
Chapter 2596 The Mysterious Man Bought the Immortality Medicine

Chapter 2596 The Mysterious Man Bought the Immortality Medicine
Hearing this voice, everyone's expressions changed.Even the unworldly masters of those big gangs shrank their pupils.

Because the strength revealed in this voice has already surpassed that of a ninth-level celestial master.

Of course, he didn't become a real celestial being and a master of the first realm, but it's not something these guys can deal with.

Quasi-celestial beings and masters of the first realm!
Everyone's heart was shocked, they didn't expect such a person to come to the bidding meeting.

Knowing the situation, Liu Chen also raised his eyebrows.Quasi-celestial beings and masters of the first realm, that's really quite scary, it was nothing more than that at the peak of the sword master.

Didn't expect it, and now it's here.

In the hall, many people stretched out their consciousness, and quickly looked for the quasi-celestial being and the first-level master.


A cold snort made these guys tremble immediately, and everyone quickly withdrew their spiritual power, not daring to probe casually.

Of course, this is the warning of the quasi-celestial man and the master of the first realm. As a master who surpasses the celestial master, but has endless power, how can he agree to other people's casual investigation.

Fortunately, the other party only gave a warning, and did not make a move. Otherwise, many people present would suffer severe damage to their consciousness, and it would be hard to say that they would even become fools.

"Who the hell is he? He's not a celestial being or a master of the first realm. Could it be Ye Luzi?"

"No, we've all heard of Zhuntianren and Ye Luzi, a master of the first realm, but the spirit of the other party is very unfamiliar."

"Obviously, he's someone we haven't had contact with before."

On Mighty Sword Continent, celestial beings and first-level masters and quasi-celestial beings and first-level masters are all quite tyrannical, so these guys all know each other. The world, but these big gangs of them also understand.

However, the person in front of him was completely out of memory.

Although the opponent's origin is strange, but the combat power is quasi-celestial beings and masters of the first realm, far surpassing them, so no one dares to raise the price once such a master speaks.

Of course, those celestial beings and masters of the first realm are excluded.

Because their family also has quasi-celestial beings and first-level masters, and there are not only quasi-celestial beings and first-level masters, but also celestial beings and first-level masters who have reached the pinnacle.

That is the peak of Mighty Sword Continent!
Therefore, they are not afraid of the mysterious quasi-celestial beings and masters of the first realm who appear mysteriously.

"630 nine!" Tan's deacon quoted again.

"640 five!" The Cheng family said.

"670 five!" The person from Happy Forest quoted.

The mysterious Zhuntian and Yijing master snorted coldly: "Seven!"

This kind of price increase stunned the deacons of heavenly beings and masters of the first realm.

Although the medicine of eternal life is good, but the price is too outrageous, and looking at the other party's appearance, it seems that he is bound to get it, I am afraid that he is not rich.

Therefore, the three great celestial beings and the masters of the first realm hurriedly stopped.

In the end, the fifth elixir of immortality was obtained by the mysterious Zhuntianren and Yijing master at a price of 700 billion.

This time the bidding meeting was over, those celestial beings and first-level masters who got the immortal medicine all breathed a sigh of relief, while the martial arts practitioners who didn't get it were full of admiration.

In the guest room, Liu Chen took a sip of Wannian juice that was about to cool down, then stood up, and the show was about to begin.

He single-handedly planned this bidding meeting, not only to bid, but also to win over these gangs, so when it came to the finale, he was asked to come out.

The hall was extremely lively, and everyone was about to leave, but at this moment they saw a figure appearing on the bidding platform again.

Seeing that person, everyone sat down because they saw that that person was Liu Chen.

They were very clear about Liu Chen's status. The master of the bidding meeting, Wannian Juice and Eternal Life Medicine were all supplied by the other party.

Therefore, the appearance of Liu Chen made these guys extremely puzzled, and at the same time, they ignited expectations.

"Is it possible that things can develop?" Some people were excited, especially those who did not get the Wannian Juice and the Immortal Medicine.

"Young Master Liu, are you really going to stop selling immortality medicine in the future?"

"The medicine of immortality is gone, but what about the Wannian Juice, that kind of thing should still be there!"

A group of people hurriedly asked, and the scene was very noisy.

But Liu Chen said word by word: "Everyone, don't worry, I'm just talking about this matter."

After hearing this, everyone became very quiet. They all pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"I have Wannian Juice, I also have the Eternal Life Medicine, but the quantity is really not much."

"What? There's more! Then why not use it for bidding?"

Everyone was surprised at first, and finally displeased.

"Why are you bidding?" Liu Chen asked calmly, calmly.

Hearing these words, everyone was startled and opened their mouths, but they couldn't tell the reason.

That's right, why should I bid? This thing belongs to him, and he is free to do whatever he wants.

"Tell everyone sincerely, I still have some fresh Wannian juice here, but there are really few immortal medicines. If all the immortal medicines here are counted together, they will really disappear in the world."

"Young Master Liu, if you have any ideas, please tell me!" said a deacon of Lingxuanmen.

After hearing this, others also nodded.

Indeed, if Liu Chen didn't want to come out again, he just didn't say anything, but now he said it out, but he didn't bid, which meant that there must be other ways to get it.

He is worthy of being a member of a big gang, he is a genius!Liu Chen was secretly happy, and said again.

"There are indeed other ways to get it. From now on, I will create the Lingyu Club."

"At Lingyu Club, I provide Wannian Juice."

After hearing this, everyone's eyes flashed brightly. According to the meaning of this, the other party should still have a lot of Wannian juice in his hand.

"How can I join the Lingyu Club?" Many people were moved, because long-term consumption of Wannian Juice can also delay aging.

"It's not complicated, as an ally of my Valkyrie Temple, you can enter the Lingyu Club."

"My Lingyu Club not only has Wannian juice, but also medicinal wine and tea are guaranteed to be divine objects, but they all cost money."

The implication of Liu Chen's words is very strong, that is, if you want to buy Wannian Juice, you must first enter the Lingyu Society, otherwise, even if you have a lot of money, you will not have a chance to buy it.

As for the meaning of the allies, they all knew in their hearts that Liu Chen and the Jiang family were now in a fierce fight, and they were all vying for the sovereignty of the Martial God Hall.

Previously, the Jiang family had always been powerful, and they were about to control the Martial God Palace, but since Liu Chen appeared, this situation has changed in a short period of time.

Now it can be seen that Liu Chen is going to counterattack.

"If you want to participate in the Lingyu meeting, you don't just have to say it, but you have to sign a sign to become an official ally. I think everyone has heard of this!" Liu Chen said slowly.

Indeed, he would not let people with evil intentions enter the Lingyu Club.

After hearing this, the powerful gangs fell silent, and they were all thinking about this matter.

Liu Chen was not in a hurry, but smiled calmly: "Of course, I will give you some time to think about this matter."

"I think you'll understand what to do after drinking Wannian Juice."

Everyone's heart moved, which shows that the other party is very sure about Wannian Juice.

It's just that they have only heard the rumors of Wannian Juice, but they haven't actually drank it.It can be seen that we have to ask those who have photographed Wannian juice later.

"Master Liu, where is the medicine of eternal life? Does Lingyu have it too?"

Someone asked.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was extremely surprised.

But Liu Chen explained: "I think everyone is very clear about the preciousness of the medicine of eternal life, so I sincerely tell everyone that I only have the last four in my hand."

"Of these four, two of them are for extending Yangshou by 70 years, and two are for extending Yangshou by 85 years."

"What, 85 years!" Hearing these words, many people's eyes would bleed.

Unexpectedly, Liu Chen actually had a medicine pill that increased his lifespan by 85 years.

"Young Master Liu, if you have any conditions, hurry up and tell me, I can't hold back." Some anxious seniors really couldn't wait any longer.

"Kill the three central deacons of the Jiang family, one piece of immortality medicine, kill Lan Yu Shaoxia, one piece of immortality medicine."

"Kill Dou Sheng, an 85-year pill, and kill the head of Jiang's family, an 85-year immortality medicine."

Liu Chen's voice echoed in the hall.

"What!" Hearing these words, everyone was stunned.

They didn't expect that Liu Chen's condition was to assassinate the person who was the center of the Jiang family, as well as the head of the Jiang family!

This is too shocking!

The Jiang family is very tyrannical, different from ordinary celestial beings and masters of the first realm.

Their patriarch is the deputy head of the Martial God Temple, and his son Dou Sheng is the pinnacle celestial master.

Lanyu Shaoxia is also a leader of the younger generation in mainland China, but Liu Chen actually wants to kill them at this time.

This is too crazy!

"Eternal life medicine is in the world, there are only four of them in total, if it is too late, or if you ask me to commit suicide, then everything will be gone." Liu Chen reminded again.

The corners of everyone's lips twitched. To be honest, they really hesitated. Although the immortality medicine is good, the Jiang family is also quite scary.

If he can't kill him, the Jiang family will definitely usher in a crazy counterattack, so for a while, no one dares to make a decision.

But at this moment, the mysterious quasi-king master asked: "Really?"

"Really, if you can bring their corpses, the elixir of immortality is yours. Take one and exchange for another," Liu Chen said.

"Could it be that the quasi-celestial beings and masters of the first realm want to attack the Jiang family?"

"This is shocking news!"

When the news of the immortal medicine reached those prominent families, someone might do it again.

"That's right, the Jiang family is in a difficult situation this time."

"This Liu Chen is really too powerful. He actually used this kind of trick to call a mainland hero."

Everyone was astonished.

In the following days, the news swept across the mighty sword continent like a typhoon.

For a while, everyone was talking about it.

When the Jiang family knew about this, they were furious.

"Damn it, it's too damn good!"

Lan Yu Shaoxia yelled angrily like an angry tiger, scaring all the servants around him to kneel down.

They have never seen young hero Lan Yu so furious, because in their memory, young hero Lan Yu has been in control of everything like the iceberg God of War from the beginning to the end.

Now, though, it's a rage.

There was no way, it was because of Liu Chen's arrest warrant.

It is said that the Jiang family has bounty killers themselves, and they are also the top bounty killers in the Red Blood Realm, but compared to their counterparts, their bounty killers look extremely weak.

Because the other party's reward is really terrible, it's the medicine of immortality!It is the myth of bidding for 700 billion sword crystals, and it is even more worthy of begging for life!

No one can be indifferent to this kind of thing. Although it is very difficult for some big gangs to make up their minds in a short period of time, I am afraid that no one will act in private.

For a time, the Jiang family was in great trouble.

Not only that, some precious resources of the Jiang family were all hit.

Because to participate in the Lingyu Club, you must sign a nomination certificate.

Now that the Jiang family is on guard, it is difficult for them to contact the Jiang family.

Therefore, within a day, the Jiang family's business was destroyed.

On the other hand, Liu Chen of the Martial God Palace grew rapidly.

This kind of change is like a storm, a virus spreads, and within a short period of time, the current situation has changed dramatically.

Seeing the strength in his hand growing, Liu Chen nodded non-stop.

The effects of Wannian Juice and Eternal Life Medicine are astonishing. In the Lingyu Society alone, many sixth-level sects participated.

(End of this chapter)

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