
Chapter 2588 Medicine Pill Sword Saint Zhang Chun

Chapter 2588 Medicinal Pill Juggernaut Rejuvenation

Master Xiao smiled and said, "Since it's not for me, who is it for?"

"Is there anyone in the Yunjiantian faction who can be so loved by Young Master Liu?"


Liu Chen spoke forcefully and slowly.

"What, Juggernaut!"

Everyone was shocked, but on the side of the Yunjiantian School, head Xiao, the head deacon and others were all very excited.

Especially Sect Leader Xiao, he felt a sense of shock. He stared at Liu Chen closely: "Uncle Sword Master is not feeling well these days and can't come. Leave it to me, and I will give it to him personally."

But Liu Chen shook his head firmly: "How can that be done, the medicine pill must be given to the Sword Master himself."

"Don't worry, as long as I spread the news about Yao Dan, I guarantee he will come."

Everyone was even more puzzled, and headmaster Xiao also asked: "I don't know why the sword master must come in person. Could it be that there is something special about this medicine pill?"

But Liu Chen said word by word: "It's really special, because this medicine pill can increase, increase, yang, and longevity."

The seat under Master Xiao broke, and the ground cracked startling cracks, because he didn't control himself when he heard this sentence just now, so his true energy fluctuated and exploded, creating a powerful pressure.

"What did you say, the medicine pill to increase Yangshou?!" Headmaster Xiao trembled,

This was too surprising, he didn't expect Liu Chen to say such surprising words.

Not only him, but all the martial arts practitioners in the hall were shocked.

Because no one has ever heard of the medicinal pill that can increase Yangshou.

If true, that's pretty shocking.

But Zhang Suwen suddenly stood up, and shouted: "Nonsense, how can there be a medicine pill to increase Yangshou in the world?"

"That's right, there is a destiny between life and death! Fate is irreversible! What do you know, you little brat, you dare to talk big."

The Jiang family's deacon also let out a cold snort.

They don't believe that there is any medicinal pill that can increase Yangshou, because this has never appeared on the Mighty Sword Continent.

"Nothing is impossible, you don't know it's because you are ignorant, sitting in a well and watching the sky, you don't know the greatness of the Three Realms!"

Liu Chen glanced at the Jiang family and smiled coldly.

However, after the Jiang family made such a fuss, others couldn't believe it, because the news was so shocking that they couldn't believe it.

Even Master Xiao rearranged himself, and asked sharply, "Young Master Liu, are you telling the truth?"

This matter is too serious, we must ask clearly, if it is true, then there is hope for the Juggernaut.

Liu Chen took out a medicine box from the space ring, and said word by word: "This medicine is called the medicine of immortality, and it can last 70 years of life."

"What? 70 years of longevity!"

Everyone's heart trembled violently. Originally, they thought it would be a big deal if it could last for a year or two, but they didn't expect Liu Chen's shocking words, it would immediately add 70 years!

"Come on, how do we know if it's true or not?"

The Jiang family still didn't believe it.

Liu Chen was very confident: "Fake? Invite the sword master, and you'll know after eating."

"I'll go, what is the status of the Juggernaut? If your medicine pill is fake, wouldn't it kill him?"

Hearing this, Liu Chen stared at Zhang Suwen: "Your head is caught by the door, right? What good does it do me if the Sword Master dies?"

"And this is the chief rudder of the Yunjiantian Sect. Do you think that if the Sword Master dies, we can leave alive?"

"Calling you a fool is already giving you face, get out of here, don't bother me, or I will slap you to death!"

Liu Chen warned Zhang Suwen, and then turned around to look at Head Xiao.

"What is the situation of the Sword Master? I think Master Xiao should be clear about it. Could it be that you really don't want to try?"

Liu Chen was very confident, told these guys not to be suspicious anymore, even if there was only a ten thousandth chance, they would try.

Sure enough, Sect Leader Xiao, the Chief Deacon and some people in the center quickly discussed and decided to try.

Because Juggernaut Yangshou only has 30 days left, even if the immortality medicine is useless, it doesn't matter, if it works, they will be overjoyed.

"Master Liu, wait, I'm going to invite the Juggernaut right now."

Headmaster Xiao suddenly flashed, straight into the sky, and flew towards the back mountain of Yunjiantian faction.

Not long after, he came back, and there was an old man with him.

However, when everyone saw the withered body, their hearts trembled violently.

Because he is so old, everyone can't believe that this is the sword master who once shook the world.

The body was very thin, leaving only a layer of skin, all the silver hair fell out, and the eye sockets were more sunken. The whole person looked like a skeleton.

Not only that, but the body also carried a strong breath of death.

It seems that Juggernaut can't last long.

Sure enough, time goes by, no matter how strong you are, you cannot defeat death.

There was inevitably a sense of sadness in everyone's heart.

Liu Chen was also tense, and he felt emotional that even an immortal like a sword master couldn't surpass life and death.

I'm afraid, even a celestial being and a master of the first realm can't help it!

Taking a deep breath, Liu Chen felt that he still had a long way to go.

He didn't want to look like this in his old age.

In front, the figures of Master Xiao and the Sword Master slowly landed on the ground.

Although the Juggernaut is very old and even has a strong sense of death in his body, he is very excited at this moment, and a surprising brilliance blooms in his long-dried pupils.

Because on the way, he heard the news here, and he was even more surprised by the eternal life medicine.

"Xiaoyou Liu, is there really a medicine for eternal life?"

The Juggernaut's voice was low and hoarse, as if it was about to shatter, very unpleasant.

Liu Chen took a deep breath, and said sharply, "Indeed, it's in my hand."

"Don't worry, Juggernaut, I will help you ask for your life from the sky today, and let you live another 70 years!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Chen waved his palm domineeringly, and threw the immortal medicine in front of the Sword Master.

But everyone's heart trembled violently, begging for their lives for 70 years!If it is true, then this will be the most amazing thing in the history of Mighty Sword Continent.

A pill, the size of a longan, is white all over, filled with a mysterious air.


On the one hand, Master Xiao was still thinking about something, but the Juggernaut struck out violently. With his skeleton-like palm, he grabbed the elixir of immortality, and then ate it.

Not to mention 70 years, even if it is a year, a month, or even if the pill is extremely poisonous, he will take it without hesitation.

Because he was already on the verge of death, and there was nothing worse.

Seeing the Juggernaut taking the medicine of immortality, everyone's hearts were lifted.

Other martial arts practitioners, even Yuchi Dianwei, Tan Xue, and Deacon Feng, all stared wide-eyed.

Because they don't know what kind of effect the eternal life medicine is.

Only Liu Chen was full of confidence and stood proudly.

The hall was very quiet, and everyone was very careful not to spoil the atmosphere.

boom! boom! boom!
Suddenly, in this quiet hall, there was a muffled sound, as if there was a muffled thunder, as if a dragon king had come into the world.

Everyone stared straight, because they heard the voice coming from the body of the Juggernaut in front.

I saw that the withered body of the Juggernaut gradually became stronger, and the long-lost bald head also grew back, and all of them were covered with black hair.

The dry and wrinkled skin became smoother, like a youth, and the strong breath of death disappeared instantly, replaced by a surge of vitality.

"The sword master is coming!"

All the people looked at this scene and were stunned, because they didn't dare to think that a person who would have passed away at any time would actually regain his vitality and become strong again.

What a shocking thing this is, but it is presented in front of them at this time.

The members of the Yunjiantian faction were even more excited, especially the master Xiao, who was trembling with excitement.

"Whoa! This is unbelievable! I must be dreaming! Oh my God!"

Below, the complexions of the martial arts practitioners of the Jiang family changed, especially Zhang Suwen, whose complexion was even darker and full of despair.

He didn't believe that there was actually someone who could ask the sky for his life and rejuvenate himself.

"This one who kills a thousand swords, what kind of medicine pill is that, how can he get this kind of treasure?"

Zhang Suwen was about to lose his nerve, apart from being surprised, he fell into despair, because the advantage he had created before was smashed to pieces by Liu Chen at this time.

I'm afraid that after the Juggernaut recovers, he will definitely join forces with Liu Chen and the others, and the Jiang family has no chance at all!
Not only that, if Liu Chen still has the medicine of immortality in his hand, then not only the Yunjiantian sect, but also other gangs on the mighty sword continent will rush to climb up.

Because every big gang has unworldly masters who are about to die, those guys don't want to die, they dare to do anything for fear of staying alive.

"How can I do that, I must kill him!"

Zhang Suwen saw that this matter had long been out of their control, and Liu Chen had become the great enemy of the Jiang family!

"How many people did we send to kill Liu Chen this time?" Zhang Suwen asked.

"Our side is guarded by nine-level celestial masters, ten eighth-level celestial masters, and several seventeen-level celestial masters."

"The Tan family should be like this."

"Two ninth-level celestial masters, plus fifteen eighth-level celestial masters, will surely wipe out Liu Chen and the others."

Beside, a deacon of the Jiang family said softly.

"Not enough! Hurry up and get more people, this time he must be killed! Don't tell him to run away!"

"Otherwise, if news of the eternal life medicine spreads, our Jiang family will be ruined."

Zhang Suwen's expression was murderous, this time he must destroy Liu Chen.

When Zhang Suwen was discussing the assassination, the sword master in front had already completed his reincarnation.

His condition seems to be better than when he entered the Qilin Secret Realm.

There was a long howl, the sound pierced through the heavens and the earth, and a terrifying aura spread out.The strength was like a raging wave, trying to shatter the sky.

"What is this? The ninth level of the Celestial Master!"

"I'm going, it's actually a ninth-level aura, which is too unbelievable!"

Everyone was shocked, they did not expect that the immortality medicine really restored the Juggernaut, and his cultivation level was greatly improved.

The sword master had already fallen into the seventh level of the Celestial Master before, but now he has recovered to the ninth level of the Celestial Master. Although it is not as good as when it was in its heyday, it is also very tyrannical.

"Uncle, how are you?" Headmaster Xiao asked eagerly.

"My strength has recovered a lot, and the death aura in my body is gone. Now, I can indeed live another 70 years."

Juggernaut's voice is loud and full of vitality.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised.They didn't expect that a elixir could really prolong Yang's lifespan by 70 years, this must be asking God's fate!
All of a sudden, everyone stared at Liu Chen closely, their eyes were extremely red.

At this moment, the Juggernaut also bowed to Liu Chen: "Master Liu, thank you for saving me from death."

"The Juggernaut is gone." Liu Chen quickly helped him up and said with a smile, he also let out a sigh of relief.

It can be counted, the big rock fell to the ground, and now that the Juggernaut has been healed, the Yunjiantian faction will definitely turn towards him.

Not only that, the news of the eternal life medicine is afraid that it will spread across the Mighty Sword Continent in an instant,
By that time, there will be tens of thousands of big gangs wanting to join forces with him.

This is his ultimate goal.

Sure enough, as soon as Juggernaut's voice finished speaking, those guys nearby all went crazy and asked.

"Master Liu, will there really be a bidding event for this immortal medicine?"

(End of this chapter)

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