
Chapter 2589 The bidding will become famous

Chapter 2589 The bidding will become famous

"Master Liu, how many immortality medicines are left in your hand?"

"How many, can I buy it now?"

"Master Liu, I am the head of the Yanfeng Sect, how about our alliance?"

"I'm the chief deacon of the Lanchuan School. I wonder if I can join hands with Young Master Liu?"

All kinds of voices came, these guys all wanted to buy the medicine of immortality, and even joined forces.All of a sudden, all the martial arts practitioners from the major gangs in the hall moved.

And Zhang Suwen and others have long been forgotten by everyone, even the people from the Yunjiantian faction ignored it.

Watching this scene, even Deacon Feng, Tan Xue, and Yuchi Dianwei were dumbfounded. They didn't expect such a shock caused by a pill.

These are all the central deacons of the major gangs!

Now it seems to be taking a stimulant, which is really scary.

But Liu Chen waved his hand, making everyone very quiet.

"Everyone, today is Sect Leader Xiao's birthday banquet, so it's inappropriate to talk about joining forces."

"But there is one thing, I can tell you that the medicine of eternal life will definitely appear at the bidding meeting. If you want to buy it, or want to talk to me about joining forces, we will see you at the bidding meeting."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked again.

Even if they were desperate, they had to participate in the bidding meeting on the fifth day of the next month.

Then, the banquet continued, but Liu Chen and others were sent away respectfully by the Yunjiantian faction.

Also leaving at the same time is the Sword Master, Head Xiao.

In a dark room, all the core members of the Yunjiantian faction, Liu Chen and others were sitting.

"Liu Xiaoyou, this time thank you for your medicine pill, which gave me 70 years of longevity."

The Juggernaut is full of thanks,

At the same time, Master Xiao also said: "You are not only the great benefactor of the uncle, but also the great benefactor of our Yunjiantian sect."

"We will definitely support Young Master Liu with all our strength!"

"If there is Mr. Sword Saint and Master Xiao, then I can rest assured." Liu Chen knew that his goal had been achieved.

Then, Liu Chen lived in Yunjiantian faction for a while.

Firstly, the Yunjiantian faction wanted to treat him well in order to thank him, and secondly, during these times, the Sword Master wanted to learn sword skills with Liu Chen.

It's not so much a competition, but more of an understanding of skills.

After all, the sword master had reached the level of Zhuntianren and Yijing master, and Liu Chen saved his life, so he wanted to pass on his sword skills to Liu Chen.

The Juggernaut is really good, he is worthy of being a world-class master, and Liu Chen was enlightened by the usage of some sword skills.

Don't look at the two people who just communicated for three or four days, but it was enough to make up for Liu Chen's hard training day and night for three or four years.

In just three days, Liu Chen's sword skills improved rapidly, which was something he didn't dare to think about before.

Not only that, but there was one more thing that made him even happier.

That was the invitation of Master Xiao to comprehend the sword marks left by the Black Sword King together.

This must be a good thing.

At that time, when Zhang Suwen took out the puppet, Liu Chen was also very moved. After all, it was the sword marks left by heavenly beings and masters of the first realm, so it must be extremely precious.

If you can comprehend a little, it will definitely benefit you greatly in improving your own sword skills.

Liu Chen didn't expect that head Xiao would invite him to comprehend together at this moment.

For such a good thing, you must not miss it.Soon, he came to the Sword Palace, and together with the Sword Master and Master Xiao, he realized the sword marks.

Just when Liu Chen realized how to cultivate, the Jiang family and others outside were very anxious.

"It's been five days since this one killed a thousand knives, why hasn't he come out yet?"

"Couldn't that guy have sneaked out a long time ago?" Several deacons looked gloomy.

"Impossible, all the roads to the Red Blood Domain have been blocked by us, as long as that guy shows up, we will definitely find it."

"Wait a little longer, I think he should not leave so soon, after all, he is going to join forces with the Yunjiantian faction."

Zhang Suwen gritted his teeth: "I'll go, no matter what you talk about, I'm afraid it's useless, because the dead don't need to join hands!"

"When I come out this time, I must catch him and tell him to die without a place to bury him!"

Brothers Tan Chong and Tan Jin also came, as did the two deacons.

They were full of murderous intent, before they were held down by Liu Chen and kowtowed in front of everyone, and they broke their legs and threw them out.

This caused them a great loss of face, so they did not hesitate to use their treasures to recover quickly, and then brought along their disciples and strong men to kill Liu Chen with all their strength to relieve their anger.

To put it simply, the scale of this encirclement and suppression is so strong that Zhang Suwen and others are sure that even the Sword Master will not be able to escape.

Zhang Suwen and others were waiting for Liu Chen here, while Weijian Continent fell into madness.

Because the news of the eternal life medicine spread quickly with the departure of martial arts practitioners from various gangs, and the whole continent heard about it for a while.

A kind of divine elixir, which can ask the heavens for life, restore the dying sword master, and even increase the life span of 70 years.

This is like a star falling, without a word, it will penetrate the mighty sword continent.

All the people went crazy, especially those old seniors, who didn't have a long lifespan, but now they had hope in front of them.

Liu Chen, it's Liu Chen again!
They didn't expect that this precious medicinal pill came from Liu Chen's hands, and next month, they would bid with Wannian Juice.

Immediately, the Mighty Sword Continent was boiling, and thousands of martial arts practitioners hurriedly set off to the Red Blood Realm, and they had to win the bidding qualification.

A elixir, a pot of fragrant tea, drove the whole continent into a frenzy. I am afraid that such a thing has never happened.

Not to mention those general martial arts practitioners, even celestial beings and first-level masters, except for those celestial beings and first-level masters, all celestial beings and first-level masters who practice martial arts are all excited.

Many seniors issued an order that they must get the medicine of immortality at all costs.

Of course, except for the Jiang family, no one wanted to kill Liu Chen. After all, Liu Chen was the young master of the Martial God Temple.

If Liu Chen was assassinated, I'm afraid Liu Tiannai of the Martial God Palace would completely go crazy and take revenge.

Therefore, the others who looked at the elites were just looking forward to winning the immortality medicine in the bidding meeting, or joining forces with Liu Chen.

However, the Jiang family is different.

After they heard the news, they immediately sent thousands of bounty killers to kill Liu Chen.

Because this eternal life medicine is really shocking, enough to wipe out their previous advantages.

Therefore, they had to catch Liu Chen, and they even wanted to obtain the prescription of this eternal life medicine.

Because if they can obtain prescriptions and master the medicine of immortality, they can even control Mighty Sword Continent.

Of course, Liu Tian of the Martial God Palace, Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy Dong Fang and others also knew how powerful they were, so they also hurriedly sent strong men to the Yunjiantian sect to pick Liu Chen back.

Liu Chen was in the Sword Palace, comprehending the three sword marks.

It can only be said that the heavenly man and the first-level master are really too powerful, but they are only three sword spirits, but they contain very mysterious.

Liu Chen, Juggernaut and Sect Leader Xiao have comprehended it for three days, but they still haven't fully comprehended it.

However, Liu Chen used the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul to copy the three sword marks into an illusion and kept them in his heart, because he could no longer comprehend here and had to go.

Through the mark of enslavement, he knew from Falcon Wu that the Jiang family had sent many strong men to kill him, so he had to leave quickly.

Seeing that the Sword Master and Master Xiao hadn't opened their eyes from comprehension, Liu Chen didn't bother them, but quickly left here, informed the older deacon, and quickly left the Yunjiantian sect.

Liu Chen didn't leave immediately, but turned into a dummy with the blood killing mystery, and flew straight into the sky.

His true self took Tan Xue and left with Feng Deacon Yuchi Dianwei.

Liu Chen's combat power has greatly increased now, so the fake body is also very tyrannical.Although the combat value is not good, the speed is not slower than him.

The avatar was like a meteor sword flower, flying in the mid-air at high speed, without any concealment, because his intention was to attract the attention of the Jiang family.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for those lurking Jiang family martial arts practitioners to see the figure in midair.

"That guy is out!"

The martial arts practitioners of the Jiang family were overjoyed when they saw that figure, while Zhang Suwen frowned: "Why is there only one person, where are those guys beside him?"

"Young man, is it a trap to trick us into leaving?"

Some deacons of the Jiang family were also suspicious.

"Cut~ It's a piece of cake, it's really crazy to want to transfer us away!"

"Come on, take that person down, whether it's real or not, kill him! Others search other places, and if they see Liu Chen and his companions, report them immediately."

"As ordered!"

Immediately, thousands of martial arts practitioners went to the sky, some followed the figure in mid-air, while others searched around.

Zhang Suwen thought very well and it was in place, but what he didn't expect was that ordinary martial arts practitioners couldn't catch up with the speed of putting on the fake body that day.

Even an eighth-level celestial master can't do it right away.

Soon, a martial arts practitioner returned with a gloomy expression: "Young man, no, the opponent's speed is too fast, we can't catch it."

"Can't catch it?"

Immediately, Zhang Suwen and all the deacons stood up: "Can't even catch the eighth-level celestial master?"

"for the time being…."

Hearing this, Zhang Suwen's expression darkened: "What are you doing, could it be true?"

"But what about the guys around him?"

"Could it still be in the Yunjiantian sect and not leave?" Some deacons speculated.

"No, I don't believe it!" Zhang Suwen shook his head.

However, the nearby deacon regretted it: "I don't believe it either, but there must be no fakes. There is nothing ordinary people can do at that speed."

Simply, unforgivable!

"Deacon, it's up to you." Zhang Suwen turned around, cupped his fists respectfully and saluted a figure.

The figure kept cross-legged, ignoring the surrounding situation at all.

Hearing Zhang Suwen's words at this moment, that person opened his eyes.

Immediately, a majestic aura permeated the air, flashing and disappearing like a beam of light.

Seeing this, Zhang Suwen smiled coldly again: "I'll go, the ninth-level deacon will do it, I don't believe you can still run!"

Three hours passed, and there was no news of the ninth-level deacon, which made Zhang Suwen and others anxious.

"This one who kills thousands of knives, what's going on, a young man of level seven can be so fast that even a level nine celestial master can't catch it?"

Everyone was surprised and very anxious, if it was really Liu Chen, if he ran out, the situation would be bad.

While waiting anxiously, a magic circle beside Zhang Suwen suddenly flickered, emitting brilliance.

"Sound transmission array!"

Seeing this, Zhang Suwen and others were surprised, and then quickly activated the magic circle, and as expected, they heard a voice in the magic circle.


"Damn it, it really is a fake body!"

Zhang Suwen snorted coldly, but with this trick, don't try to lie to me!
"Everyone listened to the order and searched with all their strength. That guy must not have run far."

Immediately, everyone started to act.

When Liu Chen and the others left, they also knew that the false identity would not last long, but as long as they delayed a little longer, it would be safer for them.

Sure enough, during these four hours, they were safe and sound, and no one came to search for them.

However, half a day later, Dao's figure appeared nearby.

"It can be seen that the false body has been seen through." Liu Chen's face was tense.

(End of this chapter)

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