
Chapter 2582 Extreme Martial Arts Tends to Liu Chen

Chapter 2582 Extreme Martial Arts Tends to Liu Chen
It can be seen that after the so-called bidding matter is over, we must do our best to tear down the opponent's stage and extinguish the arrogance of Lan Yu Shaoxia.

He patted the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle with his palm, and Liu Chen said calmly: "Hurry up!" "

Immediately, the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle let out a long cry, spread its wings, and advanced rapidly like a golden thunderbolt.

According to this speed, it is estimated that they will reach the Yunjiantian faction in ten days.

The Yunjiantian faction also started to get busy. After all, it was the head's thousand-year-old birthday, so it could be said to be an important event for the Yunjiantian faction.

Those martial arts practitioners who came out from the Tan family didn't go back either, but hurriedly turned around and went to the Yunjiantian faction.

After all, according to the scale, the Yunjiantian School's birthday celebration banquet may not necessarily be worse than the Tan's.

It is even much stronger!In the final analysis, Tan Xue is just the young master of the Tan family, and the Yunjiantian sect is the master celebrating his birthday this time.

en route.

Liu Chen didn't practice, so he carefully checked Tan Xue's physical condition.

Although the physical injury has healed, Tan Xue's cultivation level still has many shortcomings.

Liu Chen wanted to temper some medicinal pills to help her improve her cultivation level.

"Brother Liu Chen, how are you? Can I still practice?" Tan Xue asked timidly.

"Silly girl, of course you can. When you arrive at the Yunjiantian Sect, I will refine some medicinal pills for you, and you swallow them first."

"Don't worry, with me here, I will definitely improve your cultivation level in a short time."

"Really? That's great! Xue'er can be said to be able to practice hard!" Tan Xue was very happy.

Liu Chen was regretful, it can be seen that she has suffered too much in the past three years, she never thought that even practicing a kung fu would be a luxury.

"Don't worry, I will definitely make you well." Liu Chen swore in his heart.

In fact, it is not difficult for Tan Xue to improve her cultivation level, because Liu Chen has hundreds of medicinal pills for improving her cultivation level.

However, what scares him is the sacred power and Tan Xue's magic root.

As the young master of the Tan family, Tan Xue, like Tan Hongyan, also has the inheritance of true blood.

It's just that he made a mistake when the inheritance of blood was awakened, that was three years ago.

Now that Tan Xue has fully recovered, her sacred power must be stimulated again.

By that time, I'm afraid something will happen again.

However, there is a big shadow in Tan Xue's heart now, and she must be very afraid of the combat power of her blood inheritance.

If something goes wrong, there may be another tragedy. This is what Liu Chen is most afraid of.

"Holy Divine Power? Let me find it."

Liu Chen began to look through the prescriptions left by King Jingjiang and Immortal Jiujian.

After half a cup of tea, Liu Chen's eyes lit up: "I found it!"

Fengyan Guxue Pill is a medicinal pill specially aimed at the divine power of the Holy Body.

With this, Tan Xue can be greatly guaranteed when activating the divine power of the holy body, and there will be no backlash again.

But this pill alone is far from enough, because Tan Xue is very afraid of the divine power of the holy body. If this fear is not overcome, the divine power of the holy body will not be awakened.

However, it is not a simple matter to get rid of the shadow in Tan Xue's heart.

It's just that the medicine pill is fine, so it can be seen that she should use hallucinations to revisit it and deal with it by herself.

This process is very long, and it cannot be carried out in the Yunjiantian faction, so we have to wait until the matter here is over, and then return to Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy.

After finding a way, the matter was half done, so Liu Chen chatted with Tan Xue.

"Brother Liu Chen, can you tell your story? Xue'er wants to know."

"Okay." Liu Chen rubbed Tan Xue's head, and then said softly, "Then I'll start by leaving Yuejiang Kingdom!"

Then, in the next few days, Liu Chen slowly talked about his experiences.

Tan Xue was also very excited to hear this story, and it was very shocking. Not to mention Tan Xue, even Deacon Feng was very surprised when he heard it.

He didn't expect that someone could go through so many things and still be safe.

I'm afraid only Liu Chen can do it!

In this exciting story, Liu Chen and others went through a long and tedious journey, and finally arrived at the Yunjiantian faction.

Knowing that the young master of Wushen Temple was coming, the Yunjiantian faction also sent high-level deacons and the biggest pomp to welcome him.

However, many disciples and even deacons were stunned when they saw the person coming.

"Liu Chen, what's the matter?"

Many of these guys had experienced the Qilin secret space, so they knew Liu Chen. When they saw Liu Chen coming, they were all stunned.

"No, you are the young master of the Martial God Palace?!" Knowing the news, everyone was dumbfounded.

It turned out that they thought that Liu Chen was just an ordinary disciple of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy, but they didn't expect that he would become the young master of the Martial God Temple at this moment, this status is too different.

Fortunately, he was not an enemy at that time.This was the thought of all the people in the Yunjiantian faction, and at the same time they also let out a sigh of relief.

"Master Liu, please come in."

A group of people respectfully invited Liu Chen and the others to the door, and provided a good reception palace.

There were still about ten days before the real birthday banquet started, and Liu Chen didn't go out. Instead, he retreated and tempered some medicinal pills for Tan Xue.

At this moment, Tan Xue's cultivation level is only at the soul-surpassing foundation-building level, and her ability is very low.

But Liu Chen is not afraid, because Tan Xue is the same as the scarlet dragon, except that he lacks cultivation, and if he has enough true energy, he can recover quickly.

Sure enough, in the past ten days, Tan Xue swallowed the medicine pill tempered by Liu Chen, and her cultivation realm has been greatly improved, and she has been upgraded to the Harmony and Mastery realm.

This almost scared Deacon Feng and Yuchi Dianwei out of their eyes.

This speed of improvement is astonishing!
"Master, how did you do it? Isn't this too nonsense?" Deacon Feng was so surprised that he couldn't believe it.

"Even a ninth-level celestial master can't do this!"

"Maybe only the legendary magic medicine has this effect!"

Indeed, ordinary pills can't reach this level at all, only the legendary magic medicine can.

It's just that Tan Xue's situation is a little special. First of all, she just dropped to a certain degree, so it's easier to recover.

Besides, the secret lies in Liu Chen's medicine pill.

To refine these medicinal pills, Liu Chen used no ordinary medicinal materials, but a wonderful medicine obtained in the secret space of the unicorn, at least a thousand-year-old divine herb.

This kind of medicinal material and its effect far surpassed that of Mighty Sword Continent, therefore, these medicinal pills can have such terrifying power.

Perhaps in the Mighty Sword Continent, only Liu Chen dared to temper so many thousand-year-old medicines, other celestial masters simply didn't have this ability.

Even if there is, I am reluctant to temper it!
In this way, Liu Chen created this terrifying speed of improvement.

Tan Xue felt the zhenqi in her body, and she was very excited. She did not expect that her cultivation level would be raised to the level of harmony and mastery in just a few days.

Although it is only a first-level celestial master, it is also very shocking.

"Brother Liu Chen, you are the best!" Tan Xue looked at Liu Chen with a docile expression on her face.

Liu Chen rubbed her head: "Okay, go and practice yourself!"

It is not enough to improve the realm of cultivation, Tan Xue also needs to stabilize the cultivation realm of these true qi.

Therefore, Tan Xue went to practice very obediently.

Liu Chen yawned and yawned, and walked out of the pharmacy.

I've been doing medicine recently, and I'm really a little tired. I just happened to be practicing in Tan Xue for a while, so I can relax.

It has to be said that the palace provided by the Yunjiantian faction is really good.

The utensils and furnishings in it are all made of thousand-year-old sandalwood, and there is a very huge collection of spirits below, which makes the palace particularly rich in vitality.

Not only that, even tea, wine, snacks, and fruits are some quite precious medicinal fruits.

Opening the window, Liu Chen was lying on the grand teacher's chair made of thousand-year-old flame wood, holding a high-quality medicinal wine, and slowly savoring it. The sun shone on his body, which was very warm.

This feeling is indescribably comfortable.

And at this moment, the door opened, and Yuchi Dianwei walked over quickly.

"Brother Chen, people from the Extreme Martial Sect ask to see you."

"Extreme Martial Arts, what are they doing?" Liu Chen asked.

"Didn't you save the people from the Jiwu Sect in Chifeng City before? This time the strong man brought people from their sect to thank you."

"Well, let's go and take a look with me."

Liu Chen stood up from the millennium flame wood grand teacher's chair, and then casually put the medicinal wine in his hand on the table.He raised his hand and deployed a magic circle to protect Tan Xue before going with Yuchi Dianwei.

There are three floors in this palace. Liu Chen and Tan Xue used to practice on the third floor, and now they are going to the main hall on the first floor.

In the main hall, there were indeed people from Jiwumen, not only the strong man whom he had seen in Chifeng City before, but also two middle-aged men.

Those two people's Qi is not weak, and they have also reached the eighth level of Tianshi, even stronger than the previous strong man.

It can be seen that these three people are all strong in Jiwumen.

At this time, when those guys saw Liu Chen approaching, they stood up in unison, and the burly man in the middle clasped his fists and saluted more respectfully: "Young Master Liu, you are here."

"Sit down, everyone, don't be too intrusive." Liu Chen waved his hand, and then sat on the main seat without hesitation.

Then, he told Yuchi Dianwei: "Bring tea to the three of you."

Not long after, four beautiful girls came slowly from the outside, each holding top-quality tea in their hands.

Although this tea is not as good as the Wannian juice in Liu Chen's hand, it is considered very good in the mighty sword continent.

Liu Chen picked up the cup, took a sip, and then calmly asked, "What is the three of you looking for me for? It's not just to thank you!"

"Master Liu, let me introduce you formally."

The strong man of Jiwu Sect stood up, pointed to the two people beside him and said: "These are my two senior brothers, the three of us are all members of the Twelve Adepts of Jiwu."

"I am ranked ninth. This is my seventh senior brother and fifth senior brother. The young master can call us extremely nine, extremely five, and extremely seven."

"The three of us are here to discuss something with the young master."

"what's up?"

"Then the Jiang family is going too far. We also know the situation of the Wushen Temple, so our Jiwumen voluntarily join the young master's faction, the alliance."

"You all are allied with me?" A light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, if this is the case, it would be great.

"As an ally of my Valkyrie Temple, I, Liu Chen, will not treat you badly."

"Then thank you, Young Master Liu."

After listening to the three people, thank you in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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