she will follow us this time."

"Xue'er has seen the two uncles." Tan Xue said timidly.

"What? Tan Jiangxing's precious daughter, the young master of the Tan family!"

Deacon Feng and the three were stunned. They didn't expect Liu Chen to run out mysteriously and pull the young master of the Tan family over. The two seemed very intimate.

"Brother Chen, it's terrible!" Yuchi Dianwei burst into tears.

Deacon Feng and the two of them kept nodding: "As expected of the young master, you are really amazing!"

Hearing this, Tan Xue'er blushed and looked very nervous.

Liu Chen rolled his eyes at the three of Deacon Feng, then turned around and said softly to Tan Xue: "Don't worry about the three of them, let's go!"

Under the night, the Xuanyu Jin Lingying quickly rushed straight into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

Riding this spirit beast were Liu Chen and Tan Xue.

Not long after they left, the news of Wannianjue quickly spread throughout the Mighty Sword Continent.

Soon, all the gangs heard that there is such a wonderful tea in the world, which can not only keep the face beautiful, but can even heal injuries that even heavenly beings and masters of the first realm can't heal.

Because it was Tan Jiangxing who showed up to speak this time, and everyone saw Tan Xue's changes with their own eyes, so although everyone still had a little suspicion about this Wannian Juice, most people already believed it.

So, everyone hurried over to inquire about Wannian Juice.

But Tan Jiangxing shook his head, claiming that he didn't know anything, he just said that two months later, the Red Blood Realm would hold a Qingyun bidding meeting to bid for Wannian Juice.

Everyone has a little impression of the Qingyun bidding meeting, because there was a purple medicine pill auctioned there, which is a wonderful medicine that can improve the spirit of fighting.

That also shook for a while.

But after that, Qingyun Bidding Meeting didn't come up with any mysterious treasures, so gradually everyone forgot about it.

But I didn't expect that at this moment, the other party actually made another Wannian juice.

All of a sudden, all the major gangs ordered people to quickly inquire about the news.

Even Liu Chen and the others on the road heard the news, so Liu Chen sent Deacon Lan back to Qingyun to bid for the meeting.

The rest of the people followed Liu Chen to the Yunjiantian faction.

The Qingyun bidding meeting is very busy at the moment, because people come to inquire about Wannianjuice every day.

Because Liu Chen had explained it before, none of Zeng Xingwen and the others revealed it, but only said that it would be sold openly at the bidding meeting.

This makes the thousands of gangs even more curious.

In fact, people are like this, the more mysterious you are, the more people want you.

Therefore, all of a sudden, more and more people are very curious about this Wannian Juice, and they are all planning to take a look in two months.

The Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy is very lively, but the Jiang family's side is gloomy!
These days, the atmosphere in the Jiang family has been very tense, as if it was about to erupt all the time.

First, the Suoren Department failed to assassinate Liu Chen, and then it was reported that Zhang Gaolang and others died in Chifeng City.

This must be very big news, Zhang Gaolang is the fifth young hero of the Jiang family!But being killed on the street was undoubtedly provoking their Jiang family.

Lanyu Shaoxia was very angry when he found out, so he sent many strong men to kill Liu Chen, and asked the Tan family to join forces.

However, Liu Chen left overnight, and they didn't even find his shadow.

The attitude of the Tan family has also become very strange, as if they don't want to have any more interaction with them.

This made Lan Yu Shaoxia very angry.

"Rice bucket, a group of rice buckets!"

Lan Yu Shaoxia's face was gloomy, and his body's true energy burst out, engulfing the palace immediately.

"There are so many strong people, but there is no way to find even a young man who is a seventh-level celestial master. What a fool!"

"Young man, really don't blame us. That guy ran away that night, and he also cured the young master of the Tan family. I guess the Tan family is helping him now!"

"It can be seen that our news is wrong and we have underestimated him."

A group of martial arts practitioners trembled in fright.

"I'll go, it's just a young man, I don't believe he can make a name for himself!"

"The people of Liu Tian's lineage have long been restrained by our Jiang family. How can he change the situation!"

"Send more people, we must find that guy, I want him to understand the consequences of provoking me!"

Lan Yu's expression was cold, and then he asked again: "What's the matter with that Wannian juice?"

"Qingyun Bidding Club and the Tan family hide very tightly, and they can't find any information at all, and people from other sects don't know anything at all."

Hearing what his subordinates said, young hero Lan Yu clenched his fists tightly.

"I didn't expect that guy to have such a treasure in his hand. This time, he was indeed negligent, and let him handle Tan Jiangxing!"

"In this way, I'm afraid the Tan family will have to change."

"When you find him, torture him immediately, and snatch the Wannian Juice from him!"

"If there is another mistake this time, you don't have to come to me." Young Xia Lan Yu let out a cold snort.

Those subordinates quickly replied: "Don't worry young man, let's do it now."

The Jiang family was dispatched quickly, but on the other side.However, Liu Chen knew the news through the enslavement mark.

He snorted coldly, the Jiang family really did not change their minds and dared to find fault.

(End of this chapter)

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